The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 25, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner.
Ilonry N. Hall, correspondent for
tho New York World, has written for
his nowsnanor, tho following artlclo:
Tho son of an iron-moulder who
roso from poverty by his own un
aided efforts Is now assistant presi
dent of tho United States. Ills ofll
clal tltlo Is socrotary to the presl-
uuut, uui ma imiucnco win uo second
a day tho secretary Interprets, as It quite a young man, not yet thirty
wore, tho president to tho people of four. An Irishman and a sincere
mo unneu estates uuougu uiu we-
. t j i i. m .UJ... .MIIah
dlum of the press. Twenty million
copies is tho aggregate circulation
represented by newspapers and
periodicals having Washington cor
respondents. An important pieco of
news coming from the White House
Is known within a few hours to the
entire country. Whether tho iinpres-
only to that of a mombor of tho cabl- entire country. Whether tho iinpres
not. Indeed, in all matters not dls- slon created Is favorablo or other
nosed of nt. nnhltinf mnnHnp-n Ma I wlso depends unoti the secretary t(
fluenco will bo greater. When tho
last special ploader has vanished,
thoro ontors tho man whoso duty It
is to lay tho cold hard facts before
tho president. Ho has tho last word
always. Enjoying tho confidence of
his chief, his information is accepted
in proferenco to tho statements of
others. In cases of doubt his ad
vico is asked and often followed.
Most of tho routino work of tho ex
ecutive olllcos is thrown upon his
shoulders, and in numberless matters
his judgment is final.
Government in tlio Open
Most important of all are tljo sec
retary's duties toward tho public.
This is an ago of govornmont of pub
licity, of govornmont in tho open.
Tho ono hundred million inhabitants
of tho Unitod States and its terri
tories aro entitled to tho facts. Thoy
havo a right to know what is being
done in Washington by tho chief
executivo of thoir choice. Only very
fOW POOnlo OVOr arr thn tirnoMnn).
Still fowor como into direct contact
iui nun. mo masses, tho voters,
know him onlv bv wimf tii .,!
about him. It is by his secretary
that tho president comes into con
tact with tho people, because twice
wiso denends unon the secretary to
tho president.
Joseph P. Tumulty owes this high
ofllco and all its vast power to no
popular mandate. It is not his by
right of election, nor is his appoint
ment oven subject to confirmation by
the senate. It is his by tho will of
ono man alone and that man the
president of these United States. Mr.
Vm , , ""ltc" "" nut maite just as good in
Wilson knows how easily the meas- ton as ho did in Trenton.
urn nf atinnnan ni fnllnra tlmf nffnndo
GathnUn ho hna n. mnnf wnn1oTfiil
gift of winning men's hearts. He
combines infinite patience and tact
with quickness of decision, tenacity
of purpose and a readiness to fight
and fight hard for what he beliAvna
right. He gets more downright fun
out of politics than any other man
I have ever met. Ho has been won
derfully successful because he knows
how to fight and to tell the people the
truth and nothing but the truth. For
ten years a memhor nf tha wto tt.
sey bar, he has been in politics ever
since ho was sixteen, in the ward, in
tho city, in the county and in the
state. Now he is going to play an
important part in national politics,
and there is no rpimnn whv hn aimnu
not make just as good in Washing-
ure of success or failure that attends
nis auministration may ne innuenced
by tho work of his secretary. Let us
see what manner of man he has
chosen and in what spirit Tumulty
takes up his task.
He is a man of tho common people
who walks in the fear of God and
loves his fellow-men. More than
tlint. Tin is n hnmr mnn wlfli n nrtfn
and six little ones, a true husband
and devoted father. Good qualities
these, but of uncertain avail in poli
os, ioc uioy lorm a sona lounda
tion for the individual charm and
personal attainments so indispens
able tO WllOmSOnVftr TOmilrt auooaca-
fully hold down tho job made fa
------ ...v wv,o tuumui iuuy iiuiu uown tno joo maae ia-
ino masses, tho voters, mous by such men as Dan Lamont.
George B. Cortelvou and WilHnm
Loeb, jr.
Tumulty is entirely different from
either of these three men. He is
BIG BARGAIN in Choice, 30 Acre
Tract near thriving City of Houston
thelohrmw0? .th0 mot draIrablo and best located land In
city propeuy. Writo at once for further particulars tn
Department B, Commoner Office, Lincoln, Nebraska
Rare Small Farm Opportunity
in i exas liulr Coast Country
where yyoUu III JSSSfmSXto ISntTS'S, ?' V10" a "
bring you futuro returnsTl want you to Lvm-. meUt uthat wl"
aero tract of land, located two mte f ?5B. ?y 0lC8 3-
K -ass SeSHSf -
This region, in which my tract Is looaKi ";later Sale
over for its wonderfully fertile so II. delightful VST th,Q World
climate, and its long growing season A to ZT iWlnJr
section has proven moro profitable than 160 nor J f tracJ ln thia
sections. Fruit and garden tmtebrritom1? in ,many
cotton and sugar cane do their best "here T?SLrn' ?lfalfa
ing season. Thriving community; good achooYH n Snthf of erow
aud fruit-growers association. Slip ? product oSirehr0hes; truc
Won of the United States and Bets highest pHces'fn St any eec"
the best markets of the world. mbuesc Pes, in easy access of
Write for further particulars, terms, etc., to
T. S. ALLEN, Fraternity Buildim?
"U,WUI Aieo.
understanding the President
In the first place, he is going to
grind the same man's axe. He under
stands President Wilson just as well
as Loeb understood Roosevelt. He
has been tried out and not found
wanting. For two years he was the
hardest working, most faithful and
most efficient secretary to Governor
""ouu " any executive ever had.
No wonder that Mr. Wilson trusts
him and more than once has taken,
his advice against that of many older
politicians and party leaders.
It was on Tumulty's advice that
Governor Wilson, for the first time
in the history of New Jersey, ap
pointed a Hebrew to the highest
court in thfi nfrifo Wlt -mt t
---- -. ucu ui.i. xtuuae-
yelt was shot, Tumulty was the first
to urge that all of Mr. Wilson's
speaking engagements bo cancelled,
and his advice prevailed against the
wishes of the most Influential demo
aiB In Pennsylvania, who knew
from Woodrow Wilson himself could
stem the rising tide of Roosevelt
TnmS lQ ?, Ketone state.
Tumulty does not always wait for his
Ur0 tu uo asitea. in a crisis he
jumps right in and give it with a
force and sincerity born in his deep
loyalty to his chief. p
His Jersey City Homo
Just before ho left for Washing
ton I called on Tumulty at the old
brownstono house he lived in at No
343 York street, Jersey City. The
house was full of friends and neigh
bors who had come to bid him good
n?niWlJ hIm success his new
S" irS' Tumulty came to the dooT
and welcomed me with cordial sim
Pl city, and I found Tumulty h m
self in his study, the empty book
TahSfflf SIch reached t0 the ceXfe
The fine library, -some 4,500 volumes
half fcw and half American politics'
was packed up ready for shipment'
He guessed what I came for? anTas
Kd: had eXChaSed WettnS
" am going to Washington wifh
haBgIne between5 his knee, "
toyed with hiB elgar for a Sto a?d
then looking np at mo saW:
Sympathy with tho People
what the orriino r?.. I know
there are many ways in J,1erf and
in lfif"2 S" need mo3t
Sympathy in our PublS offl7
need men at fh v.Qo - .
really feel for those who tin ho
suffer, men who are in rea?stmn Sd
with tho men and women whmpathjr
in tho faetnrt2-:nL0mS?..w ork
children who labor too e l,ll,e
into the Jom. ThTwefe'Mg
eldest, a well grown and pretty chnn
of nine, and Grace, some t iroo y
younger It will go hard with tho
who thrive on child labor if TumS K
has anything to say about legisffi
affecting them. At iA.Rf wS ??1?
I read in his eyes. Then ho called
in the rest of his little family-JJ
eldest boy, Joe, just about a year
younger than Mary; then two sweet
littlo girls younger than Grace, with
masses of curly hair one is Gather
lne, the other Alice. The youngest
of the family and tho pet of tho
household is the baby. Baby Philip
is only about nine weeks old, but
judging from his voice he will grow
up just as strong and lusty as all
mo uiutsr nine lumuitys.
A Description of tho Secretary
But the most striking figure in the
group was Tumulty himself. Ho i3
a decidedly handsome man, of rather
short and stocky build. A decided
blond with light brown hair and bluo
eyes. The hair is beginning to thin
out on. the top of his head, but such
trifles don't bother him and he never
uses a hair restorer. His features
aro very regular and well balanced,
tho nose, mouth and chin being al
most classical. The ears too are well
shaped and set just right. It is a
strong face without a trace of bru
tality about it. The jaw is firm but
no undershot. The forehead is high
and broad; he has what the poeta
The Midwest Life
December 31, 1906 $ 550,000
December 31, 1908 1,453,218
December 31, 1910 2,011,084
December 31, 1912 4,805,503
March 31, 1913 5,001,024
N. Z.Snell President
Dr. BT B. Davis, Omaha, Vice Pres.
A. J. Sawyer Secretary
Dr. M. H. Everett. .Medical Director
C. R. Easterday, Assistant Secretary
M. A. Hyde Agency Director
First National Bank Bldg., Lincoln.
ill mutt in luccissriu seitct. Entirely "I?
UKIQUXUIO MM. 8end III your Poerni or Melf
Ule. I Oil MIT II Mil TU WWII I Mil. rJl !"
MCI UVNlCimXT. lubHcatIon IDiMHTHO. If JJ-
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. t7 " "; ...Tju.rj7..rr..7r.-.. ...... !. a .nim
runt uin.'.'AJ'K.'S' porcenc. hiuiii imuiigu " S"V".
our woric tat lUl tdrlc: B1TMMIH milt rtlfc CO, 633a W"tt fc
TTataoB E. CoIpnmn
Patent Lawyer, Waablngton,
v D Advice and booKB lrco.
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5in b5.CuP, Writ me today, tod r will send
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jnat will undoubtedly, provo to you tluU Eczem
04 Court Block,' . Sedalla, Bio.
$Ml$crH)r$r Jtdoerdsiiifl DepI
D ROTH33R Accldontly discovered ro
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J. W. Stokea, Mohawk. Fla.
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ld3L Ct3' P031 Postmaateft
-- HN