The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 01, 1913, Page 32, Image 32

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The Commone-
Oli. 13, NO.
S2 www- ;u aj, JNQ, 29
mlll'i Oucon of Shelm's visit to Kinu Solomon is one of the most famous" incidents in the Iiistory of tho ancient world. The oriental magnificence
X of Umt oecuMon has never since been equalled. Tho beautiful illustration shown herewith from Ridpnth's History is but one of tho two H
thousand in tho complete work, and illustrates but ONE EVENT out of all tho THOUSANDS that make up tho history of every nation, kingdom,
and country, ancient and modern, all accurately and entertainingly told in tho world-famous publication,
History f
Dr. John Clark Ridpnth is universally recognized as the world's greatest historian. Tie was the friend and advocate of the masses of ra
the common people. In 1S96 he was the democratic nominee for congress in his home district and received the warm support of the
Leader of the Party. Hundreds have already availed themselves of this remarkable opportunity to secure the greatest History of
the World ever written. "We have only a few sets remaining, which we offer at a low price and on easy terms.
At LESS Than Even DAMAGED SETS Were Formerly S:
"We will name our price only in direct letters to those sending in the coupon below. Tear off coupon, write name and address
plainly and mail now before you forget it. Dr. Ridpath's family derive their income from his History, and to print our price
broadcast for the sake of more quickly selling these few sets would cause great injury to future sales. SSND COUPON TODAY.
y.iv.i "Dr. John Clark Rtupath
ono of tho ablest of Amorican his
torians. Ho combines a Dcauuim
literary stylo with wonderful accu
racy and completeness, ma gruui
History of tho worm is a uurary in
Itself. There is no Dotter not ui
hooks to niaco in tno nanus oi
youth than this notablo work.1
Niilili "John Clark Itldpath is above
all things an nlstoriaiu ms nis
tnrlon.1 works aro accepted a3 stand
ards in schools, colleges anu nomes.
Ills stylo Is simple, ms manner
nnldi "No other work of Its kind
hn. over summed a History so wen
suited to tho needs of all classes
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fully commend this most popular
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Miililt "Ridpath's History Is a
permanont collego cnair or
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I SSS -v'-WMMVyw 4mnkSafmP II booklet " "' "0-lago 4 iT::LtT""V--Y.
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RIDPATII in your home, means you need never
spend a lonely evening. You can associate
with the world's heroes; you can cross tho
' Kubicon witn uaesar, aLter wmen itome was
tree no more, iou can sit at xne reet oi
Socrates, tho loftiest genius of the
ancient world. It is ennobling to
commune with these children of
i floef-intr n Tin noonoinnrl TtrifVi
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H. E. SEVER, President
140 So. Dearborn St., Chicago
Please mU, without cost to me, sample
oacres o! UliUtU'i HUiorj ofth ITorld, con-
taliitntr rliotoirraTures of NaDOlfoa nd Queen
Ellrabeth. cncravlncs o( Socrates. Cxsar and
ShaVespesrc, map o( China and Japan, dtacrain ot
Tanama CacaU and write me full particulars ot your
special oiler to vomwtr reaaeri.
No letter necessary. Just write name and address; tearoR and mail.
great men and events is to
be great one.s self, and
you wm aaa to your
store ox knowledge
which is power.
and to the
richness of
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RIDPATII throws the mantle of personality over the old
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tory. Xerxes, from his mountain platform, sees Themistoelcs
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fleet of over a thousand sail, and help to mold the language
in which this paragraph is written. Rome perches Nero upon
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of savage cruelty; Napoleon fights Waterloo again under your yer y
eyes, and reels before the iron fact that at last the end of his giloG(J
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umi uua out au about our splonded offer on this great wor.