"CtV -f ' The Commoner VOL. 13, NO. 29 10 ft i i " J i" Is ,r v t . rr t f v The Administration's Currency Bill INCREASE AND DECREASE OF CAPITAL of tho Section 5. That shares capital stock of federal reservo banks shall not be transferable, nor bo hypothecated. In case a sub scribing bank Increases Its capital, it shall thereupon subscribe for an ad ditional amount of capital stock of tho federal reserve bank of its dis trict equal to twenty per centum of tho bank's own increase of capital, ten per centum of said sub ecription to bo paid in cash in the manner hereinbefore provided for original subscription, and ten per centum to become a liability of tho subscribing bank according to the terms of tho original subscription. A bank applying for- stock in a federal reserve bank at any time after the formation of the latter must subscribe for an amount of the capi tal of said reservo bank equal to twenty per centum of ihe capital of said subscribing bank, paying there for Its par value in accordance with tho terms prescribed by section two of this act. When the capital of any federal reserve bank has been in creased either on account of tho in crease of capital of the banks hold ing stock therein or on account of the increase in the number of stock holding banks, the board of directors shall make and execute a certificate to the comptroller of tho currency showing said increase in capital, the amount paid in, and by wbom paid. (Continued from Page 7.) amounts to twenty per centum of the paid-in capital and the shareholders shall have received the dividends at the rate of five per centum per an num hereinbefore provided for, sixty per centum of all excess earnings shall bo paid to tho United States and forty per centum to the member banks in proportion to their annual average balances with such federal reserve bank; all earnings derived by tho United States from federal reserve banks shall constitute a sink ing fund to bo held for the reduc tion of tho outstanding bonded in debtedness of tho United States, said reduction to be accomplished under regulations to be prescribed by the secretary of the treasury. Should a federal reserve bank bo dissolved or go into liquidation, the surplus fund of said bank, after the payment of all debts and 'dividend require ments as Hereinbefore provided for, shall be paid to and become the property of the United States. Every federal reserve bank incor porated under the terms of this act and the Btock therein held by mem ber banks shall be exempt from federal, state, and local taxation, ex cept in respect to taxes upon real estate. Section 8. That any national banking association heretofore or ganized may upon application at any time within one year after tho pass age of this act, and with tho ap proval of the comptroller of the cur rency, be granted, as herein pro vided, all the rights, and be subject to all the liabilities, of national In case a subscribing bank reduces banking awoiati sub- its capital it shall surrender a pro- 1----" "V" - " portlonate amount of its holdings in the capital of said federal reserve bank, and in case a bank goes into voluntary liquidation it shall sur render all of its holdings of the capital of said federal reserve bank. In either case the shares surrendered shall be canceled and the bank shall receive in payment therefor a sum equal to its cash paid subscriptions ' on the shares surrendered. Section G. That' if any share holder of a federal reserve bank shall becomo insolvent and a receiver be appointed, the stock held by it in said federal reservo bank shall bo canceled and tho balance, after de- Provided, That such application on the part of such associations shall bo authorized by the consent in writ ing of stockholders owning not less than a majority of the capital stock of the association. Any national banking association now organized which shall not, within one year after the passage of this act, become a national banking association under the provisions hereinbefore stated, or which shall fall to comply with any of the provisions of this act ap plicable thereto, shall be dissolved; but such dissolution shall not take away or impair any remedy against such corporation, its stockholders or officers, for any liability or penalty ....i.i.M J) u a X A , a 4- 4 4- st r - Vi paid subscriptions all debts due by which shall have previously been in such insolvent bank to said federal currea. reserve bank, shall be paid to tho receiver of the insolvent bank. Whenever tho capital stock of a federal reserve bank is reduced, r either on account of a reduction in capital of any bank or of the liquida tion or insolvency of any such bank, the board of directors shall make' and . execute a certificate to tho comptrol ler of the currency showing such reduction of capital stock and the amount repaid to such bank. DIVISION OF EARNINGS Section 7. That after the pay ment of all necessary expenses and taxes of a federal reserve bank, the shareholders shall be entitled to re- ceivo an annual dividend of five per centum on the paid-in capital, which dividend shall be cumulative. One . half of the net earnings, after the aforesaid dividend claims have beon fully met, shall bo paid into a sur plus fund until such fund shall amount to twenty per centum of tho . paid-in capital of. such bank, and of ' tho remaining one-half sixty per cen- 1 turn shall be paid to tho United v, States and forty pe? centum to tho , member banks in ihe -ratio qf thoir average balances with, tho federal reserve bank for the preceding year. ..Whenever and so long as the surplus fund of a federal reservo bank section y. mat any Dank or banking association incorporated by special law of any state or of the United States, or organized under the general laws of any state or the United States, and having an un impaired capital sufficient to entitle it to become a national banking as sociation under the provisions of existing laws, may, by the consent in writing of the shareholders own ing not less than fifty-one per centum of the capital stock of such bank, or banking association, and with the ap proval of tho comptroller of the cur rency, become a national banking as sociation under its former name or by any name approved by the comp troller. The directors thereof may Continue to be the directors of the as sociation so organized until others are elected or appointed in accord ance with the provisions of the law. When tho comptroller has given to such bank or banking association a certificate that the provisions of this act shall have been complied with, such hank or banking association, and all its stopkholders, officers, and employees, shall have the same powers and privileges, and shall be s.ubject to the same duties, liabilities, and regulations, in all respects, as shall have been prescribed by this act or by the national banking act for associations originally organized as national banking associations, STATE BANKS AS MEMBERS Section 10. That from and afjier the passage of this act any hank or banking, association or trust com pany incorporated by special law of any state, or organized under the general laws of any state or the United States, may make application to tho federal reserve board herein after created for the right to sub scribe to the stock of the federal re serve bank organized or to be or ganized within the federal reserve district where the applicant, is located. The federal reserve board under such rules, and regulations as it may prescribe, subject to the. pro visions of this section, shall permit such applying bank to become a stockholder in , the federal reserve bank of the district in which such applying bank is located. Whenever the federal reserve board shall per mit such an applying bank to become a stockholder in the federal reserve bank of the district in which the ap plying bank is located, stock shall .be issued and paid for under the rules and regulations in this act provided for national banks which become stockholders in federal reserve banks. It shall be the duty of the federal reserve hoard to establish by-laws for the, general government of its conduct in acting upon applications made by the state banks and bank ing associations and trust companies hereinbefore referred to for stock ownership in federal reserve banks. Such by-laws shall require applying banks not organized under federal law to comply with the reserve re quirements and submit to the inspec tion and regulation provided for in this andt other laws relating to na tional banks. No such applying bank shall be admitted to stock ownership in a federal reserve bank unless it possesses a paid-up unim paired capital sufficient to entitle it to become a national banking as sociation in the place vhere it is situated, under the provisions of the national banking act, and conforms to the provisions herein prescribed for national banking associations oT similar capitalization and to the regulations of the federal reserve board. If at any time it shall appear to the federal reserve board that a DanKing association or trust com pany organized under the laws of any state or of the United States has failed to comply with the provisions of thissection or the regulations of the board, it shall be within the power of the said, board to require such banking association or trust company to surrender its stock in, the federal, reserve bank in which , it holds shares uppn receiving frpm such bank the cash-naid subscrinr tions to the said, shares in current funds, and said federal .reserve, bank, shall upon notice , from the. federaj reserve board be required to sus pend the designated banking associar tion or trust company frqni further privileges of membership,' and shall within thirty days of .such notice cancel and retire Its stpek and make payment therefor ,in tlie manner herein provided. FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Section 11. That there shall be created a federal reserve . board, which shall consist of seven mem bers, Including the secretary of the treasury, the secretary pf agricul ture, and ,the comptroller of the cur- leuujr, wuu sunn ue memDerg ex omcio,, ana rpur members chosen by the president of the United States, by and wjth tho advice and" consent of the senate. In selecting the fouT appointive members of the federal reserve board, not more than onn nf twhom shall be selected from any one federal reserve district, the president shall have due regard to a fair ren resentation of different geographical divisions of the country. The four members of the federal reserve board chosen by the president and con firmed as aferesaid shall devote their entire time to the business of the federal reserve board and shall eaoh receive an annual salary of $10,000 together with an allowance for actual necessary traveling expenses, and tho comptroller of the currency. ? nv officio member of said federal reserve ooara, snail, in aauition to the salary now paid him as comptroller, receive the sum of $5,000 annually for his services as a member of said board. Of the members thus appointed by the' president not more than two shall be of the same political party, and at least on shall be a person experienced in bank ing. One shall be designated by the president to serve for two, one for four, one for six, and one for eight years, respectively, and there after each member so appointed shall serve for a term of eight years unless sooner removed for cause by the president. Of the four persons thus appointed, one shall be desig nated by the president as manager and one as vice manager of the federal reserve board. The manager of the federal reserve board, subject to the supervision of the secretary of the treasury and 'board, shall bo the active executive officer of the federal reserve board. The federal reserve board shall have power to levy semi-annually upon the federal reserve banks, in proportion to capital, an assessment sufficient to pay its estimated ex penses for the half year succeeding the levying of such assessment, to gether with any deficit carried for ward from the preceding half year. The first meeting of the federal re serve bpard shall be held in Wash ington, District of Columbia, as soon as may be aftpr the passage of this act, at a date to be fixed by the re serve bank organization committee. Tho Rpp.rfitjirv of the treasury shall bo ex officio chairman of the federal reserve board. No member of the federal reserve board shall he an officer, or director of any bank or banking institution or federal reserve bank nor hold stock in any hank or banking institution; and before en tering upon his duties as a member nf 4-Vi frwlfvnol rooorVft ll'n.ird lie SiiaH certify under oath to the secretary of tho treasury that he has complied with this requirement. Whenever a yacancy shall occur, pther than oy expiration of term, among the tour members of the federal reserve uoara chosen by the president, as auoe provided, a successor, shall be ap pointed by the-. president, with oHrJno ntwl MTlRfiTlf. of the SOmitC l" fill such vacancy,, and when chosen shall hold office for the "nfha term of the member whoso place no is selected to ,111. The federal reserve board shall annually make a report of its nscai operations to the speaker or u hous-e of representatives, who sna cause the same to be printed for ui information of the-'congress. ' Section three hundred and twentr- ..- 1, TAtHaail RtfltUteS Ol IBO ilTl"Q SetS & fi the department of the itwaaury & bureau charged, except as In ww act otherwise provided, wuu . ecution of all laws passed by con gresfl relating to ,tbe iue and regu fatten of currency 1P"etfony the jthrpugh banking. , Mjo clat ions, we hlef officer of , which. bureau shall p called the comptroller of the cu rency, and shajl PerfQnn M auw under the genera! .direction of te secretary of the Ureasu" ;., the chairman ot the. to ThjU bpard:" Provided, however, .,.. ' -t j-t&Jiiae LJ