, .. , -vr -M''?WJy,yaiftWTC;WrTO, ?;-. ' '- The Commoner VOL. 13, NO. 29 mm w. b rosm The Work of the President's Cabinet THE TREASURY DI8PARTMRNT 'At last tlio country is to bo congratulated upon having a man at thp head of the United States treasury department with sufficient cour ago and common senso to make the tons of xnonoy in tho vaults at Washington serviceable to tho pooplo of tho country. It seems like a vory slmplo process when wo havo it demon strated to us by a cloar-hoadod business man llko Mr. McAdoo, and tho striking thing about it all is, that nobody over thought of it or, at least, that nobody over did it before. That, liowovor, is not a matter of essential considera tion just now. The fact is that tho present head of the treasury department believes that tho pooplo of tho United States, as a whole, aro ontitlod to whatever benefits may be derived from tho uso of idlo government funds at times when funds aro needed, and ho is not content with holding this beliof as a theory, hut has put his theory into practice. That is the most oncouraging and beneficial phaso of the situa tion. Business men and bankers throughout tho country havo, within tho last sixty days given general expression to tho belief that tho progressive and reassuring policy of tho treas ury department at Washington, has saved us from a panic toward which the money hoarders were pressing us at every point. Three months ago there was panic talk everywhere. Business mon saw tho old signs of Impending troublo, and they began to feel the painful grip of the hoarder's hand. Then came the cheering mes sage of guaranteed relief from Washington. Tho men who wero running things at tho national capital sont a message of defiance to tho panic makers. That was enough. That was all the honest people of tho country wanted to know. If the men in charge of affairs at Washington wore with them if the government would lend them money instead of lending it to the panic makers then the farmers, and tho factory men tthd the merchants and tho honest bankers were ready to snap their fingers at hard times and go on with their work. Money at once became more plentiful, the excessive Interest charges wero reduced, and business conditions at once improved. It was tho magic of confidencq. On July 31 Secretary McAdoo sent out a mes sage to tho country that ho proposed to transfer from tho treasury to the national banks in tho agricultural districts from twenty-fivo million to fifty million dollars to facilitate the moving and marketing of tho crops in the west and south. That there was urgent need of available funds for thiB purpose was evidenced by the appeals that came from many quarters; "But," asked the doubting farmers and shippers, "can these gov ernment funds bo so distributed that we will get the benefit of them without paying heavy tribute, as usual, to the big. bankers of the east?" "Yes," answered tho men at Washington, "it can be dono and it is going to be done." And now it has been dono and $46,500,000 of the fifty million has been allotted to tho banks of the west and south and much of this money ia now on the road. It was all very easy. First the secretary of tho treasury invited all of the big bankers from the principal crop pro ducing centers of tho west and south to come to Washington and familiarize themselves with the plan. First came those from the south, then those from tho middle west, and last, those from the Pacific coast states. To each group of bankers, Secretary McAdoo Bald, in brief: "Wo hope you will co-operate with us in this undertaking and do your part in helping busi ness conditions of the country. You will be re quired to pay two per cent for the use of these funds and we shall expect you to deal liberally "with your small correspondent banks to whom you are to distribute the money. The terms aro, that you must socuro this loan with ten per cent government bonds and tho remaining ninety per cent in high municipal bonds or other bonds and prime commercial paper. The bonds, other than government bonds, will be accepted at seventy-five per cent of their market value and tho commercial paper at sixty-five per cent of Ub face value. All securities offered must be accepted by the secretary of the treasury. These funds must all be returned to the Unitod Statea treasury before April 1, 1014." There wero, of course, many more conditions s looking toward tho absolute security of tho government and for facilitating the rapid and easy distribution of tho money. The plan was so simple and fair to all concerned and provided such certain relief from the great strain upon the banks, that the bankers, almost without exception and without criticism, gave their warm and enthusiastic approval of the arrange ment. One after another, bankers from the wost and south, statod frankly they were con vinced that the secretary's plan had averted a panic and their praise of the governments patriotic attitude was generous and often ex pressed. The allotment of tho $50,000,000, thus far made, among tho various states, is as follows: Western States: Colorado, $1,000,000; Cali fornia, $3,000,000; Illinois, $4,000,000; In diana, $1,050,000; Iowa, $1,000,000; Kansas, $550,000; Minnesota, $2,000,000; Missouri, $5,000,000; Nebraska, $1,300,000; Oklahoma, $750,000; Ohio, $2,100,000; Oregon, $800,000; Washington, $1,150,000; Wisconsin, $1,000, 000. Southern States: Alabama, $1,500,000; Ar kansas, $600,000; Florida, $1,500,000; Georgia, $1,700,000; Kentucky, $1,650,000; Louisiana, $2,600,000; Maryland, $2,800,000; Mississippi, $600,000; North Carolina, $1,300,000; South Carolina, $1,500,000; Tennessee, $1,950,000; Texas, $2,500,000; Virginia, $1,450,000; Dis trict of Columbia, $500,000. Because of the immediate needs of funds for tho cotton crop, the southern states are the first to receive their allotments. Fifty per cent of tho money for the south was sent out in August and the remainder will bo shipped during Sep tember. The money for the west will be trans ferred to tho principal shipping points as the maturity of tho crops demand. THE NAVY DEPARTMENT Taxpayers generally will be gratified to know that, as a result of the efforts of the navy de partment to induce broader competition for the supply of its necessities, this department has effected a saving of approximately $500,000 in contracts recently awarded on materials for Battleship No. 39. Of this amount, about $400, 000 was saved on a portion of the armor con tracts, and $100,000 in the purchase of turbine rotor drums. Shortly after his Induction Into office, Secre tary Daniels became convinced that the govern ment was paying more for armor than It should, and when the opportunity afforded, he recom mended In a communication to the senate com mittee on naval affairs the desirability of look ing into tho reason for the high cost of armor and to inquire as to the feasibility of construct ing a government armor plant There are but three foundries in the country, Carnegie, Mid vale and Bethlehem, capable of producing heavy armor; and for some time past their bids have been remarkably similar, varying not more than a few dollars a ton. Yet they profess that no combination nor understanding exists among them, and each makes a sworn affidavit to this effect. When bids were first received on special treat ment plate for Battleship No. 89, the obvious lack of competition caused the department to reject all. When they were re-opened, it was revealed that tho Carnegie company had re ligiously maintained the bid first entered. The Carbon Steel company of Pittsburgh, however, submitted a bid of $187.04 a ton, for 3,900 tons. The last contract awarded on similar material was for Battleship No. 88 (Pennsylvania.) Then, the govornmont agreed to pay $284.03 a ton, or $96.99 (34 per cent) more than will bo paid under the new contract, effecting a sav ing of $378,261. It was therefore but natural to hope more lively competition would result in the bidding on the heavier armor for this ship. But such hopes as might havo been fostered were rudely shattered when It was found that the Carnegie, Midvalo and Bethlehem companies had entered precisely the same figures, and that the figures they now submitted were identical with the last accepted bids. Only In Class C (steel) armor is encouragement to to found. Tho Carbon Steel company, nnable to mannfactnro the heavier grades, can manufacture this. Carnegie Midvalo and Bethlehem each bid $548.00 a ton; Carbon bid $448.00, saving the country $100.00 a ton on the limited quantity of this material re quired. They have, been awarded this contract but new bids have been asked on the other grades. It Is sincerely to be regretted that the depart ment has been compelled to make purchases abroad. Its policy is to favor the home manu facturer and it will, unless he asks a price utterly unwarranted. Consequently, it was with the greatest reluctance that the depart ment felt constrained to decline the bids of our home manufacturers on turbine rotor drums, and to accept that of John Piatt & Co., repre senting the Cyclops Steel and Iron Works of Sheffield, England. Only a vast difference in bids could force such action. The difference in volved fully justifies the award. But two firms in this country manufacture these articles, Mid vale and Bethlehem, who bid $160,272, and $169,568, respectively; while John Piatt & Co. bid $57,436, a , saving to the government over tho lowest American bid of $102,836. Tho Piatt bid includes the payment of import duty by the manufacturer. The government is confronted with a serious situation in the matter of armor. -Are we to continue paying exorbitant prices, or shall we seek relief. Armor constitutes one of the principal essentials of a modern battleship. Since it was introduced, its importance has ad vanced in relation to the increased penetrative power of modern projectiles, and today it is a ship's main element of defense against the fire of an enemy. Its cost is likely to increase. Surely, it can not decrease materially not at all unless competition is established. Its manu facture entails a large investment and excep tional scientific treatment; few firms can or will manufacture it, not only because of the invest ment required, but because there is only one consumer, the government. How, then, are we to secure tho maximum of efficiency in armor at the least reasonable cost? Mr. Daniels is of the belief that the answer lies in the construc tion of a government armor plant not a plant to manufacture all our armor, but one adequate to supply a good portion of it, enabling us to maintain competition and obtain accurate knowledge of Its cost, and yet leave work suffi cient to justify the maintenance of home plants that will supply material at a reasonable figure. The logic of this view is conclusively demon strated by our government shipyards, gun-factory and powder-factory, institutions that effect the saving of millions annually, but still permit public enterprises of the same nature to com pete with them and thrive. Can not the armor question be treated as we have powder, guns and ships? The secretary believes it can, and successfully. The secretary of the navy has made an im portant change in the examinations for appoint ment to the United States marine corps. On July 14th, fifty-six young men stood the exami nation for second lieutenants in the marine corps. After the examination papers had been turned in, and carefully examined by Mr. Daniels, he felt that the tests for "adaptability and probable efficiency" ha'd been allowed to operate in such a way as to deny justice to some of tho young men standing the highest examina tion, thereby substituting the opinion of three officers for an Impartial written test. The adaptability tost counts 3 out of a total grad ing of 10. The secretary issued an order to throw out the "adaptability and probable effi ciency" test and directed the Judge advocate general to revise the papers so as to eliminate tho adaptability mark and to consider the can didates standings only on the basis of the marks made on the written examination. This resulted in tho elimination of four men who had attained to places among tho 16 highest and the elevation of four others who had re ceived low efficiency marks but whose written examination marks were higher than those re ceived by tho four men whom they bad".1 placed. The number of positions to be flue was 16. An enlisted man, John C. Foster, chief yoeman, jumped from eighth to secc-na place after tho elimination of tho adaptability, test on which he had been graded very ww. Furthermore, three former midshipmen, wjw failed on mathematics, had been given a , iow aptitude mark in the first examination l"J, the marine corps examining board on tie srul that "bilged" midshipmen were not oesirea the marine corps. The secretary explained u attitude in the following Interview: "I rejected entirely tho marks i , board for 'aptitude and probable cnrccon. tho ground that this was a matter of pure ff ) -ftVi.rfiAa(Ia, &jggjjjjA