The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 14, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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The Commoner.
MAKCH 14, 1S1J
3(JF"V, i f"lr"J,'t f ,(W''y j-'
nines and cleaning the nails with the
hot mixture. The solution is poison-1
When washing embroidered pieces
that have colors in them, waBh rapid
ly, rinse well and lay wrong side up
on a clean cloth covered with several
thicknesses of muslin and prossed
with a hot iron until dry. All old
pieces of muslin or flannel should be
put away for the house-cleaning
Housekeeping is like any other
business concern; it must be -run
well in every department, with as
much system as possible, but with
much margin in some things. It
requires patience, economy, neatness,
frugality, infinite tact, and a rigor
ous gathering up of the fragments
that nothing bo lost.
If the linoleum is dirty, add a
tablespoonful of coal oil to each
gallon of water, wash with a woolen
cloth to get the dirt and dust off,
and then rub dry with another
woolen ' cloth. If you varnish the
linoleum, it will soon wear and
scratch until it looks shabby, but if
washed with the coal oil and water,
or if gone over with a cloth very
lightly moistened with linseed oil,
rubbing until the oil is well in, it
is better.
Eggs as a spring food, aTe wccellent,
and the ways of cooking them ar
unlimited. Rico is a cooling food,
and should bq largely eaten. It is
claimed that oatmeal Is too hoavy
for the average stomach during the
spring season, but if liked, there aro
many other cereals that are excel
lent. Dried fruits of excellent
quality can now bo had.
Tho Lenten Season .
Lenten time is spring time, so far
as the calender can make it so, and
at this time there is an unwritten law
that there shall be a change from the
heavy, rich foods of the winter to a
lighter diet for the bodily house
cleaning. Where rich, heavy foods
have seemed necessary for the bodily
fuel, the demand is now for a slow
ing down of the fires and cleaning
out of the grates. Fish as food, in
any of the various forms, fresh or
salt, is recommended. Green palads
and fresh vegetables, which furnish
alkaline salts for blood purifier,
include also the canned vegetables
where the fresh can not be had.
Without Overloading tlie Stomach
The business man, especially,
needs food in 'the morning that will
not overload the stomach, but give
mental vigor for the day.
Much denends on the start a man
gets each day, as to how he may
expect to accomplish the work on
He can't be alert, with a heavy,
fried-meat-and-potatoes breakfast re
quiring a' lot of vital energy in
digesting it.
A California business man tried
toflnd some food combination that
would not overload the stomach in
the 'morning, but would produce
He writes:
"For years I was unable to find
a breakfast faofl that had nutrition
enough to sustain a business man
without overloading his stomach,
causing indigestion and kindred ail
ments. "Being a very busy and ajsp a
very nervous man,, I decided to give
up" breakfast altogether, But luckily
I was Induced to try Grape-Nuts.
"Since that mornifig I have been
a new man.; can work without tiring,
my head Is clear and my nerves
strong aJtd quiet.
"I find four teasjoonfuls fif Grape
Nuts with one of sugrtr and a small
quantity of cold milk, is delicious- a
the cereal part of the morning meal
end Invigorates nio for the dv&'a
b'usiness." Name given by Postum
Co., Battfe Credft. Mich. Read the,
little bqok. "The Road to tyellvflle,"
in pk"gs.
"There's a Season read the. aobvo letter? A neyy
ono-aWears from time to pmo. '.Wiey
are gentfirfe, frtifcj and foU of human
Query Box
Mrs. C. R. The cleaning of a silk
mull dress should not bo attempted
by one who has had no experience in
such work. It is safest to take It to
a professional.
J. L. To remove vaseline stains,
saturate tho spot with pthcr and
turn a bowl or cup over it to pre
vent evaporation until tho vaseline is
dissolved. Use ether with care.
Housewife For the scratches on
the furniture, take just tho tiniest
bit of shellac on a small, pointed
brush and lightly apply to the
scratch, keeping the place covered
from the dust until dry.
E. S. M. The bottles of grape
juice should have been laid on their
sides so the cork would have been
kept moist; they should not have
fermented if put up air-tight while
boiling hot.
Laundress To prevent the spot
ting of the clothes by bluing, tie tho
bluing up in a bit of cloth and
squeeze in the water until It is blue
enough. A good liquid blue is
Mrs. L. Aluminum will discolor
through use, if not attended to; it
will get as black as other, ware if not
cleaned with a vegetable acia. aoap
suds should not be used op it. Scour
ing powder will clea.n it.
T. L. -To remove rust from steel
and nickel-nlate. cover the metal
with sweet oil, smearing It or lard
on freely, and leave for two or three
days; clean tho greaBo off and polish
with unslacked lime reduced to a
powder and sifted through cheese
cloth before using.
N. M. To remove lime deposits
from the bottle or glass pitcher, fill
with good cider vinegar, or sour but
termilk, and let stand until the de
posit is loosened; any very sour acid
will dissolve the lime, which is an
which the salt and baking powder
have been twice sifted.
Creamed Parsnips Scrape and
cut into quarters half a dozen pars
nips; cook two peelod and sliced
sweet potatoes with thcso, until all
is tendor; add boiling water enough
to mako a cupful; thicken with a
largo tablespoonful of butter and one
of flour rubbed together; and tho
yolk of one egg. Season with salt
and popper to taste. Let boil up and
servo hot.
Cleaning Papered Walls
if tho paper is good, not torn, and
not too badly faded, mix four pounds
of common wheat flour to a dough
With a quart of cold water; divido
this dough into threo or four parts,
"use one of them, one at a time, as
you would a cloth, to wipe down the
paper, beginning at the top and
working down. When the outsido of
tho dough is dirty, trim it off thinly,
leaving a clean surface,, and continue
thua until tho nanor is clnnn. Before
using tho dough, the walls and ceil
ing should be wiped off with a mop
made of strips of old cheesecloth, or
old stocking tops, the strips an inch
or two wide and eight inches long,
fastened to a light broom handle
Corn starch, whiting and powdered
fuller's earth in equal parts, should
bo prepared to dip the mop In, and
tho walls rubbed with this. After
the surface has all been gone over,
shake all tho powder from the mop,
cover it" with flannel, or cotton flan
nel, and go all over the surface again,
wiping in long, straight strokes,
Tho flannel might bo very slightly
dampened, but must not be wot, or
oven moist. As soon as tho clot
shows dirt, tako a clean one.
TIomo-Mftdo Conveniences
If ono can not have running watea?
in tho bouso, It Is a good thing to
have arrangements for letting tht
used water run out of tho house,
which can bo dono by tho- house-man,
if ho is at all handy with tools. For.
toilet purposes, tho wash bowl should
be let down Into tho top of tho wash
stand, and a hole drlllod Into tho bot
tom of it, and under and connecting
with this opening as snugly as pos
sible is a nipo large enough to carry
tho water out of tho bowl; this
should connect with anothor pipe
that leads tho water out of tho liouso
into a drain outsido, and this drain
should bo closed for somo distance
from tho house. This will do away
with tho unhandy slop jar, and also
with many stops required to empty
the wash water. Tho drain may b
left open and regularly disinfected,
if desired, and somo such a device
will do well in tho kitchen. Constant
stepping is an extravagance.
Follago Plantu
Among thcso thoro Is nothing
more satisfactory than a well grown,
healthy nalm. and these plants aro
among tho easiest grown and most
beautiful houseplants that can ha
had, They aro much more satisfac
tory than the ferns.
Some "Common" Recipes
Baking Powder Biscuit Sift two
cupfuls of flour with three level tea
spoonfuls of baking powder; add
one-half teaspoonful of salt, a level
teaspoonful of sugar (if liked), and
rub into the flour a tablespoonful
of lard or butter. Mix all the in
gredients, rtfp'hing the lard into the
flour, then use enough sweet milk,
or milk and water to make a soft
dough that can be handled. Roll out
the dough an inch thick, cut in small
rounds and brush tho tops witn an
egg beaten with two tablespoonfuls
of milk; bake in a quick oven. If
HkAri better, rub melted lard over
the top Of the dough, then fold one
half the biscuit over tho Other half,
and bake.
Suet Pudding Qn,o cup of suet,
chopped fine, ono cup of molasses,
one cup of sweet miik, three and ono"
half cups of flour, one and one-fourth,
cups of raisins, one cup of currants
and one teaspdqnful of soda. Mix
well, put into a pudding bag and
steam two hours.
Rice Griddle One cup of
flour, two cups of cold boiled rice,
one tablespoonful of buttej, ono table
spoonful of sugar, four cups of milk,
nnp,hfilf feaBnoonful of salt, one tea
spoonful of baking ptfwder, tfiree
eggs, wnltela and yqlks beaten sepa
rately. Rub the nutter anH sugar to
a cream- and heat in tHe whipped
yolks- liito thfe; stir the rldo to a
smdoth past; add the milk gradu
ally, and lastly beat in the flour with
Jfj'll m Iff M
ill it ii ill
0500-0501 TjADIES' COSTUME
Waist, 9500, cut in five sizes, 34,
30, 38, 40 and 42 inches, bust
measure. Skirt, 9501, cut In five
sizes, 22, 24, 20, 28 and 30 inches,
waist measure. It requires 6
yards of 44-inch material for tho
entire gown. This calls for two
separate patterns, 10c for each.
Cut in threo sizes, small, medium
and large. It requires 5 yards of
44-inch material for a medium size.
Cut in four sizes, 2, 4, 0 and 8
years. It requires 3 yards of 44-inch
material for an 8-year ifcze.
Cut in four sizes, 8, 10, 12 and
14 years. It requires 3 yards of
44-inch material for a 12-year size.
THE COMMONER will supply Its readers with perfect fitting, seam
allowing patterns from tho latest Paris and New York styles. Tho designs
aro practical and adapted to tho homo dressmaker. Full directions Jiow
to cut and how to mako tho garments with each pattern. The price of
theso patterns la 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our large catalogue con
taining the illustrations and descriptions or over 400 seasonable styles for
ladies, misses and children, mailed to any address on receipt of 10 donts. In
ordering pattern's give us ycfur name, address, pattern number and sizo
CATALOGUE NOTICE Send 10 cc,nta In silver or stamps pr our up-to-date
1913 Spring and Summer Catalogue, containing over 400 designs df
Ladies, Misses' and Children's Fattorns, also concise and Comprenensivo
Article on drdssmakirig. giving valuable tilntfl to the homo dressmaker.
Address, THE COMMdNIfrt, Pattern Department, Lincoln, Nebraska j
- - - - - - . . . . -i -i.