15 FEBRUARY 31. 113 The Commoner haustlon. He went bravely, you Know, Into the blizznrd that his sickly condition might not hinder the others. Thi was a great sacrifice, but it did no good. "I can not read that last message of Captain .Scott without emotion. I never met him, but I know he was a brave man. "And to think," added the cap tain in a husky tone, "that while Harmless Smoke Cures Catarrh A Simple, Safe, Reliable Way and It Costs Nothing to Try. This preparation of herbs, leaves, flowers and berries (containing no tobacco or habit-forming' drugs) is either smoked in an ordinary clean pipe or smoking tube, and by drawing the medicated smoke into the mouth and Inhaling into tho lungs or sending it out through the nostrils in a pcriccuy natural way, the worst case of Catarrh can bo eradicated. It is not unpleasant to use, and at the same time it is entirely harmless, and can bo used by man. woman or child. Just as Catarrh is contracted by breathing cold or dust and germ-laden air, just so this balmy antiseptic smoking remedy goes to all the affected parts of the air passages of tho head, nose, throat and lungs. It can readily bo seen why tho ordinary treatments, such as sprays, ointments, salves, liquid or tablet medicines fail they do not and can not reach all the afrected parts. If you have Catarrh of the nose, throat or lungs, choking, stopped-up feeling, colds, catarrhal headaches; if you are given to hawking and spitting, this simple yet scicntilic treatment should euro you. An illustrated book which goes thor oughly into the whole question of tho cause, cure and prevention of catarrh will, upon request, be sent you by Dr. J W. Blosser, 144 Walton street, At lanta, Ga. He will, also, mail you live days free treatment. You will at once seo that it isa "wonderful remedy, and'as" it only costs one dollar for tho regular treat ment, it is within the reach, of every one. Jt Is not necessary to send any money simply send your name and address and the booklet and freo trial package will be mailed you immediately. tiOO men 20 to 40 years old wanted at once in every state for Electric Rail way Motormen and Conductors; $60 to $100 a month; no sti'ike; write imme diately for application blank. Address Wannpor, W-245 Dwlght Did,'.. Knnww City, Mo OflTEMT T7ntcn E. Coleman, lr fcl'I E.lv I (A 1U ,eut J-awyer, Washington, ri 1 nil l V d(c. "Ad vice and booka free. Hates reasonable. HlelieBt rcf erencco Deal Berviooi those brave men were dying in tho waste of ice, I was lecturing in warmth and comfort in Australia." Captain Amundsen denied that he had suggested that tho men who met death might have fallen into a crevasse. "It is ridiculous," ho asserted, "to think that five men would fall into a crevasse." Professor H. J. Cox, weather fore caster, who had listened to the Nor wegian's adventures and narration, broko in: "Shackleton nearly met tho samo fate, you know." "Yes," said Amundsen. "Shackle ton had a hard time getting back. He nearly met death. Ho turned back just in time in tho very hour, in fact, to save his lifo and ho was only 111 miles from the pole. "Can you think of the disappoint ment in that case? Only 111 miles from his goal, yet it is a long dis tance. When there are railroad tracks and Pullman cars and com fort and good cheer 111 miles is nothing. There in the frozen south it is thousands of miles." Captain Amundsen made it plain that the fate of Scott and his aides would not deter him in his plans for a north polar expedition, beginning next year. "Why should I hesitate?" he asked. "These affairs are very sad, but they are really uncommon. It is not what one may expect, as perhaps some of you may think. No, I shall start and I believe I will be suc cessful." "What do you care about the north pole, Captain?" was asked. "Nothing," said the explorer, swiftly. "I do not seek tho pole. I may never reach it. I don't care whether I do. The stories that I am to actually seek the pole are untrue. I am going only on a scientific expe dition, chiefly to study air and ocean currents. If I am close to the polo and conditions are favorable, I will go there, not otherwise. The story that I will take an aeroplane is un true; it is ridiculous." Captain Amundsen sent the fol lowing telegrams about the tragedy: "Commander, Terra Novia, Littleton, N. Z.: Deep sorrow loss comrades. Congratulations. Convey sorrow Mrs. Scott loss husband. Magnifi cent battle." Handy Sewing Awl I A Perfect Device for Sewing Any Heavy Material flAl WCC RAISE THEM WITHOUT MILK. Ufl' I E.O BOOKLET FREE. NEBRASKA SEED COMPAKY. OMAHA, NEB. Sour: Poems Wanted. New Plnn. BIcMonoy. Freo Hook. HAYWORTII MUSIC l'UU. CO OSS O. Wntf ringtcn. D. C. WANTJBD 2000 Railway MnllClfrt.it. end clejk carrier for Parcel l'ost. Examinations icon. Splcndhl salaries. Trial Examination Free. Write. Ozment, 93R, St. Louis. Subscribers HflvcrUsing Dept. ECZEMA SPECIFIC will absolutely cure eczema, salt rheum, -barbers Itch, ulcers and other slcln diseases. Mailed $1.60; sample free. Almklovs Pharmacy, Cooperstown, N. D. AGENTS "WANTED Flro extinguish ers, chemical engines, hook and ladder trucks, lire hose and reels. C. H. Sutphcn, Columbus, O. OVERNMENT POSITIONS NOT under Civil Service. New Rod Book, giving list of thousands of them, with salaries. Postpaid $1.00. R. p. Andrer3 Company, Washington, D. C. TIMOTHY SEED New, recleaned, 1 $4.50 per hundred; Red Top solid seed, new, recleaned, $10 per hundred, bags free. Stewart Bros., Willow Hill. 111. SINGING taught by mail with personal instructions by best teachers; write for free particulars with testimonials' from our graduates. Illinois Conserva tory, Studio E, 96 Broadway, N. Y. FOR SALE .216-acro farm, Crow Wing. Minn. Would sell very cheap. About 100,000 feet of white pine and Norway timber, all fenced. August Malskeit, -Xerrlfield, Minn. VARIED LITERARY STYLES Exchange editors are usually well repaid for their work, by the enter tainment they are afforded from the various literary styles used by writers in newspapers. In a Dublin paper we find this: "Tt looks to rae as if she had saddled herself with a veritable white ele phant." An Austrian paper states: "The bride appeared in a smart white frock of pale blue linen." A Missouri newspaper, reporting a divorce trial, states: "The husband undertook to poison his wife with out just cause." In South Dakota the literary style is only fairly well developed. A paper of that state announces: "The bride is a refined young lady of cul ture, as also is Mr. Smith." An Iowa paper innocently recom mends: "To keep ants away from the refrigerator, tio woolen strings around each leg, saturated with tur pentine." Oklahoma City Okla-homan. MUNSEY'S EVICTION It might have been possible for Mr. Munsey to organize a political holding company to control the re publican and progressive parties, but it was certain that no holding com pany could control the Roosevelt vo cabulary. Mr. Munsey will kindly consider himself evicted from Arma geddon for conduct unbecoming an "angel." New' York World. www iwl-j. BBwWftjWT 3 Es23 With this Awl you enn mend hnrncMN, nhorn, tenia, nival urn nd palley bcltM, bind bonlcn mid innjctiulaes. New or mend raructit, mhiUIIcn, Hltcaneft, or tiny henvy niHtcrlal. Tho SPISKDY STITCIIIfiR is tho latest Invention and tho most effec tive of unythlng In tho form of an Automatic Sowing Awl over offorcd for tho money. Its simplicity makes It a thoroughly practical tool for any and all kinds of repair work, even in the hands of tho most unskilled. Tho SPEEDY ST1TC1IEII is provided with n set of diamond-pointed ffrooved needles, including our special needle for tapping shoes, which s an entlroly new invention. It alBo contains a large bobbin from which tho thread fecdn, all of which are enclosed Inside the handle out of tho way. This Awl has a tension which enables you to tighten your stitch, and it can bo used with or without tho bobbin, which saves refilling the bobbin when you have a lot of work to do. TIichc valuable features you will not find in any other $1.00 Awl No wrench or screw driver Is re quired to remove tho bobbin or tighten tho ncedlo in chuck, as is neces sary in othor makes. Tho Awl Is convenient to carry always ready to mend a rip or a tear it is a tool no practical man can afford to .bo without, and it is a tool that will, savo dollars in every home. Nov needles can bo secured at any time. We will sond this Awl (together with completo Instructions) to uny address, postpaid, on receipt of $1, a bill or money order. . A Limited Special Offer For a limited tlmo only, wo aro making this extraordinary offer. Send us only $1.15 (a special rate) to pay for one full year's subscrip tion to The Commoner and Tho American Homestead (tho popular farm and household monthly) and wo will send you one of these fine Auto matic Scwlnfc AivIm without additional cost and prepaid. Remember, both papers one full year and tho Awl for only $1.15. Tho regular prlco for all thrco Is $2.25, but if you are prompt you can got this bargain offer before It is withdrawn. Open now to new or renewing subscribers. If now a subscriber to either publication present expiration dato will bo advanced ono year. Send at once. Address, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska BB9&HBi FOR SALE An Improved Texas Farm OFFER for Sale 240 acres of land, three miles from Mission, Texas, on the Rio Grande, 200 acres are cleared and under irriga tion. The improvements, consist ing of a $2500.00 house with barns, fences, etc., have cost over $5,000.00. Easy terms will be given on deferred payments. I would not care to. sell to anyone unless purchaser makes a personal examination of the property. Ap ply to owner for price and terms. W. J. Bryan, Lincoln, Neb. fmmmmmimimimmmmmmunmaJl H I &.-.