The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 30, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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    S'rWHtlf' TW"'
The Commoner.
MAT 30. 191S
tionally "finds work for the idlo
hands," and minds. During the few
hours devoted to school duties, it is
supposed they are cultivating their
mental faculties; but out of school
hours, they have no interests hut
play nothing to develop the prac
tical side of their nature, or give
them a restraining sense of responsi
bility. Their only thought is to be
"amused," and their muscular train
ing as obtained on the various play
grounds, belongs to no system ex
cept their own inclinations, at the
moment. Mental incapacity is often
the result of the craze for "amuse
ment" which is bo rampant today.
They have no definite aim, except to
have a" good time, and they are never
taught by practical experience that
each of them is a part of the world's
system, and that upon their in
dividual effort hinges much ofvtho
world's success. The life of the
streets can not build" muscle, or
broaden the. mind, and the com
panionship with other idle "boys can
but' breed contempt for work and
development of the better faculties
through its activity.
Notes on House-Cleaning
Before putting the wall paper on
the walls, see that all cracks in the
plastering are filled, if they are largo,
and if mere streaks, pasto slips from
the margins of newspaper over them;
the newspaper will stick, but wrtiing
paper sometimes does not. If there
aTe holes in the plastering, if not too
very large, and the plaster of paris
is not handy, lay several sheets of
newspaper In the break, smoothly, to
just fit in, then paste old white mus
lin over it, and the paper will stick.
If the plasterer Is at hand, it is best
to have the holes patched, let dry,
and then paper over them. Unless
the$o holes, breaks and cracks are
filled, they wlU result in damage to
the paper. ' ,
For filling small cracks and nail
holes, use plaster of paris wet up
with vinegar, as it will not "set" so
quickly as whero water hi used, and
can be smoothed over better. If the
plastering is loose in spots, and in
danger of falling off, it is a good plan
to have all the loose parts pulled off,
and the place newly plastered.
If the oil-cloth, or "printed lino
leum" is hopelessly worn, but with
out holes, give it a coat of paint,
then when it is dried, give it another,
then, when the last ono is dried,
give it a coat of good floor varnish.
When replacing the shades at the
windows, do not throw the old ones
away, but use them to hang before
the shelves in the kitchen, or store
room, or closets, wherever curtains
are supposed to belong. You will
find they are much more convenient,
and take much less time than cur
tains. Or, if you want a shady place
on the back porch for any purpose,
these old shades will be just the
thing. You can keep them rolled up
out pf sight, and only draw them
down when wanted for use. If the
weather is rainy and the dampness
reaches the shades, they can be
lifted from the brackets and sot in
side out of the weather. A good
roller will usually outlast a good
shade, because the shade becomes
soiled with use while it. is still good.
pineapple Juice or grated fruit, ono
cupful of sugar and ono cupful of
water; cook for ten minutes, remove
from the fire, add the juico of one
orange and ono lemon, two cupfuls
of water and more sugar, if not swoct
enough, and also enough fruit color
ing to make it pink. Strain through
a cheesecloth, and when cold, freezo
as ice-cream; draw the mixturo
against the sides of the freezer, leav
ing a well in the center; fill tho
center with plain vanilla Ico cream,
or with tho following mixture: Cook
one-half a cupful of sugar and one
half cupful of water until it spins a
thread, add gradually to the stiffly
beaten white of an egg, beating until
smooth; cool, flavor with vanilja and
fold in a cupful of cream beaten Stiff
and dry. If preferred, tho frozen
raspberry mixture may bo served
alone as a sherbet.
New Food Makes Wonderful Olianges
When a man has suffered from
dyspepsia so many years that he
can't remember when he had a
natural appetite, and then hits on a
way out of trouble he may be ex
cused for saying "it acts like magic."
When it is a simple, wholesome
food instead of any one of a large
number of so-called remedies in the
form of drugs, he is moro than ever
likely to feel as though a sort of
miracle has been performed.
A Chicago man, in the delight of
restored digestion, puts it in this
"Like magic, fittingly describes the
manner in which Grape-Nuts relieved
me of poor digestion, coated tongue
and loss of appetite, of many years
"I tried about every medicine that
was recommended to me, without
relief. Then I tried Grape-Nuts on
the suggestion of a friend. By tho
time I had finished tho fourth pack
age, my stomach was all right, and
for tho past two months, I have been
eating with a Telish, anything set
before me. That is something I had
been unable to do previously for
"I am stronger than ever and I
consider tho effects of Grape-Nuts
on a weak stomach as something
really wonderful. It builds up the
entire body as well as the brain and
nerves." Name given by tho Postum
Co., Battle Creek. Mich
"There's a reason," and it is ox
plained in the littlo book, "Tho Road
Jo WellY-ille' In pkgs.
Ever read tho above letter? Anew
una ijjauB w w w .
are geauiae, time, audi loll of nomaa
Contributed Ilccipcs
"Mammy's Broiled Chicken'
Dress tho young chicken as usual,
and split down tho back, flattening
tho body with a broad knife, hatchet,
or cleaver, and season with salt and
pepper. Lay thin slices of sweet salt
pork in tho bottom of a bako pan,
and on these lay the flattened carcass
of the chicken, inside up, and dredge
the chicken with fine bread crumbs,
with bits of butter scattered over tho
crumbs. Roast this in an oven hot
enough to cook without scorching.
or drying out. About twenty to
tnirty minutes win do time enougn.
Take the Chicken up on a hot plat
ter, and keep hot until the following
dressing is done: Put a tablespoon
ful of butter- in a' sauce pan, and
blend with it half a tablespoonful of
flour, and when smooth, pour into
it quickly, stirring, one cupful of
rich milk; simmer a moment, then
pour round the chicken on tho plat
Another Way Dress split open
and flatten the carcass ofono or more
chickens, and season with salt and
pepper; put into a baking pan,
dredge flonr over tho chicken, and
pour into, tho pan around the chicken
enough rich, fresh milk to nearly
cover it; turn another pan over it
and cook until done, in a hot oven.
Tho milk will thicken with tho cook
ing and tho t flour, and make tho
necessary gravy. If preferred, the
chicken may be jointed beforo put
ting into tho pan.
Cooking String Beans String and
break into pieces a sufficient quan
tity of green or "snap" hoans, and
put into cold water to soak half an
hour; drain, and put into a sauce
pan with boiling salted water with
two tablespoon fuls of olivo oil, or
other sweet vegetable oil, for each
quart of string beans, and simmor
gently until tender; thon, whon
ready for dishing, add a generous
piece of butter and any other season
ing wanted. A half cupful of toma
toes may be added to tho boans
while cooking if liked.
Odds and Ends
Wheat flour mixed to a good paste
with linseed oil is claimed to be an
excellent filler for cracks In floors
and for loose joints to bo painted
over. Fill tho cracks with tho paste,
working it in solid with a thln-bladcd
knife, smooth even with tho surface,
and let get thoroughly dried before
painting over. It Is claimed it will
not work out.
It is claimed that a healthy per
son may consume a goodly quantity
of water with tho meals, having it of
a temperature to suit the stomach,
with advantage to digestion. Ice
cold wator should not bo tak'en, and
thero are conditions, of course, when
it is imperative to limit the supply of
liquids; but for a person in goqji
health, liquids with meals aro not-s,
harmful, according to latest investi
gators. If smoked ham is hard and salty,
slice it and soak In water well
sweetened with molasses; lot soak
for an hour or two beforo cooking,
using enough water to cover the
slices, then rinse, dry and cook.
When gathering up tho wash
clothes, do not neglect to put evory
decently clean whito rag in tho tub;
burn all others. Wash tho rags
well, rinse well, and dry In tho sun
shine; fold, tho pieces nicoly, or iron
them, as you plcdnc. For largo, or
long pieces, It ir.ay' bo best to roll
them. Slip tho bundle or roll into
a sterilized glass fruit Jar, nnd screw
down tho top. Put where tho jar
can bo found by "ho who runs, tho
a fool," when there aro cuts,
scratches, breaks, bruises, burns, or
other injuries that require wrappings.
Improving FInIi
Fish which is to bo used as a salad
Is Improved by sanding in oqual parts
of olivo oil and Vinegar, with a littlo
salt and paprika and a few drops of
onion juice. If tho flBb is to bo
marinated beforo cooking, brush tho
flesh over with olivo oil and Bprinklo
it with lemon julco; lay on top slices
of onion and strips of red and grcon
pepper; drain tho fish nnd cook as
desired. After cooking, mix with
salad dressing and servo on lottuca
leavcB. As tho Juices of fish aro alka
line, 'the natural craving Is for an
acid in the dressing.
Summer Drinks
Glngerade Break one-fourth of
an ounce of ginger root in small
pieces and boil for twonty minutes
in one quart of water, keeping the
original quantity of water by adding
to it as it evaporates; add one scant
cupful of sugar, and then UVs frtfm
it flr. Mix with the strained tea
.. 4- fit two or three brantes'
and one lemon, and serve very fcohl
YaanTiAiir f ilftPK -MUQ VUW WUMfU
11 xvaayww,, - -- - -- ,.,', j-
Cut in flvo sizes, 14, 15, 1G, 17
and 18 years. It requires 5
yards of 3G-inch material for a 16
yoar slzo.
Cut In four sizes, 3, 4, 6 and G
years. It requires 3 yards of 27
inch material for a 4-year slzo.
Cut in six sizes, 32, 34, 3G, 38,
40 and 42 Inches, bust measure. It
roqulros 2 yards of 27-inch ma
terial for the 3G-lnch size.
Cut In flvo sizes, 22, 24, 2G, 28
and 30 inches, waist measure. It re
quires 2 yards of 44-inch matorial
for a 24-inch slzo,
smite ",jsiisra ?'-,
TTIH COMMONER will supply It, readers with perfect flttlnff. ifntn
allowing patterns from the latest Paris and New York styles. Tho designs
are practical and adapted to the home dressmaker. Pull directions how
to cut and how to make the garments with each pattern. Tho price of
these patterns Is II ewU each, postage prepaid. Our largo catalogue con
taining the Illustrations and descriptions of over 400 seasonable styles fat
ladiftsmlMHW an eoilaren, mailed to any address on receipt f 10 cent. tm
rderlng fitters give us your aanis, address, pattern number and sice
GATAI,KtTTB KytTm-4hm& II eenta In silver er stamp Ur r
dAte lilt Bitting a Hummer uaisiogue, e0naininir Ter v
tldW Ittsfte' s37cklMrtii' Pattern ! mncIs d mmpn$t
, surUete m itwnwftnt giving vaiwawe maw uw eet mxm
Mil a WSmCKNJI&XW FaHiirm lffjss'tsjtfsgL JJtaMiav
I of red raspberries, aaa cy
-A SBssiSlBBra . l jjfiiiEzlMKd e JMlMfS&isiX'iffiiEsl?? t. f i
jjg& liMLLi,!,. BSBSHHHsBSBSVsSBSSaraP' '
iMEmamMp' iSmSmmmaBES&-if 1iHBSSBBBSBSBSSBSSBSSSBSSfflir ' ' an . ' W
BSmm ,, (jijl LM&kAjiiih v,h, iHwfamwftkirttitMiitit'frt .tff1 ah- .A t ttifrj&wjfet vJuBttSSBiSHHiaSSBSSSSSBSSSSSSSS. aisoflBSSSSSSBSBSBSSBBnBBSsmL"' j0HBB9BnfiBBMH