The Commoner. tQ I JULY 11, 1913 clined to give the committee further informa tion. In 1897, Lamar said, Itussel Sage authorized him to compel the Union Pacific to pay the gov ernment $58,000,000 in bonds owing it. Lamar, with Senator Foraker, came to Washington and conferred with President McKinley. "We were charged with being a pair of con scienceless blackmailers," said Lamar, "but that had no effect on us." When Sage retired from business in 1001, on Sage's recommendation Lamar became associ ated with James R. Keeno. Lamar said he warned Keene, when the latter was buying Union Pacific stock, that the railroad would ruin him to got revenge for Lamar's previous activity, lie detailed how, when Keene and his associates had $43,000,000 Union Pacific stock, he took steps to enjoin the voting of certain stocks so that E. H. Harriman would be compelled to buy Keene's stock at a high figure. With Keono's approval, he retained Lauter bach's law firm and paid $25,000. Lauterbach and Lamar came to Washington, paid Foraker . fee and engaged him. When the injunction was finally decided against Keeno Union Pacific stock went down and Keene and Iris friends lost most of their fortunes. "As a result of the panic of 1907," said La mar, "Harriman, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the New York City National bank and Morgan & Co. be came bound together as with an iron band." "For the purpose of rendering my friend Lauterbach a service," he said, "and to restore him to his former friendly relation with Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Jacob Schiff and tho Union Pacific officials, I did have conversations over the tele phone with the Union Pacific officials and others and in those conversations I did use the names of other persons. But there was no sugges tion of a fee to Mr. Lauterbach. On tho strength, of these telephone messages, Judge Lovett came here and charged that Edward Lauterbach had tried to blackmail him." The Lauterbach incident, he added, paled into Insignificance compared with a $82,000,000 forgery which he alleged was committed on tho Union pacific books in 1901. "I do not know who did It," said Lamar, "the chairman of the board or tho officers, but I do know this $82,000,000 was the fulcrum which enabled Harriman and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., to gain control of these corporations." He described a double entry of $82,000,000 representing securities the Union Pacific as sumed in taking over the Oregon Short Line and the Oregon Railway & Navigation company. The items, he said, were carried in tho "con solidated balance sheet" of the Union Pacific, June 30, 1900, but between that time and June 50, 1901, he alleged some one had erased the $82,000,000 item from one side of tho ledger, leaving it as a credit balance on the other side. "They took all the securities of the Oregon Short Line and the Oregon Railway & Naviga tion company," he said, "and used them as security for an Issue of bonds. They got that money and used It to finance the deal for the Northern Pacific and Great Northern transac tions and the floation of Oregon ore and other securities which they sold out at an enormous profit." (Continued on Page 10.) ON DRESS PARADE The process of extracting political buncombe out of the Caminetti-McNab episode continues. Never before were so many gentlemen shocked at a white slave case. Never before were so many alleged virtuous persons thundering in the index. More apostles of virtue are on dress parade now than at any time in a century. From the racket raised, one would think there never was a white slave case before. Gentlemen are holding up their hands in holy horror, and many of them are gentlemen who have probably been helping to perpetuate vice, who have been ex tracting profits from vice and have helped to furnish recruits for vice. Young Caminettl Is vile. No postponement of his case should have been requested' by the secretary of- labor. Attorney General McRey nolds ought not to have postponed the cases at tho request of the secretary of labor. The whole incident has been blundering. But thousands of other cases have been post poned by order of the attorney general. The case against the Chicago beef packers was post poned by order of the attorney general until the packers finally escaped conviction by pleading the statute of limitation in court. Not one of tho gontlemen now yelling their heads oft was up protesting ngainst tho order of postpone ment then. Mr. McNab was not then so out raged by a postponement that freed men who have indirectly extorted millions from their countrymen. Congressman Mann, who was virtuously vociferous on tho floor, attacking the president, never lifted his voice then. The Sherman law has been a law more than twenty years, and its provisions for sending trust magnates to jail have been postponed by republican attorey generals so consistently and so studiously that not one captain of industry has ever been jailed. But no McNab has ever resigned before. No Congressman Kahn of California has evor pro tested. No Congressman Mann has ever been shocked. But they are all whooping it up now, whoop ing it up as though Young Caminettl were the original white slaver and they the cleanest, most virtuous persons outside of Paradise. Young Caminettl will be thoroughly prose cuted, and he ought to bo. But for the itch of some gentlomen for office and but for their desire to do something by which to exploit themselves for office, he could have been tried, convicted and punished and tho country been spared tho hideous details of his crime. -. Tho main feature of the whole hullabaloo is the willingness of the McNabs and others to capitalize tho nasty facts and a whito slave case as a moans of getting official position. Portland (Ore.) Journal. McXAK AND HIS FEARS One Mr. McNab of San Francisco, who hap pened to have held over as United States dis trict attorney for California, worked up a violent wrath a few days ago, and forthwith telegraphed his resignation to tho president for immediate action. The McNab grievance was that a couple of criminal cases which ho had a palpitating am bition to try at once were postponed for a few months, and immediately ho concluded that there was a dark and deep-laid conspiracy hatch ing somewhere in tho department of justice at Washington. Whereupon tho president, hark ing to tho McNab anxiety, investigated, found that the California lawyer was wrong, and let Mr. McNab out of a job precisely as tho lawyer had requested in various kinds of language fol lowing rather voluminous Intimation and sug gestion. Now it appears to the satisfaction of every one, save McNab and a few of his cronies close to the singing waves of tho Golden Gate, that there never was any intention of deferring the trial of the cases indefinitely, and that every thing was done in legal fashion just as Is agreed every day in law courts to meet fair and reason able conveniences. The accused will be tried in the near future, but the prosecutor will not be McNab. This will likely displease the gentle man with the distended and vociferous vocabu lary, but It will hardly hurt the administration of justice much. The McNab idea was to besmirch the character of United States Attorney General McReynolds and incidentally to play a little game of small politics which might inure to tho standing of the standpat wing of the republican party, of which he Is a stern and inflexible pillar. But between the president and the attorney general they have effectually punctured the scheme. McNab says the incident is now closed. So is McNab, glory bo! Denver News. THE RIGHT TO RULE THE CURRENCY Speaking to a representative of the New York American, Senator Owen, chairman of the senate finance committee, explained the terms of tho administration currency bill, which he believes will be enacted into law before the end of September. "Some of the larger interests of the country," he said, "having set their heart upon the passage of the Aldrich bill and having expended large effort in educating the country In favor of the Aldrich plan, have been discontented in two very important particulars. First, the Aldrich bill gave control of the proposed system to the banks of the country, and, secondly, authorized the banks to issue the currency to the country under this system as bank currency. "We have been unable to .approve these prin ciples of the Aldrich bill, believing that the federal reserve banks, having been established purely for the purpose of stabilizing the com mercial and financial operations of the people of the United States, should be governed exclu- flivoly by tha pooplo of the United States, and in? establishing tho federal reserve board to exor clso thoir governing function wo do not think it proper to permit private persons to havo rep rosontatlon upon such governing hoard. "We think it no more roasonablo to grant this authorize tho railroads to havo representation and exercise a part of the governing power of the interstate commorco commission. It would, perhaps, bo but littlo different if the beef pack ers should demand representation in administer ing tho pure food act. "It had been suggested that some of tho largost national banks might go out of thin systom and bi.como state banks. Wo feel Justi fied In saying that there Is no reason to appre hend that any national bank will go out Of tho system because of the provision of this bill, but that they will gonerally rejoice at tho oppor tunity afforded them of having n moro stable condition in the financial and commercial world." OAI'TAIX JACK'S JlKMSDICTIOtf Captain. Jack Crawford, tho famous pool scout, delivered this prayer and benediction at Gettys burg: Almighty, exalted Commander-in-Chief, Dear Father, all wise, of tho blue and tho gray, Tho old guard is hero 'tis tho last grand relief Of comrados and brothers who muster toda ; And if from the hoavenly ramparts abovo Old Abo and bravo Stonewall can look down they'll see This groat transformation of hato Into lovo; TIs what they all prayod for Grant, Logan and Leo. And while our groat nation Is thankful today For our glorious salvation, while counting th6 ' COHt, There's a tie that is binding the blue and the gray In tho heroic army of braves that we lost. Though loBt, wo in rovoroncc cherish each name, And are eager to toll of the deeds they havo done, While In northland and southland their glory and fame Are pictured and told In the battles they won. Half a century has passed, and we muster today But a thin lino of boys that we mustered of yore, And millions rejoice that tho blue and tho gray Are united beneath tho old banner onco more; And wo who survived, who returned from tho fight, Would ask Thee, Commander above, onco again To watch here, our actions, that wo In Thy ' sight May show that our comrades did not die in vain. Dear comrades and brothers, the widow is hore, Tho mother, tho sister, in prayerful mood; They come with a wreath and a memory dear For tho grave of the loved ones who hero shed thoir blood. The sons and tho daughters of gray and of blue Aro hero with our bright eyed grandchildren today. They mot since the conflict to meet was to woo And to win; Cupid captured tho blue and tho gray. God pity the hand that would strive to suppress Tho growing affection that comes with tha years; May it live in its glory and never grow less As our thin rank the shore of eternity noars. Raise your thoughts toward heaven, my brothers in gray, And in hallowed fancy a picture you'll see Looking down upon us from tho bright reaimi today Are Lincoln and Jackson, Grant, Sherman and Lee. And now, as beneath dear Old Glory we gather, Inspired by tho eyes of those heroes above, Let this bo our slogan, our motto, dear Father: Fraternity, charity, loyalty, love. Inspire by Thy blessing our lovo for each other, Keep us ever beneath Thy most merciful ken And strengthen tho love ties as brother meets brother Through our few years remaining on eartk soil. Amen! H"v.i! j$iafMJs&,i&: