The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 14, 1913, Page 3, Image 3
w- yr: jr i? - Commoner. m "'wynv1; wpnw MARCH 14, 1913 f leadership of the senate did not pass into tho keeping of a man liko Senator Kern. It re mained with Arthur P. Gorman. Assisted by eleven other senators elected as democrats, in cluding James Smith,, jr., of Now Jersey and Calvin S. Brice of Ohio, and in cordial co-operation with a solid phalanx of stand-pat republi cans, Gorman succeeded in transforming the excellent tariff bill prepared by a promise-keeping house of representatives into a measure which President Cleveland properly denounced as one of "perfidy and dishonor." This experience may be repeated in theSixty third congress, but the chances are against it. Public opinion on this subject is stronger today than it was two decades ago. The republican party as well as the democratic party has" been instructed. It is no longer possible for men of any party to hide devotion to private interests under a pretense of partisan loyalty or public service. Our representatives now are truo or they are false, and everybody knows it. They can not dodge tho issue. Senator Kern's democratic leadership must be as influential for right as Senator 'Gorman's democratic leadership was powerful for wrong. Gorman was a tempter. Kern should be an Inspiration. Gorman rallied to a wretched democratic faction every timid or sordid repub lican who was inclined for any reason to persist in error. .Kern Bhould influence many honest republicans to unite with honest democrats for the correction of ancient wrongs in obedience to tho people's will. There may be democratic traitors in the present senate, but if their places are not more than filled by republicans honor and courage the shame will be national and the infamy of it will be world-wide. New York World. THE SINGLE-TERM AMENDMENT , Speaking of the joint resolution providing for a single presidential term of six years passed by tho senate, tho New York Herald says: "The very minute Mr. Bryan, who made the Baltimore platform, gets to Cuba and comfort ably started for the Isle of Pines, here comes the disconcerting report that the Professor him self is not in sympathy with the resolution which passed the senate and Is now in com mittee of the house. And quickly on the heels of this comes the report that the committee Itself has pigeonholed the resolution and noth ing will be heard of it until the new congress reassembles." Another editorial printed upon the same page reads as follows: "The avidity with which judiciary committee democrats shelved that '1921' single-term pro posal seems to indicate that Mr. Bryan has some friends in the house, tffter all."r It would take a Philadelphia lawyer, to say nothing of the famous old Philadelphia lady, to reconcile these, two assertions. The plain in ference from the first is that Mr. Wilson in stigated the pigeonholing of the resolution, and from the second thal Mr. Bryan's friends were responsible. Both suspicions are unfounded. Mr. Wilson gave no sign oneway or the other. Mr. Bryan was consistent and steadfast throughout. Here are the facts: The form of the resolu tion as passed by the senate was such as to give rise to grave doubt as to whether or not, it would extend President Wilson's term to six years. The necessity, of clarifying this point was apparent. The inadvisability of seeking ratifi cation of an amendment which might bar Mr. Taft, Mr. Roosevelt, and Mrt Wilson in 1916 also was recognized. How to remove the doubt and eliminate the personal aspect was the prob lem. It was solved properly and rightfully by proposal of a substitute which provided that the new method should not take effect until 1921. This not only left the field open to all in 5.916, but also Allowed the state legislatures ample tjlme in which to act. There was no way tfi which the amendment could affect the politi cal fortunes of any one of the three mentioned unless Mr. Taft or Mr. Wilson should seek a jthlrd or Mt. Roosevelt a fourth term. The only two- likely candidates whose in terests might be affected adversely were Mr. Bryan and Speaker ClaTk, each of whom had been wrongfully suspected of a desire to bar Mr. Wilson from a chance of renomination at tiie end of four years. The fact is that the substitute amendment was suggested by Mr. Bryan, and was approved forthwith by Speaker Clark. Each set aside any thought of personal interest. Both stood squarely by the democratic platform. Harper's Weekly. President Wilson's Cabinet Brooklyn Citizen: President Wilson has suc ceeded in getting together a cablnot which will bo effective both for tho purposes of good gov ernment and the unification of tho democratic party. Sioux Falls Argus-Loader: "Secretary" Bryan sounds mighty good to a lot of peoplo who have fought for William J. since 1896, and it doesn't sound at all bad to a lot of folks who have fought against him. Boston Herald: Even though no Now Englander appears in the list which the Associ ated Press has seml-ofllcially announced, tho Herald thinks the cabinet of Wilson looks de cidedly promising. Geographically, it includes Lane from the Pacific coast; Bryan and Hous ton from the region of the Missouri; Mc Roynolds, Daniels and Burleson from tho south; McAdoo and Redfiold from New York; Garrison and Wilson from tho adjoining states, respec tively, of Now Jersey and Pennsylvania. This is decent sectional distribution even for those who regard that as of any large importance. Milwaukee Daily News: Mr. Bryan is, of course, the best known of them all, his reputa tion being world-wide, and naturally ho will bo a leader in both thought and action, and an in fluence of much power in tho administration. While they are, of course, untried in their new positions, there is 6very reason to believe that th gdvernment will be in good hands while they are in charge. Sioux City (Iff.) Journal: Tho new cabinet stands Inspection pretty well. The presence of Mr. Bryan is the more timely since ' his first ambition is to win for President Wilson the plaudits of a grateful country. Buffalo (N. Y.) Times: A working cabinet, a people's cabinet, are the dominant facts which impress the public mind in regard to President Wilson's official family. It is a representative body of men representative in tho character of its members, in tho adaptation of each to the special functions of his department, in the fact that every cabinet officer is a man of known ability and record, in the fact that every man is chosen for certain particular qualifications which make his appointment a fitting one, thus ensuring harmonious workings of the cabinet as an entirety. . That William J Bryan would be named for secretary of state, had long been regarded as a certainty. That these anticipations were realized, is a matter of highest gratification. Mr. Bryan's qualifications for this great post are so well known, so manifest on the face of the facts, that to dwell on them seems a superfluity. Ho , has profoundly studied both tho domestic and the foreign policies of this country. His fame is world-wide. His immense influence abroad is shown by the honors Europe paid to him. He is a champion of peace. Ho is a foe of jingoism. He Is a foe of dollar diplomacy. He will restore the department of state to its proper dignity. Americanism will be reinstated In our foreign policy. The country halls with acclaim the choice of the great commoner for secretary of state. The appointment of William G. McAdoo, of New York, for secretary of the treasury, places the helm of national finance in firm, safe, and experienced hands. It is acceptable alike to . the people and the business community. Mr. McAdoo is a man of the most vigorous executive abilities. All through his career ho has been . identified with great enterprises. He knows finance, he knows industry, he knows men. His acquaintance is wide, and confidence in him Is universal. No man is better fitted to grapple with the difficult and complicated questions which must bo dealt with by a secretary of tho treasury. It Is a splendid appointment. The new secretary of war is Lindley Murray Garrison, vice chancellor of New jjersey. Edwin M. Stanton, the greatest secretary of war in American history, was a lawyer. The portfolio now held by Mr. Garrison is one in which train ing in the largo aspects of the law is Indispens able. Critical questions of military rights and civic policy aro all the while coming forward, and tho experience of Mr. Garrison in an im portant Judicial position, will be of the utmost value to him and to the administration. Attorney-General James Clark McReynolds, of Tennessee, is a lawyer of nation-wide reputa tion. Ho Is familiar with tho duties of the At torney general's department. Tho groat mass of litigation which the United States conducts every year, Is by tho McReynolds appointment committed to a man of signal ability, known aliko to tho bar and bench. It lu an appoint ment which, in tho highest degroo inspires con fidence. Albert Sidnoy Burloson, of Texas, is tho now postmaster general. Ho has had fourteen years' experience In tho houso of roprcBontatlvos. Ho has a thorough knowledge of governmental business. No cabinet official comes in closer touch with tho people than the postmaster gen eral. Mr. Burleson will make an admirable head of tho postoffico department. Josophus Daniels, secretary of tho navy, Is ono of tho foremost editors of tho country. Ills extensive information, and sterling qualities of intellect and character, will find a flold of activi ties in tho important portfolio commlttod to bts charge. His appointment constitutes a marked accession of strongth to tho cablnot. Franklin K. Lane, secretary of tho interior, is a publicist of national colobrity. Ho has per formed brilliant service as chairman of the interstate commerce commission. His appoint ment is a thoroughly well-considered act, and meets with universal acceptation. David Franklin Houston, of Missouri, tho new head of tho department of agriculture, is a trained specialist in agriculture He is the first expert of tho kind who has over been made secrotary of agriculture. Ho is precisely the kind of man that department needs. William Cox Rodflold, of Now York, Is a splendid selection for secretary of commerce. Ho Is intimately conversant with the great mer cantile and industrial problems of tho time. He is a man of signal breadth of mind and of great acquirements in economic and sociological fields. Tho head of tho newly created department that of labor will be William B. Wilson of Pennsylvania. Beginning as a coal miner and ascending to high positions of influonco and trust, he knows from practical experience the nature of labor problems and the difficulties of tho workingman. It is a strong cabinet throughout. In Its selection President Wilson has successfully ful filled ono of the most important tasks of his administration. New York World: President Wilson's cabi net as sont to and confirmed- by tho senate agrees with the list previously published. Tho inore it is studied tho more it will grow upon the country as a strong tworkfng body. Philadelphia Public Ledger: Mr. Wilson's cabinet is likely to make a good Impression upon the country; it improves on -"lualntanco. Bryan, of course, is an error, but he appearB to have been unavoidable. The new president fol lowed tradition when ho made the presidential candidate his secretary of state. Mr. Bryan, in accepting tho office, made a greater mistake In so far as Bryan's comfort and political power are concerned than did Mr. Wilson. Milwaukee Journal: In the selection of his cabinet Mr. Wilson has given fresh proof of his independence and his determined progres siveness. The character of those new members of the cabinet who aro well known to the public, together with President Wilson's expressed de termination to choose progressive assistants is sufficient guarantee that tho whole cabinet is in accord with the president's own ideas and ideals. New Orleans Times-Democrat: The new cabi net will have to be judged by its works. Any attempt at prejudgment will bo foolish. Presi dent Wilson has undertaken to select, we gather, a group of advisers who will "do team work," and in doing that departed somewhat from tho conventional methods of cabinet-making. That some of his selections aro men com paratively unknown to tho country at large In not argument against their fitness by any means. The fact that the best known among; them are generally conceded fit and well equipped argues, indeed, that the president has exercised the same excellent judgment in select ing the others. We trust that his nominees. Without exception, will vindicate his confidence, and that the Wilson cabinet will provo a thor oughly harmonious and highly useful aid te the new chief magistrate.