"ffw81!!1 yymqjH1 WPHWW "yiwi': "wmnsrP" -i "r fvw ' ni The Commoner. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR VOL. 13, NO. 22 Lincoln, Nebraska, June 6, 1913 Whole Number 646 The Seventeenth Amendment Accomplishment of the Most Important Reform That Has Been Made in a Century Affecting Methods of the Federal Government At 11 o'clock a. m., on the 31st of May, 1913, the secretary of state signed the proclamation announcing the ratification of the seventeenth amendment to the constitution of the United States, providing for tho election of United States senators by tho direct vote of .the people. There were present, by special invitation, ex Congressman Harry St. George Tucker, of Vir ginia, who was chairman of the committee of tho Fifty-second congress having in charge the first resolution which ever passed the house of representatives providing for tho popular elec tion of senators, Congressman William W. Rucker, of Missouri, chairman of the committee of the Sixty-second congress having in chargo the resolution which submitted tho present amendment, and Senator William E. Borah, of Idaho, chairman of tho senate committee, having in chaTgo tho resolution submitting this amendment. In anticipation of tho event, Mr. Bryan had provided four pens, which were used and dis posed of as follows: Tho first was used to sign the first part of his name, "William," and delivered as -a souvenir to ex-Congressman Tucker; the second was used to sign the second part of his name, "Jennings," and delivered to Congressman Rucker; the third, which was used for signing the last part of his name, "Bryan," was kept by himself; the fourth was used for writing in the date, "thirty-first," and was delivered to Senator Borah. To those present, Mr. Bryan expressed his gratification that the making of this official an nouncement of tho ratification of tho amendment had fallen to him as one of his official duties. He also pointed out the fact that the short time required for the ratification of tho amendment proved that the sentiment in favor of it was practically unanimous. He was elected to con gress in 1&90 upon a platform containing tho following plank: "We favor an amendment to the federal con stitution which will take the election of the United States senators from the state legisla tures and place it in the hands of tho people, where it belongs." He voted in both the Fifty-second and Fifty- CONTENTS THE SEVENTEENTH AMENDMENT PEACE APPROACHING A GROUNDLESS OBJECTION A PRIVATE (?) AFFAIR THE DEMOCRATIC TARIFF BILL THE HIGH COST OF GOVERNMENT WHEN CONGRESS SHOULD CONVENE CURRENT TOPICS HOME DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON NEWS NEWS OF THE WEEK third congresses for tho resolution submitting an amendment similar to that which has Just been ratified, and ho has assisted in the writing of four national platforms which Indorsed this amendment, the platform of 1908 speaking of It as "the gateway to other reforms" and tho platform of 1912 urging Its ratification by tho states. He regards it as the most important re form that has been made in a century affecting methods of the federal government, and he be lieves that a senate chosen by the people, and thus made responsive to tho people's will, In stead of degenerating, will improve in charac ter while it Increases in influence. A senato chosen directly by tho people can speak with greater authority and thus wield greater power than a senate selected indirectly through stato legislatures. THE SEVENTEENTH AMENDMENT "William Jennings Bryan, secretary of stato oft tho United States of America To all to whom these presents may como, greeting: Know yo that, the congress of tho United States at the second session, Sixty-second congress, in tho year one thousand nino hundred and twelve, passed a resolution in tho words and figures fol lowing: to-wit "JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to tho constitution providing that senators shall bo elected by tho people of tho several states. "Resolved, by the senate and houso of rep resentatives of tho United States of America in congress assembled (two-thlrda of each houso concurring therein), That , in lieu of the first paragraph of section three of article I of tho constitution of the United States, and In lieu of so much of paragraph two of tho same section as relates to the filling of vacancies, the follow ing be proposed as an amendment to tho con stitution, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the constitution when rati fied by tho legislatures of three-fourths of the states: " 'The senate of tho United States shall be composed of two senators from each stato, elected by the people thereof, for six years, and each senator shall havo one vote. Tho electors In each state shall have tho qualifications requi site for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislatures. " 'When vacancies happen In tho representa tion of any state in tho senate, tho executive authority of such state shall Issue writs of elec tion to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any state may empower the execu tive thereof to make temporary appointment until the people fill the vacancies by election as tho legislature may direct. " 'This amendment Bhall not bo so construed as to affect the election or term of any senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of tho constitution "And, further, that it appears from official documents on filo in this department that tho nmondmont to tho constitution of tho Unltod States proposed as aforcanld has been ratified by tho legislatures of tho states of Massachusetts, Arizona, Minnesota, New York, Kansas, Oregon, North Carolina, California, Michigan, Idaho, West Virginia', Nebrnska, Iowa, Montana, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, Colorado, Illinois, North Dakota, Nevada, Vermont, Maine, Now Hamp shire, Oklahoma, Ohio, South Dakota, Indiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Now Jersey, Tonnessoo, Arkansas, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Wis consin. "And, further, that tho states whoso legisla tures havo so ratified tho said proposed amend ment, constltuto three-fourths of tho wholo number of states In tho United States. "Now, therefore, bo it known that I, William Jennings Bryan, secretary of stato of tho Unitod States, by virtue and In pursuance of section 205 of tho revised statutes of tho United States, do hereby certify that tho amendment afore said has become valid to all intents and pur poses as a part of tho constitution of tho Unltod States. "In testimony whereof, I havo hereunto sot my hand and caused tho seal of tho department of stato to bo affixed. "Done at tho city of Washington this thirty first day of May in tho year of our Lord, ono thousand nino hundred and thirteen, and of tho independence of tho United States of America tho ono hundred and thirty-seventh. (Signed) "WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN." PEACE APPROACHING It will be remembered that about a month ago a plan was, by the president's direction, submitted to all the governments having repre sentatives here, the plan being in substance, ai follows: First, that tho United States Is prepared to enter into an agreement with each and every country severally providing for tho Investiga tion of all disputes of every character and na turo by an international commission, tho con tracting parties agreeing not to doclaro war or begin hostilities until such investigation is made and report submitted; second, the investlgatloi to bo conducted as a matter of course, upon tht initiative of tho commission, without tho for mality of a request from either party; third, thi report to be submitted within a given time, th time to bo agreed upon; fourth, tho parties to reserve tho right to act independently on tha subject matter in dispute, after tho report is submitted. Tho composition of the commission was a matter of detail to bo agreed upon by the contracting parties, tho time, also, in which th report should bo submitted was a matter of de tail to be agreed upon by tho contracting parties. Nine nations have up to this time responded favorably, some indorsing tho principle and ask ing that suggestions be submitted In regard to tho details, others replying that tho proposition is received sympathetically and expressing a - -mnmMmtowwmmrrift:W-- gm A'fi ite. . iAAtfe'to!attiLA jaUstii&- M-Lty w. kMnkdl.