The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 09, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner.
iews or me weeK
' i
Tho Missouri supreme court Issued
an order prohibiting 182 fire Insur
ance companies from canceling their
contracts In that state.
Announcement was made In To-pokn-,
Kan., and Los Angeles, Cal.,
that policewomen would be added to
tho force.
Chinese residents of Chicago met
In a mission and offered prayers for
tho now republic.
Dr. Charles A. Briggs, lecturer and
writer on theology, was stricken with
a disease of the heart and is in a
critical condition In Union Theologi
cal seminary, in New York.
European powers, tho settlement of
tho Albanian trouble now depends
upon whether Essad Pasha and
DJavid Pasha will obey tho orders
sent by the sublime porte to with
draw their armies to tho Turkish em
pire. It is believed that as Monte
negro has abandoned Scutari, Essad
Pasha will recognize tho futility of
his aspirations to the kingship of
Albania, in the fact of tho threatened
Austro-Itallan expedition to expel
him. One of the ambassadors at the
close of the ambassadorial con
ference at London said: "The situa
tion is saved and tho crisis is past.
The reported Austro-Italian action in
Albania has no point now."
George Teasdalo, who is said to
, have blown the first incandoscant
-light bulb, died in Kansas City, Kan.,
aged seventy-two years.
Moses Ilallott, for many years
United States district judge at Den
ver, is dead.
, Mr. Androw S. Draper, state com
missioner of education of New York,
died at Albany, aged sixty-four.
A New York dispatch says: It
was announced at the apartments of
Dr. Friedrlch Franz Friedmanu that
ho had signed a contract for the dis
position of his tuberculosis vaccine
by a company through institutes, to
bo established in every state. The
contract, it is said, provides for the
free treatment of the poor in all
William LaFollette, only brother
of Senator La Follotte, died at Madi
son, Wis.
A Junea, Alaska, dispatch savs:
Governor Waltor E. Clark vetoed the
anti-alien fishing bill aimed at
Japanese flshormon, just before tho
Alaska legislature adjourned sine
die. The bill passed tho house un
animously, but whon tho governor's
message was received there was no
attempt to pass it over his veto.
A Sioux City press cablegram says:
Tho Austrian minister at Cottinjo
visited King Nicholas and demanded
tho immediate and unconditional
oyacuatlon of Scutari. Tho king re
plied that he would never surrender
the town. Tho Austrian government
is now engaged in drafting a mani
festo to the powers, explaining its
policy and alms with regard to Bal
kan affairs. Telegrams passed
throughout the day between tho ad
ministrations at Vionna and Rome,
as under the existing treaty neither
Austria nor Italy may undertake any
measures regarding Albania without
an agreement beforehand.
The American poaco congress held
at St. Louis, was well attended.
The Florida legislature defeated
,tho woman suffrago amendment.
Eloctions for a president will be
.held by tho Huerta government in
Major It. W. Mc Claughrey for 14
years warden of tho federal prison at
Leavenworth, Kan., has" resigned.
Ho is seventy-four years of ago.
Popo Pius has entirely recovered
.from his recent illness.
A cablegram carried by the As-
Bciated pr0BS says: KinS Nicholas
or Montenegro, having placed tho fu
ture of Scutari in the hands of the
Your Mind and How to Use it. By
William Walker Atkinson. Price.
$1.00, postpaid. Published by the
liiiizauetu Towne Co., Holyoke, Mass.
Analytical Advertising. Business
Service Corporations, publishers,
King J31dg., Detroit, Mich. Price,
$3.00, prepaid.
The Natural and the Spiritual Life.
By Mrs. L. H. Sams, Rogers, Ark.
Smith & Lamar, publishers, Dallas,
Education, the Old and the New.
School management. Tho experience
of half a century. By William P.
Hastings, Battle Creek, Mich.
Canadian Heart Songs By Charles
Wesley McCrossan. Wlllinm tWo
20-37 Richmond St., West, Toronto)
vsiiuuua. .trice, ?l.uo.
At Eternity's Shore and Other
lales. By Richard Murray. The
Shakespeare Press., 114 E. 28th St.,
iuw i one.
Fresh Air and How to Use It. By
Thomas Speer Carrington, M. D. The
National Association for the Study
and Prevention of Tuberculosis, 105
b. 22nd St., New York. Price, $1.00.
Outlines of Lectures on the Tax
ation of Land Values. By Louis F
Post. Published by The Public'
Ellsworth Bldg., Chicago, 111. Price!
30 cents.
Back to Slavery, or the Fallacy of
Socialism. By George Wilson Teits
worth, of the Minnesota bar, Minne
apolis, Minn. Price, 50 cents, net.
The Underworld and the Upper.
By Charles A. Starr. With an intro
duction by William Jennings Bryan
Eaton & Mains, 150 Fifth Ave., New
York. Prico, $1.00.
Speeches and Orations of John
Warwick Daniel. Compiled by his
son, Edward M. Daniel. J. P. Bell
Co., Printers, S16 Main St., 811-813
TTm St;VLAynnchburs' Va- price.
$3.50 cloth, $6.00, morocco.
The Passing of the Idle Rich. By
Frederick Townsend Martin. Double
day Page & Co., Garden City, New
ents"' $1'00' net' Post
Bat, u 1lyl of New York. By
Edward MarslialI G w Dmingy
Price, $,TetIS' W York'
God and Democracy. By .Frank
Crane. Forbes & Co., Chicago
Cutting it Out. How to get on the
water wagon and stay there. By
Chicago. G' Blyth0, Frbes &'C
BvFwnJClTClP I4 th Door- A novel.
By Will Lexington Comfort. J. B
Llpplncott Co., Philadelphia Pa
Story of tho Hugonots. a' six
teenth century narrative wherein the
French, Spaniards and Indians were
the actors. By F. A. Mann, Compoc!
Smithson's Theory of Special Cre
ation By Noble Smlthapn. yictS
Pub. Co., Knoxville, Toim.
S?5ial,i!m as U Ia A survey of the
world-wide revolutionary movement
By William English Walling Tho
Macmillan Co., N. Y.
The World Almanac and Encyclo
pedia, 1913. Issued by Tho Press
Publishing Co. (The New York
World), Pulitzer Bldg., New York
Single copies 25 cents. By mail 35
cents. On sale wherever books are
Millionism vs. Socialism or Timoc
racy va. Democracy. By H. Slack
Worthlngton. Tho Shakespeare
Press, 114-116 East 28th. St., New
Tho End of Strife, Nature's Laws
Applied to Incomes. By John W.
Batdorf. Broadway Publishing Co.,
835 Broadway, Now York.
Reflections of a' Lawyer. By Mor
ris Salem, of the New York bar, 198
Broadway, New York.
Labor, Law and Justice. A trea
tise on workmen's compensation. By
Prentice Chase, member of tho Con
necticut Bar, New Haven, Conn.
Published by The Bulletin Publish
ing Co., Stamford, Conn. Price, 50
A Curb to Predatory Wealth. By
W. V. Marshall. R. F. Fenno & Co.,
New York.
Washington News
A senate committee vote4 to re
port favorably on the nomination of
Charles P. Neill as commissioner of
labor statistics.
Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, tho new
British ambassador, arrived in Washington.
The supreme court of tho United
States held that reorganized corpora
tions are responsible for the debts
of tho original company in the case
against the Northern Pacific Rail
road company.
Representative Kelly of Pennsyl
vania, has introduced in the house, a
progressive old age pension bill to
provide $1 to $4 a week for all those
more than G5 years, whose incomes
are less than $10 a week. His plan
would pension those with incomes of
less than $6 a week at $4 a week,
incomes of from $6 to $7, at $3,
between $7 and $8, $2 a week, and
from $8 to $9, $1 a week.
Representative Sisson of Missis
sippi, in a speech delivered in the
house, defended California's right to
pass an alien land bill and said he
was for it even if it meant war.
The lower house of the' Pennsyl
vania legislature adopted a resolu
tion to submit the initiative and
referendum constitutional amend
ment to a vote of the people.
wfwSPatrh t0 the Philadelphia
North American says: Letters from
iLSiank pJi:esidents and cashiers
throughout the country protesting
fn faSt.Jf8hod m?ney and Proclaim
ing It tho counterfeiters' delieht"
were offered for printing as a public
document by Senator Martine. Objec-
thonprinSngSen:-t0r Sm0t P
An Associated Press dispatch
says: Edward K. Campbell, a law
yer of Birmingham, Ala., was nomi
nated today by President Wilson to
be chief justice of the United States
court of claims, to succeed the late
Justice Stanton J. Peelle. Mr Cawm
bell, who is a native of WashinK?on
county, Va., has been a ULAnZ
friend of Representative Underwood
K domocratic house leader and
identified with all the Underwood
political campaigns. Ho Ww!;?
Underwood Marching club in thS
campaign last year. n tho
vnUMm Harmny Lamar of R0Ck
vllo, Md., was appointed" assiS
attorney general for the nS?'
department to succeed ,,.,!
I Goodwin of AuroraTllC resS. M
Eight Hardy
Roses for Ycrn
tearaMSBs !
Unless you request immediate iu
vfr.y when ordering, th? rosea will
not be delivered until nroncr timi
f Plant in your locality? l?Jh?N
lection is accompanied with snecfli
Fnrin55?dlSJ5,otlOM on tt&?fi2
viH enter subscription for one yew
to both Tho Commoner and Tho
American Homestead and deliver
$lT$ihfS?? pfPaid. this collection
of Right Hardy Rose Bushes.
roS Srnalabl and satisfactory
rod roso for general plantine
Vsorous, sturdy grower and p?S
Jwn0,eblo2mer- LarSe WJirm rosy
C?rmS.,fl)ve.r59a.utIf"y shade
,oUiu auiu&'1'A VICTORIA
,onrtiCir0wJ?Ins masterpiece and
hailed by flower-lovers everywhere
mn!2 ?reatest rose creation of
modern times. Hardy and vigorous
grower with great loads of rich,
creamy, fragrant white, slightly
lemon-tinted flowers; a color effect
exquisitely beautiful.
mo J? , color, a deep golden yellow,
maryelously rich and pure, with cx-
lusty in growth and blooms all the
A rose to excite tho admiration of
everyone. Fino outdoor roso, very
hardy and rapid, vigorous grower.
Blooms all tho time, producing im
mense elegantly formed flowers of
a magnificent silvery pink.
..For intense and dazzling color,
t?fe . no other Roso to compare
with it. A strong, sturdy grower,
entirely hardy and free bloomer.
I lowers are largo and handsome;
color fiery crimson shaded with a
dark velvety sheen, a combination
found in no other rose. Fragrance
is unexcelled.
An Indispensable rose for bedding
or decorative purposes. Immenso
aoublo flowers aro produced all
through tho growing season; color
pale blush and creamy white.
This splendid oso is ono of tho
very best of Its color rosy carmine
with darker shade. Full, deep,
double flowers aro borno in great
profusion and the bush is a rapid
compact grower, perfectly hardy.
An ideal garden rose in every way.
The new production that everyone
raves over, a real Everbloomlng
Rambler. Plant grows rapidly,
making shoots from eight to ten
feet during tlio season and covers
Itself with bright green glossy
foliage. Bright crimson flowers In
groat clusters aro produced tho
entire season.
Sesid Your Order Earty!
Thero will bo a big demand for
this fine collection of Bight Beauti
ful Roso Bushes. Do not wait
until planting time before ordering.
Send NOW. Offer open to new or
renewal subscriptions, or anyono
wishing to advanco present sub
scriptions to either paper. Uso
attached coupon. Address
Lincoln, Neb.
Use This Coupon To-day
The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
I enclose $1.15 to pay for one year's
subscription to both The Commonor
and tho American Homestead at
your special club rate, which also
entitles mo to Eight Hardy Ever
blooming Roses as advertised, sent
postpaid, without additional cost.
Ono Year.)
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