"i,"'-i' twfv ' JF TM" The Commoner. 13 JUNE , 1913 v-f juiiwp w jmamww w"mwm iq wywSFiw y wm iy TUB MIDWEST LIFE an old lino NEBRASKA COMPANY, now entering upon its 8th year and with over FIVE MILLIONS of insurance in force, wants from eight to twelve more active, cap able, and energetic agents with or without experience. This com pany is offering some very attractive policies. It pays liberal first year and renewal commis sions. "Writo to N. Z. SNELL, President, Lincoln, Nebraska QUARANTEED DEPOSITS, HP-TO-DATE Service, ACCOUNTS from 32 States, DATE of Interest, 4 per cent, and jjBSOLUTE Safety. Deposit (OW on Savings Account or JlME Certificate. Will Send YOTJ "Booklet and Guaranty Law. Writo Today, GUARANTY STATE BANK, Muskogee, Oklahoma. M. G. Haskell, President. The Best in White Runners have for the past three years been pro duced by us. The Winner at most all the leading shows for the past three years have come direct or indirectly from our yards. Our riuckH lmve won the lending prlxon ut New York, Hngcrntuwn, Knoxvlllc, Great Appnln chin Exposition, ImllniinpoIlK, Etc. If you want the BEST In White RuunerM, write us please. EGGS 98 per 12j $15 per 30; $40 per 100 Mrs. U. R. Fishel BOX H. HOPE, IND. It jbi the bent policy holder' com pany in the United State. ASSETS, $6,100,000 Twenty-five year old. Write The Old Line Bankers Life Lincoln, Nebraska PATENTS build fortunes for you, Our free booklot tolls how, and tv tint tn Invent for nroflfc. Sankors and manufacturers references. Terms reasonable. D. SWIFT & CO. 351 Seventh Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. T A HP TT71 TV W Q SECURED OIUFKM JT JJL JL Ah IV JL & KKTUKNX3D. Freo report as to Patentability Illustrated Guide Book, an List of Inventions Wanted, sent free. V1CTOK J. 1SVAN.S 4s CO., Waablneton, a d PATENTS Watiai E. Celemav Palest lawyer .Washington, D.C. Advice and books free. Satos reasonable. Highest reference, Eestscrvlcwi WPjBpyyTfff3B wm w Lockstitch Awl sews shoes, harness, rpgs.canvae, ete with lockatiteh Uke sewiae saachine. 6c each. 2 for $1.00; Waxed Thread free. Stamps taken. Snap lor agents. W. A. UacKwute, 129 Uayd BaUdis. St. Loom. Mo. SONS wmi maui uuiUH tn at IM mm IMf . warn H tsst. iTwwmi km ww tm, waamwtM, a t. that the machinery of the last con ference has proved dilatory and con fusing. A number of questions still await solution, as, for instance, the right of delegates to take up the time of tho conference; the right of a ma jority over a minority in tho absence of unanimity; tho power of a chair man to confine the discussion within certain limits. All this Bhould bo settled before another meeting can provo satisfactory. The danger to tho effectiveness of The Hague conference, which these words disclose, should be carefully avoided. Hero is another thing: The fourth of the opinions expressed by tho conference reads as rollowff. "The conference expresses tho opinion that the preparation of regu lations relative to tho laws and cus toms of naval war should figure in the programme of tho next con ference, and that in any case tho powers may apply, as far as possible, to war by sea the principles of tho convention relative to tho laws and customs of war on land." The possibilities which Ho in this important opinion servo to enforce tho anxiety felt by those who are awaiting an announcement by tho government that these preliminary matters are under discussion. Official documents establish tho fact that tho last Hague conference contemplated the appointment of a provisional committee to arrange the work of the next meeting. Until this is done the summoning of the con ference, which Is due next year, is father problematical. Washington (D. C.) Herald. A BKAVE MAN'S DEATH A story of a brave man's death is told in the following dispatch printed in the St. Louis Times: Macon, Ga., May 22. Death came to B. Sanders Walker early today, ending a fight against tho inevitable with few equals for cold nerve. Last Thursday the young banker awoke with a headache and took a bichloride of mercury tablet by mis take for an asperln tablet. The mis take was not noted until Walker de veloped the familiar symptoms of mercurial poisoning, and then it was too late for physicians to stop the deadly drug paralyzing his kidneys and destroying his tissues. For two days by sheer will power he wound up his business affairs, bade his friends good-by and then took to bed to die. There were times during his six-day battle with death that the patient indomitably refused to accept his doctors' diag nosis and insisted he intended to live. But the anguish of stoppage of his digestive organs and the constant suffering he was foiced to undergo as physicians endeavored to Bweat the poison out of his system and flood his stomach with olive oil, broke his determination. The end came peacefully, the vic tim lapsing into unconsciousness and passing away as his wife hold his hand. Mrs. Walker, who indirectly caused the young financier's death by inadvertently placing the mercury tablets in the asperln box, collapsed in sheer exhaustion. The physicians now fear her health may be permanently impaired by the terrific mental strain incident to her constant vigil at the bedside. A characteristic utterance made just before he went into a state of partial coma late yesterday illus trates the remarkable composure with which he has faced his death. "If I am dying," he said, "then the sensation is not as it is generally pic tured. If this be dying, then none need fear its terrors." When the banker felt a nausea several hours after swallowing the tablet he called physicians and was Informed that there was no hope for him. Treatment was administered and tho banker was told to prcparo for death. Instead of staying at homo, Mr. Walker attired in full dress and with his boautiful wife went to a ban quet of the Georgia state convention of bankers. "Doctors havo told me that the end is near," ho told the bankers, smilingly. "I might as well mako tho best of it." Later the banker held a reception at his home, tolling the scores of gueBts ho wanted to meet death with out "making a great fi ss about it." Walker nover lost his nerve; ho never feared the death that his phy sicians wore cortain could not be fought off. Ho kept track of tho baseball scores; ho urged friends to visit at his bedside, and until yester day was confident of beating tho Grim Destroyer. Despito tho pain he suffered, Walker frequently chided his physi cians for their air of hopelessness, joking with them over what he said was tho "third degreo" troatment when they wrapped his weakened body in blankets and sought to force the pores of his skin to carry off the poison. Walker was the son of a prominent banker of Monroe, Ga. His brother is solicitor general for the western circuit court of the state The dead banker made an independent fortune in real estate, and was prominent in banking circles. Ho was thirty-two years old. The publicity given tho case re sulted in scores of suggestions from physicians and nurses. It is very rare for the victim of bichloride pois oning to survive moro than 48 hours, but there havo been a few instances where, as in Walker's case, the drug did not take Its full course for a week. ' It was on advice of a nurse in Bal timore that Walker's physicians un dertook tho sweating process and the feeding of olive oil. -The suggestion that an attempt be made in his case to transplant by the Carroll process the kidney of another man, dead from other than kidney disease, Into Walker's body, came too late, as the banker rapidly grew weaker and weaker. Macon authorities were forced to detail a police guard at the banker's home, so great was the city's interest in his condition. In tho household the banker had one staunch partisan in his belief that ho would defeat the insidious poison. His wife, although she would see no one, maintained with equal confidence that he would re cover. When the news of the banker's death was given to the crowd wait ing outside the house many men who knew the banker Intimately wept. Several citizens who had gathered on the lawn knelt in prayer. Bells early were tolled and prepa rations made to drape business build ings and hoist flags at half mast. Bsla?isw-1B VtsWssT v. Be Your Own Judge Wo cannot believe that thcro Ih a ricnnlblo man living1 who would purchauo any other than a D15 LAVAL Cream Separator for hln own urq If lie would but BlflB and TRY an Improved DH LAVAL machine before buying". It Ih a fact that 09 per cent of all wopara tor buyorii who do SKK and TItY a DE LAVAL rna chlno bo fore buying purchase tho I)B LAVAL and will havo no othor flcpara tor. Tho l per cent who do not buy tho DEI LAVAL aro thotso who allow them nclves to bo In fluenced by something other than real een ulno ueparator merit. Every rcnponwlblo pcron who wIbIich It may have tho Free Trial of a DK LAVAL machine at hln own homo without ad vance payment or any obliga tion whatsoever. Simply ank tho DE LAVAL agent In your ncurcat town or writo direct to tho neart-Ht DB LAVAL ohlce. Tho new 72-pago Do Laval Dairy Hand Book, In which Im portant dairy quctlonH are ably diHcuHscd by tho bet authori ties, Ih a book that every cow owner Hhduld have. Mailed free upon request If you mention thla paper. New 1013 Do Laval cata log alno mailed upon roqiiewt. Write to ncaroHt office. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO. mi intiuiMur JIF.tr lOHK tl K, MAIIffiO ST. CHIC too Guaranteed Rupture Holder On 60 Days Trial Won't CoMt Yeu it Cent If tlio Two .Unntbs Test Doesn't Trove All Our Claims You ran make a (borough 60 (tar t"t of this goamntred rupture holder without having to risk a single cent. Well make one csprtLrily fur your cat and let you ire for yourself how it take all the misery out ol being ruptured. THE PROCESS A revival was being held at a email colored Baptist church in southern Georgia. At one of the meetings the evangelist, after an earnest but fruitless exhortation, re quested all of the congregation who wanted their souls washed white as snow to stand up. One old darkey remained sitting. "Don' yo want y' soul washed w'ite as snow, Brudder Jones?" "Mah soul done been washed w'ite as snow, pahson." "Whah wuz yo' soul washed w'ite as snow, Brudder Jones?" "Over yander to de Methodis' chu'eh across de railroad." "Lwd God, Brudder Jones, yo ioul want washed h'it were dry-cleaned!" -W ffigl Sk WJLsssssPtsssssssssf MsV Away With lir-Htmp and Hprliic Trusses So lar ai we know, our guano. , teed rupture holder U Die only I tliinjr ! any kind lor rupture that you can ret on Ui dayt trial the only thing we know of ood enough to stand such a long and thorough teat. It'a the fatuous Cluthe Automatic Massaging Truss made on an absolute new princlple-rbas J8 patented features. Self-adjusting, Doc a way with the ralsery cl wearing belt. leg-straps and string. Guaranteed to hold at alt tlmcafncludlag when yoti are working, taking a bath, etc Ilaa cured la ease alter cae Uurt seemed hopelet. Writ Ur Vr Bk af UtUe-Cloth-bound, 104 pe. Explain the dangers ol operation. Sh Jut what's wrong with turtle and tprisg truasea, and why drvzatores sfccmld no utoie be al'owed to fit tnutai than to perform operations. ZLipcnes the hurobugt shows how old'lathioned worthless tnuaes are sold usder false and misleading names. TeO all about the care and attention we give you. Kndorsetasnts from oer J0CO people. Including physicians. Wrh to-day-find out how you can prore every word we say by making s CO day test without risking a penoy. Box 77r-Cluth. Co., 125 L23rd St., New York City flROPSY TJtJKATKD, uruallr jrivea quick U rcliefand soon removes all swelling and short breath. TrJl treatment seat Fr. r. H. M. firs.ns Sens, Box N. Atlanta, 6a. PAKALY&I3 H.-EH3 m.lKASX'g SIOOD ASDXZZVZ TJLBXTSMtt. 9X. GJL1SK. 2tt Hart ZtX ftt,. rtU4sJyWa. X Asthma bUHbbVVwMs 9TwWaVaVAAl4) Jf z?rsM to yoa obThi Mil. B ttrM sead ft; If sot, sb wHTsargfwsoi.Wriuiur,. 91V Jt VyVNiaV SsVw !vVNSWajrXMsj VaAAjiaiWdiMnW jN? .