The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 09, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
Erickson Lee
Anna, lOrutohos, Stocking,
X. H. Frlekion irllfleUI Mob Co.,
II Wh Ar.NoMtaatapolb, Mian.
Dosi not clif, orttbui
; diw end ol iVump
tnd for CUlo(f.
ii i
Fulor Ibbbbw
Urnit Limb
la WmM.
Give It a Trial
Gorman Distemper Remedy for dls
tomper, coughs, colds and worms In
horses and Htock. Irlco r0 centH a bottle
at all druggists, or wo will send It pro
paid upon receipt of price.
GoNlicn, Jinlltmn.
Mr. Bryan in California
Following are tho Associated Press
dispatches which tell tho story of
Mr. Bryan's work In California:
Washington, April 29. Practi
cally all of today was devoted by
President Wilson to consideration of
the situation arising from Califor
nia's projected anti-alien land law.
Tho president was in frequent tele
graphic communication with Secre
tary Bryan at Sacramento, Cal., and
Rare Small Farm Opportunity
In Texas Gulf Coast Country I
ir you aro looicing ror an Ideal location for a home, a place
whero you can make immediate profits, or an investment that will
bring you futuro returns, I want you to investigate my choice 30
acro tract of land, located two miles from the thriving little city
of Mission, Toxas -right In tho heart of tho very best section of the
famous Lowor Ilio Grande Valley of tho Gulf Coast of Texas.
This tract Is all cloarod, In cultivation and under Irrigation, and
will bo sold with or without small improvements, with privilege of
immediate possession. An excellent opportunity for any person who
wishes to buy and sub-divide Into 5-acro tracts for later sale
This rogion, in which my tract is located, Is famous the world
ovor for Its wonderfully fertllo soil, delightful summer and winter
climate, and Its long growing season. A 5 to 10-acro tract in this
soctlon hns proven moro proiltablo than IGO-acro farms in many
sections. Fruit and garden truck bring rich returns. Corn, alfalfa
cotton and sugar cano do their best hero. Twelve months of grow
ing season. Thriving community; good schools and churches- truck
and fruit-growers association. Ships produce earlier than any sec
tion of tho United States and gots highest prices; in easy access of
tho best markets of tho world. y 0I
Wrlto for further particulars, terms, etc., to
T. S. ALLEN, Fraternity Building,
Lincoln, Neb.
laid tiifl entire aubiect before the
cabinet in a two-hour meeting. Pie
also conferred at different times to
day with John Bassett Moore, acting
secretary of state, who, in turn, was
visited by Viscount Chinda, the
Japanese ambassador.
No telegrams from or to Secretary
Bryan were made public at the White
House. Mr. Moore declined to dis
cuss the negotiations and reticence
was maintained at the White House.
That the president was somewhat
worried about the outcome of the
situation was tho only impression
gained by those who had talked with
him today. As far as could be
learned tho attitude of the national
government still is one of hope that
if the anti-alien bill is passed at all,
it will be along the lines of laws
existing in New York, Missouri, Min
nesota, and, other states.
Secretary Bryan's proposition to
the California legislature to suspend
the passage of anti-Japanese legisla
tion until the president has had an
opportunity to negotiate a new treaty
with Japan to replace the convention
of 1911 is believed to represent the
ultimate concession which the ad
ministration is willing to make in
reference to public feeling in Cali
fornia. The secretary's statement
that in event of the turning down of
the president's advice he would feel
obligated" to do everything possible
to "minimize the ill-feeling that may
be aroused" is regarded here as
marking a purpose on the part of the
government to become an intervener
with the Japanese in any suit which
they may bring before the federal
courts to nullify the action of the
California legislature.
Assuming that ono of the ques
tions which Mr. Bryan has trans
mitted to the president on behalf nf
the' California legislature is as to . th
probable time for negotiating a new
treaty with Japan and just how such
a convention could be framed to
meet the views of California without
being objectionable to Japan, it may
bo seen that such a method 0f
settling the present Issue already has
been given some consideration. The
oxisting Japanese treaty was in
tended to meet a -temporary need in
quioting the unrest on the Pacific
coast over the school question
Neither party has been satisfied with
its workings, and it is remarkablo
for its omissions, compared with
other treaties of trade and commerce.
For instance,probably no provision
for the acquirement by Japanese, not
even the extremely limited favored
nation clause, covers the usual com
mon law right in such matters, and,
singular to say, there is no pro
vision whatever against discrimina
tion. When Secretary Bryan started for
California he was aware that while
there was absolutely no treaty pro
hibition against Japanese, as the
Californians now propose, ho must
rely on their patriotism and patience
in assisting the national government
in overcoming the present difficulty.
President Wilson and John Bassett
Moore, qf the state department, who
has devoted much attention to the
consideration and definition of the
rights of aliens with the United
States, were in early consultation for
more than an hour early today re
garding the California situation.
Senator Works of California today
set out his views on the situation in
a prepared statement in which he up
held the right of his stato to enact
such laws as the ono in question and
approved the viewpoint of the Cali
fornia legislators generally.
When the cabinet assembled John
r m ", aaaaplraMlT ' ll'l I 'I Wt
Grows Three Crops in a Ye;
A Newly Opened Section of Florida That Produces
a Wonderful Variety of Products
n nVnlH00 rallos ?C th0 Nourishing: city of Jacksonville Florida.
Is tho location of a npwly opened, Immensely productive tract of lanci
that is now attracting homosoolcers and Investors on account of
the wonderful opportunities it offors. '"vcatuia on account of
.. li tract k"own ls tho ArtcNhm Pnrm Lnnds, not only can dto
duco threo regular crops in a year from tho same ground, but owln
to tho unusually favorable conditions of soil and climate growstho
JJlBO 0,f, Profit-making products. An oxtromoly long grow
ing season pnablcs tho growors of this region to market groat earlv
winter trSck SoT' follow" wlth plocrops, and thonTfalf anS
Within Easy Reach of the Best Markets
Combined with thnan unnaimi
advantages, theso lands com
mand an unoxcollcd market. Noar
tho big city of Jacksonville, with
noarly 100,000 pooplo, and closely
connected by ocoan steamship
and railway trunk linos with tho
great market centers of Now
York, Boston, Washington, Phila
delphia and Baltimore. Crops
maturo at a tlmo when northern
markets aro baro. This loca
tion provides on inexhaustible
demand at high prices for every
thing theso lands produco, In
cluding farm and truck crops,
fruits, nuts, dairy and poultry
Florida truck growors mako
big money. Celery, harvested in
MaShAnd Apr11 brings as high
as $1,000 an acre. Irish potatoos
Bhlpped In April yield up to $400
an aero. Bermuda onions, toma
toes, lottuco and sweet potatoos
aro big monoy makors.
Sold Now at Reasonable Prices and Terms
You can securo a tract In this
favorod soctlon now at vory low
Jirlces and on reasonable terms,
tomembor, wo offer you fertile,
productive lands, closo to a won
dorf ul city, with unoxcollcd trans
portation facilities. No portion
of this tract farther than six
mil os from water or rail trans
portation. You can And no loca
tion for a homo so pleasant or
profitable. The choicest and
most beautiful section of Florida.
Delightful summer and winter
climate. Tho location of this
tract alono will Insure a rapid
advance in your land.
Wo invito you to mako a trip
or Inspection. Join us on ono of
our oxcurslons which we person
ally conduct in our prlvato cars
tho first and third Tuesdays of
?ia,&ll0Ilt.h' Wo Promise a do
Hghtfiil trip, and to show you tho
most beautiful country you havo
over seen. For further informa-
Sort TODAYf aU0" COUI",tt-
The Artesian Farm Land Sales Co.
l- Scarrltt Rldg., Kansas City. Bio! '
ArteslanVarm Indnear Jacksonville! korfffi1 Informat,on concerning tho j
S Address ! 2
"" r j
-v s r -.