'nqrw' I; The Commoner 14 VOLUME 13, NUMBER 2f w I'X T r I'i I ffii 19 fl Ml Woman Suffrage in Illinois Evon tho oppononts of tho woman suffrage bill that has passed tho 1111- ,j& nols legislature to say nothing of tho uenovoiont aouoierB, muy jum m iu congratualtions offered by tho jubi lant supporters of equal suffrage to tho devoted, earnest, Intelligent and efllclont group of workers who achieved so remarkable and unex poctod a victory at Springfield. That tho victory is groat needs no demon strating or omphasizing. Tho cap turo of so "pivotal" and important a state as Illinois by tho ballot-seeking ing statement: It Is fine that women haVo been given tho vote in Illinois very fine. If women want to vote they should bo ablo to. I am for anything that means progression and I want to got ahead. Now that a few women have worked so hard and secured tho ballot wo must stand by them and appear 'it the polls. I have not definitely decided whether I shall cast a' vote or not, but I think it is quito likely that I shall in fact I am sure I shall when tho time comes. Women are going to have their hands full, but they certainly women is a historic event that will I have been educated up to intelligent ovorshadow tho dofeats in Michigan and "Wisconsin last year. That it was unexpected to many of the best ob servers of legislative ups and downs, ahd oven to some of tho women who took an actlvo part In tho campaign at tho capital, is a fact that no can did person will care to dispute. This legislature is what it is; that a measure conferring full statutory suffrago on women would como out of it at tho oloventh hour, and that tho grant would bo complete and un qualified not oven a referendum string being attached few had ven tured to predict or dream of. All the groater, therefore, is tho victory of those whoso eloquence, persistence, onthuslasm and faith brought about tills astonishing result. The news will, of course, en courage and cheer tho women en listed In tho suffrago movoment in very part of tho world. It should and may contribute to tho abandon ment of futile and fatal militancy in Groat Britain. What tho women of I Illinois havo accomplished they have accomplished in a way that 1b as ' creditable to thorn as it is to the - newest" legislative converts. What woman suffrage will do for politico, public morals and govern- innt Is a question upon which no Men and women will continue to differ thereon, and differ honestly and tolerantly, until time and ex- citizenship. Of course, I have been very comfortable during tho twenty five years that I have been married and at homo, but, nevertheless, I am very glad to think that women have been given a chance to show what they can do and now we can wait and watch results." MRS. McCORMICK'S STATEMENT Following Is a special dispatch to tho St. Louis Times: Springfield, 111., June 12. Limited suffrage for the women of Illinois was virtually assured today, following the an nouncement of Governor Dunne that ho would sign the suffrage bill, which passed the lower house of tho as sembly yesterday afternoon. It pre viously had passed the senate. "I will sign the bill with great pleasure," said Governor Dunne, "unless there should bo a' well- grounded objection as to its consti tutionality. This I do not expect. I have favored woman suffrago for many years, although it was not part of our platform last fall." The voto of the measure., in the house was, 83 to 58. It gives women the right to vote for president and all municipal officers, but denies them the ballot for governor, mem bers of the assembly and all state offices which are provided in the state constitution. Tho vlornrv nf "vnfon fnr wnmon" perience end the controversy. But waa hailed todav jis ennnh-mnlHm? it takes no preternatural acuteness bv Mra. Medill Mr.finrmioir. r nf th v . , .V..y WMW -W vw is of vital importance to the suffrage cause. "In order to meet this responsi bility tho Illinois women already have made detailed plans that will be put Into immediate operation. Tho plan is to educate women not only along political questions of the day, but along tho lines of all sorts of civic betterment. It io in this field that tho women are now ready to do tho most effective work, for municipal regulation is housekeeping on a large scale. "For almost 50 years the women have been lobbying for a suffrage bill before the legislature. The prac tice has been to meet all arguments with laughter and shrugs of the shoulders, intimating that the sub ject was too ludicrous even to dis cuss. This year, however, the wo man's lobby, consisting of Mrs. Grace Wilber Trout, Mrs. Sherman Booth and Mrs. Antonette Funk, has met with nothing but serious con sideration and courtesy." "I am quoting the lobby accurate ly when I say that they have not had a single pledge broken by any mem ber of tho senate or house. In answer to the statement made here that tho better class of women will not voto, I shall go into a few of the details of our plan. "A special committee on organi zation, representing all the suffrage associations in the state, is to bo ap pointed within the next 10 days. Its purpose will be to organize a non- political educational league in every1 precinct and ward of the cities, mak ing a unit of the congressional dis trict. Speakers will be supplied by a speaker's bureau to address meet ings held at stated intervals through out the state. "Through this organization we feel confident that the result of the first municipal election will demonstrate conclusively that the so-called 'mi nority' was justified in its fight for suffrage." You May Now Test This WnmWi.,1 r......l Invention In Your Own Home. Write forni.' You ask, can wo prove Oxybon will euro yourniu uiuuu. nu uuui uuuiuiwu piuui. write inr It but, hotter still, acoopt our offer and tot Oxybon itsolf in your own homo. WHAT IS OXYBON? Oxybon la n fdentlQc luitru- tnont mat floods tho body with vital, llfn-etvlne oxygen, that phrlflos tho blood and restore vigorous circulation. Itrellovci In an astonishingly short time nil mannorot acuta and chronic Irrtlllil.. If tml ftllfT.F with .n. ftilmont, we will loan you an Oxybon can bt. carried Oxybon to try for thirty days. the pocket ready for Wrlto us at onco for our great ueeanvtime.anywhm, offer. Give Oxyln a chance to euro you. Its cffocU often ... twill. A7Ij .. n mi .!.. THE OXYBON COMPANY (Not Inc.) I Sulto 1059 208 N. Fifth Avo., Chicago, III. MUIR'S SALVORUS k'SSS .-?. having back-acho, weak nerves, weak heart, etc.; It is a special remedy, it cures most and injures nono; a ton days trial COc, sir weeks' treatment $2.00; an abundant supply for $5.00. May bo had at '02 No, 27th St., Lincoln, Neb., of I. 11. Alulr, M. I)., a graduate of tho Univo sity or Michigan, lu incdi clno and surKery. May consult by mall. Ordcrj promptly filled. j4yiivUri I CANCER FREE TREATISE Tho Leach Sanatorium, Indian- anolls. Ind.. has published a booklet which kIvm Interesting facts about tho causo ol'Canccr, also tells what to do (or pain, bleodiner, odor, otc, Writo lor It today, mentioning this paper. RROPSY TREATED, usually Rives quick gjitwa roliofandspon removes all swclllnc and ghort breath. Trial trcatmentsentFrco. Dr. H. H. Greens Sens, Box N, Atlanta. 6a. PB9dH Conquered at Int. gSrilSgft Write for Proof ot 9'BSr' Gums. Advice free. DR. CHASE'S BLOOD AND NEB VE TABLETS Does it. D. CHASE. 224 North Xt St., Philadelphia. Pa to perceive that the women who do mnnd tho ballot for tho bettor pro tection of tholr interest and tho larger opportunity for service are surely and by no means slowly carry ing stronghold after stronghold. A social revolution is occurring before our eyes, a revolution that can not fall profoundly to affect modern so ciety. The leaders of the movement fully recognize that every fresh vic tory Increases their solemn responsi bility and tho duty of making woman suffrage a potent factor for righte ousness and efficiency in government. Chicago Record-Herald. I BARGAIN OFFER ! I for Limited Time to New or Renewing Subscribers 3 I TTTlTTTTTT SEf 1 il h 1 m j ; I I Mil if fi ! W 1 MRS. HARRISON CONGRATU LATES Mrs. Carter Harrison, wife of the mayor of Chicago, issued tho follow- actlve lobbyists for the bill. .Today sho was busy with plans for the "love feast" for the assembly mem bers and the press Friday night. Mrs. McCormick, daughter of Mark Hanna, was the founder of the homo for working girls in Washington, and was associated with Mrs. William Howard Taft anad Miss Anne Mor gan in founding tho women's branch of tho national civic federation. "Tho action of the Illinois legis lature in granting woman suffrago is epoch-making, for it is the first state east of tho Mississippi to tako that action," said Mrs. McCormick. "It gives women the voto for presidential electors as well as for all munici pal officers. Tho women of Illinois now feel tho tremendous responsi bility put upon them. Our success SWING LASH ON BREWER Associated Press dispatch: Kansas City, Mo., May 5. -P. H. Nolan of New York, chairman of the congres sional committee of the National Liquor Dealers' association, was un sparing in his criticism of the brew ers in an addess yesterday before a meeting of 300 Kansas City saloon men. "The average brewer, in a mad desire for wealth, Is careless of pub lic RfiTlHmpnf " tin enU TT U respect for law, regulation or public decency. He buys a church window for $100 and then assumes a sancti monious attitude. His business is to corrupt public officials that ho may thrive. Get your own leases on property. Don't let tho brewer own you body and soul. "I'll give $5,000 to charltv If T can not prove that 95 per cent of the A Savings Account with this bank draws interest at FOUR PER CENT, compounded semi-annually. The earning power, together with the PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS insured under the OKLAHOMA GUARANTY LAW makes the investment one which cannot be excelled. BOOKLET and GUARANTY LAW sent on request. GUARANTY STATE BANK M. G. Haskell, Prcs., Muskogee.Okla. franeHP Lockstitch AwlBcm Bhoea, hvffi' ??& m withlockatitoh like sowing machine. hrfffiX Waxed Thread free. Stampa token. Snap lor a W. A. MacKenzie, 123 Lloyd Building. St. Louis, Mo. Doos not chafe, overbed or draw end ol itump Send lor uawius. Erickson Leg Arms, i Crutches, Stockings, SOLD ON EASY TERMS. K. II, Hrlekion ArtUtUI Umb Oo UspuXUabfiMirj giiuia AT.no.,nuiHBpBuj,uuiH. in neciu. Tk o a .Im nr1 hOOKS Ire Bates riMOQAbla. BIshMtntamiMh JBivia PATENTS PA TENTS BESSSS5ffiK" Freo report as to Patentability Illustrated Quid v v VD1 Wuv uj. me Book, and List of Inventions wnnica, !ui. , saloons in Kansas Citv. n mmri victim j. kvans co., waahinKton.D.0. j m m m w " V -t Dy tno Droweries. The brewers of mo united states are the advance agents of prohibition. By shipping liquor Into dry territory they offend uuDiio conscience. I hope Kansas City some day will rid itself of the influence of the parasites. They are a menace to society." I. J. Bauer of St. Louis said he be lieved that 600 "lid clubs" existed in St Louis, and an equal number of drug stores in Kansas City sold liquor umawiuuy. Subscriber' mwMW Dcpt. THE COMMONER m THRICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, both One Year for Only One Dollar. UNFIT Sh"Wby do yu work so hard?" Ho "I am too nervous to steal " Cornell Widow. This department Is for the oneflt : of Commoner subscribers, and a fPe.c"" rate of six cents a word per insertion tho lowest rate has been mad,e ror them. Address all communications w The Commoner, Uncoln. Nobrasua. AGENTS WANTED Fire extlnffulsh ers. chemical engines, hook ana interior trunks, flre tioso ana C. H. Sutphen, Columbus, Ohio. reels NEVER EVEN TEPID "Havo you hot water In house?" "Have I? My dear bov. never out of it" Baltimore Amori- 17 OR SALE An Ideal dairy or tocK r ranch near Nampa, Idaho. 20C acres all in oultivaUon; well equipped, ana buIldlhM. For particulars, address, R. B. Green, Nampa, iaaaa tl'i'fil ' ill I I A KM? I 1 wSM. 1" aP'" '! (B ftyuitl'JBi VIUA.