The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 09, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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The Commoner
MAY 9, 1913
clples of the American nation, will
not be forgotten at this time."
More than a dozen telegrams from
labor organizations throughout the
tates "were received protesting
against the law preventing aliens
from land ownership.
A great sensation was created in
Germany recently by an exposure
concerning the conduct of Krupps to
the navy department. The story is
told in the following Berlin cable
gram to the New York World:
Deputy Matthoas Erzberger, tho
leader of the Center party, caused a
sensation in tho reichstag by produc
ing the figures to prove that the navy
department pays Krupp's just twice
the amount it costs the concern to
produce and that Krupp's profit is 60
per cent higher than it need be if tho
government had not given the con
cern a monopoly.
General von Heeringen, the war
minister, has tendered his resigna
tion, which is certain to be accepted.
Tho government was obliged by
the reichtag to abandon the war
ministry's strange deal for building
sites in Berlin. It was defeated also
on other points of the military appro
priations bill.
The socialists repeated their de
mand for a thorough investigation
of all contracts for armament by a
committee with judicial powers on
the lines of tho United States con
gressional committees that inquired
into the Titanic disaster and the
money trust.
Minister of the Interior Delbrueck
said that such a committee would be
contrary to the constitution, but the
government would appoint a commis
sion and invite some members of the
Teichstag. to. take part in the in
vestigation. After further debate the reichstag
adopted a resolution introduced by
the clerical party to appoint a com
mission composed of members of the
Teichstag and experts to investigate
all German armament contracts.
The resolution was the outcome of
disclosures made by the socialist
leader, Dr. Carl Liebknecht, with re
gard to the relations of the Krupp
firm of arms and ammunition manu
facturers with officials of the Ger
man war ministry for the purpose of
gaining information about armament
Germany is pressing her complaint
of the Luneville authorities' course
when the Zeppelin dirigible descend
ed in that French town April 3, and
will not consider the incident as
closed until a satisfactory reply has
been received, according to an in
spired communication in the Lokal
The government of the provinces
of Alsace-Lorraine was censured by
the second chamber of the provincial
diet for instructing its representa
tives in the federal council of the
German empire to vote for the mili
tary bills increasing the German
army, which the members of the diet
declared to be contrary to the views
of tho people of Alsace-Lorraine.
The motion was adopted by a ma
jority of 47 against 5.
Following are additional cable
grams carried by the Associated
Berlin, April 21. The German
imperial parliament took a bold step
today as a sequel to the disclosures
made by Dr. Carl Liebknecht, the
socialist leader, in regard to the re
lations of the Krupp firm with offi
cials of the war office for the pur
pose of gaining information about
When the military budget came
before the committee today a large
majority of the.members voted to cut
down the appropriations- and to drop
the posts of commandants at Dres
den, Darmstadt, KaTlsruho, and
Stuttgart. The war minister and
other officials protested in the
strongest way against tho action,
both from a political and military
Tho clerical party introduced a
resolution requesting tho chancellor
to appoint a committee to investigate
all armament contracts. Tho report
is to be submitted to parliament with
recommendations to terminato exist
ing abuses.
The Norddeutsche AUgemelno
Zeitung, the semi-official newspaper,
expresses its indignant protest
against an attack made on War
Minister von Heeringen by the Lokal
Anzeiger today in regard to tho
Krupp incident. The Lokal An
zeiger's reputation for detecting and
preparing the way for the impending
downfall of statesmen has aroused
widespread doubt as to the security
of General von Heeringen's position.
Every political topic in Germany is
for the moment overshadowed by the
"Krupp revelations."
The Vorwarts publishes the text of
instruction sent by the Deutsche
Munitions and Waffenfabrik to its
Paris agent, instructing him to
"leave no stone unturned" to per
suade some popular French news
paper to publish a statement that
France intended to double her orders
for machine guns, the object being
to persuade the German government
to give machine gun orders to the
Deutsche Munitions and Waffen
fabrik. Not even the strongly conservative
press are able to conceal the fact
that tho scandal is one of the gravest
ever revealed to the reichstag. Tho
Kreuz-Zeitung openly abandons the
attempt to defend the Krupps. The
Vossiche-Zeltung publishes a plain
statement from a reichstag member,
Herr Heyn:
"We have every reason to grieve
and be ashamed that such things are
possible in Germany." Under tho
title, "Sheer Lust of Gold," the Mor
genpost publishes one of the angriest
articles ever seen outside the so
cialist press. It says:
"Behind all this fabricated war
talk stands either a class of reac
tion, or, more sickening still, a sheer
lust of gold."
It explains how army and navy so
cieties spring up to preach war with
the unconcealed financial assistance
of tho armor plate firms, how files of
pensioned officials steadily perambu
lated through the country preaching
war, how the armor firms subsidized
German newspapers to conduct crazy
campaigns of hatred against France
and England, and how these same
firms sold weapons to the German
government at higher prices than to
the nations their press were paid to
abuse. It winds up:
"The armaments factories pay 30
per cent dividends, but the German
taxpayer is treacherously sold."
The Lokal-Anzolger devotes half
its review of the week to criticism of
the Prussian war minister, and Inti
mates that his resignation would be
Paris Withholds Comment
Paris, April 21. Dr. Liebknecbt's
revelations concerning tho Krupps
connection with the manufacture of
war sentiment in Germany and
France has produced a' profound sen
sation in Paris, but comment is rdre.
With regard to the assertion that
an article on the new mitralieusses
for the French army had been
printed in a French journal in order
to foment agitation in Germany tfor
an increase of German armamets
the Figaro denies that any Bupjfcsngf
gestlon was ever made to -itfT Drl
T.iphlmfteht mentioned that! dOurxali.
It challenges the German sociajjfit to
give thedate of Issue anarjttmp.Ee,1
else article wherein he ihon&htrhh
discovered any allusion of the kind.
mvJiM Qi$$3k??A.&
The Best
under the
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A welcome addition to any party
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Sparkling with life and wholcsomcncss.
Demand the Genuine
Refuse Substitutes.
or Carbonated
in Bottles.
Whenever you tee an Arrow think of Coca-Cols.
BIG BARGAIN in Choice, 30 Acre
Tract near thriving City of Houston
FOR SAIiE 30 acres of the most desirable and best located land In
tho rich farming tract near Houston, Texas, lenown as Allison
Richey Suburban Gardens. This land is within a few blocks of tho
railway station, Almeda a suburb of Houston and will bo sold at
a reasonable price, or will trade for good Nebraska farm land or
city property. Write at once for further particulars to
Department B, Commoner Office, Lincoln, Nebraska
v "S
400 Acres of Good Nebraska
Farm Land at a Low Price
I Ja'ri,olterJng for aai 400 acres of good farm land in Perking
county, Nebraska; -.rThto land is a dark gandy loam very prodnc
tive &Cn$freanfe tn'lue. Will 'sell all or part. Write for
price 'And $eriH,.to .- .u.b . ......
.,- T,,S$$lfe fmiri&r Biuldinsy Lincoln,
" ,
: .','.