The Commoner. VOLUME 13, NUMBER 8 F Rent or 14 News of ihe Week i iff ;v,r- ?H- PLANT Oranges and Grapefruit Below the Frost Line IN THE FAMOUS REDLANDS of Lower Dade County, Florida Come to Miami Investigate and thoroughly convince yourself that here where hundreds of specimens of Tender Tropical Trees and Palm have Thrived for Ages in Our Native Forests Without Freezing, protected by the great Gulf Stream, hovering close to our shores on three sides. Here you can raise the Golden Fruit with nature's assurance that they are safe and secure from killing frosts, which have repeatedly destroyed Groves in California and Northern Florida. Our Grove Development Plan, makes it easy to secure first-class Bear ing Groves in the Best Citrus Belt of Southern Florida, whether you live here or elsewhere. Many home people, as well as Northern Investors, are taking advantage of this opportunity to secure a Redland Grove on easy terms without the an noyance of details during development period. Ask for our Citrus Grove Book with full particulars. ::::::: Grif f ing Bros. Co, Nurserymen Grove Development Office, 210 12th. Street Miami, Florida Reference, Dun's or Bradstrcct's There will bo no firemen's strike on the Eastern railway. The rail roads yielded to the firemen's de mands for arbitration. J. Pierpont Morgan was reported as being seriously ill at Cairo, but later cablegrams said he was greatly improved. A Topeka dispatch says: The house resolution favoring a consti tutional amendment providing for the recall of all elective and appointive officers of the state, including the judiciary, was adopted by the Kansas senate. The New Jersey state senate adopted a resolution submitting to the people an amendment providing for woman suffrage. 20,000 Acres in pood farms, 1G0 to GiO acres, each with fcrtllo soil, pure water, ideal climate, in a highly developed com munity. An opportunity of a lifetime to get a good home on a rental basis. Write at once. Texas Land and Development Company Plalnvleiv, Texas. UNCLE" SAM IS BEST EMPLOYER, pay is hlcli and Hire; hours short; places permanent; promotion rctftilanvacations with pay; thousands of vacancies- every month; all fclnds of pleasant work every where; no lay-offs; no pull needed; com mon education sufficient. Special money back Guarantee if you write today for booklet P-1016. IT IS FREE. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. r o W W H H O H fHBEfl CURE MO PAY- .UVHbtf otber wordu jroa do ol A New York dispatch, carried by the Associated Press, says: Edward F. Mylius, the English journalist, convicted of libeling King George of England and detained by the immi gration authorities at Ellis island, received permission from Federal Judge Cox to enter the United States. Judge Noyes sustained a writ of habeas corpus. Judge Noyes in his decision held that Mylius waB not convicted "of a crime involving moral turpitude." "It is proper to emphasize," he said, "that no conclusion which I may reach in interpreting these im migration statutes can be regarded as in the slightest degree minimiz ing the serious character of the pe titioner's acts as disclosed, nor re flecting in any way upon the fairness and regularity of his trial. If the petitioner be discharged it will be solely because I regard the offense of criminal libel as no involving in its inherent nature moral "turpitude." , Mylius loft Ellis island, declaring that ho was ready for a new start in life. "The action o the court in freeing me is a slap at the aristocracy of England and at all forms of mon archy," he said. "No one can re gard the action as a means of up holding -the aristocracy. For me it amounts to a vindication." He will remain in New York for a time. ""ri H W oar email prefMtlonAl t m h m 'v until, eu rod end MUlsfled, mia. w a nr ft tit nr si secukjkd okfki Frco report as to 1 atcntablllty Illustrated Uuld Book, nd List of Inventions Wanted, sent tree. V1CTOK J. EVAK.S & CO., Washington. D. 0. ASTHMA CUREDTBSTAY CURED Norelapso. No return ol choking spells or other wmmmmmBmmMmamma BBtUmntlO BTmpiomft. Whotzol syBtom of treatment approved by best U.S. medical nuthorltlea aa tho only nystom known to porma- nontn curetho dlimnRA. Including medlclnoa.proparodror any one Rivinga run description of tho cone and ponding name of 2 anthmsy tloaatforera. Address fTMJWf WHETZEL.M.D. Oept.Z, Whotzol Bldg.,238 North 40th Ave.,Ctiloag alaatnorltles ostnooniyByBtem Knownto perma- SFREE TEST TREATMENT Tho state senate in Utah killed a resolution seeking to ratify the amendment providing for the direct election of senators. The New Hamp shire legislature adopted the ratifi cation resolution. Rheumatism A Horns Cure Given by One Who Had It In tho spring of 1803 T was attacked ,by Muscular and Inflammatory Rhourantlsm. I -iiftered aa only thoso who havo It know, for over thrco years. I tried remedy after remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such relief as I received was only temporary. Finally. I found a remedy that cured mo completely, and it has nover returned. I liavo given It to a number who wero torribly afUlctcd and oven bcdilddon wlih Rheuma tism, and it effected a euro In overy case. I want overy suflorer from any form of rheumatic trouble to try this marvelous henlin power. Pon't send a cent; simply mall your namo and address and I will sond It free to try. If, after you have-1 used It and lthasprovon ltsoir to bo thatl ng-looked-for moans of curlnir your rheumatism, you mny send tho prlco of It, ono dollar, but understand, I do not want your money un less you aro porloctly satisfied to sond It Isn't that (air? Why suffer any longer when positive rollof Is thus offered you froo? Don't dolay. Wrlto today. Mark n. Jackson. No. 300. Alhambra Bide Syracuse N. Y. Governor Wilson's anti-trust bills were passed by the New Jersey legis lature and he will retire from the gubernatorial office. The Missouri legislature has in vited W. J. Bryan to address that noay on a aay to De named by Mr Bryan. Subscribers' flctoermina Dept. Tliis department Is for the benefit ot Commoner subscribers, and a special rate of six cents a word per Insertion tho lowest ratehas been made for them. AddresB all communications t Tho Commoner. Lincoln, Nebraska. A Louisville Courier-Journal dis patch says: The suffragist "army" marching from New York to Wash ington met a hostile reception at Leiperville, Pa., when attacked by a crowd of small bova with ot,wkii The women were rescued by a caval ry troop from a military school. The divorce bill requiring a resi dence of one year in the state instead of six months was passed by the Nr vada state senate. pCZEMA' SPECIFIC will absolutely - euro eczema, salt rheum, barbers ItCll. Ill POTFI nrtrl ntllaM xMn VUnnnBnO Mailed $1.50; samplo free. Almklovs Pharmacy, Coopers town, N. D. Q INGING taught by mail with personal f instructions by best teachers; writj frnJrce Partjcuirs with testimonial! ll Sur J?md,uaAe3A HHnois Conserva tory, Studio E. 96 Broadway, N. Y Three hundred and fifty clenrv men, representing forty denomina tions, attended a luncheon in New NHSSJ55 STOCKat wholesale, direct nrlfPlanrV Httrdy Northern Amoor RrSet,well.JJranred' '4-00 Dor hun ret, PrP?;Id. Thunberg's Barberry, well branched and prepaid, $4.00 per JSS Write today for Illustrated catalogue, giving reasonable prices on other shrubbery, trees, vinos, bulbs, ,onipt Sj"&mo.nt and satisfaction guaranteed. Valdesian Nurseries. Bos- PROGRESS in Advanced Countries i shows tho need of reform and ?Sfft0BSSIv,? principles practical. teSnt to all. Price, 10 cents, e iam & B' Hayward, 4532 NortH Smcdley Street, Philadelphia, Pa. mS "H