r-"TTn'rwr ?. t; jmt v ySJCT . Wr.-"'8p-wr f- The Commoner. 3 MAY 30, 1913 ssmmmmKwwsj' Jury reform; and we can so divide the forces up into kinds that no kind can have a majority." I foresaw that before I left the governorship, and I requested that I might bo present at a conference of the members of the present legis lature. They came to that conference. Wo de bated and fought out on the floor in the most candid possible manner the form of jury change which the majority of us could agree upon, and I for my part yielded my personal judgment with regard to the form. I believed then, as I believe now, that tho safest thing is to mako this & judicial process from top to bottom and that it is perfectly safe, and that it would bo wise, to have jury commissions chosen by tho justices of tho supreme court of New Jersey. There were others quite as thoughtful as myself certainly quite as honest as myself who thought that it would be better to lodge tho power of choosing the commissions in the hands of the circuit judges of tho courts, and then there were others, and they turned out to be in tho majority at that conference or they seemed at the end of it to be in tho majority who thought that the governor ought to bo given tho right to name a jury commission' in each of tho counties. I, myself, though I had been governor of the state, did not think that that was the wisest form, but when the majority of my colleagues: in that conference declared 'their preference for it, I yielded my preference; and other gentlemen present seerded to .yield, their preference. And it was settled, so far as tho expression of tho opinion of that conference was concerned, what the democratic platform meant. It meant jury commissions in tho several counties appointed by tho governor. Ah, but there is a little string attached to a conference! If tho governor Is not present, It is a caucus and tho members arc bound; if tho governor is present, it is not a caucus, but a conference, and the members are not bound. A very neat and significant distinction! In a public conference, where they are bound to show their hands, they do not bind their con sciences. In private, where it is possible to make arrangements, they do bind themselves, not to the public, but to each other. So it seemed after this conference was over, and every man had had a chanco to express his full convictions and his reasons for them, that everything was just as fluid as it was before; and some perfectly honest men allowed them- . selves to be made the instruments for defeat ing this measure, because, they were persuaded that it was not in the form which they had favored. So It is that a very subtle Machlavelian hand has been thrust into this affair, and men have been persuaded that they were following their own convictions when they were making it impossible for the party to fulfill its pledges to the people. Ladies and gentlemen, does anybody doubt that the people of New Jersey want this critical business put Into other hands? I find in the state nowhere any doubt upon that subject, and if there were an election between now and next Tuesday, there would be no doubt what would be done next Tuesday, and there would be no doubt that some of the gentlemen who are going to try to do something next Tuesday would not be there to try. I have a little list. I could point out to you some gentlemen; but it is not worth pointing out to you many of the gentle men in tho Essex delegation, because they are all lumped in one. They are not distinguish able from one another. They are in the con dition of fluid candy that has been too closo neighbors. They are one lump, plumped into the box by the impulse of one will, and that not their own. Therefore, I would not take tho pains to discriminate among that select eleven. It is not worth a thoughtful man's while. But there are gentlemen elsewhere, who can bo picked out by name, in other counties, and if I should visit their county, I would be pleased to pick them out. It does not do to be groping In this business. You want to know whom you are talking about, as well as what you are talking about. These gentlemen ought to bo described according to their orbits. They do not belong in any solar syBtem; they are erratic comets, and the attrac tion of gravitation which governs their courso 1b to my mind Incalculable. But it is worth while to point them out so that you may keep your oyes upon tho evening sky and see to it that your community, at any rate, Is not de vastated by their fall. For their fall is easy to predict by one who is not an astronomer. There are two things that the people of New 'Jersey determined to have and have not got They determined to have jury reform and they determined to have a look at their own coa- stitution. But tho gentlemen who mado tho present constitution of Now Jersey looked a long way ahead. They said, "Wo may need this constitution somo day, and wo will mako it of such a fashion that nobody can monkey with it, not oven the people themselves." They limited tho number of times you could suggest an amendment to tho constitution within a given period of years. Thoy said, "This thing is too exciting; do not try it too often. This is your own constitution, but your own con stitution will not stand tho pace. You had better live on your by-laws for a time; and fivo years at a timo is not a bit too long to llvo on your by-laws and keep quiet. And after you begin to touch this delicato constitution, you have got to touch It twice, not once. You have got to pass It through two legislatures, In order that it may otlll have tho chance of sur viving the examination which Its own makers, theortlcally, have subjectod It to." Now, a constitution which is mado in one ago is not suitable to tho circumstances of another age. The circumstances of tho year 1913 aro as unlike tho circumstances of the year 1844 as tho twentieth century is unlike tho seven teenth century. Our whole economic and social and political system has been altered within the period which this constitution has served tho people of New Jersey, and In ray opinion it is just about time, not that tho people of New Jersey asked themselves if they did not wish to do revolutionary things, but that tho peoplo of Now Jersey asked themselves If it was not right to bring their fundamental regulations up to the circumstances of their own day. There is only one barrier, I am told, to that, and that is that Essex, for example, has so many moro people in it. than Capo May, for example, that it wants more representatives In tho senate of this state than Capo May, in as largo a propor tion as its population outnumbers tho popula tion of Capo May; and certain astute gentlemen, who aro afraid that certain other parts of that constitution will be changed, are playing upon that in order to prevent any constitutional change whatever. I say let's call their bluff, and propose to the legislators at Trenton that wo allow the counties of this stato equal rep resentation In tho constitutional convention. Because I would rather sacrifice one point than sacrifice tho chances of the peoplo of New Jer sey to modernize their constitution. The gentlemen who work politics in this stato live In the very populous counties, and they are working this very natural, and I must say, it may be, very just, feeling for the purpose of preventing tho things that they do care about by making more important the things that they do not really care about. They would like, It is true, to have in proportion as many senators to manipulate as there aro assemblymen. If you leave the political machinery of the county In their hands, thoy will havo just that many more pawns to play on the board. And they aro interested in this question, if they are interested .honestly at all, merely from the point of view of their numerical advantage in making the arrangements and interchanges of favors which they choose to make In the legislature of tho state. Well, what aro you going to do about it? Aro you going to hold meetings? Aro you going to listen to men and agree with men who are telling you what is the matter? Is that enough? This meeting is not going to change tho result next Tuesday in tho least, unless you see to It that your neighbors aro just as much in earnest about this thing as you are; unless, perchance, the things that I am fortunate enough to have the opportunity to say tonight may kindlo a little fire underneath these gentlemen. You have got to kindle fire under them. There used to be a time when there wore only two things that would move them fodder held just before them and a flro built under neath them. Fodder has gone out of fashion. Nobody suspects at any rate, I do not sus pect direct corruption of any kind in this matter. It Is tho astute misleading of the will that Is being done in Trenton. Men are being lined up upon their private convictions, when every man who loves his public duty ought to pull his private convictions with other men's and get the main thing out of tho result, like a sensible and honorable man. But all theso intricate suggestions of differences of Individual opinion are made to hold up the whole process and chill tho wholo atmosphere, and make men look at each other as those who are in love with their Individual prescriptions against the earth quake. And there is going to be an earthquake unless something happens to Fettle the earth before that time. I am not speaking In Jest. I am speaking: in earnest. The people of this country and of this stato aro going to have what thoy know thoy ought to got by ono pro cess or another. I pray God that It may not be tho wrong process! I havo tho greatest con fidence In tho self-control, tho public spirit, the legal conscience, of tho peoplo of America, and I do not myself believe that dangerous things will happen, but I warn these gentlemen not too long to show the people of this country that justice can not bo got by tho ordinary processes of the law. I warn them to stand out of tho sovereign's way. I have traveled from ono end of this country to the other, ladies and gentlomon, and I havo looked into the faces of many audlonccs. I havo never scon any symptom of riot. I havo never seen any symptom that men wero going to kick over tho traces of tho laws thoy themslvos had sanctioned and made, but I have seen a great majesty seated upon their countenances, an in finite patience, but also an imdomitable will. They are sitting now and watching their public men; and this Is the test; this Is tho trial; this is tho ultimate seat of judgmont; and If these men will not servo thorn, thoy will bo swept like ' tho chaff before tho wind and other men more honBt, moro bravo, moro wholesomo, with the freshness of a now day upon thorn and with oyes that seo tho countrysides and tho spaces whore men aro cool and thoughtful and determined, shall come to the front and lead them to a day of victory; when America, will bo crowned with a now wreath of self-revelation and of solf-dis-covery; and theso pitiful creatures who have put their ugly bulk In tho way will havo disap peared like the dust under tho wheels of the chariots of God. It is this hope, it is this confidence, that keeps a president of the United States alive; it is this confidence that makes it good to como back to Jersey and fight for tho old cause. SECRETARY McADOO'S GOOD WORK Des Moines, la., May 6th. To Tho Editor of The Commoner: President Wilson and the members of tho cabinet and of congress aro carrying out faithfully tho pledges of tho party platform; this is something which has novor been done by any administration within my memory and I wish you to reallzo as fully as possible how greatly tho peoplo appreciate what is being done. Tho democrats havo directed mo to forward to you for publication tho enclosed resolutions and It gives me great pleasure to do so. Yours very truly, II. G. GUE. At a meeting of Des Moines democrats, hold at tho Wilson club headquarters tho recent action of the secretary of treasury regarding government deposits was considered and the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: "Whereas, Hon. William G. McAdoo, our able secretary of tho treasury, has recently abolished the unwise and unfair system of hoarding the surplus funds of tho United States in the treas ury vaults or depositing them without Interest; has required all national banks receiving govern ment deposits to pay 2 per cent interest thereon and has allowed state, city and county bonds to bo received as security for such deposits. Now, therefore, bo it "Resolved, by the democrats of Des Moines that this change in policy by which, for the first time in history, tho treasury department has placed these matters upon a fair and equitable basis, Is most satisfactory to the democrats of this city. That wo most heartily indorse and commend this action of our secretary of the treasury and thank him for changing from re publican methods to those of progressive democ racy HOW THE INCOME TAX WILIi WORK Just how tho Incomo tax provision of the democratic tariff bill is going to work, Is pre sented in tho following computation made by a New Jersey paper in figuring on tho proposi tion: "Mr. A is a dry goods merchant, with a business of his own, but not Incorporated. He owns his store in Newark and derives a gross In como of $100,000 a year. Out of his past profit ho has invested $200,000 In two apartment houses, the rentals from which bring him $20, 000 annually; and $12,000 additional he has in vested in tho capital stock of three domestic cor porations as follows: $10,000 in one, $1,500 ia another and $500 in tho third; the dividends paid by each corporation for tho previous year having been fivo per cent. There Is a mortgage of $50,000 at fivo per cent per annum on his store property, but otherwise his real estate is