"PTDrw? . .. The Commoner WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR M VOL. 13, NO. 28 Lincoln, Nebraska, August, 1913 Whole Number 652 THE NEW ERA With this issue, The Commoner enters upon its career as a monthly magazine and, as such, greets its readers. It is scarcely necessary to point out the difference between the political situation today and that which existed when The Commoner entered the journalistic field, in January, 1901. The party was then staggering under the second defeat administered to it under progressive leadership. The struggle for eman cipation from the domination of privilege and favoritism began in 1896, and the deep interest manifested in that campaign will never be for gotten by those who participated in it. Between 189G and 1900, a number of causes had con tributed to an improvement in economic con ditions and the republican party, seizing upon the cry, "Let well 'enough alone," warned the country against a return to the hard times from which it was beginning to emerge. The party in power was also aided by the fact that it liad conducted a successful war for the liberation of Cuba, and it was at that time able to con ceal from the public the imperialistic plans' which its leaders had in mind. Under the circum stances, it was not strange that the democratic party should fail to socuro control of the federal government the surprise is that it suffered so little, as compared with its vote of 1896. However, those who measure a party's merits by such temporary standards as immediate suc cess, loudly proclaimed the necessity for a re turn to Wall street leadership. The Commoner was established to withstand the propaganda of "the interests" and to assist the rank and file of the party in holding the party organization true to the promises that had been made. How well this paper has justified its claims upon the confidence of the democratic voters how truly it has kept the faith must be left to the public to decide. It will not be denied that it has put forth an earnest endeavor; neither will its right Outgrown Criticisms One of the ancient kings is said to have writ ten above his door, for his admonition in time? of prosperity and for his comfort in times of adversity, "This, too, shall pass away." It is a wise maxim and must often recur to those who espouse a righteous cause before that cause has become popular. Criticism of those in public life is not only natural but' necessary. It is natural because there is enough of partisanship in our politics to insure watchfulness, and those who desire to find fault cannot be expected to judge oppo nents justly at all times. Criticism is necessary, too, for without it pub He men would become careless. Jefferson went bo far as to say that without the restraining in to rejoice be iquestioned. Few journals, if any, have ever had an opportunity, in tho same length of time, to witness tho triumph of so many of tho policies supported by it. A change has come in the political situation which justifies a change in tho form of tho paper. While the republicans were in power, Tho Com moner was one of tho leaders in tho journalistic army which attacked tho policies of that party. It conceived it to be its duty to present argu ments against those policies and to point the way to remedial legislation. Tho laws already passed, such as the amendment which puts tho people in control of the United States senate, tho amendment authorizing tho collection of an income tax, the laws providing for publicity, before the election, as to campaign contributions, tho laws extending tho primary and populariz ing the government theso and other laws along these lines assure to tho people tho enjoyment of many of the benefits for which The Commoner has labored; and, best of all, tho democratic party has been called to supremo authority in tho nation and to a much larger extent than usual in the states. Tho friends of democracy, therefore, instead of having to urgo their oppo nents to recognize popular demands, are summoned to engage in constructive work tho application of democratic principles to the time in which we, live. As an incident to tho democratic victory, I have been invited to become a member of tho president's official family, and, as his represent ative in ono of tho departments of the govern ment, am brought into contact with lnterna ' tional problems. As a member of the cabinet, too, I enjoy the opportunity of participating in tho discussion of such problems as the presidont sees fit to bring before that body. If I were compelled to choose between the service that I could render as a journalist and tho service which I can rondor as ono of (ho prosidont'n advisors, I would fool Justified in preferring tho latter to tho former, but as there is no neces sary conlllct between tho two positions, I am glad to perform tho duties attendant upon both. As an exponent ot rno plans and purposes of tho administration, Tho Commoner can accom plish even moro as a monthly than it could as a weekly. Administrative and legislative plans (lovolop-gradually, and there is no need of hasto in mooting tho criticisms that may be directed against tho program of tho party now in au thority. Tho Commoner will bo nblo to present to its Individual readers and through Its multi tude of exchanges, to a still larger audience tho government's side of tho questions under discussion. My aaaociation with the president has in creasingly confirmed my estimato of his aluglo neas of purpose, of hia broad intellectual grasp of tho situation, and of tho courage with which ho grapples with public problems. My acquain tance with tho members of tho cabinet and with tho work which they have thus far done, makes it a delight to interpret to tho readers of tho paper tho efforts which they are putting forth in their several departments. In spite of tho obstacles that a new administration has to meet, all theso cabinet officers havo been able to dem onstrate their capacity for tho work for which thoy havo been chosen and to make material progress toward tho improvement of the public service. Tho Commoner invites a continuation of tho support which has been so generously accorded it, and pledges itself anew to every movement that has for its object tho making of this gov ernment moro truly a government of tho people, administered by tho people for tho protection of their rights and for the advancement of their welfare. W. J. BRYAN. fluence of public opinion, officials would become wolves. Criticism, it may be added, is helpful when deserved and harmless when it is unmerited. CONTENTS THE NEW ERA OUTGROWN CRITICISMS PEACE TREATY NUMBER ONE REFORM MOVES ON THE BANKING AND CURRENCY BILL MAKING A LIVING WORK OF THE PRESIDENT'S CABINET HOME DEPARTMENT EQUAL SUFFRAGE WASHINGTON NEWS GLEANED FROM THE WORLD'S NEWS WHETHER COMMON OR NOT IN THE FIELD OF AGRICULTURE Even malicious criticism, however annoying it may be at the time, does not permanently injuro ono in public life. Tho more malicious it is, the more quickly and the more earnestly do his friends come to his defense and, in the end, tho reaction overcomes any temporary wrong done. Tho only thing to be decided is whether tho losition taken is right. If it 'Is, time will vindi cate it. If the position taken Is wrong, criticism hastens Its correction and what well meaning man can object? Encouragement may be found in recalling a few of the criticisms which have been outgrown within the last twenty years. Tariff reformers have been calling for a reduction of he tariff for more than thirty years. In the beginning, they were accused of trying to ruin American industries, and it was even intimated that- they were acting In the interests of foreigners. Now tariff reduction is scheduled to arrive withia a irJiiitiHiftftitlhtot,