The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 14, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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The Commoner.
MARCH 14, 1913
Smoke of Herbs
Cures Catarrh
A Simple, Safe, Reliable Why and It
Costs Nothing to Try
This preparation of herbs, leaves,
flowers and berries (containing no to
bacco or habit-forming drugs) is cither
smoked in an ordinary clean pipo or
smoking tube, and by drawing the
medicated smoko into tho mouth and
inhaling into tho lungs or sending it
out through tho nostrils in a perfectly
natural way. the worst caso of Catarrh
can bo eradicated. .
It is not un
pleasant to use,
clalr, N. J., vnder tat atiirplce of the
local branch of th socialist party
there. Many New York artists and
writers who live there will be in tho
audience. She will speak upon
"The Heart and the Hand, Or, tho
Right Uae of the Senses." This will
be the first of a series of public ad
dresses which Miss Keller will de
liver. New York Times.
and at tho sarao
timo It is en
tirely harmless.
I and can bo used
by man, woman
or child.
Just as Catarrh
Is contracted by
breathing cold or
dust and germ
laden air, just so
this balmy anti
septic smoking
remedy goes to
all tho affected
nceisTcncc parts of tho air
- passages of tho
head, nose, throat and lungs. It can
readily be seen why tho ordinary
treatments, such as sprays, ointments,
salves, liquid or tablet medicines fail
they do not and can not reach all the
affected parts.
If you have catarrh of tho nose,
throat or lungs, choking, stopped-up
feeling, colds, catarrhal headaches;
If you are given to hawking and spit
ting, this simplo but scientific treat
ment should euro you.
An illustrated book which goes thor
oughly into the whole question of the
cause, cure -ana prevention 01 catarrn
will, upon rpquest. bo sont you by Dr,
J. W. Blosser, 144 Walton street,
Atlanta, Ga.
Ho will, also, mail you five days'
free treatment. You will at onco see
that it is a wonderful remedy, and as
it only costs one dollar for tho regu
lar treatment, it is within the reach of
everyone. ' It Is not necessary to send
any money simply send your name
and address and the booklet and free
trial package will bo mailed you Immediately.
News of the Week
The Nebraska house of represen
tatives recommended for passago the
recall bill, including Judges.
By order of the Canadian govern
ment, Joseph Ettor, the industrial
leader who was tried for murder as
a result of the Lawrence, Mass.,
strike, was ordered deported from
Vancouver, B. C, as an "undesirable."
Four Per Cent
and Safety
Absolute safety of your money
guaranteed under the State Laws of
Oklahoma. Why take a chunco?
Place your idle funds on deposit
with us. Accounts from thirty-one
states handled promptly and effi
ciently. Send for Booklet and copy
of guaranty laws today.
M. 6. HASKELL, Pre , Muskogee, Okla.
A Chicago dispatch, carried by
the United Press follows: Wealthy
Chicagoans, of social standing, are
the patrons; the low-paid girls are
the victims, and the white slave
traffic the beneficiary of a score of
luxurious "apartments" in Chicago
links in the system of white slave
traffic. This is but a little of tho
story told to the Illinois senate com
mittee, headed by Lieutenant Gover
nor Barret O'Hara, that is probing
tho white slave evil. Miss Belle
Buselle, Massachusetts, who came to
Chicago twelve years ago, told it.
She named one of these "apart
ments." Four state senators lis
tened intently while Miss Musello
told of young girls struggles to
make a livelihood. She told how
she had shadowed young girls who
were learning their "first lessons on
the street;" how she had made
rounds of dance halls, how she had
brought cadets Into court only to
have the cases thrown out on tech
nical grounds, and finally how she
had kept girls at her own home, in
an effort to bring about their reform.
Former President William H. Taft
and Mrs. Taft were given a cordial
welcome at Augusta, Ga., where they
will take a long rest.
ua muni wwuiTk Mm. BnUrrfy n nd
BHMHMUU rtML Sand MrosFiiisaorUeto.
NW IMCIHIIMT. rnbHumtloa W1HWTH0. if a
MeccUblo. by th WHU't UMttf. UlUtll MM
MKMM. Wpy ) per eeot. lfKrrs MMH tfilUWt and KUn
rntT ummMR nuf " hh ma, ran. Bnd c.
year wet UfW adTte. MTWHW ttHM m. H,aMt, Wuwmm, ft, n
Railway Mai! Clerk ,
motion To $1600. Examinations May 3 In every Mate.
Common education sufUcJent -with my coachiuc.
Full Information tree. Write for booklet W-1016.
Karl Hopkins, WaahingtOH. D. C
oLber word von do ho!
pay, oar nmaJl professional fea
mAmtitmtmlHmle,t0Zra4A:,Kam9 Cliy,M.
"WANTED 2000 Railway Mall Clerk, and cleik carriers
for Parcel Post. Examination soon. Splendid-salaries. Trial
Examination Free. Write. Ozroent, 9311. St. Louis.
CTatsea R. Celeataa
Pateat lAVTyerWasblogton,
D.C. Advice and books free.
IUtca reasonable. Blcbeat reference. Beetaccrkaa.
ARCnC BMtGrara.ttVariattccBgrlMalrtnMa
LCU Oeai, 16 porta ftp onoor 0weet Few aadS
IT am mi Fairy Roeea (seda) allforlOc bMekete
A Helgoland, Germany, cable
gram, carried by the Associated
PreBs, says: Sixty-six of the crow
of the German torpedo boat, G-178,
were drowned when the vessel was
rammed by the cruiser York, in the
North sea.
Uncle Sam's Poultry Book
Tlio world only comntnto nfflclal Kulde to poultry rnlitnr. Wr Htam fcr
rrovo'iiiiirntnxiirrU ovary it&iro iiirana niony In your norkcU Frto
20 cents worth $10.00 to you and by our plnn you can hnvo 60 ccnu back, fifeft
im 10 1 rj'iit Htnuittfu or 1 dime. Kdltlon HmlUil. notid ciulclc. I'nclo Karn mtm
you Rlmulil uwnn Incubator and lella hown goodouo la built. Thtttfs a
other tnaclilno niatlo coming up to tlin atnndartl but
The Sure Hatch Inciihator
wlilrh Is built Undo Pam way. Heavy, xtrorur, x
matrlalK, many tuodnrn tVaturrwimt found In otborK
raiiiplflofnnlrnlor beat and hatchet chick tliHt
live. UUAUANTICKI) PIVIt YKAK8. Illu Iwok lrc.
Hind lor it at oncv. Put It to work at onco nnd wt your
chicks on tho rarly blRh-prlrcd market. I'nu'try nnd
rkrxwIII ho hlKliiTtha coiulnj; ttcanon than you over
knew thom to bo.
Box 126
Fremont, Nob.
Freight prepaid
Tho book entitled, "The nhtory ofWhlto Diarrhoea, or Why Incubator Chlckx Ma." will lw cnt aba
lutely Ireo by return mall to anyeneBcndinjr us Uio names of 7 to 10 oTtlirlr lrlindxtlintuiolncubatora.
Thlf book can pave you f 160 hlsmmiacr. ltdatrrlltos while dlurrlioca or bowol trouble, tho caiuo, a4
Wis of a cure, tteok nbselutely JJCKI fur the Names.
Three hundred tons of dynamite
exploded while being loaded in the
British steamer Alum Chine, in tho
lower harbor off Ft. Carroll near
Baltimore. Fifty men were instant
ly killed and 60 more were seriously
injured. Damage to property was
one-half million dollars.
The surviving members of tho
Madero family arrived In New York,
where they have taken, refuge.
The Missouri state senate adopted
the joint resolution already adopted
by the house, ratifying the amend
ment providing for the popular elec
tion of senators.
"What shall I say if Mr. Binkton
asks me to marry him?" asked the
young woman.
"Don't bother about studying what
you will say," replied Miss Cayenne.
"Rehearse an effort to look sur
prised." WasMinstoii Star.
An Improved Texas Farm
I OFFER for Sale 240 acres of
land, three miles from Mission,
Texas, on the Rio Grande, 200
acres are cleared and under irriga
tion. The improvements, consist
ing of a $2500.00 house with
barns, fences, etc., have cost over
$5,000.00. Easy terms will be
given on deferred payments'. I
would not care to sell to anyone .
unless purchaser makes a personal
examination of the property. Ap
ply to owner for price and terms.
W. J. Bryan, Lincoln Neb.
10 Beautiful Post pDFp
Cards Sent to You Zlf
Will you accept Tea (IS) Bratitlfal Colored Peat Cnv&tt which I will
mall to you wHkbHt contt
For a short time only, I am giving away Tea mnt Card Free of Cost
with every order for My BIgr Packet of 25 Elegant Post Cards at ay
syeclHl price of only 23 ceatM. This packet of cards is extra Mae. the
Krentent sent card bargain ever offered. Think of it, 25 exquisitely colored
cards, no two alike, in beautiful floral and friendship designs, for only 2S
cents cards that sell at two for 5 cents in retail stores.
Order this Uig Packet at once at my Nyecial arlee of 25 cents (stamp
or coin), and I will include tea extra sent card free if your order reach
me within 10 days. Do not let this offer go by ea4 today.
Walters, Post Card Man, 2245 Vine St., LincalN, Mai