,. 4MM nnnmp. -T" m i m m 6 The Commoner. Are Low Wages Entirely to Blame? Following arc Associated Press dispatches Soaring upon the rocent revelations that have utirrod tho country: Chicago, March 12, Reformers and the tin reformod lhe vice Investigation commission and the women for whose moral downfall the commission is trying to determine the causes differed today on the relation between low wages and low morality. Letters received by the com mission from women of the underworld mocked at tho work which the members have done. One of the letters reads: To tho Commission Girls don't go wrong because they are hungry or because they need clothes. They go wrong because they are tempted by lies and overpowered by the evil in men. They listen to the fair and pretty things that men tell them, and they fall because they think they can trust theniBelves and trust the tempters.- Tho employer J was a good girl and 1 worked in a store. I didn't get much money, but that did not matter. 1 lived on $8 a week and would be liv ing like that now, but J met men. They seemed to consider me their prey and all the time it was fight light. They wanted to be nice to me, they said, and take me to the theaters and treat mo fair and give me a chance to enjoy life. I didn't know men were bad, all bad where a girl is concerned. 1 thought only women were bad. I thought all a girl had to do to remain good was to bo truthful with herself. God pity women who think that and who keep their truBt in men until it is too late. Every day it was someone else always smil ing at me, always trying to give me a "fair chance" to be happy, in the street they fol lowed me. These I could avoid but the friends" who hung around! That is the big, big secret of the thing that makes a good girl bad. If they had let me be -if they had only left me be only let me live as I wanted to, 1 would not have to slink into the room when your commission was trying to solve things and wouldn't have had to sit in a corner with a veil down, afraid to look good women in tho face. Another cry from the underworld echoed the words of the first leltter. It was more bitter, though, and it read in part: You're looking for the things that made such women as I. Low wages! Dance halls! Hun ger! Cold! They all helped a bit, but they did not turn tho trick themselves, i T0?,'1"0 J? a ,bunch of hypocrites, afraid to too truth faC and afmid t0 learn I don't know any girls who sold themselves for money to buy bread or clothes, but I do know lots of us who hit the road for hell be- 2m!0 l0t b,keuardB kept hounding us with their rotten "attentions." God help the men and not us. We're all right when we start all we need is to be left alone. There are hundreds and hundreds of kids and sports who hang around State street and wait like wolves for the tired girls to leave the stores Why don't you make the men be good' All the wages in the world won't help us. 'Make he men good and the girls will be good. Now they haven't got a chance and they never will atother" tUe laW SmUeS at ne and Bpits a" "LThM"leUer WaB 8lgUed With tue initialS While these comments on the situation con tinued to pour in, tho civic consciousness awak ened by the commission bestirred itself in tho launching of committees and private investi gating forces. lavesii- In some stores numbers of girls approached their employers and demanded larger salaries All wore assured that they would be token care of as soon as something definite has been agreed upon. Several resignations were ten der by girl employes as a result of Cental A mass meeting for tho discussion of "a Hv ing wago and a Saturday half hoUriw scheduled by the Juvenile P?oe ive "assoch tion, the consumers' league and tli 5? , trade union for next Friday night women a Milwaukee, Wis., March 12.-1 Special- a pressed by the soclaT seno 'comfi'o? Milwaukee federation of charities in a report made public today. The committee urges young women who expect to support themselves to keep away from the city unless they have an assured income of at least $9 a week, domestic servants excepted. Springfield, 111., March 12. A conference of governors to discuss the suppression of vice and the amelioration of the conditions of working girls promises to be one of the early results of the "white slave" investigation in Illinois. The conference was suggested tonight by Governor Dunne, and Lieutenant Governor O'Hara', chairman of the "white Blave" investi gating committee, will communicate at once with the governors of the states, suggesting a general conference at Springfield at an early date. Announcement was made today that the "white slave" committee would start on its eastern trip March 20. The itinerary includes Albany, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. At Washington the com mittee expects to lay its findings before Presi dent Wilson, Speaker Champ Clark, Vice Presi dent Marshall and others. WOMANHOOD IN PERIL Some of the results of the investigation in Illinois of the "vice and wages" question are given in the following showings: White slavery presents a hundred times greater national crisis than did black slavery. Thousands of good girls are going wrong simply because they can not live upon the wages paid them by employers. American womanhood is in grave peril only because American manhood profits from the helplessness of womanhood to enrich itself The crisis is not confined to Illinois, 'it is national. niJS??1, ,?drand Beall breaking down com pletely in the investigation, announces that he Sp1 S?rn ?rry Penny of hIs fortune t0 save them Piteous menaces that surround Lieutenant Governor Barrett O'Hara, who Jlbene;,a Iea(ler ln thIs investigation has wired low?: ag NeW York Herald as fo1" To tho Editor of the Herald: Our investi gation into the causes and effect of white slavery ands ofSiha? ,8bown concluely that SoS ands of good girls are going wrong every vear merely because they can not live upon th wales paid them by employers. wages The conditions revealed to our commissi save American womanhood from th. l menaces that our investhrntionT,- , piteoua stantly surrounds estisaUon b shown con- SS5SA H?5" haUrocivll10. fUr ye- "'he theSe" Tn0? T " gated this matter sairetv e bave vesti have tried t le .the sunhf inServatively' We and to spare lndiv dua Wo w condion all witnesses exact wi ,aV.e accrded to And at theenTof our" ho sXrCUrte8y appalled, stunned, horrified r We aro and "mSSX1 e peril solely from the helpSest o manhood profits itself. There is no "f?L ma,nnood to enrich rived It 1r n ? othei: condusion to be de faced now and baldly"11 8hame' but lt Etdb8 noea'to do XmSE fc0'8 tion of white s?avlrV ra th?78Lg,?e the ques tho buying and selfing JfSn a&plied to forced soon, however, to realize tw iWe were were the real fnniUmJnY that low ages slavery, IndXt to sSSSffe Serf aS So apZSVnd fe 5 MSS 'used to he parses Lltt lTvZVtt ' VOLUME 13, NUMBER u Illinois, which took the lead in the final snin tion of black slavery, stand Jteck of us lovaiiv and the work will go on regardless of whom Z where it strike!. om or Our merchant princes and our kings of maun facture, the very people who have been the wit nesses before our commission, admit that the must be a readjustment of wages. To a man they have entered into sincere and earnest en operation with us. The crisis is not confined to Illinois. It is na tional. Unquestionably the conditions in your state are no better than in our state, and Illinois asks the great state of New York to stand sido by side with hr as she did so valiantly in the civil war; this time to loosen the chains of bondage from every American woman who is now a white slave or is thus imperilled by low wages. For this, our commission purposes to visit your state within the next two weeks. BARRETT O'HARA. THE INHUMANITY OP MULTITUDES When Henry W. Grady was hesitatine whether to remain on a New York paper or to return to Georgia, he decided to go home be cause nobody in the apartment in which he lived could tell him about the baby whose little white coffin was carried side by side with him uZu11 ,th steP8 of the adjoining apartment. The inhumanity of cities" overwhelmed him How many of us have had a similar experience? In one of the large apartment houses in which I have- lived on the West Side, my front door when it swung open touched the front door of my next door neighbor, divided from me only by a thin wall of less than half a foot. One morning on going out I met a pleasant-faced man emerging from this door. We exchanged tho casual salutation of housemates. This we repeated on several subsequent occasions, in a casual way. I never knew his name. One morning, about six weeks later, I asked the elevator boy what had become of the man. ?t,dl5d two weeks aS" was the response, and his body was taken out after nightfall and carried to the cemetery." Here was this man who by every law of life and every creed of Christianity was my neigh-bobr--my nearest neighbor. I could almost hear him breathe at night through the inter vening wall. And yet, he had sickened, he had suffered, he cad gone through the agony or travail of death. ie had been carried out in his midnight casket to the grave and his family had come back to tne anguish and desolation of an unspeakable bereavement. And I who was "this man's neighbor" had neither ministered to his suffering in life, stood J2L?xm ? lhe hour and article of death, nor comiorted the crowning sorrow of those who we b2? t0 hls brken and desolate home inL7 n a f00t' of the uht and love and gwer 0f,my own because in the rush of our big world I did not know. 1 nave never gotten over that incident. I never will. Something ought to be done about it. if something could be done. nJl pay a fierce PrIce fr the joy of cities. ;nrtomfanyr,Pe0ple make ono Person unim S?,?!; Gea crowds dwarf and minify in dividuals. In the multitudes wo forget each other too often in life and in death. wnen a man dies among two or three in a ivv i?0,mJn,ty' tt Is a tragedy It darkens the rPvprlL ad07u the spirit' Jt b0s the head in T? 5 and humilitv ad sympathy. imi S?e n ?e ,dIes amns five millions, the cioJpifS? made,Vy the PassinS of the atom f u ? ? s quickly from the mighty mass that iLfi ailicult t0 remember that the atom ever lived or even died. nof mnoWfCh J 1ame to say that the cities aTe who rt r,f a Placo for old people or people lifn nnS 0They should find a softer and simpler lmS- arrlfafqUlet,er place in which to enact the vigorusldiff t0 Hve in a great city a11 1U)' llt VminH 1IkG t0 grW ld aild diS iD tllG comn to ?7 Wn where th neighbors would mokinlSC f,fter,me In tho last days, follow Sid PnmiJ0 ,th.e cllurchya, when I was gone, fort me, back -lor a little tender touch of com fort to those who were left behind. mnri ,Ln K T,elJ now and then to halt this breStiSfJ Sf Uvinff' and Sive space to a little thMwht5?0oOfTCharity and tenderness for New r? die?-7Jonn Temple Graves, in the JNew York American. 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