"7 Tw JULY 11, 1913 would have the right "freely to as sail" the arrangement. In presenting the plan to the court today Mr. Loomis said: "This Is the third plan for disso lution, and is offered as a substitute for previous plans. It differs from the others in the provision for the sale of $88,000,000 worth of stock through a trustee under direction of the court. It also provides a speedier method of securing the certificates of stock. "The previous plans contemplated the completion of the dissolution in live years. By throwing restrictions about the use of the stock certificates this plan will make it possible to complete the dissolution by Jan. 1, 1916." LVGERSOLL'S DENUNCIATION OP ALCOHOL In a speech delivered before a jury in a liquor case the late Robert G. ingersoll said: I am aware that there is a preju dice against any man who manufac tures alcohol. I believe that from the time it issues from the coiled and poisonous worms in the distil lery until It empties Into the jaws of death, dishonor and crime, it de moralizes everybody that touches it, from its source to where it ends. I do not believe anybody can contemp late the object without being pre judiced against the liquor crime. All we have to do, gentlemen, "is to think of the wrecks on oither bank of the stream of death, of the sui cides, of the insanity, of the ignor ance, of the destitution, of the little children tugging at the faded and withered breast of weeping and de spairing mothers, of wives asking for bread, of the men of genius it has wrecked, the men struggling with imaginary serpents, produced by this devilish thing; and when you think of the jails, of the alms-houses, of the asylums, of the prisons, of the scaffolds upon either bank, I do not wonder that every thoughtful man is prejudiced against this damned stuff called alcohol. Intem perance cuts down youth in its vigor, manhood in its strength, old age in its weakness. It breaks the father's heart, bereaves the doting mother, extinguishes natural affection, erases conjugal love, blots out filial attach ment, blights parental hopes, brings down mourning age in sorrow to the grave. It produces weakness, not life. m It makes wives widows; chil dren' orphans; fathers fiends, and all of them paupers and beggars. It feeds rheumatism, invites cholera, imports pestilence and embraces con sumption. It covers the land with idleness, misery, crime. It fills your jails, supplies your almshouses and demands your asylums. It engenders controversies, fosters quarrels and cherishes riots. It crowds your penitentiaries and furnishes ' victims for your scaffold. It is the life blood of the gambler, the element of the burglar, the prop of the highwayman and support of tho midnight incendiary. It coun tenances the liar, respects the thief, estcoms the blasphemer. It violates obligation, reverences fraud and honors infamy. It defames benev olence, hates love, scorns virtue and slanders innocence. It incites the father to bitcher his helpless off spring, helps the husband to mas sacre his wife and the child to grind the patricidal ax. It burns up men, consumes women, detests life, curses God, despises heaven. It suborns tvwitnesses, nurses perjury, defiles the jury box and stains judicial er mine. It degrades the citizen, de bases the legislator, dishonors the statesman and disarms the patriot. It brings shame, not honor; misery, not safety; despair, not hope; mis ery, not happiness, and with the malevolence of a fiend it calmly sur veys its frightful desolation and un- The Commoner, satiated havoc. It poisons felicity, kills peace, ruins morals, blights con fidence, slays reputations, and wipes out national honor, then curses the world and laughs at its ruin. It does all that and more. It murders tho soul. It is the sum of all villainies, the father of all crimes, the mother of all abominations, the devil's best friend and God's worst enemy. RIUTII OP THE FLAG Truth-searching historians do not all admit that Betsy Ross made tho first American flag, but such is the popular belief. Tho story goes that in June, 1776, General Washington, accompanied by Robert Morris and George Robs, called at the little up holstery shop on Arch street, Phila delphia, whore Mrs. Ross and her husband were carrying on a small business. They asked her if she could make a flag and upon her answer that she could they pro duced a rough sketch of the banner which the United States were des tined to adopt. Little did these men realize that during the centuries to come tho same flag, with the addi tion of a star for each state, would wave over the land. With the feminine eye for grace Li and' symmetry, Betsy Ross Immedi ately noticed that tho stars of tho sketch were six pointed, and sug gested using five pointed stars in stead. Dexterounlv nlm ftninnnri nnf a five pointed star just to show thoi incredulous gentlemen how easily it could be done. Tho latter agreed it was by far superior to the six pointed stai General Washington hastily changed the skotch and tho three gentlemen left with instruc tions to Mrs. Ross to make the flag. In duo time they roturned to wit ness the cutting of tho last star and to marvel at the beauty of tho flag and the skill with which It was put together. It Is evidently this stage of the proceedings that Mr. Ferris has portrayed General Washington in his buff and blue uniform, forget ful for the moment of the all-Important flag, the other gentlemen in solomn contemplation of the finish ing touches, and Betsy Ross flushed with excitement at tho triumph al most accomplished. The artist, J. L. G. Ferris, is a lover of everything colonial, a de vout student of early American his tory. He paints all of his pictures from a thorough knowledge of the details and attendant circumstances. Mr. Ferris comes naturally by this partiality for colonial subjects, for ho was born in Philadelphia "Tho Cradle of Liberty," In 1863. Ho inherited his lovo of painting not only from his father, who was an artist of noto, but from his mother, a sister of Thomas, Edward and Petor Mornn. Studying first at homo under the direction of his father and in tho Pennsylvania acad emy of fine arts, ho went abroad to paint from nature In Spain and Mo rocco. He next went to Paris where ho worked under Bougerau and I. L. Jerome. After a few years he returned, however, to the study of American historical subjects, to which he has ever since devoted his time. Today he is rightly called tho greatest painter of colonial subjects. PA'S AGONY Little Minnie "Oh, mama, what's that dreadful noise?" Mama "Hush, darling, papa's trying to save the price of a shave." Puck. Landlady "Will you take tea or coffee?" Boarder "Whichever you call it." London Opinion. fcutacgtr Service- The Big Feature! A man asked me tho other day why the Cartercar used the gearless transmission instead of tho ordinary gear drive. This man didn't know anything about tho Cartercar and when I told him that the reason was because the gearless transmission gave better service, he said, "I am from Missouri." So I took him out and demonstrated the un limited speeds the one lever control and then drovo the car right up the steepest hill ho knew about, and his eyes were opened. When he saw what the Cartercar would do ho said that he would never have believed it until he saw for himself And that's just the way with a lot of people, perhaps including yourself. You do not believe that a transmission without any gears at all can give as good service and you are not curious enough to try to find out. Now I ask you in fact, challenge you to find any car, no matter what price, that can come out on the road and follow me in a Cartercar. I say that the Cartercar is in a class by itself, and I can prove it and you bo the judge. That's fair isn't it it costs you nothing to send for a catalog and find out and I will send you the name of our nearest agent who will gladly give you a demonstration. B Harry R Radford, Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Cartercar Company Pontiac, Michigan 1 1 "-, nl