The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 14, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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a snnnmiH ihiiiiji lyifc'"'
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less than a revolution in methods and policies.
By a plurality of moro than two million tho
voters had rejected a candidate who had twice
heen president and another candidate who had
boon president for four years, and placed the
highest office in tho hands of ono of their own
choosing, committed by his platform and his
speeches to a now freedom a freedom which
promises to restore ancient landmarks and re
vlvo the spirit of thoso who dedicated this land
to frco institutions.
Tho speech of President Wilson was an in
terpretation of tho verdict rendered at the polls,
presented in tliat lucid stylo which has added so
much to his effectiveness as a public speaker.
Ho outlined the things from which the country
has turned and defined the course upon which,
under tho guidance of his administration, it is
ontorlng. If any ono has doubted the progros
oivoness of his program, all doubt was removed.
His speech was a buglo call and thrilled tho
hearts of those who havo struggled, at first
almost without hopo but now exultant in a vic
tory that has put a unified nation behind him.
His closing words: "This is not a day of
triumph; it is a day of dedication. Here mus
ter not the forces of party, but the forces of
humanity. Men's hearts wait upon us; men's
lives hang in tho balance; men's hopes call upon
us to say what wo will do. Who shall live up
to tho great trust? Who dares fall to try? I
summon all honest men, all patriotic, all for
ward looking men to my side. God-helping me,
I will not fail them, if thoy will but counsel and
sustain me!" ring in the ears of thoso who heard
them and will stir tho millions who will catch
tho spirit of his inaugural address from the
printed pago.
Then followed the parade, in which some fifty
thousand participated. Executives rode by,
some of them followed by tho troops of their
states, others escorted by their staff, each group
greeted by the resident or visiting representa
tives of tho state, for in Washington all sec
tions moot.
Tho civic section of tho parado attracted much
altontion, especially the college clubs.
Fortunate is tho president who can enter upon
tho highost olllce that man can bostow upon his
fellow man still moro favored the ono who
can entor it supported as President Wilson is,
by so unanimous a feeling of good will thrice
happy tho one who, thus elevated and thus en
couraged, enters upon his duties with such a
spirit of entire concentration to his task as is
manifested by tho progressive president who
ushers in the progressive era in American
Boston Herald: To all our new president's
acts and utterances thero is a striking individu
ality. His inaugural address is unlike any other
of recent years. In Its avoidance of anything
llko conereto recommendations it stands out
conspicuously. And yet the man who as gover
nor of NSlw Jersey brought in seven anti-trust
bills, all ready for the law-makers to accept, as
if he were the legislative branch and thoy a
board of approval, can not bo accused of lack
ing a specific program. It was Mr. Wilson's
privilege to make this speech one of academic
dignity. Its literary style is admirable. Some
of its passages aro eloquent enough for use in
5? tIou nlest3' Hore wo have, exemplified
tho Wilson theory as to the inaugural address,
Just as we have the Wilson theory exemplified
at every stage of the journey.
Philadelphia North American: We havo read
this utterance attentively several times, and
have been deeply impressed by it. Our opinion
is that it will prove one of the greatest or one
of the most futile Inaugural addresses ever de
livered in this country. At this time no one
can determine which. President Wilson's state
ment, each word and phrase of which shows
careful selection, contains every element that
is needed to make it historic; and it contains
nothing to save it from oblivion. Time alcme
will solve this paradox. If the address was de
livered in a spirit of solemn sincerity and deen
convictionand we believe that it wasit will
stand as a noble expression of national needs
and aspirations. If it were delivered as a mere
formula of. progressive words, without real con
viction or without a force of indomitable pur
pose behind it, then it is a thing of little worth
if not of worthlessness. lu"
The Commoner.
lofty In tone and felicitous In phrase. It is less
a state document than an invocation, a1 prayer,
and in that sense Americans of all parties will
devoutly respond: Amen!
No better statement, in general outline, of the
forward movement throughout tho nation has
been given, but its outline is very large of scale,
and what we are all anxious to know now is
how this new sprung leader and chief executivo
proposes to fill it in. It is not, however, a
message to congress, and perhaps it is not only
personally politic but wise from the point of
view of statesmanship that tho president should
not cross tho threshold of sound generalities be
fore he has felt the levers of practical power or
tested the possibilities and conditions of effec
tive action.
At any rate the new president has made an
appeal to his fellow countrymen which will
touch their loyalty and bring, the cordial wish
that he may cap high aspiration with noble
Sioux City Tribune: Concise, clear, beautiful
in diction, yet marked by the gravi.ty that should
characterize the discussion of a portentious situ
ation, President Wilson's inaugural address is
a direct, manly appeal to American citizens to
co-operate with the new administration to the
end that this government may in reality become
a government of, for and by the people. One
thinks of Abraham Lincoln In reading the con
cluding utterance:
"This is not a day of triumph; it is a day of
dedication. Here muster not the forces of
party, but the forces of humanity. Men's hearts
wait upon us; men's lives hang in the balance;
men's hopes call upon us to say what we will
do. Who shall live up to the great trust? Who
dares fail to try?
"I summon all honest men, all patriotic, all forward-looking
men, to my side. God helping
me, I will not fail them, if they will but counsel
and sustain me!"
Throughout the discourse there is nothing
Of partisanship, nothing of ranoor, nothing bom
bastic or suggestive of demagoguery. The re
cent peaceful revolution effected at the polls
swept one party out of power and placed an
other in charge of the national governmental
affairs to correspond with altered public senti
ment; demanding an administration of the na
tional government in consonance with the
aroused conscience of the people; demanding
not only governmental recognition of human
liberty, but of the brotherhood of man.
Chicago Inter-Ocean: President Wilson's in
augural address is pleasingly brief, wisely
abstains from specific promises, and regards the
change of government not as a party triumph
hut as the recording of a1 change of attitude of
the American people toward their problems
as a result of the people coming to see old
things with new or clearer eyes.
Chicago Record-Herald: Woodrow Wilson
?nrho(1flreS?C the people of tne Unied States
for the first time as their chief magistrate. His
inaugural speech was the utterancf of the head
of the nation, not of a party. Its spirit is whollv
admirable-lofty, unselfish, humble , oarae"?
bSaSdres.11118 " U 3B
PrSllStf? wnbUne:, The inausural address of
President Wilson is an utterance singularly
A. London cablegram, carried by the Ak
sociated Press, says: Tho London mornine
papers congratulate the United States on Jh!
new president. The Morning Post, discussing
AmeS,1:16 leDgth - SgS
whoYd ft iSTSSZ
apFron,chl2,E- Few American prosiSs ha
now and tho old worlds wifh w uoul e
i Thas,s nix aovSVoSss
which democracies need, and America's m fi
congratulated upon having found mm), J
for chief magistrate." " 8UCh a man
The Chronicle says that Mr. Wilson rrmr'
tho "new spirit" visible in more than rJLpresents
try, but nowhere so clearly ff & 2
progressive world looks for much from him
the paper adds. a mm,"
rThA DaiJ. ,Nows Bays: "The world looks t
Woodrow Wilson for an example of wise abSfn
ence from aggression and adventure, wionSfc
ness in international discussions and active
Initiative in further peace."
The Times says; "Both the president and his
party will be subjected to keen and continuous
criticism sharpened by the abnormal unrest in
American politics and the universal conviction
that great changes are imperatively required
It is generally recognized that the task upon
which Mr Wilson enters is of surpassing diffi
Washington correspondents point out that
there were just four cap I's in the president's
inaugural address.
This is from the New York World: The man
with the tortoise-shell-rimmed eyeglasses looked
up from his reading of President Wilson's in
augural address.
"I can see," he said, "that the dictionary's
vacation has been postponed for four years
more. Neither Colonel Roosevelt nor Mayor
Gaynor ever thought of calling a yardstick a
The following is from the New York Herald:
"Senator, I just had the pleasure of meeting
three of your charming daughters," was tho
way Augustus Thomas greeted his friend James
A. O'Gorman.
"I think you have made the same mistake
that an Irish 'cabby' made," replied the sena
tor. "In company with Mrs. O'Gorman and my
two eldest daughters I visited the birthplace of
my father and mother. When T was. leaving
the cab driver, learning who I was, said, 'You
must be as proud of your father and mother
as you are of these three daughters."
Ml, !
Philadelphia North American: William J.
Bryan, who is to be secretary of state, shared
in the demonstrations. Several times in the
course of the proceedings of the great stand a
volleys of cheers went up for the commoner
and at the conclusion of Mr. Wilson's inaugural
address a situation arose which really seemed
embarrassing. The last words of the new presi
dent's speech nad hardly fallen from the lips
wheii the crowd shouted "Bryan! Bryan! Bryan!
we want a speech from Bryan.1'
Mr. Bryan, who was standing near Wilson,
turned away from the thousands in front of the
stand, apparently to discourage any further
demonstration in his favor and there was
plainly a feeling of relief among the democratic
statesmen when the police jumped in and began
to drive the throng back for the exit of the
new president.
Philadelphia North American: William Jen
nings Bryan is as determined to aid Wilson
with all his fervor and all his ability as he
was determined to prevent privilege control in
the convention which nominated Wilson. Ho
is not in the cabinet to obstruct or'to dominate,
hut to aid. The relations between the two men
aro as close as those which have ever existed
between a president and the head of his cabinet.
Mr. Bryan took the oath at the office of the
secretary of state, where he- appeared near 4
o clock with Mrs. Bryan and a party of friends.
Assistant Secretaries Wilson, Adee and Hale
also were present when the oath was adminis
tered by William McNair, chief 'clerk of the
The first official act of Secretary Bryan was
r ?gI1 ,, commissions of the other members
of President Wilson's cabinet. The last official
act of Secretary Knox was to sign the commis
sion of his successor. Mr. Knox departed for
Palm Beach, Pla.
The selection by the democrats of the United
fl;e? ? of Jolm w- Kern of Indiana as
noor leader has a significance that is much more
n? a pej;so,na!- It means that the organization
Rvm?M ody,AB t0 be controlled by democrats in
sympathy with President Wilson, in touch with
tne people and fully awake to the demands of
tne times.
Binn?eph t0J this circumstance the congres
tt?i sItuation is the same today as it was
twenty years ago when Grover Cleveland began
cinfond,admmIstratIon- The house of repre
sentatives has an unwieldy democratic majority,
im, Se,nate has a narrow democratic majority,
tw AurcQ vacancies. It is easily to be seen
rV it bstructIons are to confront democratic
F IE uhey win aPPear in the senate, where,
!im a?,Bence republican assistance, a small
democratic defection must prove" fatal.
i.ii i iB what happened in the Fifty-third con
giess in 1893-95. At that time the democratic