j"JWj; "& VygfjS' -VI ?" The Commoner SEPTEMBER, 1913 21 Commission Government for All Third Class Cities of Pennsylvania A. M. Fuller, Meadville, Pa., In "The American City": On the first of December next the commission form of government will be inaugurated in every third-class city of Pennsylvania The new act providing this important change received Governor Tenor's signature on June 27. The limited-council form of city government was first considered in Pennsylvania in 1908. At that time there were but twelve cities in the United States operating under the. new form of government. In 1909 the subject was considered favorably by the chamber of commerce of Pitts burgh, and in 1910 the third-class cities of the state, in a convention held at Williamsport, formed a per manent organization called the allied civic bodies committee. In Pennsyl vania the cities are divided Into three classes: Philadelphia, first class; Pittsburgh and Scranton, second class; and twenty-three cities of less than 100,000 population constitute the third class. In 1911 bills were presented to the legislature providing for the com mission form of government for the cities of the second and third classes. The legislature declined to pass these measures, but, owing to the great pressure brought to bear upon it by the cities of the second class, the most essential feature of the new form of government the limited council was granted the cities of the second class, Pittsburgh and Scranton. The cities of the third class, large ly through thUr civic organizations acting under the direction of the allied civic bodies committee, have continued the effort to cecure the limited-council form of government and presented to the legislature of 1913 a bill known as Clark bill 13, which provides net only a limited council but many other features of value which are usually Included in what is known as commission gov ernment. This measure passed the senate and house with only four dis senting votes, and, as above men tioned, has since been approved by the governor. The constitution of Pennsylvania prohibits special legislation; hence it was not possible to render the act optional, but necessary to make it compulsory in all of the cities of the third class. Fortunately the senti ment in favor of the adoption of the new form of government is, with few exceptions, most favorable. Provisions of the Act In brief, the act provides for the election at large, on a non-partisan ballot, of a mayor for a term of four years and four councilmen for a term of two years. Each member of the council, including the mayor, is given the right to vote on all ques tions coming before the council, but the mayor has no right to veto such acts as shall have been passed by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the council. The con troller Is to be elected by the people for a term of four years, while the city solicitor, city engineer, city treasurer, city assessor and city clerk are appointed by the council to serve for a term of two years. The city assessor will act under the direction of the council, and the council will serve as the board of revision. The act provides that the salary of the mayor of each city of the third class shall not be less than $500 nor more than $3,500 per year and shall bo fixed by ordinance. For the first term of any mayor elected under the provisions of the act, and until thereafter changed by ordinance, the salary shall be, in cities having a population of JL 5,0 00 or under, $500; from 15,000 to 30,000 inhabitants, $1,200; from 30,000 to 50,000 in habitants, $2,5,00; from 50,000 to 70,000 inhabitants, $3,000; over 70, 000 inhabitants, $3,500 pot annum. The first council elected under the provisions of the act shall by ordl truo constitutional t;ovorumont for the snko of tlio Mexican people themselves, of American citizens in theniBolvos, of American citizens in Mexico, of Moxico's Central Araorican neighbors and of tho world, whose interest In tho southern quarter of tho North American con tinent is rendered keen just now by tho approaching completion of tho Panama canal. President Wilson has voiced nobly nance fix the salary to be paid to the the sentiment and tho purpose of mayor in said cities for succeeding terms, and tho amount of compensa tion for tho mayor shall not bo in creased or diminished during tho term of office for which ho shall be elected. Succeeding councils may change the amount of such compen sation. Tho act provides that tho salaries of councilmen shall not be less than $250 nor more than $3,000 per year; that for the first term of councilmen elected under tho provision of the act the salary of each councilman shall bo as follows: In cities of 15, 000 or under, $300; between 15,000 and 30,000 inhabitants, $750; 30, 000 to 50,000, $2,000; 50,000 to 70,000, $2,500; over 70,000, $3,000 per annum. This rather peculiar provision for salaries is made necessary in order to render the act constitutional. It has this advantage, however, that the flexibility of the plan will enable the cities of the third class to adopt the city-manager or business-manager plan of city government, If they so desire, and add but little to the cost of administration. The Initiative and referendum are included on the basis of 20 per cent of the vote at the pre ceding election for mayor. The re call and civil service features of the usual form of commission govern ment have been omitted. Tho new act is of Bpeclal interest to the forty-two boroughs of tho state having a population of over 10,000. Owing to the present unwieldy form of third-class city government, these boroughs have declined to become cities. Under the new form of gov ernment many of the boroughs will become cities of the third class. The new law is, therefore, of interest to more than sixty cities of Pennsyl vania. By the terms of another act, ap proved July 8, prompt adoption of the new form of government is made possible for the forty-two boroughs of the state having a population of over 10,000. By resolution of the council or corporate authorities of any such borough, or by petition of one hundred qualified electors, an election shall be called within fifteen days on the question of whether tho third-class city form of government shall be adopted. The provisions of this act also apply to any two or more pnnffminiiR boroughs situated within the same county and having together a population of at least 10,000. tne American people. Anu lot no one bo deceived neither Mexicnn officials, nor foreign observers, nor yellow newspapers within our own borders. President Wilson's voice in this critical situation is the voice of tho American people. The people of tho United States do not lust aftor Mexico. They have no desire to profit out of Moxico's misfortune. They wish to holp and not to harry; to extend the hand of nelghborllnesH and not to shake the mailed fist of covetousness. Those in control of affairs in Mexico would do well to take Presi dent Wilson's words as a true state ment of the sentiment and the do sire of tho American people. They would do well to heed his counsel. What is it that ho advlBes? Merely that the Mexican people exchange the bayonet for tho ballot, that they forsake tho armed camp for the poll ing place, and that General Huorta agree that ho will observe, as though it wore the letter, the spirit of the Mexican constitution when it declares that no man In Gonoral Huerta'a po sition at tho head of an ad interim administration shall bo a candidate for president at tho ensuing election. All that tho Unitod States asks I that tho Mexican peoplo bo given a frco opportunity to scloct tho ad ministration under which thoy will go forward; and that all parties agroo to accopt tho pooplo's de cision. If the contending groups In Mexico will adopt thnt course and carry It out in good faith, tho United States stands ready to rondor ovory assis tance In Its power, through recogni tion, tho oncouragemont of financial assistance, and ovory good office. Tho president has spoken for the American pooplo nnd spoken woll. Ho has also spoken to the American peoplo and counseled patience. Wo, as woll as Mexico, would do well to heed his advice. New York In dependent. THKtf AND NOW Her mothor was a bashful thing, Oh, how 1 loved hor when she'd sing! "On tho other side of Jordan, In tho sweet fields of Eden, There Is rest for the weary, And there's reBt for you." But now she has a daughter who Will sing this grand old hymn for you : "Oh, you kid, it's a bear, Cuddle up, kiss mo quick, Hold mo tight, you'ro a boar, That's tho tangoed Smearkaso rag." Cincinnati ISmtulror. C" TO fTTTW. PRESIDENT'S WORD MEXICO FROM THE AMERI CAN PEOPLE The American people have reason to be proud of President Wilson's address to congress on the Mexican situation. It is moro than an ad dress or message from the president to congress. It is an address from the American people to the people of Mexico and to the world. It Is couched in lofty language and infused with a lofty spirit. It sets our relationship to Mexico, our de sires for Mexico and our duty to Mexico upon a high plane of disin terested friendship. It makes it clear as crystal that we are actuated by no motive of selfish gain, but by pure considerations of international responsibility. We want, President Wilson force .,iitt rtinfa nut. the return of peace and order and the establishment of i the midwest Eife The year 1912 will always stand out prominently in the history of this company, because: 1. It ceased writing participating policies and now writes only stock or low premium policies. It does not charge moro than every Insurance man knows Js necessary, and attempt to Justify the act by promising to return tho over charge In tho gulso of a dividend. A dividend on a life In surance policy Is In no senso a profit. It is only tho roturn of that part of tho premium which Is In excess of tho amount necessary to enablo tho company to pay all expenses and losses and to set aside tho required reserve. To get dividends a policyholder must literally buy them. The excess paid over the rate charged by other old lino companies which do not Issue such policies Is tho price. 2. It placed on the market as complete a line of policies with as fair and liberal provisions and at as low a premium rate as any company In tho United States offers. Included In tho list are such policies as Ordinary Life, 10, 15 and 20 Payment Llfo policies; 10, ID, 20, 25 and 30-Year Endowment policies; policies carrying total and permanent disability benefits; and policies which provide, in case of accidental death within ninety days after receiving tho injury, that the com pany will pay double tho face of the policy. 3. It changed tho methods of valuing its policies from tho full preliminary term basis to a modified preliminary term basis, thereby providing for tho full net level premium reserve at the end of tho fifteenth year. This is a rather technical point. We will not attempt to enlargo upon It except to say that this chango removed tho only ground of criticism that had ever been lodged against this company by BEST'S IN SURANCE REPORTS (Life), a recognized authority in tho Insurance world. These changes give The Midwest Life a character and dis tinctiveness all its own. For further information call or write Cbe midwest Cite N. Z. 8NELL, PRESIDENT A NEBRASKA STOCK COMPANY Selling non-participating life insurance only. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, LINCOLN V )