The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 28, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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MARCH 28, 1811
The Commoner.
ggy "Hi' i-p-!-i mm m - - mini iwwpwWWWWWWIl M T
reports show that the property of
the great corporation has remained
stationary or decreasing in value
while all the other properties of the
state have been constantly enhancing
in value. The result of this has been
to shift tlie burdens of taxation
which should be borne proportionate
ly to the backs of. the poor and the
middle class. It has been a scandal
and a disgrace to the state and we
are now demanding that this inqui
tous system shall cease and that a
tax board or commission shall be
created, to be appointed by the gov
ernor with the consent of the senate,
and which shall sit the year around
in the open sunlight, which shall
have a clerk who shall record its
findings from day to day, before
which any citizen may so to com
plain of unjust taxation and have
his complaint formally heard and de
cided. We arc also attempting in the
state of Illinois to prevent the break
ing of campaign pledges, which
hitherto has been a matter of humili
ation to the citizens of our state, and
the only way that this can be effiectu
ally accomplished is by making the
breaking of a writ on pledge during
a campaign a criminal offense. We
believe in the state of Illinois that if
tho obtaining of money by false pre-
No ApparatHi, Inhalers Salve, Lo-
tioRHJHariufBl Drugs, Smoke
or Electricity
It Js a new way. Jt.ia. something-
absolutely different.
No lotions, aprttya or sickly
smelling -salves "or creams.
No atomizer, or any ap
paratus ot any kind-. Noth
ing to smoke or Inhaler No
steaming: t)i robbing nr In
jections. Nq electricity or
viuraxion or massage. No
powuer; no plas
ters; no keeping
in tho house. Noth
ing ot that kind at
alL Something
new and different,
something delight-
r u l and
something in
stantly suc
cessful. You
do not Jiave
to wait, - and
linger and pay
out a lot of
money. You
can stop it
over nlghf
and I will
gladly tell
you ho w
FREE. I ani
not a doctor
and this is
not a so-called
rJnntnr's nm-
scription but I am cured and my
friends are cured, and you can bo
cured. Your suffering will stop at
once like magic.
8 Jim FraeVou Can Ba Frea
My catarrh was filthy and loathsome.
It made me, ill. It dulled my mind. It
undermined my health and was weak
ening my will. The hawking, cough
ing, spitting made me obnoxious to
alL and my foul breath and disgusting
habits made even my loved ones avoid
mo secretly My dolicrht in life was
dulled and my faculties impaired I
knew that in time it would bring me
to an untimely grave because every
moment of the day and night it was
slowly yet surely sapping my Vitality.
But I found a cure, and I am ready
to tell you about it FREE. "Write
me promptly.
Send no money. Just your name .and
address on a postal card. Say: "Dear
Sam Katz, Please tell mo hpw you
cured your catarrh and how I can cure
"mine." -That's all you need to say. I
will understand, and I will write to
you with complete information, FREE,
at once. Do not delay. Send postal
card or write me a letter today. Don't
think of turning this page until you
have asked for this -wonderful treat
ment that can do for you what .it has
dbno for me.
SA3I KATZ; Salte 130
1325 MIckffCHH Ave. Cklcxge, Hi,
tenses is a crime, as It is, that tho
obtaining of office by false pretenses
ought to be placed in the same cate
gory, and that every man who breaks
a written pledge made in tho cam
paign should bo punished by im
prisonment in tho penitentiary.
Lastly, and probably tho most im
portant of all, the people of Illinois
aro demanding tho crystallization
into lav of a provision providing for
tho initiative and referendum. Twice
the people of our state have spoken
in overwhelming majority of about
five to one in favor of this great re
form. The state of Illinois would
align itself with tho other progres
sive states of tho United States in
placing a law on the statute books
providing for tho initiative and
referendum. For eight years the
people have been making an insis
tent demand and during all of those
eight years a republican administra
tion and republican legislature havo
set the will of the people .at defiance
We now demand a law in Illinois to
bring about an amendment to the
constitution which will enable us to
place an initiative and referendum
law on our statute books. With such
a law in force wo know that public
reforms demanded by the people can
be secured with or without the con
sent of tho legislature and that
vicious laws passed by the legislature
can be vetoed by tho people.
These are the principal reforms
for which wo are fighting in tho
state of Illinois', and I pledged myself
in the campaign and again since tho
campaign in my inaugural message
to do everything In my power to
place these laws upon our statute
books, and with the help of the jro
gressive people of the state of Illi
nois in and but of the legislature I
am -very confident we shall be suc
cessful in our efforts.
We join with the people of the
state of Nebraska and its legislature
in congratulating the great leader of
progressive democracy upon his ele
vation to the exalted position of sec
retary of state of the United States.
We recognize this great man as tho
leader and thinker who for twenty
years, in season and out of season,
in prosperity and adversity, as the
man who has led the progressive fight
for' people's government in the
United States and in the different
states. No man has struggled more
earnestly, insistently, and more suc
cessfully for the cause of progres
sive democracy than the native son
of Illinois and the adopted son of
Nebraska, and thus earned the affec
tion, the love and the admiration of
the militant" progressive democracy
of the United States.
"Good gracious! What makes you
look .like that? Has anything hap
pened?" "Well, I had iny portrait painted
recently by an impressionist, and I'm
trying to look like It." Fliegende
Is Oleomargarine
As Good As Butter?
Because oleomargarine is colored like butter and looks
like butter and even tastes like butter, is it. as good as
The makers CLAD! it is.
You KNOW it is not.
Now similar conditions prevail in the separator business.
The DE LAVAL is everywhere recognized by creamery
men, prominent dairymen and buttcrmakers as being by
far the best cream separator on the market.
98 of the world's creamerymen use the DE LAVAL
separators exclusively. That looks like pretty conclusive
evidence that the men who make A BUSINESS of tho
separation of cream and the making of butter, tho men
who know, are not in any doubt as to which is tho best
cream separator.
The makers of inferior separators acknowledge that tho
DE LAVAL is best when they say to you "Our separator
looks like the DE LAVAL" or "it's just as good as the
DE LAVAL, but we will sell it to you for a Mttlc less
Why dp they offer to sell their machines cheaper T For
the very same reason that the makers of oleomargarine sell
their product cheaper than butter because they COST
less -to AAlE and ate WORTH less to use.
The DE LAVAL lias many imitators but no equal.
There is no substitute for the DE LAVAL any more than
there can be a substitute for butter.
If yon need a cream separator, why experiment with
"near" or "just aB good" imitations or substitutes? You
will save yourself time, money and trouble by getting the
genuine DE LAVAL and taking no chances with any
thing else.
For catalog and any desired information write to the
nearest office of THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO., 165
Broadway, New York; 29 East Madison Street, Chicago;
101 Drumm Street, San Francisco; 101C Western Avenue,
Hobo "I've eaten nothing but
snowballs for three days."
Lady "You poor man! What
would you have done' had it been
summer time?" New Orleans
She "Yes, I will be yours, on one
He "That's all right. I entered
Yale with six." Yale record.
Twenty-seven persons were killed
and a number of others were seri
ously injured in a tornado that swept
over southern Alabama. Many lives
were lost in Louisiana and Mis-sippi.
BIG BARGAIN in Choice, 30 Acre
Tract near thriving City of Houston
FOR SALE 30 acres of the most desirable and best located land in.
the rich farming tract near Houston, Texas, known as Allison
Richoy Suburban Gardens. This land is within a few blocks of the
railway station, Almeda a suburb of Houston and will bo sold at
a reasonable price, or will trade for good Nebraska farm land or
city property. Write at once for further particulars to
Departments, Commoner Office, Lincoln, Nebraska
t : t
400 Acres of Good Nebraska
Farm Land at a Low Price
I am offering for sale 400 acres of good farm land In Perkins
county, Nebraska. This land is a dark sandy loam, very produc
tive and Is increasing in value. Will sell all or part. Write for
price and terms to
T. S. ALLEN, Fraternity Building, Lincoln, Nebraska
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