The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 14, 1913, Page 13, Image 13
'' ' lWWBlrtWW The Commoner. 13 MARCH 14; 1913 a few days ago he "was glad to layf down the responsibility of his office. The retirement of Senator Martin and the candidacy of Senator Kern l eiluB ii lung struggle lor me toniroi of the senate of the sixty-third con gress between the so-called progres sive democrats and the old conserva tives. It was generally understood there will be no movement to disturb the old leaders in their committee assignments. Immediately after the caucus as sembled Mr. Kern was unanimously chosen by acclamation. W. H. Thompson, the new democratic sena tor from Kansas, was the only member absent. He had not been able to get to Washington in time to take his oath of office. The caucus then took up the business of com mittee assignments. Senator Kenyon of Iowa was chosen secretary of the republican caucus. Senator La Follette was present at the republican gathering, but Senators Bristow, Polndexter and Clann did not appear. Tho two latter tv . - , . --, .. , . ,. nave oeen classed as memuers oi uie progressive party, but the republi cans stated they expected Senator Clapp would participate in the com mittee assignments. except when he himself invites the. interview. It is his purpose and de sire to devote his attention very earnestly and very constantly to the business of the government and the largo questions of policy afTecting the whole nation, and ho knows from his experience as governor uf New Jersey, where it fell to him to make innumerable appointments, that the greater part both of his time and of his energy will be spent in personal interviews with candi dates unless he sets an invariable rule in the matter. It is his Inten tion to deal with appointments through the heads of the several executive departments." Edgar E. Clark of Iowa has been I made chairman of the interstate commerce commission. Speaker Clark celebrated his sixty third birthday March 6th. Friends in Washington presented him with a handsome oil picture of himself. He received' telegrams from all sec tions of the country. Concerning the new seeretciry of state, an Associated Press report says: Alvey Adee, second assistant secretary of state, who has been in the state department since 1877, will retain his position under Secre tary Bryan. Mr. Adee is affection ately referred to in Washington as the "wheel horse" of the depart ment, and it is expected few import ant diplomatic notes of recent years have escaped his reading. Secretary Bryan decided not to accept his resignation. Anton W. Wlvell, a New York law yer, a Cornell man, and an intimate personal friend of Secretary Bryan, was appointed private secretary to the secretary of state in place of William L. Coombs, Mr. Knoxla sec retary, who resigned. Benjamin G. Davis of Maryland, clerk to Mr. Bryan, when he was a representative in congress, is to be confidential clerk to Mr. Bryan. Secretary Bryan sent notices to each of the embassies and legations in Washington, as well as to the American diplomatic and consular offices abroad announcing his acces sion to the office of secretary of state. The formal presentation of the diplo mats will take place soon. All of the ambassadors, ministers and charges in Washington will be introduced to Secretary Bryan by Asmassador Jus serand, the dean of the corps. Indications that no immediate or sweeping changes in the foreign policy of the United States are In contemplation were offered when Secretary Bryan without much quali fication approved the letters and in struotions by wire that went out to the American representatives abroad In countries where stirring events are happening. It is true that in general this was routine business, but yet It was inferred by the offi cials of lesser rank than the secre tary that President Wilson intends to make a careful study of all the data to be, presented to him by Secretary Bryan before making any radical changes in existing policies. It became known that without ahating tills government's claim to the right to maintain an efficient army patrol along:, the Mexican bor der the new administration intends to use every proper means to avoid friction with the Mexicans across the line. A United Press dispatch Bays: Vice President Marshall- set the pace for democratic simplicity upon his arrival at the capitol. He sat down in the vice president's room behind a basket of roses higher than his h&ad and began to look over his mail but the crowds of sightseers spied him through the open door of his room. In a few minutea a full fledged reception was in progress. The vice president shook handa with all and senators who sought to speak with the new presiding officer had to fall in line with the visitors. President Wilson appointed John H. Marble of California, who is now secretary of the interstate commerce commission to bo a- member of the commission succeeding Franklin K. Lane. He also re-appointed Edgar 13. Clark of Iowa, whose re-nomination by President Taft had been held up in the senate. President Wilson made formal an nouncement that he offered an am bassadorship to Chairman William F. McCombs of the democratic na tional committee. "Mr. McCombs told me ho did not wish a cabinet appointment. I have offered him one of the principal diplomatic posts and hope he will accept. I desiro men of cabinet size for the chief foreign appointments," said the president. Referring to patronage, President .Wilson has issued the following statement: "The president regrets that he is obliged to announce that he deems it his duty to decline to see applicants for office in person. NO RELIGIOUS ISSUE IN HOME RULE Dublin, Ireland, cablegram to Miami (Fla.) Herald: An enthus iastic meeting has been held in Dublin of Protestants from all parts of the country, who wished to pro test against the Idea "that Irish Protestants would suffer a' curtail ment of their civil and religious freedom" under home rule. JDr. Douglas Hyde pointed to the fact that in every town In the south and west Protestant shopkeepers had thriven, and the high sheriff of Cork city also bore witness to the existence of tolerance in the past as a reason for believing it would continue in the future, A resolution "strongly disapprov ing of the efforts which have been made to Identify the Irish Protes tant churches with a particular party and its transitory issues" was supported by the Rev. William Craw ford, who said he was one of those who believed that Protestantism is to have a place in the future of the country. The resolution was a pro test against a wrong done to religion and Ireland, and against tho action of the churches in setting themselves against the noble aspirations of the people. W. B. Yeats was very cordially received by the large assembly. He intimated that ho knew his country men thoroughly, and if there was in tolerance in Ireland, ho know It. If there was tolerance, ho knew it. On that subject he thought they should speak with entire sincerity, and with out any thought of political expedi ency. Ho believed that no country could prosper unless the majority of its best men were occupied in mak ing the land fruitful materially or intellectually, though every vigorous country would send intellectual men to work in other countries. In no country are the best minds intoler ant, it is the mediocre minds that aro intolerant, and tho only intoler ance that ho feared was tho intoler ance against ideas, against books, against European culture which existed among Catholics and Pro testants. He saw nothing that would put down that intolerance but an arena in which tho best might come out, and tho best might rule. Bring the various elements together in a legislature, set them to do business and then the common interest would come. Ten years of common busi ness and common interests would destroy what had mostly been sterile party contest. BRYAN AT BALTIMORE Although Woodrow Wilson is elected president of these United States, and competent and deserving, too, the real hero of democracy in this country today, and ever since the adjournment of the national convention, William Jennings Bryan Is and has been it. Mr. Bryan did the thing in that convention that we have wondered he had not done long before, but, knowing his grounds and the conditions better than wo have known them, we are accepting his service as having been rendered as early as possible, and the people of this country are grate ful to him for ridding tho party, at least temporarily, of the thieves which have infested it for years and years. And even after that memor able contest when Bill Bryan's in dex finger pointed to the easy chairs and calling the names of those occu pants who sat in that convention who represented special privilege, he followed 'em all over the country with that same finger in action and repeated tho names, and which brought about, or materially helped to bring about, the pleasing result of last -month's election. Not be cause of his service to the party in this campaign, but because of his eternal and peculiar fitness to guide the portfolio of state, be should be placed at the helm, and bo permitted to help, as only Bill Bryan can help, save the country, and his party as well, from the trusts and special privilege combines that have been eating the very heart out of the in dependence of the people for years, and who are so safely, they think, seated permanently in their devilish work. The future work of tho de mocracy Is exactly like the work done at Baltimore by Bryan, and only men like him, or as nearly like him as we have, together with his assistance, can Woodrow Wilson, or any other man, accomplish what his pre-election declarations indicated ho desired to do. Starvation may overtake us in this attempt, but let ns have the result, no matter the consequences, for a time, that we may havs&gkace, and the reasonable rights of tho citizenship restored. Wo hope to see Mr. Bryan occupy a leading role in the coming adminis tration, making, as it surely would be, a personal sacrifice by him, but tlie people deserve it from him, and he must do the work, and wo trust sincerely he has already "been called" by Woodrow Wilson to preach, and put in practice, too, the doctrine of democracy- in tho next administration. Texas Rail way Journal. Eight Hardy Everblooming Roses for You "Wo want to deliver thin choice collection of Eight Hardy Kver hlontulng Honcm to Evory Render of The Commoner, I'oMltlvcly With out Cot. They nro lino, vigorous plnntH, guaranteed to reach you In healthy growing condition, and will bloom thlK ncason If given ordinary care. Unless you request Immodlato de livery when ordering, tho roses will B not he delivered until proper time to piant in your locality. Each col lection Is accompanied with special printed instructions on their plant ing and care. 8 rtJlt OFFEHt To anyone sending us 11.15 (a special club rate), wo Will enter subscription for one year to both Tho Commoner and Tho American HomcBtcad and deliver, all charges prepaid, thin collection of Eight Hardy Roo Bushes. HELEN GOIJM) Most valuable, and satisfactory red roHO for general planting. Vigorous, sturdy grower and pro file bloomer. Iirgo warm rosy crimson Mowers, beautifully shaded, KAIHEHIN AUGUHTA VICTORIA A crowning masterpiece and hailed by (lower-lovers everywhere as the greatest roso creation of modern times. Hardy and vigorous grower with great loads of rich, creamy, fragrant white, slightly lemon-tinted (lowers; a color effect exquisitely beautiful. ISTOIIjH HE IA'ON In color, a deep golden yellow, marvelously rich and pure, with ex rjuifiito fragrance. Very hardy and lusty In growth and blooms all the time. MAMAN CaCIIICT A roso to excite the admiration of everyone. Flno outdoor rose, very hardy and rapid, vigorous grower. Blooms all tho time, producing Im mense elegantly formed (lowers of a magnificent silvery pJnlc. GI117HS AN TISI'LITSS For Intensa and dazzling color, there Is no other Roso to comparo with It. A strong, sturdy grower, entirely hardy and frco bloomer, Flowers aro largo and handsome; color llery crimson shaded with a dark velvety sheen, a combination found In no other rose. Fragrance Is unexcelled. MAIDEN'S I1LUSII An indispensablo rose for bedding or decorative purposes. Immenso double (lowers aro produced all through tho growing season; color pale blush and creamy white. Ml). AIIEL CIIATKNAV This splendid roso Is one of the very best of Its color rosy carmine with darker shade. Full, deep, double (lowers aro borne In great profusion and the bush Is a rapid compact grower, perfectly hardy. An ideal garden roso In every way. EVEHIILOOMING CRIMSON UA3HILEH The new production that everyone raves over, a real Everblooming Rambler. Plant grows rapldly making shoots from eight to ton feet during tho season and covers Itself with bright green glossy foliage. Bright crimson (lowers In great clusters aro produced tho entire season. Send Your Order Early! There will bo a big demand for this (Ine collection of Eight Beauti ful Roso Bushes. Do not wait until planting time before ordering. Send NOW. Offer open to new or renewal subscriptions, or anyone wishing to advance present sub scriptions to either paper. Uso attached coupon. Addr-ss THE COMMONER Lincoln, Neb. Use This Coupon To-day The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. I enclose $1.15 to pay for ono year's subscription to both The Commoner and the American Homestead at your special club rate, which also entitles me to Eight Hardy Ever blooming Roses as advertised, sent postpaid, without additional cost. Name Address (Present Subscriptions Advanced One Year.) tf- o: