The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 01, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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    -y,vp ,--
The Commoner
VOL. 13, NO. 31
f rv y " A
pplrltn, WIucn nnd Qtlicp UcvcrngcH
Artlclo . O. It. N. R.
Alcohol, ethyl, dcna
' tured $2.G0 gal $2.00 gal
Brandy and other
spirits distilled from
'grain. &C . ..?2.G0pf gal $2,G0pf gal
Oumpounds or pru-
partitions chiefly dis
tilled spirits. $2.00 pf gal $2.60 pf gal
(JordlalH, liqueurs, ab
sinthe, anu spirituous
bpverugos or bitters $2.60 $2.00
pf gal pt gal
Bay rum $1.7G pf gal ?1.7G,pf gal
Chanlpagne and spark
ling wines, In
quarts $9.00 doz $0.60 doz
Champagne, &e.. ' to 1 . .
pint bottles . $4.80 doz $1.80 doz
Champagne, &c, In & '
pints .$2.40 doz $3.00 doz
Champagne In vessels
over l qt $3.00 gal $:J.Q0 gal
Vermuth and HtUl wine
containing under 14pc
alcohol 45c gal J Dc gal
Satno containing over
14po alcohol COc gal 00c gal
Same, In cases. .. .$1.85 ease $1.85 caso
Ale, porter, stout, and
beer, bottled or jug
ged 4Gc gal 4Go gal
Same, not In bottles or
jugs 23c gal 23c gal
Fluid Malt Extract,
casks 230 gal 23c gal
Same, In bottles. .... .4Go gal 45c gal
Solid malt extract ,.45pc 15pc
Cherry Juice and other
fruit juices not over
8pc alcohol 70c gal 70c gal
Same, over 18pc alco
hol $2.07 pf gal $2.07 pf gal
Ginger ale and soda
water In li pints. . . .18c doz 12c doz
Same, In pints. .:... 18c doz 18c doz
Same, to 1 pints 28c doz 28c doz
Same, in hottles ovor
!i pints 50c gal 50c gal
Mineral waters In $ "
pint bottles 20c doz 10c doz
Same, M: to 1 pint
bottles 20c doz 15c doz
Same. 1 pt to 1 qt
bottles 30c doz 20c doz
Same, over 1 qt bottles. 24c gal 18c gal
Same, Imported In bulk... 8c gal 8c gal
O. R. N. R.
nlus 15nc
Cotton loom harness. ..... .GOoib 25pc
plus 25pc
Cotton, boot, shoe, and
corset laclilB ..25olb 25pc
plus inpc
Cotton labels 50c lb 25pc
plus 30pc
Cotton beltings Cor ma
chinery 30pc T.pc
Cotton table damask 40pc -'upc
Cotton towels, quilts,
blankets, mops, nr
sheets, &o 4pc 2Gpc
Nets and nettings made
on Nottingham laco
machines OOpc GOpc
Cotton lace window
curtains, nettings,
pillow shams, and
bed sets made on
Nottingham ma
chines ... 52.04 po-44pc
Basket clause covering
all articles made
from cotton cloth and
cotton manufactures
not othcrwlso men
tioned 45pc 30pc
Fln.v, Hemp, Jute, nnd Mfr. of.
N l!
Oof t oh Manufacturer
Article O. R. N. R.
Cotton thread 22.03pc'
Note. The cotton thread rates are
too variable and complicated to be com
pared, oxeept by equivalent ad valor
oms, or to be stated specifically in brief
space, except that thoso rates range
from G per cent, to 27 per cent, ac
cording to whether the thread is
bleached or not and according to size.
Cotton card laps 35pc Bpc
Cotton waste ; 20pc Bpc
Crochet and darning
Cottons 22.9Gpct lGpc
Spool thread of cotton. . ,22.9Gpc lGpc
Cotton cloth, including
duck 2G.44pc
Note. The cotton cloth rates are also
too complicated for simple comparison
except by equivalent ad valorem. As
agreed on in conference, they range
from 7 Mi to 30 per cent, the Senato sub
stitute rates having been adopted.
Cotton cloth known as
silk striped sleeve
linings , 54.18pc SOpo
Tracing cloth G0.28pc 30pc
Cotton oilcloths, except
tor floors 42.13DC 2Gnc
Cotton window hollands.42.13pc 25po
15 pc
Waterproof cotton cloth. 60. GOpc
Cotton nanuuorcniers,
not hemmed G9.27pc 25pc
Cotton handkerchiefs,
hemmed 59.27pc 30pc
Ready-made clothing
of cotton, including
corsets GOpc 30pc
ijamc, reaay-maao
clothing of cotton
combined with flax.
hemp, ramie and
. India, rubber Now 30pc
Shirts, collars and cuffs
. . qf cotton 4 Be doz 30pc
plus IGpo
Cotton plushes, velvets,
corduroys, and pile
fabrics .Gl.lGpc 40po
Curtains, tablo covers
cotton tapestries and
Jacquard upholstery
goods GOpc 35pc
Cotton knit stockings. .... .30pc 20po
Onl f nn ntnoTHncrn. tiarfc
machine, part hand
made, worth tinder
70o por doz. prs., 75.38pc 30po
Sanio, worth 70o to
. -,11,20 per doz. prs 75.38pc 40po
.me, worth ovor $1.20
per doz prs 75.38pc 50po
Cotton jglovcs GOo doz 35pc
plus 40po
Cotton shirts, drawers,
tlirhts, sweaters,
union suits, etc. .. . . , .C0,27pc 30pc
Cotton bandings, gar
tors, suspenders. &c
- not embroidered 45pc 2Gpcl
VJOiion Buinuio uanuing
Article O. R. N. R.
Flax, not hncklcd $22.40 ton Free
Flax, hackled $07.20 ton Free
Tow of flax $20.00 ton Free
Hemp, not haokled . . . .$22.G0 ton Free
Hemp, hackled $4G.OO ton Free
Single yarns of jute lclb lGpc
plus lOpc
Samei finer than 5 lea 3Gpc 20pc
Cables and cordago of
lstio, manila, &c 6.43pc clb
Hemp cables and cord
age, tarred or un-
tarred 2o lb lc lb
Threads, twines, cords
of flax, hemp, ramie. . .37.60PC1 20pc
Same, liner than 5 lea 45pc 26pc
Single yarns . ..22.89pc 12pc
Same, 8 to 80 lea 40pc 20pc
Samo, finer than SO lea lGpc lOpc
Ramie roylng 3Gpc 15pc
Flax gill nettings,
seines 69.73pc 26pc
China, Japan and India
floor mattings . . 3 j c sci yd 2 c sq yd
Carpets, mats and rugs. .GG.44PC 30pc
Hydraulic hoso of cotr
ton, flax, hemp, ramie
jute 15c lb 7c lb
Tapes, whole or part
flax, with or without
metal .4 Ope :20pc
Linoleums and .floor
coverings, printed 38.77pc 30pc
Linoleum. inlaid or
otherwise, Including
cork carpets G2.27pc 35pc
Oilcloths for floors 44.29pc 20pc
Shirt colars and cuffs,
wholly and partly
linen 40c doz 30pc
"plus 20pc
Bands, "belts, cords, '
bindings, ribbons,
tapes, webbings of
flax hemp, etc ...,. GOpc 40nc
Plain woven fabrics of
single juto yarns,
bleached 23.92pc lOpc
All pile fabrics OOpc 40pc
Bags or sacks made of
plain wovpii fabrics,
of slnclo iuto yarns.
not colored, &c olb lOpc
l-ianuiccrcniors or nax,
hemp, &c, not hom-
mod GOpc 3Gpc
Handkerchiefs of flax,
h o m p, &c, hem
stitched , , . GGpc 40pc
Woven fabrics, not In
cluding articles of
flax, hemp, ramie, In
cluding skirting cloth, .51. 78pc 30pc
Damasks and woven
articles of flax, hemp,
ramie, &c , Bpc 35pc
Woven, figured, up
holstery goods of
flax, hemp, &c ...4Gpc 3Gpc
Istlo or tampico, dress
ed, dyed or combed 20pc 20po
Artlclo O. R. N R.
Flannels worth GOc lb. . .93429pc 30pc
Women's and children's
dress goods, coat lin
ings, Italian cloths,
bunting, and similar
goods of wool OO.TOpc 35pc
Ready-made clothing, ,.,
all kinds wearing
ap parol including . '
shawls, chiefly of
wool 79. GOpC" 3pc
Webbings, suspenders,
braces, banuings,
cords, ribbons, of
wool or woolen India
rubber GOc lb
plus OOpc
Aubusson. .Axmlnster
moquette, and Chen-
nilo COcsqyd
plus 40pc 35pc
Saxony, Wilton and
Tournay OOcsqyd
plus 40pc 30pc
Brussels "" 44c sq yd
plus 40pc 2Gpc
Velvet and tapestry
carpet 40c sq yd
plus 40pc 30pC
Tapestry Brussels car
pet 0 28csqyu
plus 40pc
Treble ingrain, 3-ply
and all-chain Venet
ian 22c sq yd
plus 40pv
Wool Dutch and 2-ply
ingrain IScsqyd
plus 40pc-
Carpets woven whole
and Oriental, Berlin,
Axmlnster, Aubusson
and similar rugs
worth 30c sq ft 90csqyd .
plus 40pc GOpc
Same, worth under 30c
sq f t 90o sq yd
Druggets and bookings. 22c sq yd'
plus 40pc 20pc
Carpets of wool or cot
ton, mats, etc., of
cotton GOpc 20pc
Hair of Angora goat,
Alpaca, etc 12c,lb lGpc
Tops from Angora goat
hair, etc New 20pc
Yarns from Angora' goat
hair, etc, Now 2Gpc
Cloth of angora goat
hair, etc 79.44pcl 40pc
Plushes, velvets, pilo
I fabrics of Angora
goat-hair, etc 77. 1 lpc I5pc
Note. All rates In 'Schedule K be
come effective Jan. 1, 1914, until which
itmc the Payne rates in Schedule lv re
rain in effect.
Silk aad Silk Gooda
O. R. N. R.
Silk partially manufac
tured from cocoon
or waste 35c lb 20pc
Spun silk 37.09pc 35pc
Thrown silk 22.44PO lGpc
Velvets, plushes, chen
illes .or other pile
fabrics G4.47pc GOpc
Velvet and plush rib
bons G2.G8pc GOpc
Silk handkerchiefs or
mufflers, unfinished,
not hemmed or hem
med only GOpc 4Qpc
Silk handkerchiefs or
mufflers, hemstitched OOpc GOpo
Silk ribbons, bandings, ,
beltings, hatbands,
tassels, garters, sus
penders, webbings,
atQ. GOpc 4Gpc
Silk ready-made cloth
ing and wearing ap
parel .GOpc GOpc
Silk woven fabrics .GOpc 46pc
Silk yarns, threads, fila
ments of artificial or
imitation silk or Imi
tation horso hair 41.79pc 3Gpc
Ariicio o R n n
Photographic paper ....28.0u'pc 2Gdc
Solar printing paper. .. .28.99 ).: i: .
Pictures, calendars', '
cards, booklets, la
bels, Hats, cigar bands
placards, &c, litho
graphically printed,
music, periodical or
newspaper Illustra
tions, &c; labels
and flaps In less than
8 colors 20c li, i :. ,
Same, in over 8 colors. .. .30c lb 2uclu
Cigar bands, less than
8 colors 20clb 20ib
Cigar bands, over 8 col-
T 0.r 30c lb-23c lb
Labels and flaps of
.metal leaf GOc to GGclb r.clb
Cigar bands in metal
leaf 60c to 55c lb 40c lb
Booklets 20.25pc 12nc
Other lithographic articles:
Under 8-lCths of an
inch . thick 20c lb l r,r ii
Same, 8-lOths to 20-
lOOOths inch 8i6c lb Or lb
same, 8-iooutiis to 20-
lOOOths inch Sclb-Tdb
Over 20-lOOOths Inch '
thick 8c lb Ho lb
Fashion magazines .... .20.251)0 i- lb
Decalcomanlas 43.48PC' ISpc
Writing, letter, note,
drawing, Japan, led
ger, bond, record,
tablet, typewriter and
onion skin papers. ... .45. 13pc 25i)c
Paper envelopes, em
bossed, printed, tint
ed, decorated, lined 35pc 2."po
Other paper envelopes 20pc J ope
Jacquard designs on
ruled paper, , card
board and Bristol
board . . . . 33pc 2.")j)c
Cardboard and Bristol
board .. . i 35pc 23pc
Pressboard or" press
paper .' 35pc 25pc
Paper hangings with
paper back ............... 2Gpc 25pc
Wrapping paper "with"
decorated surface ....... .35pc-2.ipc
Books' of all kinds,
bbUnd or unbound
(not otherwise pro
vided for) 2Gpc 1'ipc
rBlank books, pamphlets
engravings, photo
graphs, etchings,
maps, charts, music
in books or sheets
and printed matter 2Gpc J Ope
Views of landscape,
building, &c in U. S.
Thinner than 8-1000
inch 2Gpc $2 per M
Thicker than 8-1000
inch 70.19pc 20c lb
Photograph, autograph,
scrap, stamp and post
card albums 3Gpc 2."pc
Playing cards 10c pack
.plus20pc t0pc
Other post-cards -. aSpcJOpc
Basket clause covering
paper and paper man
ufactures, not specifi
cally mentioned 35pc2-nJ
. Papers ad Books
Wool ami KltiHufncturen of Wool
Artlclo ' " ' O. R. N. R.
Combed wool or tops 91.86pc 8pc
Yarns, wholly or ohiof-
ly wool 79.44pc 18po
Cloths, knit fabrics,
felts, not woven and
manufactures chiefly
or wool 94.03pc 3Gpc
Press cloths of camels
hair 94.03po lOpc
Wool stockings, mach-
ino knit .............. 94.03pc20pc
Seamless wool stock
ings, gloves and mit
tens not worth over
$1.20 doz. pairs 34.03pc 30pc
Same, worth ovor $1.20
doz. pairs 94.03pc 40pc
cloths 94.03pc 25pc
Blankets of wool 72.69pc 25pc
Blankets, chiefly wool
or cotton, worth un
der 40c lb 30pc 25po
Cheapor flannels 93.29pc 25pc
O. R.-N. K.
cuArKIc.10 R. N. R.
Sheathing paper and
roofing felt ,,..10pc Gpc
Pulp board in rolls, not
laminated lOpc Gpc
Filter masso or stock
made of wood pulp
or vegetable fibre lclb
, . . . , Plus lGpc 20po
Printing paper, sized,
unsized, etc., value
over 2&c lb 16.80pc 12pc
Copying, stereotype,
tissue, crepe, pottery,.
etc., papers 42.33PC 30pc
Papers, covered with
metal leaf or fancy
effect, not lltho-
graphed ............. ,46.48po 25pc
Surface-coated papers GOpc 4flnc
Parchment papers 2c lb
, , Plus lOpc 35pc
Bags, envelopes, print-
ed matter other than
lithographic ........... 47.7 4pc 36po
Articles ot paRor print-
ed by photo-gelatin
process g0ib
. Plus 26p; 35pc
Beads, spangles, imita
tation pearl beads
Fabrics, wearing ap
parel, trimmings, cur
tains, &c, made chief
ly of beads, spangles,
glass, paste, gelatin, '
metal, etc., not spe- ...
ciflcally provided for 60pco0pc
Ramie hat braids lGpc 40pc
Ramie hats, hot trim- nnn
med . 35pc -Ope
Ramie hats, trimmed... GOpc jOpc
Braids, laces, and wil
low sheets chiefly of
straw, grass, palm, &c . . lGpc ui"'
Same, bleached or col- ,,.,
ored 20pc20pc
Hatsr. bonnets, &c,
chiefly of straw, chip,
grass, palm, willow,
osier, Manila, &C 0.
partly manufactured ,,..35pc jjj
Samed b.5.e.!.?:'.!l',.T:. .,. . .50pc-40pc
Brooms 7. .V. . . . . T! . . . 40pc-l5pc
ers, and hair pencils 40pc 35pc
Bristles, assorted or illl7-ib
prepared 7c lb 7c i
Button forms of last- 1(1nc
ings, mohair or silk lOpc lOpc
Buttons, vegetable ivo- rBC
ry, 36 lines and ovor..... "New jgpj
Smaller than 36 lines New pe
Shell and pearl, 36 lines
and over
.New 25pc
.......'- jt.i
o. : n II-.. NflW "IfF1-
smaller man ju una ww 15pc
Agate and shoe New io
Other similar types of o4DC40pc
buttenff .- ...,48.04pc
Cork manufactures in .lh ,jcib
cubes. c ...-....- 8clD
Cork stoppers over lKnih . 12c lb
In.y diametei- .......... .lc 11J
Sald0r ,.2Gclb-l5clb
ameter w
Artificial or granulated - 3c jb
corn inuc 'io'b
Cork insulation ...aP-
una wioKtnv lOolb 25pc