The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 14, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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The Commoner.
a fCfzZiii Ut jl. vjL yy3E2Kw
S3 jrwm& fis JKr alLfiftfSfiSlll k J1
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tei jtJPCWjy jLtltT" yrlL
Tho Premonition
Tho wind across the hill blows cold;
Tho storm beats on tho pane!
Hush, love, our lambs aro In tho
"What caro wo for tho rain?
But what If ours wero led apart,
To stray whero bleak winds blow?
I fool within my mother heart
Tho stab It then must know.
Hush love, forget tho needless fear
Our lambs aro sheltered wai.n;
No ovll thing can entor hero
whore lovo shields all from harm.
Oh, bar tho windows! Lock tho
I hoar tho boughs wind tossed
I know a fold aB safo as ours,
From which ono lamb was lost!
Cora A. Matson Dolson in Zlon's
"Leaving the Farm"
Among tho nowcomors ovory year
to tho city, thousands aro tho young
mon and womon from tho country
who aro victims of tho notion that
riches and pleasures await them in
tho city. Under this delusion they
condemn thomselvos in nearly every
Instnnco to tho disappointments of an
ovor-crowdod labor market, and If
they got work, It Is at a small wago
or salary, with everything to loam.
Thoy must llvo in cheap boarding
houses, lacking all tho conveniences
and sympathy of tho homo life, and
"Whore thoy aro just ono of tho grains
of sand that mako up tho mass of
toiloro. If thoy should marry, thoy
must pass on to ono of tho cheap
tenements, finding more and more
that their position is ono of anxious
dopondonco, and that tho Imaginary
charms of city life fado out, leaving
nothing but tho depressing reality of
buildings jammed togothor, noise,
dirt, Btrlfo and constant struggle for
a mouthful of bread and a breath of
air. With tho present bare subsis
tence, tho future holds out no
promise of bottermont. While tho
country may have sorlous drawbacks,
it is plain that these young people
mako serious mistakes, in ninety
nine cases out of a hundred, when
thoy plungo into tho turbid stream
of uncertainty offered by tho city,
and thoy inevitably find that it is a
constant light for life, or to keep
their headB abovo tho surface. Half
tho people who live in tho cities do
not have enough to eat, and tho hand
Is never off tho pockotbook except
when there Is nothing in it. If only
thoy could be mado to seo how in
finitely bottor it is for them to put
into tho study of their homo, environ
ments as closo attention as thoy have
to glvo to tho subject of clearing
exponsos in tho city, they would soon
turn a cold shoulder to tho illusions
that tho city sots before thoir eyes.
But thoy laugh at ono who tolls thorn
this, asking, "Why, then dp 3 ou stay
in tho city?" Alas! in more cases
than a few, tho stay is enforced;
theso deluded ones can not get away.
-Ono Who Knows.
soak overnight in cold water; tho
potatoes may be peeled before drop
ping In tho water, and the water
must cover them, or thoy will turn
black where exposed to tho air.
Before tacking down linoleum, it
should Ho on the floor several days,
or even longer, to get settled to the
floor; walking on it smooths it out
and when it is perfectly flat, if of
a heavy quality, it will not need
Where there aro small children, it
is impossiblo to koep tho table cloth
always unspotted, but if oil cloth
is used under tho child's nlate. it is
very disagreeable, and all liquids
spilled on it will run Off onto the
cloth proper. It is a good plan to
uso tho oil cloth, but lay over it a
napkin or square of common coarse
muslin, and this will absorb all
liquids, catch all stains, and will
wash easily.
Every homo-makor should have a
back-yard crematory in which to
safely burn all sorts of inflammable
refuse, such as waste paper, and
other trash. A couple of vards of
fencing wire, with the ends fastened
together, making a round basket,
with a piece of the sahTe to lay over
tho top, is of the grefttst value.
Put a sufficient quantity of coal
oil in a bottle and add to ,(t a gener
ous amount of cayenne pepper; shake
this well, let stand for a rfav or twn.
and then fill all cracks, crevices, and I.
umui- mmng piaces or hugs about
tho bedroom. It is nftt flnifmn
no careless person will bg tempted I
w uuio uuy 01 ic internally, it settles
tho bugs,
towels, pillow slips, sheets and
straight articles and pass thom
through the wringer with aB little
wrinkling as possible. Some delight
ful soul has told us that underwear
is much more healthful if worn just
as it comes in from the line.
Work for tho Season
March is usually a stormy, dis
agreeable month, but sometimes tho
early appearance of springtime gives
It a pleasanter aspect. And there
are always tho long evenings and the
stormy days in which tho season's
work can be done on paper, and
much time gained thereby.
To freshen old potatoes which are
usually "withered at this time of year
Saving One's Strength
It hardlV flaVR tn mnlra n n1t
unless yery strong; Percales, glng--
.M "waiVl uuu uuurqucKers an
wear well, and can je laundered
without fading. Ginghams arid seer
suckers should bo waited before
making up, to avoid the large shrink
age such goods undergo. German
blue cajicp is a favorite and wears
we I; if run through a wringer and
mill f 0?A i .fevittB very
little, ironing. It is a yard wide, and
comes rn other colore besraes blue",
noticeably in grays and brawns. Seer
sucker and cotton cropp do not re
quire Inning after gashing. All
light calicoes shrink nforb or less
Avoia heavy work during the heat
of tho day in summer. By getting
up in tho morning an hour or twb
earlier, many Jhings may be prepared
before breakfast while tno air is copl.
and mucU of the dinner may be
cooked with the Are necessary for
getting the breakfast. If one can not
2 ? ?as ranse tuero e sihall
SntQliHl8otOV05' 0F dl 8tdt$8 tht COSt
Siv uilQ:tand arQ no ond of fceip in
getting through the hot Weather
Among tho best helps fe tho flrelels
cooke things can bo. prepare! S3
tho cdoker filled wmL , Jl "
while getting the morning tivoai. The-
'""V1 ,tUQ "onun.g nap may bo mado
up during the day.
For Boftening hard water for the
laundry use a teatmoonfui of con
centrated lyp to a .large pailful of
water. Soak the clothes overnight
in clear wafer, an nc kv " ,?r.Y
siK.'sr ite.?.s..niB.
HaVG 6VeiVthfmr rnnn a
menefng tho wash, and' fpr the mW
?aX ?vavd a boIlod dInner, makL
ing as little work as possible
In olfdor to savo IVSning, fold all
Tho Betwccn-Season Diet
As nothing in tho way of foods
is cheap, wo can not always aim at
economizing in our diet, but should
try to have variety as much as pos
sible. Any ofi the evaporated fruits
can bo used to good advantage, but
may be no cheaper than the exceed
ingly expensive fresh fruits but they
are more easily got at, and may be
kept longer. Apricots are especially
good, soaked well and stewed in
syrup, -while the evaporated peaches
are an especially appetizing dish if
rightly prepared. Apples are almost
as good as the fresh ones. When one
has grown tired of tho canned goods
bought at the stores, it would be
well to try the dried fruits. In mak
ing a selection, the best is not al
ways the cheapest, so far as price
goes, for a good quality demands a
good price; but in the long run, the
best really is the cheaper article.
Thin, hard dried fruit will make
only a flavorless mess, no matter how
well cooked; Whatever the fruit,
wash it well, rinse well, and put to
soak over night in sufficient water to
COVrtfi In H10 mnrnlncr oof flio vaonni
In which the fruit was soaked over
thear.e. leaving it just as it is; stew
gently and Blowlv. and wtiAn tanilar
Tdhptigh to pierce with a fork.
swpftJn to taste; but it is better
witfftut much sugar. When cool,
serve th fruit in portions either
plain, or with a sauce. Dried fruits
properly cooked can be used in many
ways, either with or "without the ad
dition of ground nutmeats.
ing the plant about in the water and
very gently rubbing any leaf thS
does not part readily with the dufJ
The leaves of plants must be kent
clean, as these act as lungs for the
plant. Whenever it is varm enoueh
it is a good, plan to set them out of
doors during a shower. Give them
all the sunshine possible, from
now on.
Sunshine for Nerves
For nervous weakness and sleep
lessness, nothing is better than rest
ing in the sunshine. It is one of the
infallible tonics, good to take, and
with no after bad effects. But In
order to get the best effects, one
should be careful of the diet, eat
ing only what is known to agreo
with them. Have your desk, sewing
machine, or work table in as strong
sunlight as possible. It is a finer
stimulant than wine, electric treat
ment or massacre. LIva in h e
w-- . -. uy OUU-
Ways of Malting Hominy
Mrs. J. M. Y. sends the following:
Among the old-time dishes that
helped out the gradually decreasing
Vfe&tables, was hominy. Take
tWelye large ears of o.nrn -nru
.enough water to cover, and' sift a
lum. ui macaco nme into It; boil for
half an hour, and fimn -nTi,. .n...
hulls Will readily conle off. Cook as
otnor hominy after washing well.
. Watering Plants
At this season, the house plants
want careful attention as regards
watering. Many wpnien give them
little drinks every day, and because
&r5w0?,,top is m(?ist' y con
Btdotf that the roots are well nrn
Videdfor But this kj,nd7sprlnrkl
Ing is not ordinarily beneficial. The
better way is to immerse the plant
pot In a bucket or tOb of water nf
sufficient denth to n ,Ln oi
2?, !$.SS! l PFature that
,,, . ?lay m tfle water
SSJ?iftt B?irfac? tf thQ 8611 shows
that It is all wet through, and then
"VS? P0f oU t0 draIV a little
J& j?" water SrataS
Packing Butter
H. G. G. sends us the following:
For packing butter for keeping, the
following plan is a very reliable one.
To every twenty pounds of butter
take three pounds of salt, one pound
of loaf sugar, one-fourth pound of
pulverized saltpeter, and mix thor
oughly. Put a layer of hutter, about
eight inches thick, then Bprlnkle on
a light covering of the mixture, then
a layer of butter, then the mixture,
alternating in this way until your
cask is full. Pack the hutter-tightly
in air-tight casks. Butter put up in
this way will last a year, retaining
its sweetness.
A Substitute for a Reservoir
Where one has no reservoir, a
good pjan is to always keep on the
back of tho stove a large can milk
or lard and keep f dll of Water. If
the whole top ? the stove" has to be
used, the cans may be set on boxes
near .th hottest liart of the stove,
and if the water sin them was hot
when removed, and is kept covered,
the "water will keep quite warm all
w tnir t"iu vvuver is drained
oft The best time to do tWs isln
tho mornincr. an , s ? in
absorbca w,U have taS taken p
by the iflant-roftt hnfr, . Jz..,m u?
.nteht t. nw r;riuw m
. .. . "r". ""!. uitty- mon ho it
rinsing in clear water TtatlTttS rtSS. SSSIWJS? i 5y drT. or the
are remoyea, -rr, ?-- W you it needs
another drink. tV. " 5eeds
S..UK -n
if not, it is best tov iffimerflft !,
watMntf tho leavfa 11$"
Making Hominy
To one gallon of shelled corn, put
one pint of lye made from wood
asnes; boil until the outside skin of
the corn will rub off when tried in
water, then dip the corn out and
wash; the water must be changed
while washing until the slippery feel
ing is gone., as this Is the-lye remain
ing on the corn. Soak the corn
well and then put on to boil in a
large kettle with plenty of water, as
the corn swells very much in boil
ing. It will take several hours' boil
ing to cook it done. When tender,
put into an eartnernware crock,
cover, and when wanted for frying
or cooking with seasoning for tho
table, dip out what is Wanted, keep
ing the rest covered in a cold place.
' 11 i iT i .
For the Honsewifo
If you are troubled with mice, take
a small piece of cotton, dip it in
powdered red pepper and stuff it
into tho mouse-hole.
Any onQ Who is trdublod In getting
black lead to stay qn the stove
should atid a little white sugar to
the pas.te before putting it on tho, then proceed as usual. A few
drops of vinegar will also help.
Coal1 oiT will remove all accumula
tlons of grease on the kitchen range,
by vigorously rubbing it with a piece
of flannel moistened with the oil,
then- rubbing again, with a dry pieqo
of wodlen cloth. There should bo
no fire In the stove When this is done,
but the stove may lie warm. One of
the best disinfectants for the sink,
or drain, or slop-pails is mado by
dissolving a pourfd- of copperas in, a
gallon of bbillng water, Stirring until
all la dissolved; then flushing tlm
('' wbl,.'