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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1913)
m--- It h I! &i! .&.' , 10 The Commoner, VOLUME 13, NUMBER 10 '&Kr!MWW&Tlmp 1 TEN CIONTH A DAY WIUi MAKIJ YOU TUB OWNIfill OF A $175 Sweet-Toned SchimIIer& Mueller Piano Our unpurullHed lU'lllnjr plan In built upon LlH1 Idea tliat everybody Hliould hn f?lvon tho opportunity of having muHlc In tho Iiotnc. Wo havo actually talcon the duty off tho nuiuiifacturud article and arc offering a Sweet-Toned Schmollor & Muollor Piano to you at a fac-tory-to-homo prlco. NO MIDDLHiUKN TO PAY Wo will Hhlp thlB piano to you FrclKht Prepaid. Try It freo In vour hnmn fnv SO rlnvn Rntlnfv yourtiolf that It In tho Piano you want and beln your payments. SAVK 10 CUNTS A DAY SM.00 A MONTH You will soon have tho piano fully paid for. Nowhcro can you prot such unusually oasy tcrniB In tho purchase of a high grade, swoot. - toned guaranteed - for - 2G -years piano. Wo havo boon in business for 54 years and our guarantoo Is backod up by a capital and surplus of over $1,000,000. SIMOOIAL IMIIOICS To those who ordor now wo are prepared to quote a special prlco, somowhat lowor than our regular factory prlco and mndo to only a limited number of customers who help ub as representatives in mak ing sales whoro wo now havo no actlvo representatives. Fill in tho attachod coupon and send today for our completo selling plan and beautiful catalogue. SGHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO COMPANY Ilept. TCiKtl, Omnim, Neb. SelimoIIer & Mueller PInno Co Dcpt. TC331, OmnliH, Neb. Gontlomcn: Send mo your plan and your cataloguo. Also quoto special prlco to mo If you want a representative In my community. Name , , , Address ? jHMnTToHKii WOULD YOU Show, this wholly visible and lot them seo wherein It vw".v" ""f. w :wh. ...... iunuD, u wo would send ono to you Frcoof Ona --.... uuji. iot you xo rTKrr"au57' ...v.. v.. t, iunuti guru, or Something About the New Cabinet Presldont Wilson's new cabinet is an follows: Secretary of state William Jen nings Bryan, Nebraska. Treasury William G. McAdoo, New York. War Lindley M. Garrison, Nov; Jorsey. Attorney general James McRey noldls, Tenncssoo. Postmaster general Representa tive Albert Burleson, Texas. Navy Josephus Daniels, North Carolina. Interior Franklin M. Lane, Cali fornia. Agriculture David R. Plouston, Missouri. Commerce Representative W. M. C. Redfield, New York. Labor Representative William B. Wilson, Pennsylvania. quarters during all of the recent campaigns. Ho Is a student of de tail and was responsible for most of the press work that counted in the campaign of last fall. Emarson Typewriter Co., Box M 1133, Woodstock, III The Midwest Life INSURANCE IN FORCE December 31, 1906 $ 559,000 December 81, 1908 1,453,218 December SI, 1910 2,641,084 BeQombor 31, 1912 4,805,502 'February 28, 1913 5,022,745 OFFICERS N. Z. Snell President Dr. B. B. Davis, Omaha, Vico President A. J. Sawyer Secretary (Dr. M. H. Everett. .Medical-Director C. R. Easterday....Asst Secretary -M. A. Hyde6 Agency-Director Homo Offico: First National Bank Building, Lincoln, Neb. Commoner readers are so familiar with tho career of the new secre tary of state that it is omitted from this list. Tho Lincoln (Neb.) Even ing News gives the following descrip tion of tho new cabinet members. W. C. McAdoo, secretary of the treasury, was born in Marietta. Ga.. on October 31, 1863. Ho was edu cated at tho University of Tennessee and in November, 1885, was made deputy clerk of the United States circuit court for the southern division of eastern Tennessee. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1885, practicing in Chatta nooga and becoming counsel for the Central Railroad and Banking com pany and tho Richmond and Danville railroad. Coming to New York Mc Adoo looked about for some way to carry out his ambitious plans to be come a real railway operator. He dis covered that tho Haskins company had a concession to build a tunnel to Jorsey and had been obliged to abandon the project for lack of capi tal. So McAdoo borrowed $70,000, 000 and built the twin tunnels which havo greatly aided in the develop ment of Jersey as a suburb of New York. During the last campaign Mc Adoo was in charge of tho work of electing Wilson and so well did he accomplish his task, and so great was his attention to detail that President Wilson personally complimented him on the showing. McAdoo is a -wonder at any work necessitating atten tion to detail and this quality at tracted the president to him. He has recently been suggested for head of several important railway systems but sidetracked his own plans to aid the incoming administration. A real newspaper editor was hon ored when President Woodrow Wil son named Josephus Daniels as sec retary of tho navy in his cabinet. Joe' Daniels, as his friends know mm, is one of the most successful of southern editors. Incidentally ho is also a lawyer and legal friends who have been In closo touch with him declare that if ho had wanted to pra-ctico that profession he would be ono of the top notchers. Daniels was born in Washington, N C, on May 18, 1862, and received his education in tho Wilson, N C collegiate institute, becoming editor of tho Wilson Advance when only eighteen years old. Ho became edi t0r of the Raleigh State Chronicle in 1885 and remained In that post until 1 94, when ho consolidated the Chronicle with tho News and Observer. Since then he has been editor of tho paper. Daniels has served as state printer of North Carolina and from 1893 to 1895 was chief clerk of the depart ment of the Interior. Ho has been national committeeman from his state and one of the real workers about democratic national head- Representative A. S. Burleson, tho postmaster general. The choicest southern dialect in the new cabinet will be furnished by .representative Albert Sidney Burleson, of Austin, Texas. Ho has achieved a reputa tion in congress as a firebrand orator and as the wearer of the most comfortable looking summer clothes of any legislator said garments being a washable blue-jeans sort of stuff that hang loosely about Burleson's spare frame. One other Burleson characteristic is a "bang" of hair that curls forward over his high forehead. Since Representative Sulzer left to become g'-'ernor of New York, it is the gnest bang in congress. Burleson is a nlanter and a law yer. He Is fifty years of age, chock full of nervous energy and intensely earnest in his conversation. His favorite posture in debate is with his shoulders hunched forward, his head twisted sideways, his florid face all puckered up, and an admoni tory finger extended. He has a high pitched voice, caressingly southern in its drawl. Burleson is comfortably well-off and knows farming par ticularly southern farming from the ground up. He has served as a mem ber of tho house agricultural com mittee for years, but recently left that body to devoto all his committee time to the big appropriations com mittee. Burleson was born at San Marcos, Texas. He was educated at the Texas agricultural and mechanical college, Baylor university and the University of Texas, and started law practice in 1885. For six years he served as assistant city attorney of Austin and was appointed state's attorney in 1891 and elected to that place for three terms. He first came to con gress in 1898. 4s7 Dollar watch Public confidence In IrrcHlHtlMo and when It places Hit mighty Hay-so ii cm man, event or thlntr. the whole country, becomes n unit of expression 'that defies argument. Public confidence In the Ingcr soll Dollar Watch has grown so strong thaf over SI million watches have been made and the present demand amounts to five million u year. Ilcsldcs the Dollar Watch ihere are other Iugcr.kall models at $l.BO and 92.00. "" They are sold by dealers everywhere. Booklet "Pointers" sent on request. ROBT. H. INGERSOLL & BRO. 48 Ashland DIdg., New York. David K. Houston, chancellor of Washington university, who be comes secretary of agriculture in President Wilson's cabinet, is forty seven years old. He has been at the ,ead ?Atho Washington university since 1908, coming here from the University of Texas whore ho was president for three years. He has spent many years studying and teaching subjects related to agri culture holding a chair in the Agri cultural and Mechanical college of Texas from 1894 until 1905 He was president of the college during his last four years there. In Austin he married Miss Helen Beall in 1895. They have two SS dren. Dr Houston was born in Monroe. N. C. ,He attended St John s academy at Darlington, S C and graduated from South Carolina college at Columbia in 1888 He at tended Harvard university eraiTn ate school from 1891 to 1804 t lane university In 1903 and the Uni versity of Wisconsin in 1906 con onraewsUP011 M6 ot doctor wie,i& trUBte oZ the Missouri ?hIanIcaL a8socIatin, a member of the southern education board? the Slater board and the Rockefelle? sanitary commission. Ho has a mem bership in the American momSE association, Phi Beta Kappaf an h?n orary fraternity, and Phi nS?" ta Dr. Houston wrote ne bo'ot SutSol f NuI1atiobnn old and is a product'oTTelt COO men 20 to 40 years old wanted at once in every state for Electric Rail way Motormen and Conductors; $60 to $100 a month; no strike; write Imme diately for application blank. Address MnaKor, W-245 Dwlpht Bide. Kansas City. Mo ASTHMA CUBED TOSTAY CURED Norolapso. No return of choking fepellB or othor iVIa.. : r - Mnmno symptoms, wuetze! system or treatment approved by best U.S. modlcaJ authorises as the onlyiiratein known to porma- 5S& FREE-TEST TREflTHEHT Including medicines, prepared tor any one glvlnga full description of thooaso and Bndlncname of 2 anthmn. tic sufferers Address FRANK WHETZEL. M. D. DopUZ, Whotrol Bldn.,238 North 40th Ave.,Chlcag. 50 and. $KftFORJPRSELF EVERY WEEK I ?.P,crenconotnecesBaryHoneflty i wllingncaa to work is all wo ask sell $ TO inar The Easy Wringer Mop you .n mnKB ouuu a ycarasy. ffGOO ono month-prof itSlSJO. 1 Mere boy f a Pa., jgiyj im QL9mado$9. In I 'flFi kTTIMI t..t ttr "our.-is sens Itself Women buy on Blent. U. S. Mop Co., 110 Main St., Toledo, O. FLORIDA A small investment in the Artesian Farm Lands will enable you to own your own home own your own business mane your own future. Rich, Fertile Land with a fine flow of artesian water, near tho city of Jacksonville, Florida, a growing city of- nearly ono hundred thousand population. o.4his location alone will insure a rapid advance of your land. The markets of the world are at your door by water and rail transportation. These lands are a black, sandy loam, with a heavy clay subsoil. Write us for farther par ticulars and regarding a free trip to see our property. Artesian Farm Land Sales Co. 212 Scarritt BlOg., KANSAS GEFY, MISSOURI ifco-vj LMA"n.l MVSi