'""jsnsw; rytwW' rtf u h ii h m tt: M s t a I . 12 The Commoner News of the Week Jamos Patten, tho cotton and grain speculator, ploadod guilty In tho fodoral court at Now York, to tho churgo of operating In a restraint of trade. Ho ploadod guilty to the sixth count In tho indictment against him. -m Mail Mo This Frco Coupon Willi your iiaiiio ami nddrosi plainly written Nnmo i Adilrptw i i You'll rorolvo, protmld, n $1.00 jmlr of DraflK In tiy Frvo, iim oxplnlnod below, Mndu !'' t Driift C'oinpany, Dopt. XC'H, Jackson, Mich. To every one suffering with RHEUMATISM I Mulct) Tliis Unlimited Offer Wf" a gl? FmcnKHiOK Dykh, CoriospomllnirSPc'y. I'll soml you tho DrnftH tho Bamo day ,1 (?et your coupon fresh from tho lab oratory, ready to bet; In their work tho minute you put thorn on. Thoy aro ro 'llovinp overy Htago uml condition of thlH oruel (llHi'UHO, whether chronic or ncutc iniiMiHilnr, Selntlc, l.umbnKn or Km tit no matter whero located or how severe. Thoy aro bringing comfort to old men and women who havo suffered all their Hvoh, as well as all tho milder stages. Don't neglect rheumatism, I urge you, for I know tho horrlblo tor ture and deformity It no often leads to. Send today for tho Drnftn. I send them on free trlnl bocauso I know what thoy doing for many thousands and I havo uuui uuu inoy can euro you likowlBo, Try tho Drnftn whon you got thorn. Then, if you aro fully satisfied with the boneflt received, sond mo Ono Dol lar. If not, they cost you nothing. tnke your word. Address Magla Foot Draft Co., XC8, Oliver Bldg., Jackson, Michigan. Send no monoy just tho .coupon. Wrlto today now. tHAMHAM An Associated Press dispatch says: Judgo Major fined Mr. Patton $4, 000, which was paid Immediately. Tho sixth count charged that Patton and his associates, Col. Robert M. Thompson, William P. Brown, P. B. Ilaynes and Bugono Scales, wero under a contract to buy practically tho entlro raw cotton crop of 1909 In order to hold It out of tho market until November 1, 1910. To tho other four counts Patton pleaded not guilty. Patten, Eugene Scales of Texas and others wero indicted by a federal grand jury hero more than a year ago for manipulation of tho cot ton market. The government charges that their acts constituted restraint of trade. Tho defendants demurred and carried their case to tho supreme court, which recently ruled against them. The Missouri state senate defeated a bill allowing women to servo on local school boards. The lower house of the Washing ton legislature passed a bill to pen sion mothers not supported by husbands. Tho lower house of the Minnesota legislature adopted a suffrago meas ure which gives to t lie male voters of the state tho right to, determine whether women shall have the right of ballot. Mrs. Gvover Cleveland and Prof. Thomas J. Preston, jr., of Princeton, N. J., were married at Princeton, N. J. Only relatives wero present. J rm A Springfield, Til., dispatch, under (Into of February 11th, follows: The state senate today failed to concur in a joint resolution that both the United States senatorships from Illi nois be voted on torrother. The nn-moa of Lawrence Y. Sherman, re publican primary nominee; James Hamilton Lewis, democratic primary nominee; Frank H. Funk, progres sive caucus nominee, and Seymour St. Edman, socialist nominee, were proposed beforo tho legislators in formal nominating speeches. The first ballot in the senate resulted in no choice. Tho vote was: Sherman (rep.) 24: Lewis (dom.), 24; Funk (prog.), 24. The short term ballot in tho senate resultod: Hopkins 11, Sherman 11, Boeschenstein 12, Funk 2, scattored 12. The ballot in the lower house for United States sena tor for the long term resulted as follows: Sherman 50. Lewis 70. Funk 27, Barney, socialist, 4; absent 2. present and not voting 1. No can didate having received a majority of tho vote in each house tho sena torial balloting will be resumed in tbe joint assembly at noon tomorrow. TEXAS LAND POll SALE 30 acros of the most desirable and best located land In tho rich farming tract near Houston, Texas, known as Alllson-Richoy Subur ban Gardens. This land is within a Cow blocks of tho railway station Almeda a suburb of Houston and will ho sold nt n rnn0nnni,i ..t ' will trade for good Nobraska farm land or city property. Write at once for further particulars to Department B9 Commoner Office, Lincoln, Nebraska The ballot in the house for the short term senator resulted as follows: Sherman 43, Boeschenstein 52, Funk 25, Lorimer 3, Hopkins 2, scattering 12, present and not voting 12, absent 2. Those voting for Lorimer were Curran, McNicholas and McLaughlin. A Louisville Courier-Journal dis patch says: . Contempt proceedings wero started in the federal court at Birmingham, Ala., against the South ern Wholesale Grocers' association and flfty-nino individuals, charging them with disobeying tho .court order dissolving tho association as a trust. Dispatches to the Louisville Courier-Journal follow: Six persons wero killed and sixty-five injured in political riots at Toklo, Japan. The mob attacked and wrecked news paper offices and police stations, stoned Premier Katsura and the po lice guarding the Diet. Troops pa trol tho streets. Authorities and miners fought a bloody battle In the mountains of West Virginia near Mucklow. Twelve strikers and four possemen were killed and forty wounded. A heavy force of militia is being rushed to the coal fields. President-elect Wilson said he would make no announcement of in tended diplomatic appointments until after he takes office. He also de clined to receive former President Castro, of Venezuela. The National Canners' association, at its opening, adopted resolutions urging that sanitary regulations for all canneries be drawn up and sub scribed to by all the members of the association. The lower house of the Iowa legis lature passed tho Oregon plan bill for the election of United States senators. An Havana, Cuba, dispatch, car ried by the Associated Press, says: William Jennings Bryan lectured at the University of Havana. He lunched with Col. Frestos Ferrara, speaker of the house of representa tives. After luncheon Mr. Bryan, In response to an address of welcome, said smilingly that had the republi can party bestowed the same care on its home . representatives as on its foreign representatives it would probably still be dominant. Mr Bryan left for the Isle of Pines. He strongly deprecated the suggestion that his trip had any political, significance. VOLUME 13 i NUMBER 7 Governor Bleaso of South Carolina has declined to permit the South Carolina state militia to take part in the inauguration of President Wil son for the reason that the naval troops are to be placed in line ahead of the South Carolina soldiers. Both houses of the legislature urged the governor to rescind his order but he adhered to it. A il11 Rock' Ark- dispatch to the Chicago Record-Herald, says Final action was taken by the legis lature on a bill that practically pro hibits the sale of liquor in Arkansas It provides that persons wishing to open a saloon must obtain signatures of a majority of white adults in tho city or town in which they hope to do business. The measure is looked upon as practically a statewide pro hibition act because names of wtiito women as well as men must be ob tained and the negro population is not taken into consideration. Charles Major, author of "When Knighthood was in Flower," died at his home in Shelbyville, Ind. The Illinois stato senate ratified the election of senators amendment. President-elect Wilson expressed the hope that William F. McCombs will retain the chairmanship of the democratic national committee. Tho jury in the federal court at Cincinnati returned a verdict of guilty against 29 officials and former officials of the National Cash Regis ter company. They were charged with violating the criminal section of the Sherman anti-trust law. Tho Wisconsin state senate adopted a resolution favoring popular elec tion of United States senators. A bill providing for a minimum wage for women was passed by tho Kansas house of representatives. It fixes six dollars a week for a' nine hour day as tho minimum. The New Jersey house passed the joint resolution proposing an amend ment to the federal constitution for direct election of United States sena tors. The resolution now goes to the senate. Governor Sulzer, of New York, says that he Is opposed to capital punishment, although while he is governor he -will execute the law as it is, and not as he would like to have it. A Pierre, S. D., dispatch, says: Direct election of saloonkeepers by popular vote is proposed in an amendment to a bill for regulation of the issuance of liquor licenses offered by State Senator Brown of Tripp county in the legislature to re lieve city officials of obligations to decide moral fitness of applicants for license. The bath tub trust was found guilty of conspiracy against the anti trust law in the federal court at Detroit. All of the parochial schools" at Evansvllle, Ind., were forcibly closed by the city board of health because the management of the schools re fused to bar children who were not vaccinated. Miss Ethel Roosevelt, second daughter of the exrpres'ident, is soon to be married to Dr. Richard Derby of New York. CTjU)tfMJJBUllll;-tll-JLlLHIlMlJl.lUJ.JHJll'lliJLl'UITi'Ji.lULI mRSSBl rCtaiVWB 'W1- 7av7. ? Thta famnna Klarllnn AtTmt. z:z ir t.-.i ": "? "i Rlfl PnWFRFIII 1BRRIFIP rtrong. durable and comnf oTahYoJlng pi" BtonStirT.nd. LWtowi MlSfc.T tM65 ElPoyce or auootlug small game. Morn fun than with anthlnn tan ir m., i $ FREE WKSSSZSS? SEND NO MONEY I II I II I I I II nwm ii wMwjMMtfsa. wa; ,jjvi y . .im.? k i ,J f-Ji w HHeW M 1HHf MNHeV Na ? jr ? .7 -HL-B- Ml w; w i nwn iii "ii - I MrHwMliCbJL nNMBaMBS5ieAM V th anything you aver owned. Yon can nnfc it ouBt your name, and we wui anna you a sets of our - "-"-"-ui.iuut uwn uiuusj, aiBvv -1 VKn.nlll. mI. -. I..l. & . n . .. T ' ....IDCIUU w miiuu ub nukunw 10 uiunuaison & BDeoiai 'zoo otinr. ion hnim !?.. i.-.rT-r;-. wi "". General Stewart L. Woodford, who was United States minister to Spain at the outbreak of the Spanish American war, died in New York . City, aged seventy-eight. ' fhJc2?1ii11 Miller' the poet' died in the Piedmont Hills of California. The federal court of New York overruled the Immigration officials' and held that Castro, former presi dent of Venezuela, had the right to remain in tho United States. The National Cash Register offi cials, twenty-nine in number, wero ' c'ScZaH "? Ule federal oL SSSSr f !? ? -erVe one yr in the county jail at Troy, Ohio, and niva fine of $5,000. They had beecon rrCUBetw.Vi0latIUS the SbenCfia, Kiaa. Bond us tho $2.00 yon collect and for your trouble we win "-Sad yon trek tfilV fine 2 lnoh irfS? r8 AIr .. -,, dwwrlbed, or your choice of other premlunui from our bl Uet , IT COSTS , voir 4?iiiiJ8"?pllrl,iV-1,",t Alr B,8e Jnst M Km cannot dispone of. Send ua ti and ltlila will be eent at once. 3MC . o . aa I ? SO 1 D V5 lbok pletarea iV ftf" W' JM 1jf jJ-SfeJg WA ,. sainltj oBBk