" The Commoner. I MAY -9, 1913 11 I Bassett Moore, acting secretary of state, was invited by the president to Bit in the place of Mr. Bryan. It is a rare occasion when an acting head of a department sits In the cabinet and usually he is sent for only for a brief period while the business of his department is considered. Mr. Moore stayed virtually throughout the cabinet meeting, which was taken as an indication that the Japanese question took almost the entire time of the president and his advisers. Mr. Moore, who is an authority on international law, has given con siderable study to the international phases of the California land law. While the cabinet discussed the situation in Mexico to somo extent, the principal subject under discus sion was Mr. Bryan's proposal. No messages were submitted by the president to be sent either to Mr. Bryan or the California authorities, and members of the cabinet also said no conclusions had been reached. The view was expressed, however, that the administration would not recede from its position as described by Mr. Bryan to the California legis lature yesterday. In the event of a rejection of those suggestions cabi net members felt that the Japanese government would realize the Wash ington government had done every thing in its power to prevent dis crimination. There were intimations that somo members of tho cabinet reported a growing sentiment about the country for a more careful in quiry into the California viewpoint of the question. This, it was said, how ever, would be in line with the sug gestion to call for a postponement so an investigation could be made and an understanding arrived at with Japan through regular channels. Later Ambassador Chinda visited the state department and had a long and earnest conference with Acting Secretary Moore. Both flatly refused to discuss the situation, but it was believed that the ofllcial conferences here over Secretary Bryan's telegram to the president had been extended to include the Japanese ambassador and that the correspondence between Washington and Sacramento would include some of the results. NEW BILL DRAFTED Sacramento, Cal., April 29. The possibility of an amicable adjust ment of the alien land controversy by means of a new bill drawn in strict conformity with the treaty between Japan and the United States con fronted tonight the third secret con ference of Secretary of state Bryan with Governor Johnson and the Cali fornia legislature. The conference was called for 8:30 o'clock. Attor ney General U. S. Webb drafted the new measure at the suggestion of Governor Johnson and a copy was placed immediately in the hands of Secretary Bryan. The term' "ineligible to citizen ship," which is declared by Secretary Bryan to be odious to the Japanese is not included, and the progressive republican leaders are confident they have arrived at a solution of the problem that will receive the indorse ment of President Wilson. Secretary Bryan declined to com ment upon the new bill except before the conference. The principal features of the bill are: 1. All aliens eligible to citizen ship may acquire and hold land in tho same manner as citizens of tLe United States. 2.-T All other aliens may acquire and hold land "in tho manner and to the extent and for the purposes prescribed by any treaty existing now between the government of the United States or the nation or the country of which such alien" is a citi zen or subject." 3. Corporations " composed of aliens other than those who are eligible to citlzonship may acquire and hold land according to tho terms of existing treaties. 4. Present holdings of aliens re gardless of their rights to citizen ship aro protected. 5. Tho state specifically reservec its sovereign rights to enact any and all laws relating to the acquisition or holding of real property by aliens. Attorney General Webb worked upon tho theory that thero could bo no objection to writing into tho Cali fornia statute tho specific limitations of the Japanese treaty of 1911. Under the terms of this treaty, Japanese subjects aTe permitted to own "houses and lands for residential purposes, factories, manufactories and shops," according to Mr. Webb. Another clause permits Japanese sub jects to lease land for residential and commercial purposes. These are tho only stipulations made and it is tho belief of tho at torney general that tho rights of Japanese subjects to land owner ship in tho United States stop at this point. Under his construction of the treaty no land can be owned or leased by a Japanese for agricultural pur poses, except that which is already owned, or for any other purposes ex cept those set forth in the agree ment between tho nations. Explaining tho wording of the substitute bill Mr. Webb said: "Our theory is that at the time the treaty was framed Japan asked for all the rights as to ownership of land in California that that nation desired for her subjects, and that tho treaty as it now stands represents all that Japan asked and all that the United States was willing to grant. "This act does not draw the lino on aliens who aro ineligible to owner ship. These words are not used. It gives not only to Japan, but to every nation whose subjects aro ineligible to citizenship under the laws of the United States, full right to owner ship of land in California that the treaties between tho United States and such nations give." It is generally believed here that the now act would accomplish "the ends said to be desired to be accom plished by the people of tho state namely, prevention of the further ac quisition by Japanese subjects of farming lands and ranches." Administration leaders are not disposed to allow a filibuster, even one conducted by the secretary of state of tho United States, to check them, and unless Mr. Bryan presents urgent reasons for further delay in the conference that he is expected to call the opinion is expressed that the legislature will take hold of the ques tion Immediately and pass too Dili prohibiting ownership by foreigners ineligible to citizenship while the distinguished visitor looks on. Adjournment has been set for May 3, but it is planned to extent this date to May 10. Even this extension allows less than two weeks for the legislature to wind up Its affairs, and the majority leaders feel there is no need to waste time with the alien land bill when other matters of vital importance to the state aro still on the files. Although several messages in secret code were read by Mr. Bryan this morning from President Wilson, Mr. Bryan declined to dis cuss the contents of his telegrams. Their -probable discussion is the sub ject of wide speculation. Both houses of the legislature re turned to their routine work today as if thero had been no interruption. A delegation from the Lodi anti alien association called on Secretary Bryan this morning to present the views of the American farmers liv ing in that community, where feeling against the Japanese is said to be in tense. Tho visitors were introduced by Assemblyman Stuckenbruck, democrat, who has announced his in tention of voting for a strong anti- Japanese bill In whatever form It is presented, rogardless of Secretary Bryan's arguments. The secretary of state promised tho visitors a ftir thor hearing. If the purposo of tho visit of Sec retary of Stato Bryan was to check further legislation by tho legislature on tho alien land law directed against tho Japanese, his mission was a fail ure. The conferences between Sec retary Bryan and tho legislators closed at 11:40 o'clock tonight. Within threo minutes and beforo most of tho spectators know what had occurred, Senator A. E. Boynton, president pro tern of tho upper house convened tho senato and an amended land bill, which provides that no alien who is ineligible to citlzJiship under tho laws of tho United states may hold land in California, was adopted by unanimous viva voco vote. It will como up for final passage In tho regular order Thursday morn ing and doubtless will be approved, according to tho predictions of tho administration leaders. When it comes to Governor Johnson It will bo signed. Tho new bill is drawn in strict conformity with tho treaty be tween Japan and the United States, but all efforts to securo an opinion from Secretary Bryan or President Wilson failed and tho state leaders decided forthwith to proceed with the plans for enacting it into law. Secretary Bryan brought into the final conference tonight further mes sages from President Wilson, but they met with no response from the legislators. At the close of tho secret meeting Governor Johnson and a number of administration leaders de clared their opinions remained un changed. President Wilson's mes sages were in the form of replies to questions asked by Secretary Bryan tho preceding day. In reply to a question as to tho effect the words "ineligible to citizenship" would have upon tho federal government, President Wilson sent tho following message to Secretary Bryan:. "I can only say that I can not as sume that tho representations here tofore made to tho governor and the legislature and which your presence in Sacramento must necessarily greatly have emphasized, will bo dis regarded and so render it necessary to consider that question." That was taken as the nearest ap proach to a threat of danger that has resulted since the conference began. In a reply to a" question as to whether tho substitute bill drawn by Attorney General Webb, which wa acted on by tho legislature late would be acceptable, Secretary Bryan said: "I have telegraphed to President Wilson and he deems it inadvisable to sanction any particular statutes or forms of legislation. Ho thinks it should bo made emphatically evident that we are acting just now as the federal government, sanctioning not this nor that, but as friends of Cali fornia, wishing to be of such service as is possible to California in a criti cal matter." When Secretary Bryan concluded reading and discussing his messages tho conference came to an end. Proposal in Washington Stato Olympia, Wash., April 29. Secre tary Bryan sent this dispatch today to Governor Lister of Washington: "Please wire me status of propo sition to amend alien ownership law to strike out words 'ineligible to citizenship.' Understand such an amendment has been submitted or is being considered." Governor Lister replied: "When proposed amendment relat ing to ownership of land in this state was introduced In this house at the last legislature ,.J$o word was 'in eligible to citizenship, because of race or col6r?Sti.t' these words were afterwards stricken out in the lower house and tho proposed amendment made to read: 'Tho ownership to land by alions, othor than those who, XO Centn a Day $n,OG a Month $175 for a Sweet-Toned Schmoller& Mueller Piano Wo Give You HO Days Frco Trial Wo Pay Tho Freight Jurt think you nro hero Riven tho opportuni ty of having plnrcd In your homo without one cent or cwt to you n tc uurun toed -for-15-yeHr,8wcct-TonedSchmolli:rfcMuoljrriano Try It FREE for JJO days and if you liko it you havo 5 Years to Pay Our unequnllcd selling plan hiso do vised Unit pcnplo with iiiuhIc In thulr souls hut small pureei can wills fy (lint lovo for muMc mid havo u sweet-toned l'latio placed In their homo at once. 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