The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 13, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner.
News of the Week
The Missouri stato supremo court
discharged William R. Nelson, owner
of the Kansas City Star In the con
tempt proceedings brought against
Jilm in tho Jackson county circuit
court. The decision of the supremo
court was unanimous. Tho court
hold tho article published in the Star
contemptuous, but ordered Mr. Nel
son discharged from contempt solely
on the ground that Circuit Judge
Guthrie prepared his opinion the
night before tho trial for contempt.
, Jack Johnson, tho negro prize
fighter, was sentenced by the federal
court at Chicago to one year in tho
penitentiary and a fine of one thous
and dollars. Ho has boon convicted
of violation of the Mann white slave
Henry Gassaway Davis, demo
cratic vice presidential candidate in
lOO'l, was painfully, although not
seriously injured by being thrown
from his horse.
A Patterson, N. J., dispatch says:
'Alexander Scott, editor of the Pas
saic "Weekly Issue, was placed on
trial hero under an indictment
charging him with publishing inflam
matory statements and cartoons re
garding tho manner in which the
police have dealt with the silk strike
here. A jury was completed. At
Jersey City Vice Chancellor Steven
son denied tho Injunction sought by
the proprietors o two public halls in
Paterson against tho Paterson
authorities, who recently closed the
buildings to meetings of silk strikers.
poration, saying that in tho early
days of the steel industry It was sup
posed that pools were legal Three
years ago pools of wire manufactur
ers were broken up by the govern
ment under the law and their mem
bers indicted and fined. The opinion,
Judge Gary said, came from the files
of Washburn, Moon & Co., of Wor
cester, Mass., one of the concerns
which participated in one of the wire
pools of the early nineties and for
whom, ho said, Senator Hoar acted
as attorney.
Tho Bulgarian
cabinet has re-
An Epsom, England cablegram,
carried by tho United Press, says:
Miss Elizabeth Davison, thirty-five,
a London suffraget, rushed out on
Epsom downs course and seized An
mer by the bridle as King George's
entry in the historic dorby was
rounding Tattenham corner. Horse
and rider, Jockey Jones, fell on her
and she was so badly trampled that
those who picked her up thought her
dead. When doctors had worked
over her many minutes, Miss Davi
son showed signs of life, and she was
rushed to a hospital, where it was
said she was seriously and probably
fatally injured. A few days later
Miss Davison died as a result of her
Chris Von Der Ahe, famous base
ball magnate, is dead.
W. G. Lee, of Cleveland, was re
elected grand president of the
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
at tho convention in San Francisco.
Chief Justice Andrew A. Adams,
of the Indiana appellate court, has
tendered his resignation, to take
effect September 1.
A Milwaukee dispatch to the New
iYork World says: "Jf you were my
husband I'd give you poison," and "If
you were my wife I'd tako it." This
old vaudovillo quip found a victim in
Julius Jeswein, thirty-four, for Jes
wein laughed for sixteen consecutive
hours after hearing it. Jeswein at
tended a show in a downtown theatre
recently and when the "if you were
my husband" funnicism camo along
lie almost had a fit. Ho let out a
roar mac snooic the buildinc Tho nimrloa TUdwnrd Tiiisaftn fi,Q .
,, w - -w .-, .,,. wswv tUV ..
canouseu audience imagined it would mous writer, hns hoc.n p.hnann n fh
cease, but it did not. Jeswein kept socialist candidate for mayor of New
In the case of William M. Wood,
president of the American Woolen
company; Frederick A. Atteaux and
Dennis J. Collins, charged with
"planting" dynamite during the
Lawrence textile strike, Wood was
acquitted, but the jury disagreed as
to tho guilt o Atteaux. Collins,
who turned state's evidence, was
found guilty on two counts and not
guilty on tho four other counts of
the indictment.
on laughing until the act was forced
to discontinue. Jeswein was re
monstrated with, but kept right on
laughing. Finally it was soon that
he could not stop and ho was re
moved to a hospital. There, although
the physicians did everything in their
power, Jeswoin still laughed for
hours and could not stop for a
second. Finally morphine injections
wore given and still he laughed.
More narcotics were administered,
but the echoing sound of his wailing
and oxhausted vocals still strained
into mirth continued until he became
60 weakened that death may result.
York city.
Samuel Gompers has undergone a
second operation. He is, however,
in a good condition.
Rev. C. A. Briggs, widely known
as a Presbyterian minister, who in
1892 was charged with heresy, died
at his home in New York.
. An Associated Press dispatch from
New York says: Evidence that the
lato Senator George F. Hoar of
Massachusetts, who framed tho Sher
man anti-trust law, wrote an opinion,
one year after its enactment, which
held that steel manufacturers who
entorcd pool agreements to fix prices,
regulate output and divide profits
could not bo convicted under tho law,
camo to light recently in the hearings
of the government's dissolution suit
against 'the United States steel cor
poration. The opinion, written in
1891, at the request of wire manu
facturers who proposod to form such
a pool, was put in evidence by attor
neys for the corporation in connec
tion with the testimony of Judge
Elbert Gary, chairman of the cor-
An Associated Press dispatch from
Seward, Alaska, says: All the vol
canoes along the Alaska peninsula
and adjacent islands, as far to the
westward as Unimak rmss. nro in
eruption, emitting flame and dense
volumes of smoke. News of their
activity was brought by the mail
steamer Dora, which arived from her
monthly voyage to Dutch harbor.
Mount Shishaldin. on Unimnlr lainnri
was shooting flames high into the air
and Mounts Pavlof and McCushion
were smoking when the steamer
passed them. Mount Katami. which
was in violent eruption just a year
ago and covered fertile Kodiak
island with a thick layer of ashes, is
sending up a great column of smoke,
filling the heavens with a' haze dis
cornable at Seward. Redoubt Ilamna
and St. Augustine, volcanoes on the
west side of Cook inlet, are showing
unusual signs of activity, smoke in
great volume pouring out of their
- -
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Address Orders to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
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I am offering for sale 400 acres of good farm land in Perkins
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