The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 11, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner
A Kansas City dispatch to the
Chicago Record-Herald says: De
tails of a commercial combination of
American and Chinese capital which
virtually has placod In tho hands of
Americans tho control of Chinese
trado, export and import and tho de
velopment of Chinese international
resources wore made public hero by
Baron Charles Logay, commercial
commissioner for tho Chinese reform
organization which financed tho rev
olution. Among tho bonoflciaries of the
trado arrangement are:
Cudahy Packing company, mo
nopoly in meat imports to China to
limit of its capacity.
John D. Poole of Chicago, control
of Iron and steel products, includ
ing rails.
C. II. Ward, banker, New York,
Marino National bank, Wildwood,
N. J.
C. E. Kirk, Chicago; A. M. Doctor,
43 G East Forty-second street, Chi
cago, finances.
E. C. Cook, Chicago, manufac
turer of garments.
Goodrich Rubber company, Akron,
helpers and engineers of tho ice
plants. A statement from the medi
cal profession to tho mayor that un
less ico in bountiful quantities was
obtained soon tho death rate would
bo increased 100 per cent, precipi
tated the order by the board of
A Cincinnati dispatch, carried by
tho Associated Press says: The board
of health ordered the health officers
of Cincinnati to seize and operate all
ico plants in the city and exercise
every available means of distributing
ico to tho general public. Mayor
Hunt sent a communication to the
board doclaring emergency action
necessary. This action followed re
fusal of tho ice manufacturers to ar
bitrate with tho striking drivers,
for Limited Time to New or Renewing Subscribers
u . i i i ! i ii ii i i ii I r- -- hn
One Year for Only One Dollar.
Address Orders to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebr
An Havana, Cuba, cablegram, car
ried by tho Associated Press, says:
General Armando Riva, chief of the
natiorial police, was shot and mortal
ly wounded during a pistol fight in
the most crowded portion of the
prado. General Ernesto Asbert,
governor of Havana province, Sena
tor Vidal Morales and Representa
tive Arias were involved in the fight
ing, which was the outcome of a
raid made by General Riva on the
Asbert club, when a large number
of members were caught gambling.
They were .arrested and sentenced
to pay a heavy fine. General Asbert
complained to President Menocal,
who, it is understood, sustained the
action of the police.
General Riva, while driving with
his two young sons, stopped his car
riage in front of the Asbert club and
caused the arrest of the doorkeeper
for illegally carrying a revolver.
Asbert, Morales and Arias arrived in
an automobile about the same time
and a heated dispute arose. Insults
were exchanged and all alighted, ad
yancing in a threatening manner.
default to perpetual de.fnnH -
fortress. "u IU a
He, however escaped to London.
whore he remained until another am.
nesty permitted his return in 189&
after which he wrote almost dalli
for the ultra-patriotic Patrie
. dispatch from Pittsburg, pa
i: The First-Second NnHnai
says: xne mrst-Second NnHn,i
bank of Pittsburgh, the First Na.
tional bank of McKeesport, a neigh
boring city, the American Water
works and Guarantee company a-d
the banking house of J. S. & W. S
Kuhn, incorporated, of this city
were forced into the hands of re
ceivers, through the failure of the
first named institution to pen its
doors. The closing of tho First
Second National bank was ordered
by the deputy comptroller of tho cur
rency, T. P. Kane, after every effort
had been, made to meet the require
ments as to the legal reserve.
A Money -Making Proposition for
Live Land and Colonization Agents
Wo want good men In every state who have land agencies, or men
Who can organizo land agoncics, to assist us in placing on tho market a
large, nowly-opened tract of land in tho best part of tho south. Wo
havo a strictly honest, business-llko land selling proposition that offers
big money to live, energetic men who aro willing to devote all or part
time. Wo havo tho land, tho soil, tho location and tho very best lnduco
monts to offor homeseokors or Investors. Wo want tho sottlera. Wo
aro prepared to contract for tho sale of this land for colonization pur
poses in tracts of 5,000 acros and upwards. Tho advantages we havo
to offer aro so good, tho prices so low and tho terms so easy that theso
lands find ready salo. Tho location is exceptionally fine. In tho best
region of tho south, and possessing an unexcelled combination of fertilo
soil, unusually favorablo climate, nearness to big markets and best
transportation facilities. Within 15 miles of city of nearly 100,000
peoplo which In closely connected by ocean steamers and railway trunk
lines with tho great market cities of tho north. If you want an allot
ment of this land writo us at onco. Hero is a money-making opportunity
for you, and a chance to sell land that will satisfy tho most critical
buyer. For full information address
Desk C, Commoner Office, Lincoln, Neb,
A breach of promise suit was In
stituted by a woman against Gover
nor Sulzer of New York. The gover
nor has recently broken with Tam
many Hall. In a newspaper inter
view referring to the suit Governor
Sulzer said: "There is nothing to it.
It is a conspiracy and appears to be
fishy. It is Instigated by my politi
cal enemies and is a part of the plot
of Boss Murphy and his political con
spirators to discredit me because
they can not use me for their nefari
ous schemes to loot the state of New
York. I defy them all to do their
worst. Their efforts to injure me
with honest methods is not to be expected."
Dr. E. Arthur Carr, of Lincoln,
was elected, president of the Ne
braska board of health.
10 Beautiful Post
Cards Sent to You
Will you accopt Ten (10) Beautiful Colored Post Car da which I
mall to you without costi
For a short time only, I am giving away Ten Post Cards Free of Cost
with ovory ordor for My Big Packet of 25 Elegant Post Cards at my
qpculnl price of only 25 cents. This packet of cards is extra line, tho
greatest post card bargain ever offered. Think of It, 25 exquisitely colored
cards, no two allko, in beautiful floral and friendship designs, for only 25
cents cards that soil at two for 5 conts in retail stores.
Order this Die Packet at onco at my specinl price of 25 cents (stamps
Walters, Post Card Man, 2245 Vino St., Lincoln, Neb
An Aix Les Bains, France, cable
gram, carried by the Associated
Press, says: Henri Rochefort, for
many years one of the most promi
nent figures in French political life,
died here from a complication of
maiaaies. He was 83 years old.
The real name of Henri Rnnh.
fort was the Marquis Victor Henri de
Rochefort-Lucay and he was the son
of tho Marquis Louis Marie de
Rochefort-Lucay, who was a most
successful author of light plays.
Henri Rochefort was a Parisian
of the Parisians, as he was born in
tho French capital and passed the
greater part of his life the.
He took part In its defense against
the Prussians in 1870-71 as a mem
ber of the government of the na
tional defense, and at other times
worked as a municipal official, as a
uupuiy, as a journalist and as a play
wright. His ardent patriotism often led
him to excesses in the expression of
his opinions and brought him into
conflict with tho law.
In 1871 he was condemned to de
portation and was transported to
Noumea In New Caledonia, whence
he with several companions In capti
vity managed to escano in 1R74. na
to board an American vessel, which
vww. 4m imu u.xo v-umiuuea io oan
He remained there some time be
fore returning to Europe. He was,
however, unable to re-enter his be
loved France until the issue of the
general amnesty in 1880.
Soon afterward ho became a
deputy, but resigned in 1886. He
then took up the cause of Gen. Bou
langer, for which he was brought
before the courts and condemned by
(Continued from Pago 12.)
jority of one, with tho vote of tho
Vice president to fall back on in an
emergency. An absolutely binding
resolution was not adopted, the poll
by individuals being substituted, and
that poll was put only on the ground
of personal promises and was not
made binding. A resolution wa3
adopted, however, declaring the Underwood-Simmons
bill a party meas
ure and urging its undivided support
without amendment unless such
should be submitted by the commit
tee. Senator Newlands of Nevada
cast the only vote against tho reso
lution, but Senators ShafrotU of
Colorado, Ransdeli and. Thornton did
not vote.
The resolution was as follows:
"Resolved, That the tariff bill
agreed to by this conference in its
amended form is declared to bo a
party measure and we urge its un
divided support as a duty by demo
cratic senators without amendment.
Provided, however, that the confer
ence of the finance committee may,
after reference or otherwise, proposo
amendments to the bill."
Old Gotrox (savagely) So you
want to marry my daughter, do you.
Do you think twp can live as cheaply
as one?" t-
Young Softly (slightly embajj
rassed) "I I hardly think you wW
notice any difference, sir. -i urn.
Subscriber jFfrtvcrtisiitflDcpn
This department is for tho benefit , oj
Commoner subscribers, , uuu -, f
rate of six cents a word per sw
tho lowest ratehas been mu u
them. Address all communlcauo
Tho Commoner, Lincoln. NebrasKa.
POR 25o will send receipt for maWg
r your own puro halcinff pow
cheaper than you can buy it.
Wyman, Sespo, Cal.
1720 Colorado
Denver, Colo.
A Savings Account
with this hank draws interest' rt
FOUR PER CENT, compounder
semi-annually. The earning : power,
together .with tho PROTECTION
AGAINST LOSS insured under iu
makes tho investment one wu
cannot be excelled. BOOKLET and
GUARANTY LAW sent on regu
M. G. Haskell, Pres., Musttgec,OW
ijjM.luy'.rfu&iHt&M- fr (HJuJmGMtl