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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1913)
fwWf"WfyWim$H jm&yt- v. l V The Commoner. R h ' - " " ' n.' 3 VKIIL, :C'htlelen Watts M'lwS VOLUME 13, NUMBER 5 epartmen SI ronglh strong, but I have no as a tynmt X would be desiro For strength hucIi wnnlrl Ukii1jiv in seeking to cause others to admire, Or through bin wish to havo un bridled sway. Such strength may come through ac cident of birth, Or bo the poor rcBtilt of circum stance, To be destroyed or robbed of all Its worth 3y some unlucky word or evil chance. ( would bo strong in heart and strong in trust, I would have strength when all is dark to strive, To thrust away temptation, to bo just, To faco disaster, keeping hope alive. 1 would have strength to stand out for tho right, Though all my friends turned blindly to tho wrong; To bo undaunted in a losing fight, To keep my spirit clean, I would bo strong. S. E. Riser In St. Louis Globe-Domocrat. A "Modern Convenience" In tho days o opon fire-places and numuoricsB BtovcB, by which tho houso was supposed to be kept com fortable, the work of providing the fuel seemed a novor-ending job, and as tho job of preparing tho fuel for tho stoves and filling it into tho various boxes fell to tho small boy or tho busy hian, tho game seemed hardly worth tho candle, for tho fuel was always giving out and constantly had to be replenished. In tho homes where "modern conveniences" are to ho found, thoro are still many stoves and somo opon fire-places, though coal may havo become tho fuel in placo of wood. But by far too much timo is still given to tho work, and ono good furnace might bo used to heat tho wholo houso, keeping every room comfortablo, with vastly less work than tho old method of "firing" bo many heaters. Every ono who has a homo of several rooms should be interested in tho question of tho furnace. Many oxcellent furnaces can bo installed in even tho old-style houses at no very groat cost, and at a big saving of both labor and fuel, to say nothing of tho comfort of tho family and tho greatly lessened work of tho housewife. Thero are many furnaces advertised, and it would bo a good time to send for catalogues and reading matter about their cost, up-keop and advantages, besides talking tho matter over with your neighbors. Plenty of warmth and light makes a homo very desir ablo, and for tho sake of all, it should ho supplied. In addition to the com fort of tho rnnmq Hn .. lv nf hfnV"".:"Iauiul S"P- Heot S both indoors and out:, in nie !!!?!?! Mrs. M. L.. KntiHna ,m, convenience Many small houses of lV ?W ,h?w BUG can make beet sugar not more than four or five rooms l is claImed that mo than half the' havo a furnace installed, and with a !,ugap now on tuo met comes from good gas rango, alcohol or oil stove J? sugar beot- Germany exports thoro would be little use even for housn of tons of it. Intwfcou,?- ihes Vin; ;rr,r"N" use, and inllv rrc'.0 ener ot the w. vfuu, muur ana nsi. tlonco would more than pay. make a very good book-binder of ono, and the binding" will save much valuable information. Havo two pieces of heavy card-board an inch longer, and about half an inch wider than the volume to be bound. Have a strip of good, stout cloth about five inches longer and wider than tho card-boards, and a pot of not too thick glue. After carefully and evenly arranging the separato papers, with a long awl and soft thread or twine, sew the volume together along the back not drawing the thread too tight, but leaving loose enough so the volume will open easily. Commence at the left-hand end of tho strip of cloth, and cover the board with the glue, lay it on tho cloth, leaving about an Inch at the front odge to lap over on the in side. Smooth tho cloth down, re moving all air spaces from between It and the board, and when it is done, turn the front edge over on the inside and paste down tightly. Leave the top and bottom edges until later. Then, allow enough of tho cloth in tho middle to cover the back of tho file about two inches and com mence gluing down the other board, being careful to have both boards oven, working from the space left for tho back cover, and when this board is covered like the first, cut a slit down the space at the back on either side and at each end, and turn the strip down on the back space and pasto. Then, mitre the corners of the cloth and paste or glue down on the lop and bottom of tho boards. A lining of some light, strong cloth should bo pasted over tho inside, and down the boards, just as tho paper inside is pasted on "store" books. In fact, it will be a good plan to study the work of some well-bound book. After tho cover is dry, lay the volume in it, and sew through the cloth bind ing at the back, and through the volume, not too tight. If pains are taken, you will find your volume handy and well preserved. Studying tho Booklets If you havo not already done so send for the seeds and nursery cata logues, and when they come, sit down and study them; read and re member what is said by -tho com pilers, and when you are done with the pamphlet, just lay It away and look it over again. Teach the chil dren that books are for use, not abuse, and insist on their respectine the printed page. Advertisers along many lines offer free their interest ing booklets, and every one of them will contain at least a few good ideas Send for these booklets, and when jou havo looked them over sufficient ly for one time, file them for future reading. You havo no idea what a useful supply of "reference" books theSSlS8 aCCUmUlat0' Snd industry, one faito atonT f slid to consume three thousand ton! of beets each dnv ti, "" " 1. ot ZSTUSih r S Binrtincr Pnrmrs nmi r . . . "'"KJU6U1CS ;",; wo buwu Buccessfullv -j-t a lltt10 pral &gSTt&?& while any farmer can make the sugar, it will not bo fit for house hold uses, because, not having been ciples of the crude vegetable product i win not ue paiataDie. juxpuuaive tu. torics, with machinery and necessary appliances for refining the crude pro duct, alone can make the article of commerce, and farmers should not be led to believe they can make usable beet sugar and molasses with the few and crude appliances which they can afford. It is claimed that the beet crop will average $50 per acre where the vegetable is culti vated. For information, send a re quest to the Department of Agricul ture, Washington, D. C, for litera ture on tho subject. Brown-Tail Moth Itch A reader from New Hampshire writes us, asking for a cure for this ailment which, I am sure, is a new distress to many of our friends, but is said to bo very prevalent in the district infested by this destructive insect. The only information wo have we gathered from the Rural New Yorker, and pass it on. Tho itch is caused by the barbed hairs of the caterpillars which crawl every where; those irritating hairs, blow ing about from nests or cocoons, or from fallen caterpillars, poison the skin as badly as poison ivy. A remedy given is a strong tea of sweet fern and used cold as a wash for the affected parts. The tea will stain tho clothing brown, but the remedy is said to work well. If any ono knows a better remedy, we shall be glad to have it. Tho Homeliest Professional Women It is said that in professional ranks, including actresses, artists, musicians, doctors, lawyers, lec turers and writers, beauty is more rare among literary women writers than among any other class. This is due to the fact that their per sonality is distinct from their-work In any other profession mentioned', a woman's success depends primarily, though not exclusively, upon her abilities, but appearance, manner address, grace of motion, are all fac tors of very large marketable value to her, and count for as much in some instances morr timn , t. of her fitness for work. The woman who does her work in public knows this, and is forced to pay particular attention to these matters. The work of tho writing woman is a fac tor quite apart from herself; it must stand or fall on its merits, which are quite distinct from her physical graces. Unless her work can stand the editorial test, beauty will profit L nthin?' Therefore, since neither beauty nor charm will profit her she has taken no pains to insure Sin r Possession or permanence. Still, there s a subtle something in the expression of the woman who works in any profession requiring largo mental ability, which is "ot present in the face of the sister who ha80t entered the business or pro fesslonal field. There is a kml? ?g ? an? purpose which effort and asp ration bestow; an expression of L08 udeeDer meaning learned through experiences; of a breadth nf t uchWUiwUhCOmtehS fr0ra 2 trofghteTthoorla6 f SS S? miS08 add vastly t0 ttett of middle age and later life. U adds the touch of imagination, of interest, which compels and cinn vates attention, until one foreeK notice the lack of surface beau J which women of other profession! must possess in order to please. For tho Hands To promote th softness and whiteness of the hands, use onlv mild, emollient soaps, or those abounding in oils, as such soap will cleanse and heal, while tho coarse alkali soaps used tor the laundry will render the skin dry and brittle If the hands are black and dirty a very little good laundry soap may be used with warm water, but just as soon as the skin is clean, it should be rinsed off. A small brush, which will cost but about four cents, may be used to scrub the skin with, where there aro seams and dirt. After washing the hands, rub them dry with oatmeal before drying them. There are so many ways to whiten and soften the skin where the hands are not used for hard, dirty work; but one of the best is to wear cotton gloves whenever you aro at work; he sure the gloves are kept clean. For tho Garden One of the ways of making money at home, which has been proven effective is to get a cannery; It need not be so very large, if you are at all nervous about the outcome. One that will do for a small garden will cost about five dollars, but a ten dollar outfit is better. Learn all you can about the growing of the fruit or vegetables you expect to can, and do the work just as nicely as possible. A great deal of garden stuff goes to waste, and if you should can your surplus, you can sell It readily. Do the work well, and get your name before your neighbors as a reliable, competent worker. It is full time, now, that you begin to plan for the garden and cannery. You will probably have disappoint ments and discouragements; but just determine that you are going to suc ceed. Only the best fruits and vege tables must be used. Make catsup out of the culls, and put a lot of It up for soup. Don't use rotten, or decaying vegetables, but put up the best. Query Box M. M. B. Fine oatmeal put into a cheese-cloth bag and boiled a few minutes, then squeezed in the wash water is claimed- to smooth rough hands and keep them clean. Use no soap. T. S. To remove cream stain, chlorinated soda should bo applied to the spot as soon after it is soiled as possible; leave it on ten minutes, then rinse out carefully; lay the cloth while still damp in the sunshine, or near a warm stove, and wot hourly with lemon juice after the first treat ment is washed out. If after a day in the sunshine the spot still remains, repeat the process. . Mrs. L. S. For removing fruit stains, there are endless numbers of treatments advised for the stain when freshly done. After the stain has dried, none of the directions aro so certain. Saturating with coal oil; or wetting with alcohol; or holding in the fumes of a burnt match or sulphur, or putting salt on the stain, stretching it over a bowl and pour ing boiling water through the spot. These are all recommended fr colored goods. , "A Sufferer" A "sure cure for a com" depends on the individual and the corn. It is claimed that many persons are predisposed to tne malady. About the only way to flno a really sure cure Is to gather up a few hundreds of the recipes found pa the printed pages, and give each ono a thorough trial until you reach tnj ono that helps you. Ono of tho 8Ui vtmansHKauMoewunfe nit.a.-ahfcj