mmmmwmmwmfifmr 16 The Commoner. VOLUME 13, NUMBER 't SK ' ft f V fv ft.' Isu Eight Hardy Everbl oommg Roses for You Wo want to deliver this cliolne collection of lSlfclit Ifnrriy Kvcr blootuliiK ItoNcn to Every Reader of Tho Commonor, loltlvJy With out Coat. They nro fine, vigorous plantH, runrnntocri to reach you In healthy Krowlnjr condition, and will bloom this HciiHon If given ordinary care. Unlcflfl you request Immediate de livery when ordering, tho ronea will not bo delivered until proper tlmo to plant In your locality. Kuch col lection Is accompanied with special printed Instructions on their plant ing and caro. OlUl OFPlQHt To nnyonn sending us J1.1C (a special club rate), wo will enter subscription for ono year to both Tho Commonor and Tho American Homestead and dollvor, all charges prepaid, this collection of Eight Hardy Roso Bushes. IIULH2V GOIJIiI) Moat vuluablo and satisfactory red roso for general planting, vigorous, sturdy grower and pro fUHo bloomer. Large warm rosy crimson flowers, beautifully shaded. ItAINEItliV AUGUSTA VICTORIA A crowning masterpiece and hailed by (lower-lovers everywhere as the greatest rose creation of modern times. Hardy and vigorous grower with great loads of rich, creamy, fragrant white, slightly lomon-llnled (lowers; u color effect oxqulaltoly beautiful. IUTOIM3 DM TiYON In color, u deep golden yellow, maryolously rich and pure, with ox qulflllo fragrance. Very hardy and lusty in growth and blooms all tho tlmo. MAMA IV COOIII3T A roso to exclto tho admiration of everyone. Flno outdoor roso, very hardy and rapid, vigorous growor. Blooms all tho timo, producing lm monso olegantly formed flowers of a magnillcent sllvory pink. GIUJSS AN T13PMTZ For intenso and dazzling color, thcro Is no other Roso to comparo with t. A strong, sturdy growor, entirely hardy and freo bloomer. Flowers nro largo and handsomo; color fiery crimson shaded with a dark velvety shoon, a combination found In no othor rose. Fragrance Is unexcelled., MAimaiv'H m.usii An Indispensable roso for bedding or docoratlvo purposes. Immense double flowers aro produced all through tho growing season: color palo blush and creamy white. MI), AliRIi OIIATKNAY This splendid roso Is ono of tho very best of its color rosy carmine with darker shado. Full, doop, doublo flowers aro borno in great profusion and tho bush is a rapid compact grower, perfectly hardy. An ideal garden rose in evory way. iaVHIlULOOMlNG OHIMSOX m, UAMIIIJ2U Tho now production that ovoryono raves over, a real Rvorbloomlng Rambler. Plant grows rapldlv making shoots from eight to ton Coot during tho season and covors itself with bright green glossy foliage. Bright crimson (lowers in great clusters aro produced tho entire season. Send Your Order EarV. Thero will bo a big demand for this fine collection of Eight Beauti ful Roso Bushes. Do not wa t until planting tlmo boforo ordorlnc Bond NOW. Offer open to S ; renewal subscriptions, or anyono wishing to advance- present sub scriptions to olthcr paper. Uso attached coupon. Address THE COMMONER Lin oln, Neb. Use This Coupon To-day Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Nob. I oncloso $1.15 tp pay for ono year's subscription to both Tho Commoner and tho American Ilomostoad at your special club rate, which also entitles me to Eight Hardy Ever blooming Roses as advertised, sent postpaid, without additional cost Name Address (Present Subscriptions One Year.) Advanced Mil, YATES' SUGGESTIONS Los Angeles Express: The idea Is so;nowhat widely held that bankers overwhelmingly favor tho Aldrlch currency scheme. This is open to grave doubt, especially in the re gions remote from Wall street which feel its steady drain on their fluid resources. Many such bankers fear and believe tho economic power of the Morgan, Baker and Rockefeller groups so vast that with strongly knit reserve associations their domi nance would bo easier than now. Ono of these is Henry W. Yates, president of tho Nebraska National bank of Omaha. Ho suggests a plan of bank organizations by zones along tho lino of clearing house as sociations. They would havo no capitalization, because their com bined resources would inspire even groator confidence. Tho plan of Mr. Yates proposes: 1. Tho reserves of banks com posing an association may bo de posited with its manager and loans to tho extent of GO per cent of these reserves may bo made to the mem-" bor banks at such interest as may bo fixed from time to time. 2. Should the demand for loans bo greater than the associations can supply, they will bo permitted to uso bank notes to circulate as monoy. But these bank notes differ from the Aldrlch kind. They would not issue or retire at the ukase of a board of governors. They would come and go In response to the natural laws of trade and commerce, indicated by tho interest rate. Tn times of stress they would be sought in spite of tho high interest on them. In "easy" times that high rate would automatically retire them. Tho weakness of our monetary system is its inability to expand and contract automatically. Recogniz ing this defect, Mr. Yates has shown a praiseworthy effort to think con structively for himself. He is right in reproving other bankers who have simply accepted New York "expert" opinion favoring tho Aldrich plan, or their echo by tho easy-going Taft or his secretary of the treasury. It is to men like Yates that wa must look for tho sorely needed monetary reform, for the country will probably never accept the Ald-rlch-Morgan scheme. A. REMARKABLE HISTORIAN Tho debt which tho world'owes to tho able and painstaking historian Is often beyond price. It is a prodi gious task to composo a truthful story of any land or epoch. To say nothing of the labor of writing, the vast amount of research and prepa ration which the conscientious delver in the past imposes on himself would be, to the average man, heartbreak ing. Honor should ever bo rendered to tho memory of him who has done his work woll as an historian. Such a man as tho late Dr. John Clark Rld path deserves frequent remembrance, for in him were displayed all the dualities of tho trim hiatniA r.u.. In a very substantial way the merits ui ma uooics are recognized In con tinuous and extensive sales. But a tribute may fitly here bo paid him for the manner in which he wrought and tho quality of his productions. Dr. Ridpath was not merely a profound student of other men's works; he also traveled nvrmiQivoiv in vi .country and abroad, and personallv nvnmtnnfl -mn-nn s.:..l . v.rtM,ut.iOU uiu.o uiiBmui records and data than probably any other his torian. He also introduced a scien tific spirit into the writing of his books. Tho combined result was wonderful accuracy and competent ness and a cleaT exposition of the significance of events. Hia books have proved an inspiration to hosts of students and general readers. Leslie's Weekly. WHY INCUBATOR CHICKS JHE Tbo-booJc mtitlcd. "Tho History or Whlto Diarrhoea, or Why Incubator Chicles Die," win bo sent ah, luicly Ireo by return mall to anyone sending us tho names of 7 to 10 of tholr friends that uso incubatn. 1 hlH book can oavo you 1100 Ills summer, it doscribos whito diarrhoea or bowel trouble, tho cause niS tt-Uaofacuro. Book absolutely X16EE for tho Names. v"uao' ana RAiSALL REMEDY COMPANY, Blackweii, Oklahoma You t&Ke no rlsK when you buy a buggy (rota ui. We eaaranttc It to pteue you, and to be a bieecr raluc (or your moner than you can net anywhere die, or you needn't keep it. Reference; 8. III. Natl. Bank, EastSt. Louis, III. ff4 a 1 Y.ot ttiI a a GaMMAMH TVis ma a4m fuftut AJU66'va wuv&ujrcf irnauuai viw arc tnoiiiffbcitaaftlitr.iiftndaomefit.tnoftiatTUitLveiiiclflt . .. M. "" t . " - - " uiit. 1 ne only una fiua-'anieea 5 years. Wesell direct At tTboieisio price ana fare yon (25.00 to jiuo.oo. write lor catalog ana acUTcreaprico. MtrrtiAt nisuvcctew ..... t'AUAUiu unAULj j ai jjtflj nrrirrun: nnump mm.Ma . aw.... $14.10 tin! work harneii 19. tin. all Mni.fn luff,. Sfcn 1 JVt WrPHOVAL. er:hlEhett quality : FullyGuaranteed 25 toSOcheanorthan m.u.,. uuu..i.. MOTUAI. CARRIAGE fjiBS&sW'' I 2J) Jflrj i m JrYpj mmamam wu pW$2ft5Q cjj2Lx li a f 12-Gaugo Hamtnerless "Pump" Guns 0"T .Z. ,"l A'flBHE VCi& litntMKKAnn O . v bmk. BkTZ?3KjilVHJr TMMtinfr slintrriin Mnlil on :- :.. 1 t .vl?r..ti. Fklt gUn' Jv,th.out a?y. objectionable humps or bumps; no holes on top for gas to blow out tnroueh or water to trot m enn'f n .. ...:t. ;-r Z .i-. L ?.. . . . tXJt u- lu c ' ?! P"mlt3 a thoroughly symmetrical gun without sacrificing strength or safety, ft u Uio afeat breech-loadJnB sbottrun ever built. k ." ."ammerlets with Solid Steel Breech (inside as well as out) Solid Top-Sido tjecbon-MaUed Barrel fwhich costs $4.00 extra Oil Other guns) Press Button Cartridge Keioue (to remove loaded cartridges quickly from magazine without working through action) Uoublo Extractora-Talce-Down Feature--TriKfi-er and Hammer Safety. Handles rapidly; guaranteed in shooting ability; price standard Grade "A" eun, $22.60. Send 3 stamps postage for big catalog describing No, T. 2L JB 28 A. B, C, D. T and Trap Special and all otlicf StelarmjrrearnsG). Zaar&n repeating rifles and shotguns. Do it now! (42 Willow Street. New Haven. Conn. I j """'"'" i in-i in nnm I, i in t A Remarkable New Book by Woodrow Wilson THE FREE NEW DOM Wiln ItmT' FeSr.W 17' ot a book by Woodrow one Sf 'tie moB?SfrikSSrta,ltf pol,ltl?al event o tho sPrinS- " is tion Nblln. PVenSi 0f. the Poetical history of the na- ration addreased to 0n the eve of his inau- ment il !h f intentions Untry a professio of faith and a state- ePlo"T (Ala.) Item says: by AotthBl<T)me ever put in the field both system and by its exSoitatloJ snafrrnalfgr!ment of the present financial other chief JecSi?e of th United 5fS pre?ldntiaI li No independence has performed thi rt ?taSr BlS0 8 declaration of taking office. He not onW attnnlc ff J Mr Wilson on the eve of .country, but makes 1 clear tSft h thnit5U8t?,and monopolies of the mately restore trade coitkfon ni" 5? S1 ln his Pwer to Slti- A SPECIAL OFFER TO COMMONER READERS In anticipation of the trPm , ""iw special arrangements have been mndmaud for thIs nw book .direct from the publishers witho? J SUPnPly Commoner readers sent prepaid to any addresl fo? 1 iiay' Th,e book alone wil1 Ue combination with a yetfBmimrllhn0 be sent PrePald in The American Homestead to? , oSllPS?V The Commoner and bound in cloth and printed in larco tkl n hiBuho?k Is handsomely taina upwaTds of 300 pages JJS?e n flne book PftPer and con own a copy. Send your nrX, Tvry Progressive American should . vU4 41L uiii'.n -- ww Address AU Orders to Tli r- " to lhe Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. - dJ