rvpmmfm b The Commoner. VOLUME 13, NUMBER 9 The Story of a White House Deal Associated Press Dispatches Printed Before and After the Election of 1908 and Later Which Tell Their Own Story and Carry Their Own Moral irmwr" 'vrr 6ta niciromo election (Introducing Daniel J. Kcofc.) Akron, Ohio, Octobor 12, 1908. At tho Akron mooting tonight Mr. Tuft reiterated tho points ho had previously mado on tho labor quostion and brought to his support tho rocontly published lottors of Daniel J.. Keofo, momber of tho executlvo council of tho American Federa tion of Labor and head of tho International Longshoromcn organization. Tho candidate said tho testimony of Mr. Keofo "was tho more weighty because Mr. Keofo had ascertained his (Taft's) position on labor in coustant references during tho Panama troubles. Mr. Koofo closed his indorsement of Mr. Taft, which tho latter read, as follows: "I shall support and voto for Mr. Taft, who was admitted to membership in tho International Brotherhood of Steam Shovol and Drpdgemon on account of his strong advocacy of tho en forcement of tho eight hour law on all govern ment work coming under tho jurisdiction of tho war department. I might say that Mr. Taft has dono moro to enforco laws in favor of organized labor than all his predecessors." SHOWING DANIEL ,T. KEEEE'S MOTIVE Now York, October 13, 1908. Tho demo cratic national committeo, through John G. Jordan, assistant and acting chief of tho press buroau at hoadquartors, tonight mado public tho following statemont: "It was stated at tho national democratic headquarters tonight that President Roosevelt, by promiso of office, has succeeded In having ono of tho big mon of tho American Federation of Labor dosert President Gompers in his ad vocacy of tho oloction of Mr. Bryan for the presidency. Tho loador in question is Daniol J. Kcefo of Dotrolt, president of tho Longshore men's Union, and ono of tho vice presidents of tho Amorlcan Federation of Labor. Tho com mitteo alleges that Keofo and the president were closotod for soveral hours in Washington on Saturday, Octobor 3, and that Keefo is to be mado commissioner of Immigration, in considera tion of Koefo's repudiating Mr. Gompers and the oxecutivo council of tho federation. "Keofo on Saturday last issued a statement In which ho said: I am going to voto for William H. Taft. "It is pointed out that on September 28, last, tho executive council of tho American Fed eration of Labor issued a circular calling on labor organizations to work for the defeat of Mr. Taft and tho republican congressmen seek ing ro-eloction, and Mr. Keefo authorized Ills signature to bo attached to it. The source of Iho democratic committee's information was not divulged tonight, but tho information was offered that if Mr. Keofo and President Roose velt deny tho chargo another big leader now In Now York will como forward with tho chargo that tho offor was mado and Keefe accepted it and has commenced to make good his part of tho deal." SETS MR. ROOSEVELT TO THINKING Washington, October 13, 1908. Socretary Loob, upon being shown tho statement issued from democratic, hoadquartors in Now York said nothing in tho nature of a roply would be CABINET ANNOUNCEMENTS Thero are no hard-and-fast precedents which would guldo President-elect Wilson- in tho matter of informing tho public of the cabinet selections which ho has mado. Ho may adopt tho method which Genoral Grant thought best in tho announcement of his first cabinet. Grant liimsolf was then like a sphinx, being absolutely silent about cabinet appointments oven to his friends. Tho list which ho sent to tho senate tho day after his inauguration contained soveral names which had never beon mentioned in any of tho guesses. Nobody dreamed that Presidont Grant was to appoint Elihu Washburn as socre tary of state. Grant himself afterward was quoted by some of his intimate friends as hav ing said that it might have been better if ho had not been so secretive about his cabinet given out at tho White House tonight, but that tho chargo would probably receive attention tomorrow. Daniol J. Keefe was one of the president's callers on October 3. Patrick Moris sey of Cleveland, Ohio, head of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, also visited tho president during tho same day. DANIEL J. KEEFE DENIES IT Detroit, Mich., October 13, 1908. President Daniel J. Keefo of the International Longshore men, Marino and Transport Workers' Associa tion, when informed tonight of the statement mado at national democratic headquarters in New York that ho had been promised the posi tion of commissioner general of immigration in return for his advocacy of W. H. Taft, entered a vigorous denial. After having the statement read to him Mr. Keefo said: "I was not closeted with President Roosevelt at all. T did see him on October 3, but for only four or five minutes, and several others were present." THE CHARGE REITERATED Now York, October 14, 1908. Tho democratic national committee issued a statement tonight quoting Timothy Hoaley, president of the Inter national Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen, as authority for tho allegation that Daniel J. Keefe bad been promised by the president appoint ment as commissioner general of immigration in return for the Detroit labor leader's support of Mr. Taft. Tho national committee had promised to make known its informant if the charge was dpnied as it has been both by Keefo and at tho White House. The national committee quotes Mr. Healey in part as follows: "I was in Washington on Wednesday of last week on a matter dealing with" our organization which brought mo in contact with an official nf nisli standing in the government service. Ho said to mo: Dan Keefo haB been selected for commissioner general of immigration.' " 'Is that so?' T asked. " 'Yes, the job is his,' he replied. "I askod him how he knew, and he told me that Ills informant was a member of the presi dent's cabinet and knew what he was talking about. . b "This information was not given to me in a confidential manner, but T-will not give my informant's name, for it is plain to see what would happen to him if his name came out. "There is not any doubt in my mind but' that the statement that the president offered Keefe the position and that Keefe agreed to accept is true. Perhaps the offer was not mado at this conference on October 3, last, but I believe it has been made." ANOTHER STATEMENT FROM KEEFE Cleveland, Ohio, October 14, 1908. Daniel J Keefe, president of tho International Longshore men s Union, and member of the executive com mittee of the American Federation of Labor, was in Cleveland today attending a meeting of the Lumber Carriers' Association. Mr. Keefe reiter ated his statements mado yesterday in regard to the allegations that he was promised the commissionership of immigration as a reward appointments, "n. nmnMn m..i.i spared the peculiar experience exemplified bv the speedy resignation, of Elihu Washburn as secretary of state and his appointment as minis ter to France. General Grant always felt that at 3 dn aV been 8pared tbo bumiliaSon or at least the anoyance, occasioned by his ap pointment of Alexander T. Stewart of New York as secretary of the treasury had he sought ad l w Khad he told W member of the" senate that he expected to nominate Mr. Stewart for that office he would have been Informed that Mr. Stewart under the law was Inedible General Garfield's cabinet was an unknown quantity not because Garfield was secreUve but because ho had the greatest difficulty in making up his cabinet It was in fact not comS until after Garfield's inauguration Tn? only for his support of Candidate Taft. Mr. KGGfft said: "It is not reasonable to suppose that tho ro publican party, if it was in the business of buv ing up votes, would waste its energy and effort on life long republicans. " PcAober 3 J went t0 Washington to see Mr. Wright, secretary of war, on some business pertaining to my organization. While thero I called upon and paid my respects to tho presi dent. P. H. Morrissey, head of tho Brother hood of Railway Trainmen, and others were with mo at the .time. I talked to the presi dent in their presence. No mention was made of the immigration -department and the presi dent did not ask me to accept tho position mado vacant by tho late Frank Sargent. "I am not and never have been a candidate for that position. .1 do know of two other prominent labor men who are being urged for ROOSEVELT AND LOEB DENY IT Washington, October 14, 1908. Whilo no formal statement was issued from the Whito House, Secretary Loeb today denied that Presi dent Roosevelt promised the office of commis sioner general of immigration to Daniel J. Keefo of Detroit, president of the International As sociation of Longshoremen in consideration of Mr. Keefe's action in declaring for Mr. Taft in opposition to the pro-Bryan campaign of Presi dent Gompers of the American Federation of Labor. Mr Loeb added that Mr. Keefe in his denial of the story was absolutely correct. AFTER THE ELECTION Washington, December 1, 1908. -Daniel J. Kccfe of Detroit, Mich., was today appointed commissioner general of immigration to succeed a VSPr?,k P' SarSent- M. Keefo is presi dent of the International Longshoremen's Union. THE NATURAL RESULT Mo3SSllingtn!, February 22, 19 13. Secretary Nagel has made a report to President Taft on the official conduct of Daniel J. Keefe, of De troit, commissioner general of immigration and demarndedlmended that Keefe'S resiation bo rrrZL0 al!Qges tllat the bead ot the immi fn? i ? S?JViC ?as accePted free transportation lim atld family from railroads and steam WfnJS6 a,lleged acts were considered by Pnnma.yNagel as sufliciently serious to be Si the President's attention, because the 5p?i? nSS? n gel!al of immigration necessarily coSipPtSa"ff th raIlroads and steamships in connection with immigration cases. tnko lnLf nown whether President Taft will coniaZSCtinV ?G may leave the case for the ?ho fit "n ,0 President Wilson in view of SeoJ?nr.eTmailiingMdays of Mb administration. Hp mnZ ?fgeJ wi" not discuss the situation. renoS t. SiS tigation and submitted his T?Inf the President some time ago. immS8.ap?T0inte(1 commissioner general of miMteUrm inwNoJember, 1908, for in indeter StQraatSSi rHe tolmQy as president of the v?oV? nrn.T1 .Loneshoremen's Union and sixth vlco president of the American Federation of member of his cabinet whose appointment was sec?etarnv , Pubilc was Jams G, Blaine never pmi p J ff State PresUent Cleveland, who alwava m1?.Jop newspaper support and who was cided aS .lffr!?t t0 new8Papor influence, de guess wh-5 JS top polIcy t0 let the Public lould b TSvim,emberBh,P of bIs flrst cabinet rMouncen,?Kin1 While not authorizing any SJS f nll cabinet' nevertheless was because hTVpiwwbership known to tho public an idea n?J? at in thIs way he could get Set would LhatTt le p,ublIc estimate of his cabi ton2neM Lincoln, It waB kn dedde(1 leaSS cSrHiH,8Cab,lnet the men who had been t?on bnfnandfidates for the Presidential nomina rwhtherhe publican national convention ZmoumlTeU was nomInated-