'vr r'w I- n r, -v. 16 The Commoner. VOLUME 13. KPMBBB It These Eight Choice, Hardy Everblooming Roses t?7ay" T PT, WV. .. m4 , - " T. V" - X. . t' ? , 'i ''A1 . '4 6L &K& K&&1 m..ss1 Wtti .txwJ ' ' 'flV Yf . -tfM . & JiftJ jjyw$fcY " irsa. S 'A 5 VfrS. S1 WA . t i Without Cost to Commoner Readers entfc U?o nt to'delW this and prepaid Each 1b of a different color and variety S P 2fti,h i?osUlvly wU2ut cost the first season planted. They are the kind that bloohf nVp?v&rdInaTy' car' w lls bli producing great masses of largo, beautiful : Sowora iS2ffil5TST fenlh of, tho mowing season, fume. They aro strong, healthy plants guarantor ?nriUn. fm' ,,or and dollcToUs per spcclal Drintod fiirnn.tnitia J Tmi- nS. s5yHa99a to reach you In healthy crrowlntr onnuH. less you request Immediate delivery whin oJSeX&.fcS-P c?nMoh. Un proper time to plant In your locality. Extretno nnriv - i5?so bn.s,lcs H not be sent Until ten davs. ho dr. nn ni.JIfS"t !,-ire.n? early or Iato spring would vnrv tv.icTn.rJ i ten days uns spit don this uur tjuuorous oner Bona your order tbdtttf, A Description of This Fine Collection TTnlAn i"jt...i-Y nr . . fr,; """Jaoa1' vaiuaoiq and satlsfac- shaded. ray CrlmSn fl0crsmbeautifurif; ,?lHeIn Ansutn Victoria A crownln masterpiece and hailed by flowor-lovew vorVardVlmT StCSt , " aUTo? rJuX. il. y, an,d rapid, vigorous grower erowth and blpoms all tho time 7 ln Maman Cachet A rose to oxoltA , . miration of everyone PlnVn,?nn.0 ad" w wV wiuyure wltn if"- A fvvilnM .. in ?.; m6' oturuy grower, entirely hardv S5r5rh2n,tsr Sncn "ombfiatlSfoSdhlS no other rose. Fragrance Is unexceHed. wmmsmM mine with dar&or shadS ?rnl0-r0sy car" flowora are borno in SrSnf S3 d.ecp' doblo bush Is a rapid SmnaA Profusion and tho hardy. An fflffl SXr'roffWS'S: SlSS eernySoOnnoRmb,C'--Th0 now 3vfirhir,r.miryn. raves over, a rnni making h "?"J"ie. r ant grows' ranldiv ihtr thA ooocToT "r..eisnt to ton feet dn?: Efreen glossy foliage ttrl!UtSolf with breht ina great J&!m&2r& "SSS SI &SL9fe SSSSI -our name and addressoS SgS ArU..A.. AHA i enclose $1.15 and mail.- vaiHE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. a J HBS1. aPtiiii.: ?W. 1 Wh& X" .' vt !& .LP. ' ti- .!.! Srxaj HOW TO ORDER-Sencl $1.15, " on marg'n below, tear out and mail .ini&J