TT TT qri- yp&p$ JULY 4 1913 The Commoner. plication was granted. The news was brought to him then by Aasltant United States District Attorney Harry Parkin, who opposed the re duction in court. GENUINE Robert Henri, the "well known artist of New York, was laughing about an art hoax that had been practiced in Paris on an American millionaire. "Millionaires of that type are so easily hoaxed," he said. "They are so ignorant of art. "I heard recently of an elderly millionaire, who was taking his beautiful young wife abroad to have her portrait painted. " 'But why don't you try home talent?' someone asked him. " 'Oh,' he answered. 'We've tried home talent in vain. Now we're go ing over to see what the genuine old masters can do.' " St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A NEAT DIFFERENTIATION Senator Lodge, at a dinner in the Back Bay' district of Boston, indi cated very neatly the difference be tween a statesman and a politician. "A statesman," he said, "thinks of the next generation; a politician of the next election." Madge "Who helped you make such a fool out of that poor young man?" Marjorie "He did." Judge. TOBACCO HABIT BANISHED III 48 tO 72 HOUrS ic'Jnwtyoakivyt&rC ricarant. easy to take. Results quick, Bure, bating. No craving for tobaccojn any form after first doao. Notagub Etitute. Harmless, no polsonoualiabit forming drugs. Sat Isfactory results Euarantcodlncvcrycaso or money refnnd cd. Tobacco Redeemer la tho only absolotely scientific and thoroughly dependable tobacco remedy ever discor ed, Write for free booklet and positive proof. Newell Pharrnacal CcDest. 48 St Levis, Mf If it is a Lehr if is Sanitary. Use Lchr Troughs' and un nwny with theuiiBiuilUiryniHl (liscaso - breeding w ,oden troughs. with out scnms or joints. Last n lifetime A postal brings full particulars. Address Dopt. "C". The Lchr Agricultural Company, Fremont, Ohio. 13 MfitoS35Hf9sn?5u5Bi It In the 1ck policy holder' cora pnuy In. the United State. ASSETS, $6,200,000 TTventy-flvc years old. Writ The Old Line Bankers Life Lincoln, Nebraska MUIR'S SALVORUS UV&& 3 having back-nche, weak i erves, wnlc heart, etc; it is a special remedy, it cures most and injures none; a ten days' trial Mc, six weeks' treatment $2.00: an abundant supply for 6.00. May bo had at &OZ Jio. th St., Lincoln, Nob., ot 1. H. Mulr, 31. ., aBraduatooftho UnivcnJty of Michigan. In mcdl clno and surgery. May consult by mall. Orders promptly fllli-d. CANCER JfltEE TJREATJBE Tha Tnl K.inntnrliim. Indian- apolls, Ind.. lias pulillshed a booklet wlijch gives imcresung lacia auoui mo cauau oi irftm-ur, ui&u tviu what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc Write lor it today, mentioning tblspapcr, DDflPCV TKEATEI), usually gives quick n.ui9 rej0fand soon removes all sTclling and short breath. Trial- treatment sent ITree. Dr. H. H. Greens Sens, Box N. Atlanta. Ga. PATENTS build fortunes for you. Our free booklet tells how, and whit tn invent for nroflt. Bankers and manufacturers references. Terms icasouablc. D. SWIFT & CO. 351 Seventh Street, WASHINGTON, P. C. JP A TENTS "SSSHSSS" 1-reo report as to 1 atcntablllty llliutitrted Guide Book, and List ot Inventions Wanted, tent Jrec Vicluit J. KVAHS A CO., W ashinjjton. D. a PATENTS T7atse E. ColenaH Patent Lawyer.Wiwblnglon, Tl n 1 .lirlytt anil hnnVil f rPA. nates reasonable. ntabest references. BestBexvlcaa Mtoi &HAY rEVEE, REMEDY sent by oxproBB to you on Fre TrUL If It cures send $1 ; if not, don't. Give express office. Write today. XHS81 Poplar at. Bidney.Ohio A BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE Kankakee, 111., May 31, 1913. Dear Mr. Bryan: So many of tho readers of The Commoner havo asked me to send the enclosed "ora tion" to the Homo Department of Tho Commoner. It Is such as un usual and beautiful tribute on such an unusual subject that so many have asked me the last day or two to send it to Tho Commoner. The oration was delivered at tho graves, or rather, at the Ilinois state reformatory's burying ground, where there are something like 110 inmates burled, and where they sleep is in the southwest corner of the ceme tery of tho city of Pontiac, 111. The speech has been delivered before last Thursday, by the same speaker at tho .Toilet prison's ground. I had that one in my possession, so it saves me the trouble to rewrite from my shorthand report, for it is identi cal with what was said at Pontiac. Respectfully, MRS. JAMES McENIRY. 403 Water St., Kankakee, 111. Tho Inglorious Dead The following unique and pathetic speech was delivered Thursday even ing, May 29, 1913, by M. M. Des mond, who with his family and a few friends visited the reformatory's burying ground. By the request of his friends he gave voice to this tri bute, which we think too good and tender to allow it to perish. Mr. Desmond said: "Shunned by tho living and sepa rated from the resting places of the honored dead, this spot is certainly tho saddest, lonliest spot in all this region. Yet here, if nowhere else, the dead are equal. No proud monu ments or saintly epitaphs are seen, but plain white boards with black lettering, suggestive of the markings of sin on tho one clean lives. A name which, perhaps, tho sleeper's father never heard, a number telling all the dishonor, and below, tho du ration and end of the earthly pil grimage. Nothing more. "Here, no flags wave,no cannon boom, and no throngs of fellow citi zens come to pay their annual tri bute. But forest trees unfurl the flag of all nations, a solitary bird trilling in the distance and a cricket chirping in the grass relievo the awful hush; and the sun ever rising on the evil and on the good, pours a flood of glory over the dreary spot. No tolling Lell, no eulogy or chant or plumed hearse is needed at these funerals. No mother's tears ever dropped into these graves. "In far away fields and gardens, where some who lie here spent a happy childhood, the flowers they loved have bloomed and withered many years; but not a petal has ever been wafted to this lonely abode. "One here is faithful to the last. Dear old Mother Nature receives her sinful children and hides them in her bosom, until at the command of her God and theirs she must deliver! them up. "In the stillness of the night, the yearning heart of many a mother goes abroad in search of the boy who has forgotten to write home. Through city and forest, over prairie and ocean it roams; but never does that heart pause at the prison bury ing ground. "Hero lies a mere child laid low In dishonor; and here, one -in the very pride and strength of maturity. And here can it be possible? Twenty-one, twenty, nineteen, eighteen years of age boys, mere boys. "Where were their fathers, moth ers, teachers, preachers, the humane societies, when the whirlpool caught tho careless young feet? I stand aghast. Is this next a phantom record? Here is the name of a youth now living in Pontiac and just be ginning to tamper with sin. How will he fight? Will it be a lost battle, that conflict with tho powers of dark ness? Single handed and nlono tho boy is fighting, soinotimcs bravely. Thero aro passions, appetites and en vironments which hold him with a stronger grip than any hand-cuffs that may come later. "Tho people whoso flag waves so proudly over its own dend is in league against him; for do thoy not deliver him, soul and body, to the rum fiend, which has power to kill and to cast him into a drunkard's grave? Or perhaps, bo tho cause of putting him behind tho bars yonder, where maybo ho might gain a silont victory and be placed here In a wln dowless palace to rest. God only knows. "Within here all aro laid in such a way that in rising, their opening oyes will fall upon tho 'Lord appear ing in tho east;' but, oh, what a meeting! Will not tho pitiful judge remember their weakness and let tho curso fall aslant upon society that allows the stuff to be sold that sends behind walls directly or indirectly, 90 per cent of tho inmates of prisons. "We hope for tho best. Sin is sin, an'd God is holy. Shunned by the liv ing and separated from tho honored dead, here they will sleep until awakened by that summons from which there is no escape, to apepar at that court whenco thero is no appeal." BOOKS RECEIVED In the Vanguard. Katrina Trask. The Macmlllan Co., Now York. Ofllco Training for Stenographers. By Rupert P. SoRelle, author of the "Expert Shorthand Speed Course." Joint author of "Rational Typewrit ing," "Words," Etc. Tho Gregg Publishing Co., Chicago and New York. Making the Farm Pay. By C. C. Bowsfleld. Published by Forbes & Co., 443 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Price $1.00. Tyrone Power. By William Win ter. Moffat, Yard & Co., New York. Price, $1.25, net. Postage, 12 cents. ''Vvt sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbI I WssWR tlivitiltm -y fJm fr u. asss1ssssssss lf!ftma"i t t Ji1''BSJBvBsKiasLiSissr'sBPssssrsssssssss K 3mSSs9HsSSSS. SSSSSSSSSSS) THE GREAT SANITARY LINE While Tllr-I.lMcil CnHoplcH, Hunt-Proof LI it I ii km ICHHiurled Dirt 'Vrtnyn wake A-B Gas Ranges "An Kwy to CIcnit tin a China Piute" A-B STOVE COMPANY Uattlc Creek, Mlcb. JIAI.Ii I1UOH. CO., Aierntn 1517 O HI., Lincoln, Neb. MEN'S 12 SIZE THIN MODEL WATCH. 17 JEWELS. ADJUSTED. hxikuis, KLuin, iiAmrocn or wauham caovaoMBi. nimnvm tecursu. V)on roMitraU cjuc, Kutrmntead 2S ; nsravcu, socio am l- torn!. pUJn imlulwd or your ntobocraia H esrmtu niiy... upnir ur croi oi tut A roro tuu vmii mur r umm M ptiiopmtKt ima mxjii, At oar , BPttui tutm ptum i !., an , taomxnn mrnimq i, w t watcBfcubO ruoeumU"i MM WOfM. IMBl Wfl(l OS i 30 CDEX TDIfll Days " nini. THEN J2.&0 A MONTH TRS DlwneM KJMKS 1 era U ttmaci I-oftU "ftrft- moonUMM. rViat rMuawUtadU1 ' nli. SlM)T VKttilA: W.flflli dawB.uHutcm fl vio4 in to wli t nul uooiroU, Mjbl nouUUr. Kant jMrp14 oapproral. Writ for .owrrMCaUlotf. LOFTIS BROS. A CO..Jewfrs &.- HCn lAftfjhltflfff ffli.l. Us .( u 640 64 942 S29 ,5a $75' The1 Ke4 cm at AM 43 10O yN. N75 Aurulul HlMnl A Savings Account with this hank dravs interest at FOUR PER CENT, compounded semi-annually. The earning power, together with tho PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS insured under tho i OKLAHOMA GUARANTY LAW ' makes tho investment ono which cannot ho excelled. BOOKLET and GUARANTY LAW sent on request. GUARANTY STATE BANK . I M. G, IfaNkell, Prcs.f Muftkogcc,OkJa. A Money -Making Proposition for Live Land and Colonization Agents Wo want good men in every stato who havo land aprcnclcB, or men who can organize land agencies, to assist us in placing on tho market a large, newly-opened tract of land in the best part of the south. Wo havo a strictly honest, business-like land selling proposition that offers big money to live, energetic men who arc willing to devote all or part time. Wo havo tho land, the soli, tho location and the very best induce ments to offer homeseelcers or investors. Wo want the settlers. Wo aro prepared to contract for the salo of this land for colonization pur poses in tracts of 5,000 acres and upwards. The advantages wo havo to offer aro so good, the prices so low and the terms so easy that theso lands find ready sale. Tho location is exceptionally fine. In the best region of tho south, and possessing an unexcelled combination of fertile soil, unusually favorable climate, nearfiess to big markets and best transportation facilities. Within 15 miles of city of nearly 100,000 peoplo which is closely connected by ocean steamers and railway trunk lines with tho great market cities of the north. If you want an allot ment of this land write ufc at once. Here Is a money-making opportunity for you, and a chanco to sell land that will satisfy tho most critical buyer. For full information addresu Desk C. Commoner Office, Lincoln, Neb, I y i; 1 . 'M ,