The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 01, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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The Commoner
VOL. 13, NO. 29
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The Income Tax
Tho readers of The Commoner will, I am
mire, join with mo In congratulating congress
upon tho forward step It has taken In the levy
ing of an Income tax.
Tho houso bill provides for a rate running
from 1 per cent on Incomes above $3,000 to 4
por cont on Incomes above $100,000. The senate
bill provides for a tax ranging from 1 per cent
to fi per cent on incomes from $.'i,000 to $100,
000 and higher rates upon incomes above $100,
000, so that Incomes above $500,000 bear a
total tax of 7 por cont.
Whon It Is remomborod that the income tax
law of 1894 provided for a 2 per cent flat rate
on incomes above $4,000, it will bo seen that
n docldcd advance has been made toward tho
'equalizing of taxation.
Tho senate schedule is not likely to be ma
terially altered in conference, so that wo can
now use tho income tax provisions as a measure
of tho progress that has beon made in the coun
try in public sentiment toward distributing more
equitably tho burdens of taxation.
Tho world is surely moving whon congress
advance's tlniB boldly in tho matter of taxation;
and tho extent of tho revolution that has already
taken place in the senate is shown by the fact
that it incroased tho rates fixed by the houso.
For many days' the democrats of the house
met in caucus for tho consideration of the cur
rency bill. Groat freedom was allowed in de
bato and tho discussion was at times animated,
but whon tho vote was finally taken upon tho
bill, as amended, only nine members registered
their disapproval, and nearly all, if not all, will
voto for tho bill on its final passage.
Tho wisdom of the president is thus vindi
cated, and tho passage of the measure which
boars tho stamp of his indorsement is assured.
In this matter, as in others, the president has
patiently co-labored with tho legislators in the
perfecting of the measure yielding to sugges
tions whore they have been well founded, and
standing firmly for the principles of the bill
whenever those principles have beon attacked.
Tho democratic members, too, have addressed
themselves to the measure with a commendable
desire to harmonize differences and to make
tho bill meet tho emergencies for which it was
While consideration of tho bill in the senate
has not yet progressed as far as it has in the
houso, there is every evidence that it will be
accepted by the majority without material modi
fication. Thus does the president continue to
demonstrate his capacity for dealing wisely with
tho great problems that confront him.
The appointment of Congressman Francis
Burton Harrison to the position of governor
general of tho Philippines is a happy solution
of a difficult problem. The selection of the
right man for that important position was a
delicate and important task. It is comparatively
easy to find a suitable occupant for the ordinary
olllcos to be filled in the United States, because
most offices only require average ability accom
panied by honesty. When, however, a position
calls for a high order of talent, wide experience
and tact, as well as for integrity, the number
of men available is not so largo, especially when
it is remembered that the selection is further
limited "by the fact that the person chosen must
not only possess the qualities necessary, but
must have had an opportunity to prove his pos
session of them to the satisfaction of the public.
Tho promotion of an unknown man to a respon
Bible position subjects the appointing party to
a risk that ono does not care to take. To still
further complicate the situation, the appointee
in this case will servo away from home among
a people quite different from ours in race, tra
dition and environment.
In looking over tho field and canvassing the
claims of those presented for consideration, the
president at once recognized the superior fitness
of Governor Harrison for the great work -which
has been entrusted to him, and only a few days
'-elapsed between tho suggestion of tho name
and the appointment, which was immediately
.. confirmed by the senate.
Governor Harrison has won his way to leader
ship in tho house of representatives upon his
merits. Ho was, when appointed governor
general, tho second democrat on the ways and
means committee and has during the democratic
control of congress exerted an increasing in
fluence upon tho policies of the party. He has
been in hearty accord with the president in the
measures which have thus far had tho stamp
of executive approval, and his appointment was
advocated by the Filipino representatives in
congress. He will bo persona grata in the
Philippine Islands and his arrival will mark the
beginning of the end of imperialism. The
Filipinos will welcome him as a friend and he
can advise them as such while he carries out tho
instructions which he will receive from Wash
ington. The Commoner sends greeting to the hew
governor general and bids him Godspeed on
his journey, confident that ho will intertwine
his name with the future of the Philippines and,
by his wise conduct, attach those distant peoples
to the United States in bonds of lasting affection.
Hon. Carter Glass, chairman of the currency
committee of tho house, has won new laurels
by his management of the currency bill in the
house caucus. Few men have been called to
undertake a more delicate task and none could
have performed it with greater success. The
currency question is not nearly so thoroughly
digested as the tariff question is and men's
views are tfot so settled on the details. The
principles which underlie a great question are,
in their last analysis, few and easily under
stood, but the details of a new subject are often
confusing, and the currency question is new.
The tariff question has been an issue from time
immemorial and the leaders of all parties have
been accustomed to discuss it with more or less
thoroughness. The currency question, however,
has been, to a large extent, kept in the back
ground and an effort has been made by the
financiers to create the impression that it is too
complex to be understood by the average man.
It Is not strange, therefore, that wide dif
ference of opinion manifested itself whon the
subject was taken up for practical considera
tion. Congressman Glass mastered the subject
for himself and then led the discussion with
such ability that ho brought the bill out of the
caucus with no important amendments added
without his concurrence. The final speech which
he made in support of the bill was declared by
his friends to be the most effective delivered in
con gross for many years, and it certainly proved
potent in molding opinion and directing the
course of those who heard him.
Mr. Glass has measured up to tho responsi
bilities of the important position which ho occu
pies as chairman of the currency committee.
The democratic party in the senate lost two
votes because of the sugar schedule but it is
sweet to remember that in spite of this saccha
rine defection, tho democrats had enough votes
of their own to pass the tariff measure.
The resolution by which the American Bar
association at its recent annual meeting in Mon
treal indorsed President Wilson's stand in the
Mexican situation, was drafted and presented
by W. A. Hayes, a Wisconsin republican. The
resolution, as presented by Mr. Hayes, follows
. "Resolved, That this association hereby
heartily commends tho policy pursued by Presi-
cI?fc w.ilson in (lealinK wh a most delicate and
difficult situation in Mexico. The wisdom and
the justice of that policy have been such as to
command our greatest confidence in the carry
ing out of that policy in tho future, and there
fore we pledge to the president our most cor
dial support in following out his course in deal
ing with matters in Moxico, whatever that course
may be."
In an interview in the Milwaukoo Journal,
Mr. Hayes said: "The idea of introducing such
a resolution came to mo on reading press dis
patches that Mexico, basing its bollofs on what
appeared in the American papers, did not think
tho United States stood together on a single
policy On questions of this kind tho country
should stand as a unit, and it seemed to me that
being a republican, I might present such a
resolution at tho Bar association without belns
suspected of any special motive. I have been
through a dozen states In tho past sixty dav?
from Montana to New York and New Jersey
and the. general feeling is that President Wilson
has handled tho Mexican situation remarkably
A Great Victory
The Commoner will, next month, publish th
full text of the tariff bill which is now in con
ference. It marks the triumph of President
Wilson on the first reform which he undertook
He convened congress in extra session to reduce
the tariff and after a parliamentary strucclo
lasting for five months he is able to present to
the. country the best tariff measure enacted in
a generation. He and the country are to bo
congratulated. He says of the victory:
"A fight for the people and for free business
which has lasted a long generation through, has
at last been won, handsomely and completely
A leadership and a steadfastness in counsel have
been shown in both houses, of which the demo
cratic party has reason to be very proud. There
has been no weakness or confusion or drawing
back, but a statesmanlike directness and com
mand of circumstances.
"I am happy to have been connected with the
government of the nation at a time when such
things could happen and to have worked in
association with men who could do them.
"There is every reason to believe that cur
rency reform will be carried through with equal
energy, directness, and loyalty to the general in
terest. When that is done this first session of
the Sixty-third congress will have passed into
history with an unrivalled distinction.
"I want to express my special admiration for
the devoted, intelligent and untiring work of
Mr. Underwood and Mr. Simmons and the com
mittees associated with them."
Senator La Follette has again shown his devo
tion to the public interests by voting with the
democrats for tariff reduction.
The administration currency bill involves three
fundamental principles.
First: The notes issued must be issued by
the government and not by .the banks.
Second: The issue must bo controlled by
public servants and not b'y private institutions
or individuals.
Third: The emergency currency issued must
be issued through state banks as well as through
national banks.
The bill as prepared observes these three re
quirements. The right of the government to
issue money is not surrendered to the banks;
the control over the money so issued is not re
linquished by the government; and national
banks are not given a monopoly of the benefits
flowing from the issue of these emergency notes
The regional reserve banks will prove of
great advantage to business. Each reserve bank
will be a commercial center and this (en er
will bo much nearer to the, extremes than the
few large cities aro to tlie banks which have
been compelled to reach thp public through
them. These regional reserve banks will ghQ
to the individual banks a security for their re
serves that is lacking under the present system
a security which will go far toward prevent
ing panics.
Every Commoner reader may help the presi
dent in the good work in which he is engaged
by writing to his senators, urging them to sup
port the president in his good efforts.
Editor Commoner: After some weeks of
anxious waiting the big monthly Commoner lias
reached me. I say "big" because it covers tnfl
entire political horizon and makes plain ever)
great proposition now before the people.
have pinned our faith in The Commoner and tins
big number shows that we havo not loved in
vain. Go on and on! Enclosed find yifa
check. Yours for results, D. R: CARPEN1 bit.
Editor Dacoma (Okla.) Enterprise. .
Senator Poindexter does. not affiliate with the
democrats but he can tell the. difference ctee"
the robbery of the Payne-AldrJch la' ami,,, ".
relief brought by the democratic tariff reac
tion measure.
The democrats of tho senate' and "s hat!J!
done 'splendidly on the -tariff: They stood to
gether a united partyand the country
joices. Now for currency reform.
- 'n-tf Aiati-