The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 13, 1913, Image 1

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The Commoner.
VOL. 13, NO. 23
Lincoln, Nebraska, June 13, 1913
Whole Number 647
A Simple Plan for Peace
Some of the paragraphers who have had so
much to say about "grape juice diplomacy," will
be interested in an editorial printed in the
Washington (D. C.) Times of June 2nd. That
editorial follows:
"Grape-juice diplomacy has its good points,
entirely aside from its publicity value. Nino
nations have sent word to Secretary Bryan that
they are interested in his world-peace plan by
which differing nations are to agree to stop,
look, listen, and have their troubles impartially
investigated before either party will start war.
That is about as far as practical men hope to
get at present toward permanent peace guaran
tees. It is a good deal more than the Taft ad
ministration accomplished with its treaties look
ing to a like general result. Mr. Bryan is get
ting on. He looks like a man destined to
achieve the greatest diplomatic triumph of his
These same paragraphers may be interested
in the following Associated Press dispatch:
"Washington, D. C, June 5. Secretary Bryan
today announced that Germany, Bolivia and
Argentina had so far approved his proposal for
universal peace as to ask for tentative drafts
of the treaties. With these additions the list
of nations have undertaken to consider the pro
posal favorably reaches thirteen."
Later- The new republic of China later joined
the general chorus.
The Chicago Record-Herald in its issue of
June. 4th, prints this editorial:
"A word is in order as to the evolution of the
simple yet great Bryan 'peace plan,' with its
provision for investigation and reasonable de
lay. It was a prominent feature of the Taft
'unlimited arbitration treaties.' Credit for that
feature was publicly rendered to Mr. Bryan by
President Taft, the latter having taken it, with
pleasure and appreciation, from a speech made
by the former in London. The Taft treaties
having been emasculated by the senate and
shelved by Secretary Knox, Mr. Bryan, on suc
ceeding that gentleman, conceived the idea of
separating the investigation feature from the
arbitration scheme and dealing with it in a dis
tinct treaty. It was a happy idea, and its suc
cess, now apparently assured, will mean much
to peace and civilization. That it will indirectly
help the cause of arbitration is tolerably clear."
The New York World, in its issue of June 2nd,
prints this: "It was the privilege of our new
secretary of state, Mr. Bryan, and of the newly
arrived British ambassador, Sir Cecil Spring
Rice, to sign on Saturday a convention renewing
for five years the general treaty of arbitration
between Great Britain and the United States.
Similar renewals have recently been made with
France, Italy and Spain. Men change, condi
tions change, but the principle and the policy
of submitting our international disputes to im
partial arbitrament have existed from the foun
dation of the republic, and every formal under
taking guarding and reaffirming thom will havo
the heartiest approval of the people.
"Holding fast what has been gained in the
high cause of peace, it is well always to press
closer to the ultimate ideal of universal peaceful
arbitration. It is causo for gratification that
Mr. Bryan's proposals, issuod on tho president's
direction a month ago, for international investi
gation and conferences looking to world-wido
peace havo been answered already by Italy,
Great Britain, France, Brazil, Sweden, Norway,
Peru and Russia.
"In, this great campaign for the extirpation
of tho curse of war there will bo disappoint
ments, obstacles, misunderstandings, jealousies.
But it will go forward. It is no dream. It in
the most practical of all human endeavors fol
the widest benefit."
The St. Louis Republic, in its issue of Juno
4th, prints this editorial: "It Ib only about
three months since the president and his cabi
net began their duties in Washington, but in
that time this movement for the restraint of
war has developed sufficiently to warrant tho
belief that it will succeed. Tho principle under
lying Secretary Bryan's -proposal as that prin
ciple applies to personal conduct has long boon
familiar. Ho asks the nations to follow the
practice of quick-tempered men, who, when they
find their anger rising, stop and count ten. To
secure a similar pause before angry nations act
he proposes to make agreements with all tho
powers to Bubmit every disagreement between
this and any other nation to an international
commission which shall bo given a definite
period in which to consider the case and report.
During tho period of Investigation the dis
agreeing nations are not to declare war and
not to make any warlike preparations.
"Such agreements will tend to prevent war
in two ways. Tho period between the outbreak
of an international quarrel and the report of
the commission will bo one in which cool heads
and second thoughts will have their day. Tho
longer men think tho less likely they are to
fight. The second restraining influence will bo
the report of tho commission. Such reports are
not to be of binding effect, but they will con
tain findings as to tho facts, conclusions as to
what is just or suggestions as to how irrecon
cilable differences may be compromised. Any
nation which insists upon fighting when an in
ternational commission has reported adversely
upon its claims will forfeit tho respect of the
world. It will be but a short step from that
situation to one in which an offending nation
will be made to feel the world's displeasure."
William R. Nelson, owner of the Kansas City
Star, has been released by the Missouri supremo
court from the charge of contempt preferred by
a lower court. Tho judgo who sentenced him
for contempt admitted that he prepared a writ
ten decision adverse to the editor on the day
before the hearing was held. On this ground
the supreme court released Mr. Nelson, holding
that due process of law was not observed, when
the decision was prepared in advance of the
It was plain at the time that Mr. Nelson's
newspaper was trying to servo tho public wel
fare and in refusing to go to jail without a
struggle Mr. Nelson stood for tho freedom of
the press. Even though he obtains his release
on a technicality, he is entitled to general con
gratulations and he is receiving them.
Commoner readers everywhere will rejoice
over the appointment of Louis F. Post, editor
of The Public, to be assistant secretary of the
department of labor. Mr. Post has been a
faithful worker for the public interests and the
government of the United States is, admittedly,
fortunate in securing his good services.
A Report from China
Tho following report has boon rccoivcd from
American Charge d'Affaircs Williams at Pokin,
relative to tho oxercises connected with tho
recognition of tho Chlnetjo Republic by this
Mr. Williams reports that tho house com
pleted its organization by tho election of a vico
speaker on May 1st, at which tlmo ho was pre
pared to deliver tho message but tho president
of tho foreign offlco desired to mark tho recogni
tion of the republic by tho United States with
signal honors and took timo to prepare a very
elaborato program.
At ten o'clock on the socond of May a stato
carriage was sent to tho legation with a guard
of honor. Accompanied by tho staff of tho lega
tion, tho charge d'affaires was driven to tho
president's palace, police and soldiers being
stationed at short intervals along tho route and
tho houses decorated with flags. After enter
ing the park tho party was taken across tho
lako in tho old imperial barges and met at
tho entrance to tho president's palace by tho
master of ceremonies, Dr. Sun Pao-Ch'l, Ad
miral Ts'al T'ing-kan, Admiral Ch-eng, and
General Yin Ch'ang, chief of tho general staff.
They were received In the outei'TrtfffTrwTnrjmii
tary honors and tho president's bodyguard of
landers showed similar honors in tho Inner
court. In tho principal hall of tho palace wero
waiting the minister of foreign affairs and other
officers. The American charge was conductod
to an inner recoptlon room and read tho mes
sage of President Wilson and handed it to Presi
dent Yuan Shl-k'al, who gave it to tho minis
ter for foreign affairs. Tho charge d'affaires
then mado the following brief address:
"Mr. President: Having communicated to
your excellency the message from tho president
of the United States giving formal recognition
of tho republic, I desire for myself and in bo
half of my fellow-countrymen resident in China
to express tho satisfaction which wo all feel
in the action taken by tho American government.
"As citizens of a sister republic, we can not
bo indifferent to anything which affects tho suc
cess of republican government in China. Wo
shall watch your progress with sympathetic in
terest, trusting that the hopes which animated
the martyrs of the revolution may find their full
fruition in the free institutions now being estab
lished. We believe in 'a government of tho
people, by tho people, and for tho people.'
."Out of the mists of high antiquity echo tho
words of tho great declaration: 'Heaven sees
as the people see; heaven hears as the people
"Wo rejoice with you today In tho confident
belief that these ancient words havo found ful
fillment anew: That this new government,
'broad-based upon the people's will,' by tho
establishment of lasting peace and equal jus
tice, will minister to the highest happiness of
tho people of China and merit tho blessing ot
President Yuan Shl-k'al responded In behalf
of tho new republic In a cordial manner, saying:
"Mr. Charge d'Affaires: I have listened with
the most profound satisfaction to tho welcome
message of tho president of the United States
which you have just read and tho assurances
of sympathy which you have so eloquently ex
tended to me. On behalf of the government and
people of China I thank you and also beg you
to transmit my thanks to the president..
"Though young in years, the republic of China
is founded on principles of liberty and freedom
which are already deep graven on tho hearts of
the Chinese people. We believe that through
the permanent establishment of this form of
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