frj wrry, TJPW,vj w n 6 our themo is hotter understood and more widely taught than the other. When we have acquired tho most perfect and well-balanced equipment of machinery, bought at right prices and in stalled correctly in proper buildings, well ar ranged, with ample, constant and economical power cheaply transmitted; when our stock Bhods are filled with tho right material con veniently located, and with proper cranes and other handling facilities; when light and heat are wisely applied; when gas, compressed air and electricity have done their perfect work; when shipping facilities aro complete; when an accurate cost-accounting system is installed, and tho best of salesmen aro employed; then, if this bo all, wo havo but entered on the road to effi ciency. In a college class of one hundred, perhaps five will ho fine students, twenty-five may bo good students, others ordinary, some poor. Then out of the same hundred some will have natural skill with their hands, others will be of the rofloctive typo without manual facility; somo will bo imaginative, some artistic, some musical. Those aro facts that all know. These differences exist in any group of men, among tho machinists or the molders, tho carpenters or clerks. They may not be the same differ ences, but the variation in temperament and endowment is there. Some of these men are moro fit for one kind of work in their own trade than another. Some of them respond moro quickly to suggestion, to orders, to light, than others do. In some the hand responds to tho brain quicker than in others. One can pa tiently stand watching a lathe all day; another would bo in nervous distress at so doing. The point is that men are unlike as unlike as the tools wo use. Efficiency requires that the man shall be fitted to the work. One finds pleasure at a vise or in the deft, active movements of assembling work; another, more phelegmatic, rojolces to run a boring mill. Each tool to its use this wo understand. Each man to his best use this we must learn. There are misfit stenographers as we know to our sorrow; so there are misfit machinists who might be drafts men or steamfitters. You and .1 if wo will havo efficient shops must search our force for the work each can best do and fit him to it and if need be, instruct him patiently in it. That word "patiently" does a lot toward making things efficient. It means "step by step" ono step only at a timo but ono always following another. Step by step will end tho longest Journey. Stop by step will climb the steepest hill. It was an old Roman rule "Never a step backward." It would be a good American rule "Always a step forward." Remember, how ever, that while high-speed steel-cutting does very well high-speed man-working deals with different material. Assume that it is the habit to make slightly sarcastic remarks to subordinates when for any reason they fall, and that words of praise are forgotten when they succeed. Are tho laws of human nature going to operate for their effi ciency in such cases? Some havo perhaps re sisted the idea of a shorter working day, with sincerity, indeed, believing it to be a matter of mere arithmetic that tho shorter day must cost more for labor than tho longer did. But talk some day with your family doctor and ask him what science teaches about fatigue. Ho will tell you that fatigue is tho result of a defi nite poison, because the wastes in the human body from exertion havo accumulated faster than tho powors of nature can remove or re place them. It is no dream, bufa commonplace fact known to physicians, that fatigue is a form of poison. Wo should not think that poisoned men could do good work, and yet the fact that men may bo weary has possibly never occurred to us as a reason for shutting the shop down a half-hour sooner. Yet if by a shorter day men and women can go without exhaustion to their homes, their work upon the morrow will bo better. A great cemont plant, with painful misgiv ings, caused by arithmetic, went from the ten pour day to the eight-hour day without chang ing the wage. At the ond of a year they wero glad, for they wero doing better than before Tho same 1b true of a paper mill in New England and of a shipyard in Scotland; another in Massachusetts has now made the change. Men wonder why it is so, when it is quite in accord with tho laws of tho human body and mind that it should bo so. Men who ar innocent of pre cise knowledge of the human frame, havo had strong opinions about the shorter working clay yet this, after all, is a question of exact knowledge of tho human machine. Suppose some group of manufacturers, resist- The Commoner. ing the eight-hour day, had employed a commis sion of physicians to advise thereon, and these had reported that the ten-hour day was better for men, that tho longer work was helpful to their bodies, and that a thorough study of tho human frame showed that tho greater exertion meant stronger men, and that fatigue was noth ing of moment. Then the resistance of tho manufacturers would havo somo scientific basis. But suppose, on the other -hand, tho fact to bo that fatigue Is a cumulative thing, that it is not always worked off, if it bo excessive, in one night's rest, but that as a matter of fact it is a shortener of life and has the same definite action towards reducing the span of life that a planer has in finishing a casting. These are or aro not facts, and they are the controlling facts, If they are facts at all. I suspect that our own ignorance of the laws of fatigue has held back our efficiency and that overtime has some times meant a temporary profit at a permanent loss. Look for a moment at your human mechan isms with no more or no less careful thought than a shop superintendent gives to machine tools. This man here has eyes: delicate organs; under certain conditions they work well, under others they do not; continuous strain on them produces nervous trouble which affects the whole man adversely. Can you expect him if so affected to work efficiently in your shop? Yet are wo as particular about eye-strain as about the conditions of the standard gauges in our tool room? The man has lungs they need air. You would not run an air compressor without a fit supply for it you would hardly permit foul gases to enter it. How about these lungs? You do not want grit and dust to get at polished surfaces of fine machines. Dust carries germs of disease, and these germs taken through the lungs endanger a man's health, and hence his producing power. Is dust allowed so to gather that many feet stir it up to be breathed over and over, or if not, is it so swept up during working hours that while this fool process goes on men are forced to breathe it whether they will or no? Ill health is a foe to efficiency as truly as intoxication. We are very particular often about the latter. Financial success is no necessary evidence of efficiency, as the cases cited testify. It may como from circumstances that permit high sell ing prices, such as patent or trademark protec tion, and these high prices and the consequent profits may hide wasteful methods. There is a large concern paying unusual dividends in whose works a recent examination showed con ditions that would cripple a house less favor ably placed. The truth is that a casual glance into two factories might seem to show both alike, whereas one was efficient and the other not; foi? the difference, in its essence, lies not so much in the outward appearance as in the Inward life Closer study would discover that in the efficient shop there were few wastes of time, effort or material; that the stops between operations JTflw Ut; that n 0ne was Poking for toota and fixtures or wondering either what- to do next or how to do it. There would be definite standards of working and a constant effort to reach them There would be a spring and "go" nor lT s J?0111 that was neither haste nor hustle The foremen would be leading and helping neither pushing nor driving. The work would be exact but it would not be allowed to be exacting. Waste of men would be asTtern y forbidden as waste of any other power tip efficient shop comes to be manned by picked .through a natural process of Lection a ike fucmMvTUr0 a Producvity and a peace alike lucrative to master and workmen ri beneficial to tneir families andThT' cSm- Some days ago I read a statement in which a few millions of tho capital stock of an induL try were said to bo for "good-will"-; I a1 reSTalue'1 in " "" a real value. But whose good-will? Yon anv the good-will of the people who buy. But t& people who buy are outside tho shop-perS far away They can not affect the efficiency Sf the plant, but in that plant arA-lw ,,, y 600 or 1,000 men who no only Effect ttS efficiency, but do. How about their good-wm Has it ever been heard that the good-win of the operatives in a factory had a tanShu i, ness value? I wish to spak soborlana with care in saying that tho idea forces itiEJf i and more upon my mind ttaa Sentim the workers within has nearly, if not nT f much valuo as tho good-will of , Q ito' as without, because if the good-will insldothUyH0rs . is active there, tho efficiency Sft f8u $g VOLUME 13, NUMBER 20 tho good-will outsido is almost a mm,. . course. matter ot We all know that team-work win in v ,11; that a lot of stars nLivw L ba!- own record, will ho beaten by piayer; n, ,hl3 individual nlHll -whn mill f ' ;rs .oi less individual skill who null tnrofh. VJ: . mercial and industrial life we are slow to this lesson. In a great corporation, the nnril ing department held up certain work bP, the specifications did not please them, and J?!! crippled a part of the selling force, in a i case, personal politics abound within tho m poration, and disappointed ambition acta m J clog on progress. In still a third case ner sonal antagonism keeps the heads of two dT partments so hostile that they do not sneak tn one another for hong months. Some men cult! vate what they seem to think the "dignity thi! doth hedge a king." One such did not wish his clerks to recognize him on the street These things are expensive luxuries. So is it costly also to have discord between shop and office to think the men in the works of different clay whose sole privilege it is to follow office orders for the least pay at which their services can be had. A factory will never he efficient wherein a large part of the workmen are looking for another job, whether because of pay or condi tions or tools or management. For efficiency at its best is a mutual thing We can not if we will impose it from above by arbitrary orders upon unwilling men, and to be real, efficiency must take in all the facts not leave a part of them out. Doubtless there are men who would be amused to be told that the laws of psychology had business value. It was once arranged in a large store that the selling force, who had the habit of saying to each buyer "Where shall wo send this," should change their phrase and say instead "Will you take this with you?" The result of this was a great reduction in the number of packages to be delivered, and a direct economy in the cost of the delivery department. Anyone familiar with the facts of suggstion will know that this is normal. Somtimes rules are made that are very costly. In a French factory any outlay for tools or fixtures over $25 was considered as a per manent addition to plant, and required the ap proval of the directors, who met four times yearly. The superintendent could not appear before them; he could only recommend in writ ing, and his suggestions were often ignored. Therefore it was that on an American boring mill made in this French plant, but one tool was used for an operation, instead of many, and that the product was less than one-tenth of what it is in this country on similar work.. On the other hand, when sound rules are made we ourselves should keep them. I went with a gentleman I will call Jones, since that was not -his name, into the restaurant of his large establishment. Wishing to treat me to an ice-cream soda he said to a saleswoman: "Please get me two soda checks." She said with a pleasant smile and a blush: "You'll have to get those yourself, Mr. Jones." Hesi tating a moment, he laughed, then rose and got them. When he had reseated himself he asked for the floor manager, to whom he said "That's a good girl you havo there. Keep your eye on her, for she will grow. She just had the courage to make me keep my own rule." Then ho spoke to the girl when she served the soda, and thanked her for reminding him, said she did just right and that if she kept on that way she would do very well indeed. And in my presence he commended her very strongly for her obedience to rules even when ho himself asked her to break them. He was an employer not cursed with tho fatal disease called "big head" but rather blessed with a broad mind. I sometimes think that arithmetic is a curse to manufacturers hiding from our eyes valu able things. One will say with great emphasis that two and two make four, which is true as far as it goes, though it does not go far; for when to two men in your shop you add two more, you do not necessarily double the worK you get. You may moro than double it you may only add one-half to it; for arithmetic leaves quality out. Not only so, but it leaves out motive-power; and in dealing with men n is the motive-power and quality that is impor tant. What matters it if the brain is keen ana the hands skilled, if the spirit be unwilling-Motive-power is lacking. Or suppose that ior some just discontent this motive-power is new . back, who suffers? Assume that the common but ignorant habit of cutting piece-work raw prevails, and the men "soldier," who toeB moro you or they? I call the' cutting of piece work rates ignorant because it leaves out y &