The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 07, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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    ypr'-wnirnv rwnrpr
The Commoner.
MARCH .7, 1913
but family supply is wanted, it is
better to buy tbo plants of tho nur
sery man. Whoa tlio blooming
soason arrives, cut tho branches of
tbo plant and dry in tho shade vhilo
just coming into flower. It is used
for perfuming linens and clothes.
Tho Heating Apparatus
As tho indications of warm
weather grow stronger, wo begin to
take thought of a disposal of the
heaters and furnace. As soon as the
furnace is no longer needed, the
grates should be . cleaned out and
pipes painted with asphalt; or use
lard oil on the iron work or oxposed
parts. If you do not know how to
care for the furnace during tho warm
months, get instructions from the
manufacturers, who will gladly send
them for the asking. Many people,
do not know how to treat such
things, summer or winter. Take
down tho stoves, clean them thor
oughly, replace all defective or
burnt-out parts, and store them in
a clean, dry place, clean out the
pipes and chimney hole, and closo
iho flue with Its lid. Rub the parts
that rus; with lard oil, and cover
with something to keep from the
air. Put tho pipes away where they
will not get mashed, or exposed to
tho weather. Number them. Keep
a fire somewhere in the house as
M long as warmth will bo needed, and
have a little fire whenever the morn
ings or evenings are chilly, or tho
days damp. It Is cheaper than doc
tor bills and disease.
' Som Seasonable Work
Do you want a covering for the
kitchen or dining-room floor? Did,
von ever think of the nossibilities- of.
the old faded carpet that has become
Head Bookkeeper Must Bo Reliable.
Tho chief bookkeeper in & largo
business house in ono of our great
western cities speaks of tho harm
coffee did for him. (Tea Is just as
insurious because it contains caf
feine, the same drug found in coffee.)
"My wifo and I drank our first
cup Of Postum a little over two years
ago and we have used it ever since,
to the entire exclusion of tea anil
coffee. It happened in this way:
"About three and a half years ago
l had an attacjk 6t pneumonia; which
left a memento in the shape of dys
pepsia, or rather, to speak more cor
rectly, neuralgia of the stomach. My
'cup of cheer' had always been coffee
or tea, but I became convinced, after
a time, that they aggravated tny
stomach trouble. I happened to
mention the matter to my grocer
ono day and he suggested that I give
Postum a trial.
"Next day it came, but the cook
made the mistake of not boiling it
sufficiently, and we did not like it
much. This was, however, soon
remedied, and now we like it so
much that we will never change
back. Postum, being a food bever
age instead of a drug, bas been the
means of banishfng my stomach
trouble, I Terily believe, for I am
a well man today and have used no
"My work aa chief bookkeeper in
our company's branch house hero Is
of a very confining nature. During
my cQffee-drinking days I was sub
ject to nervousness and 'the blues.'
These have left me since I began
ngfng Poatum. and I can conscien
tiously recommend it fo those whose
rork confines them to long hours of
ever mental exertion." Name given
by Postum, Co.. Battle Greek, Mich.
"There's feagan," and it is ex
plained in tfi little btfdk, "The Road
to WellvilW' to 0kg.
Ever tmA the Above letter? A
men on appear fi & .
qphej re gesvffce, trtfe 4d full of
httfflka imprest.
an eye-sore because of Its shabbl
ncss? You can do wonders with it
and a little money; it 'will call for
somo labor, too. First, you must
shako, whip, boat or brush all dust
out of it, clean all tho grcaso spots,
darn all tho thin places, patch the
holes (with a darn, unloss too largo),
and sow up all rips. Then, you must
have your floor clean, tho cracks all
filled and looso joints about tho sur
baso patched together. Then tack
tho carpet down as tightly as pos
sible on the floor. Havo ready a
thick flour paste, in which ono tea
spoonful of powdered alum to tho
gallon of paste has been used, and
apply this to tho carpet with a brush,
or old broom, rubbing it well in
all tho carpet will absorb. 'Lot it
dry thoroughly before use, allowing
one to three days; then givo It an
other coat of the same, lot this dry
also, and in this way annly at least
three coats of paste. When It is
perfectly dry, go over tho carpet
with a coat of paint, which you can
buy ready mixed, and for tbo usual
sized room say twenty yards of car
pet it will require for two coats of
paint, about one and one-half gal
lons, but the amount Is according to
how much you use, of course. About
once a year, or at most every fall
and spring, givo tho carpet another
painting, and bo sure and allow it
to dry perfectly before using.
If you havo no old carpet, yot wish
for a floor covering, you can uso now
sacks, such as many farmers bring
homo stock-feed in, for tho founda"
tion. Wash, starch stiffly, and either
stack them out smoothly to dry, or
let dry and iron: trim ovonlv and
fsew together in a flat seam. Stretch
as- tightly as possible on tho floor,
tacking securely around tho edges.
The material should bo well filled
with the starch. Then, with a lino,
or "straight-edge," mark it off in
squares, diamonds, or as desired,
pnd paint each square with harmoniz
ing colors, taking care to prevent
tho running together o'f"tho edgos.
Let dry perfectly, and thori eo ovor
it with some good floor varnish
there are many on the market. When
tho squares become worn, re-paint
them. This will last a year, if caTo
is taken.
Tho True Shamrock
As St. Patrick's Day is near, tho
question Is asked. What Is tho real
shamrock? No one knows surely
what plant Is meant when tho sham
rock is mentioned. In ono part of
Ireland, ono plant is known by tho
name, and In other parts, other
plants aro called shamrock.
The plant most generally credited
is the Trifolium jminus, as this Is the
one most largely exported from Ire
land for St. Patrick's Day. The com
mon white clover (Trlfollun repenc)
is widely known by the namo and is
plucked and worn . as shamrock in
Ireland and elsewhere. The wood
sorrel, beautifully trifoliate has
much in its favor. The dxalis is
locally so-called in England. There
are many other plants given the
name, and the botanist bas trouble
in identifying the real, sure-enough
plant deaf to every Irish heart.
Good Recipes
Mashed Potatoes Did you ever
.notice how hard- it Is to find a really
good article of mashed potatoes
lumpy, dry, tasteless stuff, generally.
Peel the potatoes very thinly, and in salted water until done, and
as soon as they are done, but not
overdone, drafa off the water, set on
tho back of tbo stove and allow all
the steam to evaporate, then, while
still piping ndj, Hash thoroughly,
being sure all the lumps are out;
then add butter, a little ffeb mil,
and with a wire spoojarotfier; Whip
beat tb mass Tim as yQtt would a
Cake, "betftfilg hard and Xafitv Tke
result will bo a croamy mass of
pleaBing color, and delightful taste.
Potato Salad Into a quart of
mashed potatoes boat as much good
salad dressing as tho potatoes will
cako up without being too sloppy;
havo thorn just stiff enough so they
cau bo molded up on a platter. Havo
tho yolks from two hard-boiled eggs,
cut tho whites in very thin rings
and press them Into the surface of
tho potato mound; grato tho yolks
ovor tho mound, and see how nlco
it looks and tastes. If onions nro
liked, ono or moro medium steed
oncB may bo grated or shaved very
thin and mixed in tho mass beforo
mounding up, and tho salad may bo
served on lettuco leaves if liked.
Another Potato Salad Ono quart
of cold cooked potatoes chopped lino
with ono small onion. For a dress
ing, two largo eggs well beaten, six
tablespoonfuls of cream, ono tea
spoonful of salt, six tenspoonfuls of
vinegar, and a pieco of butter size
of a hlckorynut. Put this over tho
fire, altogether, and cook, stirring
constantly until quite thick; lot cool
a littlo and add two tablespoonfuls
of cream, half teaspoonful of pro
pared mustard and a teaspoonful of
ground celery seod. If tho salad
seems dry, uso more vinegar.
Requested Recipes
Banana Layer Cake Ono scant
cup of butter and two cups of sugar
creamed together until light; then
add ono cup of milk and four well
beaten eggs, threo cups of flour with
two toaspoonfuls of flour sifted with
It. Stir well until thoroughly
blondod. Bako in layer tins, and
when cool, slico bananas one-fourth
Inch thick, nnd lay between the
layers of cake, with one-half pint of
whipped cream and ono heaping tea
spoonful of powdered sugar spread
ovor tho bananas. Try it.
Orcam Puffs Tako ono cup of
hot water and half a cup of butter,
and bring to a boil; whilo boiling
stir in one cup of dry flour Just as
ou nmko mush, boat until it Is
smooth, nnd lot cool; then add threo
tittCS. Unbcntcn. onn nt a limn, nml
mix smoothly; drop by spoonfuls on
buttered tins or gem irons and bako
twonty-flvo minutes in a quick oven.
For filling,
Put ono cup of milk in a sauce
pan; wot threo tablespoonfuls of
flour and add to the milk when It is
boiling; boat ono egg nnd one-half
cup of sugar together and add to tho
thickened milk. Flavor when cool,
and when tho puffs aro cold, cut a
holo In tho top of ench and fill with
tho lUling; replace tho piece cut out,
and see how you llko it. The puff
dough may bo sweetened a very littlo
if liked.
Sauerkraut and Spare-ribs Cover
tho kraut with cold water, adding a
littlo salt if ncoessary; put over tho
fire and bring to a boil and lot boll
for threo hours. About ono hour be
foro it is done, put In tho spare-ribs
and let them boil until they part
freely from tho bones, when tho
bones and meat must be removed
from tho kraut, and a grated raw
potato, drained of Its juice, should
bo stirred Into tho kraut; let boll
a minute or so, taking care that it
does not burn, then servo. Servo tho
meat with tho kraut.
11 ff fn
r XmJ 1
0000-0401 -SADIES' COSTUME
Waist, 9C09, cut in flvo sizes, 34,
36, 38, 40 and 42 inches, bust
measure. Skirt, 9491, cut in flvo
sizes, 22, 24, 2C, 28 and 30 inches,
waist measure. It requires 5
yards of 40-inch material with 1
yards of 27-inch material for tho
waist tucker, for a 36-inch size.
'This calls for two separate patterns,
10c for each.
Cut in flvo sizes, 14, 15, 1.0, 17
and 18 years. It requires 5 yards of
3C-inch material for a 14-year size.
Cut inflvo sizes22, 24, 2G, 28
and 30 inches, waist measure. It
requires 3 yards of 44-inch material
9504? 'or a 24"ncn szo
- .
Cut In four sizes, 3, 4, 5 and C
years. It requires 3 yards of 44
inch material for a 6-year size.
THE COMMONER will supply Its, readers with perfect fitting, seam
allowing pattern? from tho latest Paris and Now York atyles. Tho deafens
are practical and adapted to tho hqmo dressmaker Pull directions how
to cut and how to make tne garments with eacjh pattern. The price of
these Patterns i& 10 .cents each, postage prepaid. Our large catalogue con
taining tho illustrations and descriptions of over 400 seasonooie styles for
ladle, misses and children, nftMie.0" to any address on receipt of 10 cento, in
ordering patterns give ua ydtlT fcante. address, pattern number and slzo
date 1918 Snrlnsr and Summer
Ladle Ulueesr and- OfclMren'a
enw m suver or stajn.ns for our up-to-LfqgUQ,
containing over flfo design of
summer a
iilnlCfln'a VsLiltcTtim. aTftn fnTtrfni artA pn-mnrhntiJw
artlcla a dreaaXlg. glvln fffluabli hints to the home dressmaker.
ddres, TOM OOMMOKER, FiAterm DcjMrtteeiit, Lincoln, Nebraak
,?,Sh. '&