The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 14, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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V -V- i'WPVBPiPW'i',
The Commoner.
H . 4r r .? PV r . ' '
H rm r r Er 0 HF r Kr .r Jp&MM
H rW Btr r JmAjK flr Pur .r &W0k
i r v .-r ;V Hv vf .-Br Jrt -t &&fflffi;
rr iv r r f Mr -r K $$&wWk
H .m m r rvf v r fKm mLJMB i'Wwftw
H CMr Cr -f r M?$s?jw3$isl
H P r' BfSP -l' 1 wWWMMm
"Dr. Moras has written
a Commonsense Book on
Autology, and by so doing,
placed' the Standard of the Creed of Health
farther to the front than any man who has
lived for a thousand years." Elbert Hubbard
1911, number:
study. It Is callod 'Autology and Autopatliy " r wl ich boinT trntmintprt hh n " and cllll(i ,owes ifc to his intelligence to read and
Whilo It Is a 'medical- booh in Z nin n?f!fi?' b ?l8iat!? "berally, may be construed, 'He that knows himself may cure himself.'
hard commonsonso, more Information concorning the bodv in hT, 6 a WOrd "2"? me?icInes in the entire work. But there is more
than in the entire libraries of the world f bcSSSf Ethlcidfr taK ana baln nei,ye and body bulldinS
contents of the book are such as to place him high f thl3 really remarkable book stands high, but the
is forgotten. The book is worth $50P0.00 to anym record
?Dr?A8 WJ! ltes. " Otology in the May,
- - -. -1, --wi mui iimiiiiiiiii i i. i iv . iii. iiiiwi iu 11 rmTi r iaaai -.,. mm -
j iiw
WmHHw7vj iB-S--r -.
-We Consider AUTOLOGY one of the Most Wonderful Books ever Written "-Physical Culture Magazine.
"Please Accept Our Thanks."
for tho peat work you have offorcd tho public.
Thp book is worth Ub weight in sold. Wo havo
followed instructions and are feeling liko now
persons. My husband has boon a dyspeptic all
his lifo, could cat nothing without fooling tho
greatest of pain, and now ho does not know
what such troubles aro, I suffered with head
aches slnco a llttlo, girl, doctored for It, and
physicians told mo it was neuralgia and could
not bo curod. I suffered untold agonies, but
today I am woll. Havo not felt anything of
iV0nHc.,ailful 1P?113 sln- havo snowed In
SnVlSfl.8 iin f ut-0ley- Wo hopo that humanity
will open their oyos to tho great gift that you
havo put In front of thom.,p
MRS. DROZ, Torrington, Conn.
"Autology Is the Nearest to Bclnc the Guide to
rerpctunl Youtli of anything I ever saw In
ffih A52v?i caully read, and will continuo
oilm n?trt d ta03t ner Xour instructions. I havo
eliminated tho old idea that wo must bo
and blistered In a vain hopo of getting well
Anyono who reads AujLology will know mSro
about curing their Ills and keeping well than
Cbooids "everurifsh .rCadInS A & S-Sffl
New Bedford, Mass.
sSth0" n0.olai bAUy ny, copy." MISS M. L.
faMiiii, 513 Grand Avo Milwaukee, Wis.
'iW? and. X tha"k you so deeply for your
lest babvfrormWhavo tn? VrltesPt and health!
lest baby from Its precepts." , Hudson, N. Y.
Well or Sick, You need AUTOLOGY
I began to bo an Autologlst. Last evening I was
telling a friend about it, and she asked mo if I
would go back to tho old way of living, and
LT00? her No not for all that is in this
world. I have not had a cold since last August,
and not a hint of asthma since last December.
I am often asked If I am not afraid It will re
turn, and I say most decidedly, 'No.' I now
LfWwhftt Pcrfoctly good health is, and I ox
,cif inX0i. ono hundred years at least I
mi t0 tyou know that I havo outwitted
JndwPr6, wt?ld mo that l could never bo
author ' Autolocy and Its noblo
, Now Woodstock, N. T,
I would not take. $100 for your book'
D. B. ROBINS, Fredonia, N. T.
Autology Is no theory, no fad, no creed. It deals with the practical biminiu, Af vnn,
brnln as you have learned to deal with the practical business Sf yoS hmJS affaira JSS? T?
flowers, your land and grain, your dollars and cents. affairs, plants and
With It there need bo no such thing as pain or sickness in vnnr n r ., i
means? That you may see and know for yourself ! send tor my 7U r0aliZe What tlmfc
"Guide to Autology"
Vnlunblo books of priceless infornmtinn thnt. mn.i.i., ,i
Write your name and address plainly in the coupon on tho 1H-V . . .
and enclose 10c. (a dime or ilvec Jumps), nndvuTsend you' y S3S TfeS
contoining n wealth of infnrmnn Jii":..
CUT OFF HERE AND MAIL TODAY nd brain value can't bn rPolrnnnrl l Vi"1i ,
nontq w txuuaia anu
E. R. MORAS, M. D., Dopt. 100
Highland Park, 111.
Dear Doctor: I am interested in
your offer. I enclose 10 cents for
which please send mo your "Guide to
Autology.' '
E. R; MORAS, M. D.
Dept 100, Highland Park, Illinois
Ppffi?, TJann,rrltB0lalc?iIS-!. lOto of
House Physician anOnrpnon i Wii ; frmerly
Pitol. (Chicago); Profffiof ObSotriof SSi Hoa
Physicians and Surgeons i rchiffifn lQS C0neg0 of
Medical Society to 1912. QGhIcas) member Chlcag6
If you wish to read all about "Tli R .
choice little book done up beauSulfe" f Autology" ,end 10c for
- " t,,TW UlOrS. JXn Annrh mafrAV
- - 'jf jiabk