The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 30, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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The Commoner.
MAY 30, 1913
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News of the Week
Henry M. Flagler. Standard Oil
magnate, died in Florida, aged
General Mario Menocal was in
augurated president of the Cuban
republic May 20, succeeding Jobo
Miguel Gomez. The new president
was educated in the United States.
Cordial messages of congratulations
from President Wilson and other
Americans wero received by the new
A Berlin cablegram says: Ger
man military authorities who for
several years have carried on a cam
paign against the UBe of strong
spirits in the army, have decided to
send an annual circular to all re
cruits in the future, describing
crimes committed within the military
service which have been attributed
to the excessive use of alcohol, and
also showing the punishment given
the convicted men. The campaign
waged by army officials already has
proved decidedly successful, and the
consumption of distilled spirits
among the soldiery has been greatly
by strikers, but made only a casual
reference to Mr. Wood and did not
mention Mr. Atteaux's name.
He said that at the request of
John J. Breen, an undertaker, who
was a member of the Lawrence
school board at the time, ho carriod
a package of dynamite from Boston
to Lawrence and at Breen's direction
distributed smaller packages of ex
plosives at various places where the
strikers congregated. Breon has
been convicted and fined for "plant
ing" the dynamite.
Tl'e reference to Mr. Wood came
when the witness was telling of a
conversation between Breen and him
self, when the other announced that
"he would be the next mayor of
Lawrence and that a million was
back of him."
Dr. David Starr Jordan has re
signed as president of Stanford uni
versity and he will become chancel
lor of the institution. An office
especially created for him by the
board of trustees. Joseph Casper
Branner, now vice-president will
become president at Stanford.
Horace G. Burt, former president
of the Union Pacific railroad and
late chief engineer- of the Chicago
Association of Commerce Coramit
ties, died at his home in Chicago
aged sixty-four years.
John N. Anhut, a New York city
lawyer, was convicted of attempted
bribery in connection with an effort
to free Harry K. Thaw from the
asylum for the insane.
A New York dispatch, carried by
the Associated Press says: Perma
nent organization of American physi
cians and laymen engaged in a nation-wide
fight against cancer was
effected here recently at a gathering
at which wero represented most of
the medical bodies identified with
the congress of American physicians
and surgeons. A campaign of educa
tion against the disease will be
undertaken through written and
spoken words in magazines, train
ing schools and in other ways, ac
cording to plans announced. Special
attention will be given to teaching
women the early symptoms of cancer.
Constitution and by-laws were drawn
np, and George C. Clark, financier of
this city, was elected president.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Boston says: An attempt to prove
that representatives of capital en
tered into a compact to discredit or
ganized labor was made in the su
perior court recently. President
William A. Wood of the American
Woolen company, Frederick B. At
teaux and Dennis J. Collins are on
trial. The defendants are charged
specifically with conspiracy to
"plant" dynamite at Lawrence dur
ing the textile strike In 1912.
Collins testified as a witnesB for
the prosecution and confessed a part
in the alleged plot, though insisting
that he was unaware at the time that
he was handling dynamite. He ad
mitted he did not expect to receive a
jail sentence if he told the truth on
the stand..
Collins told of distributing dyna
mite at different buildings occupied
Tho International Mind. By
Nicholas Murray Butler, president
Columbia university. Charles Scrib
ner's Sons, New York. Price, 75
cents, net.
An Introduction to Sociology. By
Arthur M. Lewis. Charles H. Kerr
& Co., publishers, 118 W. Kinzio St.,
Chicago, 111. Price, 50 cents.
Protection's Brood. By William
W. Crehore. Published by the
author. 30 Church St., New York.
Price, ?1.00.
Rough Rider Poems. By John
Allen. Charles W. Bancroft Co.,
publishers, Chicago, 111.
The Changing Order. A study of
democracy. By Oscar Lovell Triggs,
Ph. D. Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chi
cago, 111. Price, $1.00.
The New Competition. By Arthur
Jerome Eddy. D. Appleton & Co.,
publishers, New York. Price, $1.25,
net; postpaid, $1.37.
Bedrock. Education and Employ
ment, the Foundation of tho Repub
lic. By Annie L. DIggs. Published
by the Sbcial Center Publishing Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
Retrospection. By Herbert Howe
Bancroft. An analytical review of
the century. The Bancroft Co., pub
lishers, 156 Fifth Ave., New York.
A Valiant Woman. A contribution
to the educational problem. By M.
F., author of "The Journal of a Re
cluse." $1.25, net; by, mail, $1.37.
Guide to the United States for the
Jewish Immigrant. By John Foster
Carr, 241 Fifth Ave., Now York.
Price, 15 cents; postpaid, 20 cents.
A General History of the World.
By Victor Duruy, minister of public
instruction and member of the
Academie Francaise. With a sum
mary of contemporaneous history by
Edwin A. Grosvenor, professor of
modern governments and interna
tional law in Amherst college, and
Louis E. Van Norman, associate edi
tor American Review of Reviews,
author of "Poland, the Knight
Among Nations." Four volumes.
The Review of Reviews Co., .New
A Free Lance. Being short para
graphs and detached pages from an
author's note book. By Frederic
Rowland Marvin. Sherman, French
& Co., publishers, Boston, Mass.
Price, $1.25, net.
Mountain Breezes. Selections
from the Poems of George L. Mc
Dermott, M .D. Tho Wahlgreen
Publishing Co., Denver, Colo.
The Right of the Child to Bo Well
Born. By George E. Dawson, Ph. D.
Funk & Wagnalls Co., publisher,
New York. Price, 75 cents.
Into tho Light. Poems. By Ed
ward Robeson Taylor. Stferman,
French & Co., Boston, Mass.
Hell. Per a Spirit-Message There
from (Alleged.) By John Arm
strong .Chaloner, A. B., A. M. The
Palmetto Press, Roanoke Rapid, N.
C. Price, 25 cents, delivered.
Social Welfare in New Zealand.
Tho results of twenty years of pro
gressive social legislation and its
significance for tho United States
and othor countries. By Hugh II.
Lusk. Sturgls & Walton Co., 31-33
East 27th St., Now York. Price,
$1.50, net.
Harrlsburg Telograph Year Book
and Almanac, Harrlsburg, Pa. SInglo
copies, 10 cento. By mall, 15 ceiits.
Patrick Fltzpatrlck. By Francis
Reed. Helen Norwood Halsoy, pub
lisher, Herald Squaro hotol, New
York City.
Threo Dreams. By Hugh Black,
Fleming H. Rovell Co., Chicago and
Now York.
Tho Peaco Movement of America.
By Julius Morltzen. With an Intro
duction by James L. Try on. G. P.
Putnam's Sons, New York and Lon
don. Price, $3.00.
Prison Problems. Propounded In
prose and poetry. Compiled by Fred
High. Published by the Platform,
the Lycoum and Chautauqua Maga
zine, 010 Steinway hall, Chicago, 111.
A Free Lance. Being short para
graphs and detached pages from an
author's note book. By Frederic
Rowland Marvin. Sherman, French
& Co., Boston, Mass. Price, $1.25,
One Thousand Thoughts for Me
morial Addresses. Illustrations,
poetical selections, texts, with out
lines and suggestions. Introduction
by Russell H. Conwoll, D. D. Hodder
& Stoughton, Now York. George H.
Doran Co., Cleveland, O. F. M. Bar
ton. Price, $2.00, net.
The Stock Exchange from Within.
By William C. Van Antwerp. Double
day, Page & Co., Garden City, N. Y.
Price, $1.50, net.
A Man's Religion. By Fred B.
Smith. Association Press, 124
East 28th St., Now York. Cloth,
Postpaid, 75 cents.
Tho Money Trust. The Issue of
1912. By Karl F. M. Sandberg, 2850
Logan Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Price,
25 cents.
Heroines of Modern Progress. By
Elmer C. Adams and Warren Dun
ham Foster. Sturgls & Walton Co.,
31-33 East 27th St., New York.
Price, $1.50, net.
Peace Theories and tho Balkan
War. By Norman Angell. Horace,
Marshall & Co., London, Eng. Price,
Starving America. By Alfred W.
McCann. Georgo Doran Co., New
York. Price, $1.50, net.
The Land Where We Wero Dream
ing. By Daniel Bedlnger Lucas.
Richard G. Badger, publisher, 194
Boylston St., Boston, Mass.
Socialism Summed Up. By Mor
ris iHllquit. H. K. Fly Co., publish
ers, 5th Ave and 29th St., New
York. Price, $1.00, net.
The Joys of Living. By Orison
Swett Marden. Thomas Y. Crowell
Co., New York. Price, $1.25, not;
postage, 12 cents.
Tho Exceptional Employee. By
Orison Swett Marden. Thomas Y.
Crowell Co., New York. Price,
$1.00, net posta;go, 10 cents.
Tho Progressive Business Man.
By Orison Swett Marden. Thomas
Y. Crowell Co., New York. Price,
$1.00, net ; postage, 10 cents.
Healing Influences. By Leander
Edmund Whipple. Tho American
School of Metaphysics, 10 East 6th
St., New York. Price, $1.25.
Behind tho Curtain. By L'Abbo
De Lacroix. Tho Seemore Co., pub
lisher, Chicago, 111. Price, $1.00.
The Marselite. Some helpful ob
servations on subjects of interest to
tho earth' people. By Robert Do
Mars. Price, 50 cents.
Man's Birthright. By Rltter
Brown, Desmond FitzGerald, New
York. Price, $1.50, net.
The Wisconsin Idea. By Charles
McCarthy. The Macmlllan Co., New
York. Price, $1.50, ner
Twenty Years of tho Repuullc,
1885-1905. By Harry Thurston Peck,
LL, D. Dodd, Mead & Co., Now York.
Rrice, $2.50, net
Wo will whip to you fit onco thlH
beautiful nweet-toned Hchmollcr &.
Mueller tit no oxpcnHo to you,
Freight Prepaid, and lot you try it
Free for 30 day In your own homo.
If you decide It lu tho piano you
want, pay un
and In live years you will own It.
You will have inoro than Jimt a
hunch of rent reeelptH you will
own a guarantccd-for-2G years
Hweet-Toned Schrnollcr & Mueller
9175.00 will pay for tho piano.
Under our now plan ovoryono In
tcrcHted In having muffle In their
homi'H can imtlufy their dcHlrew.
No other cotnpuny give uch
unuRtial eay termn, uuch long time
to pay at Factory-to-IIomo Prices.
No middleman gets any profit on
theflo high-grudc, Kuarantend planon
we Hell direct only. You can get
your piano at direct prloci to you.
Cheaper than rent. Write today,
now, for our entlro unparalleled
Helling plan and our beautiful cata
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Mueller Player Piano, 88 note, wo
will send you a player catalogue.
fllI2CIAIj PUICKH To thoHO who
order now we tiro prepared to quote
a Special Price, somewhat lower
than our regular factory price and
made to only a limited number of
cuKtomcrH who help uh a repreflen
tatlvcH In making naloH whero wo
now have no active rcpreticntativcH,
l)rpi. TC3.V1. OniHlin, Neb.
Z HcIimnIIrr fe Mueller I'inno Co.,
- Den. TC35-I, Ontnhn, JVcb.
; Gentlemen: PlcaHo Bond me Infor
; matlon about your Sweet-Toned
: Schmoller & Mueller Plano, alno
; catalogiio I have checked. AIho
; quote Special Prlco to mo If you
want a representative In my com-
Z Namo , , , ,
S Addrens
: Piano Catalogue ( ) '
; - Player Piano Catalogue ( )
Handsome Nevr '
m 4ii1 wi n
rv iciruid Doo
Sesd tor k tenky. Costalns picture! and V To-day
coaotcte dejcripclooa of erety Victor and Victrola, IUU
of record and picture of tbe Victor artuti slogeri,
vlollnlfu. nltaktt. band and orebcrfra leaden.
Free Trial Eay Payments
TcJIt all about my Free Trial and Euy Payment flia.
Il't cxtr to own a Victor or Vkuola. As little m 12.00
a aieotb will boy one. Send name and addrco for tblt
complete book to-day absolutely free.
FETEK GOODWIN, frc. t Cim'm Kct Co.
-w-. i-rr.ri k.v
JJP-TO-DATE Service,
JCOOUNTS from 83 States,
ATE of Interest, 4 per cent, and
Absolute safety. Deposit
OW on Savings Account or
f HUE Certificate. Will Send
YOU Booklet and Guaranty Law.
Write Today,
Muskogee, Oklahoma.
M. G. Haskell, President.