- w-n-y riwpqis.tiW1!!'' 2 matter where he not only has a constitutional duty to perform, but where ho may bo assumed to be able to judge of the effect of the legisla tion upon our relations with other countries. Ho pointed out the things which seem to him unwise In the bill that has passed the senate. Tho first words to which he calls attention are "eligible to citizenship," which are as clearly dis criminating as tho words "Ineligible to citibenship," against which ho so earnestly advises In tho second paragraph the prop erty rights of thoso therein described are defined as they are defined in the treaty. Ho fears that this will raise a question of construc t Hon and involvo tho subject In a lawsuit that may be both Irritating and protracted. J have submitted to him the suggestion but, owing to his absence from Washington just at this time have been unable as yet to secure an answer that a time limit upon any bill which you pass might reduce to a minimum the unfavorable In fluence it exerts, if that influence Is unfavorable. If, for Instance, any bill that you pass dealing with tho subject, is limited in its operations to two yearsor even four years, but two. years would give opportunity for the next legislature to act upon tho subject it would afford an opportunity for diplomatic effort with the hope that the situation could be so Improved as to make a re-enactment of the law unnecessary. Assuming that the people of California will be satisfied to reuch the end which they desire by methods which will c.tuso the least friction be tween this and other nations, this suggestion is mado for the consideration of those who have yet to act upon tho subject. (The suggestion was afterward approved by the president.) If tho legislature is willing to avoid the use i Mle words "Glieihle to citizenship" or "in eligible to citizenship" I am authorized to sug gest that tho lino might be drawn at another point, namely, between thoso whose right to own land is defined by treaty and those whose Hght to own land is not defined by treaty, tho former to bo allowed to own according to the terms of the treaty and the latter to be allowed n'od J" ,Ule snjne terms that citizens of the United States hold land. But the president ?nn8r0ti, TV0 keo?efor you at all times the fact that he would prefer, if consistent with your views of the state's interests, to have a action deferred for a time sufficient to permit him to employ diplomatic means. In conclusion, let me recall his preferences as they havo been stated to you before: FirstThe postponement or action at this mo. reminding you again that under your con stitution the legislature can be convened at any or the caso may require. a Second- If action is deemed necessarv h TVtfot ZL r'n, " '"" SH32i ly ine suite of Illinois, where no distinction is to te which" ?",? nnd a 'lberal Urn" rttowea uuring winch an alien can hold land. ThirdIf it is deemed necessary to still fur tier restrict the holding of property, he refers such a law as tho District of Columbia Sow -to 38. ns andn?oStnS f "tate la "conflnS SiJSs: T&g SSSoST declaml their fourth Whatever tho form of tho hw w earnestly advises against words intended to IMS ISIBB0" " toVi" rr:arvt lzza sr cboSuWyanUd noT SSSS ?ittonrrri,o,nn,nna '"ty ,22S infHoH,?ro fSrtunato in this state in having the initiative and referendum. The Initiati i! you on to do that which you believe yoirVeS want done while the referondin empower? thoso for whom you speak to put their v52 upon your acts if you fail to reflect their wished It may bo assumed, therefore, that if you ?2i it your duty to enact any legislation nn ? subject at this time, your people wiii0ni?ls manifest their approval by acJZsqenle or heir disapproval by submitting your action L Sr judgment of tho voters byaSS onWorSi! I leave you with renewed assurances of th president's friendly concern in tho subTec? Uth Which you are dealing and of my apXoiaUoS The Commoner. of the kind reception which you have accorded mo as his spokesman. SENATOR GATES' REPLY Senator Gates replied as follows: "If I may be permitted to speak tho senti ments of this legislature at this moment, I beg to convey to the secretary of stato of our nation and through him to the chief executive whom we delight to honor and obey in every respect and to every degreo which we believe consonant with our duty to our stato and with the work entrusted to us upon this coast, I would say that this legislature appreciates to its fullest degree the honor that has been done to this stato by the interest sh'own in the visit of the secretary of state to join with us in ah endeavor to write such legislation as shall bo for the protection of our state, of our people, of our relations with sister nations of tho earth. "Wo realize that the visit of the secretary of state upon a mission of this character, tra versing the continent from coast to coast to co operate with us to the end that we are seeking, marks an era in American politics, marks that degree of advance which we believe will be for the benefit of the nation at large and the con duct of public affairs hereafter in that it brings the national government into closer touch with that of the individual states and marks a further advance in making of the states each a closer integral part with the great family of states of which this nation is composed. .i"I,be!g furtner to express, upon the part of this legislature, our profound appreciation and gratitude for tho interest which has been taken by the national government in tho problem that confronts tho legislature of California, and to assure the secretary of state and the president of the United States that even though we may differ in the phraseology and terms which we may feel necessary to employ in legislation of t ie kind which is responsible for tho visit of the secretary of state, that we do it with the profoundest respect for the opinions of the sec retary of state and for those of the president, and -if wo feel impelled to depart in the slight est degree from the advice of the president, we still do it with the highest respect for the wishes of tho chief executivo of our nation. Speaking finally, I wish to say, and I know that I now express the sentiments of the legis lature here, that it is the purpose and desire upon tho part of this legislature, insofar as it' finds or can find it consonant with "tho duty it has to perform for the people of this state to comply with tho wishes of the chief executive and that we thank the president and h secret tary of state for the assistance which they have sTmav ? eXPreBS th0 hope " tSS visit may be tho forerunner of further activi- BlStephon ofati?U.al government in assisting the sisteihood of states composing file republic in tdaofiec.f'their dUti6S - o I beTrvT? behalf 0f.this gislature, i i ? rryan' t0 express the thanks of tho legislature to the president of the United States for his interest and assistance, and o you o S?niC0Urte?y and kindness with which yoS have discharged your ambassadorship to the WiH ture of the state of California' S a THE CURTIN RESOLUTION w3he CuTtin resolution was as follow Whereas, there are now pending in this S" laturo certain bills, definim: the riht J S Whereas, the president of the Unito du has earnestly advised this legislature that ?2 passage of any bill discriminatmc ln9t ! particular nation or nations Ti6 ? aBy ' Whereas, it is deemed fit and nronnr w a respect and consideration be given to tho ? vice of the president of the Unit la q? ad" that he be permitted to endeSo & accom'nh the end and purpose desired by "the b kw f tions, and bo it therefore naticn or na- alien eligible to be?o o XTStWn'iSS States raayactiuiro, posseBs, enjoy trnmV i inherit real property )n tSs stato S aud sssr sss tTtTat4r0r S VOLUME 13, NUMBER 13 acquire, - posses, enjoy and transit property In this gtate in the mannranrfn? extent and for the purposes prescrlhSV lhe treaty now exiting between ttSTuniSdJP and the nation or country of which 1 oh e3 friA? sub3ect and -' S president of the United States and thh Jh? ture will not at this session pass th0 bilf J" vised against, and be it further Resolved by tho people of the state of Call fornia represented in senato and VLmw jointly that tho president of tho UnlteTsuS be and is hereby requested to endeavor to 2! such treaty or other agreement from any na tion protesting against the passage of tho b t under consideration as wilj effectually accom plish the end and purpose herein mentioned, and bo it further ' uu Resolved, that if at any time during the pen. dency of diplomatic effort the governor of Ca fornia becomes convinced that the success of such effort is improbable, he is hereby requested to call an extraordinary session of the legisla ture for the purpose of enacting such a land law as the people demand; be it further Resolved, that the secretary of the senate be and he is hereby directed to forward a ro jy of these resolutions to the president of the United States. THE CALIFORNIA BILL The California anti-alien bill as it passed the legislature, is as follows: Section 1. All aliens eligible to citizenship under the laws of the Uriitdd States may acquire, possess, enjoy, transmit and inherit real prop erty, or any interest therein, in this state, in the same manner and to the same extent as citi zens of the United States, except as otherwise provided by the laws of this state. Section. 2. All aliens other than those men tioned in section 1 of this act may acquire, pos sess, enjoy and transfer Teal property, or any interest therein, in this state, in the manner and to the extent and for the purposes pre scribed by any treaty now existing between the government of the United States and the nation or country of which such alien is a citizen or subject, and not otherwise. . Section 3. Any company, association or cor poration organized under tho laws of this or any other state or nation, of which a majority of tho members are aliens other than thoso specified in section 1 of this act, or in which a majority of the issued capital stock is owned by such aliens, may acquire, possess, enjoy and convey real property, or any interest therein, in this state, in the manner and to the extent and for the purposes prescribed by any treaty nT !xisting between tho government of the united States and the nation or country of which such members or stockholders are citizens or subjects, and not otherwise. Section 4. Whenever it appears to the court in any probate proceeding that by reason of the "provisions of this act any heir or devisee can not take real property in this state which, but tor said provisions, said heir or devisee would r fnaS SUCh' th court instead of ordering a distribution of such real property to be made in the manner provided by law for probate sales 1 if 1 pronerty, and the proceeds of sucli sale snail be distributed to such heir or devisee in lieu of such real property. Section 5. Any real property hereafter ac quired in fee in violation of the provisions of fh S aCJ y any allen mentioned in section 2 of tnis act, or by any company, association or cor poiation mentioned in section 3 of this act, snail escheat to and become and remain the property of the state of California. The attor ney general shall institute proceedings to have escheat of such real property adjudged and entorced in the manner provided by section 1? nf he PolitIcal Code and title 8 part 3, of Sefl , ! of Civil Procedure. Upon the entry tn i JudSment in such proceedings, the title n ,real PrPerty shall pass to the state of California. The provisions of this section and or sections 2 and 3 of this act shall not apply to any real property hereafter acquired in tho enforcement or In satisfaction of any lien now existing upon, or interest in such property, so Jong as such real property so acquired shall re main the property of the alien, company, as sociation or corporation acquiring the same in such manner. Section 6. Any leasehold or other interest m real property less than the fee, hereafter acquired in violation of the provisions of this act by any alien mentioned in section 2 of this tr .. l..vIBmu&