'tiVPSf I The Commoner, VOLUME 13, NUMBER : tf r ' The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY l&ntorncl at tlio Puutofllco at Lincoln, Ncbranka, lift fiocond-clasH matter. WlM.lM J. llllYAN Keillor nml Proprietor IlJCJiArti) J.. Miiiajvk AHoclnlelMllor ClIAIII.MI W. illlYAN PllbllsllPT Kdllnrlnl Jlnnnifs nnd IUihIhcm Onico, 24'3?.0 KfJiitli 12tli Klreet One Ycnr 91.00 ftlx Motidifi no In Clubs of Flvo or moro, per year.. .78 .25 05 Three Mnnllin filnirlc Couy Bumplo Copies Free. Foreign Pont, 52c Extra. HIJIISCIUI'TIONS can be Bent direct to The Com moner. Thoy can alwo bo sent through newapapcra Which have advortlBcd a clubbing rate, or through local agentn, whoro aub-ngo.ntn havo been ap pointed. All romlttanceH should bo sent by post ofllco money order, oxpress order, or by bank draft on Now York or Chicago. Do not Bend Individual chuclcH, ntnmpn or in on ay. Ulfl.VloWAi.N Tho dato on your wrapper shows tho tlmo to which your subscription Is oald. Thus January 21, 12 nicans that payment ha'i been re ceived to and Including the last Issue of January. UMii. Two weolcs arc required after money haa been received beforo tho dato on wrapper can bo changed. fJHANCn OF A DDHICSS Subscribers requesting a change of uridrosis must give old as well as new address. AIIVICIITISINC Rates will be furnished upon application. Addrons nil communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln. Neb. "The heart has its reasons which reason can not understand because the heart is of an in llnitely higher order. "Pascal. (30KS THROUGH COXGIttiSS Last week tho house of representatives passed the Webb bill prohibiting tho shipments of liquor into dry states. The standpatters of both parties fought tho measure. The experience in the sontito was similar. There tho Sheppard Kcnyon bill had been pushed. Senator Kenyon, I of Iowa, closed tho debate in tlio senate by ask , ing that tho houso bill- (the Webb bill) bo sub- , uiuuiuu iur 1110 onepparu-Kenyon measure. The Associated pross report of tho senalo proceed- , Jnga says: Tho Webb bill would prohibit ship- , inentH of intoxicating liquors from one stato to another when intendod to be received or sold in violation of tho law of tho state to which tho shipment is made. Friends of tho legislation now will seek to havo tho houso concur in tho senate bill, which differs from tho bill passed by ho house only in number. Should that bo done ho b lis would not bo considered in conference, but tho bill passed by tho senato will go to tho president for his signature. Tho voting was first on the perfection of tho Konyon-Sheppard bill. By a vote of 61 to 23 tho senate agreed to tho committee amendment adding a section to tho bill which provided in i7bZttnn.t0X1Cat,nB liqUOrs sh0Illd bec daries S Upon crossillS state boun- Senator Hitchcock's amendment to accent liquor intendod for personal use was defeated . without a roll call and ono by SenatorO'Gor man, to except liquor intended for phonal n Bacramental use likewise was clefea tod by ? to SO. Senator Kenyon succeeded- in having his ?niTr t? ni0n(l0(1 2 becomo oPorntivo July 31 1913. Thereupon Senator Gallinger asl p,i fnn tho substitution of tho Webb bill fop tho sen Z measure. Ho likewise succeeded in having the onrn:lG( ,S0 as t0 br,n the houso in acUrS except as to tho number of tho bills When Senator Ashurst asked that tWft i tions signed by citizens of hi 1 State vorL' t passage of tho Kenyon bill be nrlnrp?i ? L Record, Senator Gallinger objected th I can not vdto for this bill bec.au r u ia ly unconstitutional," said Senator ?ni,B Clcar" Ohio in the first speech on it ?r Pmoree of bill would illegallyTttempt o give stateTeL tures the right to regulate intoiHfn 1 legl8la' a power held solely by congress Commor' oral as that which existed agXtlotC JT confess could absolutely SSS A Great Victory for the Income Tax Delaware, in a close race with Wyoming and New Mexico, won the honor of being the state to complete the number necessary for the ratifi cation of the income tax. The resolution upon which tho state voted was adopted by congress in July, 1909. Tho story of the completion of tho ratification process is told by the- Washing ton correspondent for the Chicago Record Herald in this way: It was a race at the last for the honor of clinching the matter, with Delaware leading tho intermountain state of Wyoming to the post by an hour and fifty minutes. But had it not been for tho fact that the sun rises two hours earlier on tho Atlantic seaboard than it does in the Rockies, the sheep raisers might have beat the peach growers to it by ten minutes. Wyom ing ratified at 3 0:45, mountain time, while Delaware ratified at 10:55, eastern time. Later in the day New Mexico came romping along for place. New Jersey, home of the president-elect, and the state where the future demo cratic executive of the nation now presides as governor, missed the chance of paying a fine in auguration tribute to its favorite son. No later than Saturday Governor Wilson, having seen the amendment adopted by one branch of the legislature, expressed the wish that his state might be the one to "cap the climax." The Utah senate ratified the amendment, the house has not yet acted. West Virginia, by ratifying on Friday, had been the thirty-fifth state to give approval to the federal income tax idea, and immediately, with only tho vote of one legislature lacking to make the amendment part of the organic law, tremen dous interest was aroused throughout the land. There was sudden inspiration of rivalry among the states that had been holding back to get on the bandwagon. The race was supposed to bo between New Jersey and New Mexico, but the dark horses jumped into the stretch. In tho same connection the Record-Herald's correspondent says: And now it's all settled except for the little matter of putting the act through congressan act that will be proof against attack in tho supreme court of the United States and the majority in the next con gress is committed to the idea of making men contribute to the support of the government pro portionally to the incomes they earn or enjoy through their investments. Tentative plans that were under consideration before became actual p ans when the word arrived that West Vir ginias action left only one more stato to give approval. b The constitution requires that three-fourths of ho states in the union must adopt an amend ment thereto in order to make it effective There now are forty-eight states, making thirty-six necessary to ratify an" amendment. West vK Binia was the thirty-fifth in this instance According to the plans of the lawmakers in control of the situation in Washington annual revenue to the amount of $100 00C 000 u l added to the federal treasury ? as a TesSl of til 5elW' omyinrutTandfN The amendment which becomes article Xvt several states, shall ba valid to i t . tt0 to laVa SJSrrS,.1 SS P7f over source derived witw A r0.m Wnat among the several I states Tand x,HhnPP0rtIonnient any census or enumeration .? bUt regard to This is the first amendment to the constitu- tion since the ratification of the one declarin that the right of citizens to vote shall not fc any stato on account of race, color or prevloni condition of servitude the last of the amend inents proposed as aftermath of the great civil war. The fifteenth amendment was proposed to the legislatures of the several states Feb 27 IS 6 9, and was declared ratified in a proclama tion of the secretary of state dated March 30, 1870. a It has been about forty-three years between ratifications, but still another proposed amend ment the seventeenth providing for the direct election of senators, now is before the states and it already has been ratified by ten of them There is the possibility of another limiting the incumbency of the presidential office to a single term soon being turned loose. When they do come they come in bunches. The story of the fight for an income tax forms an interesting chapter in American political history. In 1894 congress provided for an fa. come tax in connection with the Wilson-Gorman tariff act, but the supreme court by a margin of one vote and through the overnight change of mind of one of the justices declared it un constitutional. The present successfully ended fight began with the special session called to re vise the tariff by President Taft in 1909. Lawyers had recovered from the shock of the previous supreme court knockout and were be ginning to argue much to the discomfiture of the old guard standpatters that an. income tax pro vision could be framed that would "stand tho test." New blood had been pouring into the United States senate, that bulwark of tho let-well-enough-alone theory The progressives were working their way from state to national arena. Cummins of Iowa had just retired from a gov ernorship to help lead lawmaking thought in the senate. He began to get disagreeably busy with the income tax proposition. He found help in unexpected places. A titanic effort was be ing made to revise the tariff downward, and the question of revenue was the subject of con sideration and the foil of subterfuge. The bill was in the senate. Things were working as nicely as the most standpat reactionary could wish. But one morning the mighty Aldrich, then at the zenith .of his power, awoke to find there were votes enough in the .senate to adopt an income tax amendment as a feature of the tariff revision scheme. The battle seemed won for the income-taxers, and it was that day and until Aldrich found a means of sidetracking it. It was impossible to defeat it on a fair and square vote; the whip no longer could gain response. Something must be done at once, and, paradoxically, the strategy that the wily Aldrich employed with success to defeat the enactment of an income tax measure in 1909 was the direct means of bringing the whole matter to where it is today. President Taft's help was needed to defeat the income tax and he was .appealed to. The president believed the congress should have the power to levy such a tax, but he had his doubts about it being constitutional if levied. Aldrich and his lieutenants were desperate. Finally they agreed to support the president's scheme for a tax on the earnings of corporations. To cut a long story short, the president ob i?ei? the aid of A1lrich In pushing his scheme, which offered a loophole of escape for senators who at heart were opposed to (he income tax, but did not dare vote against it standing by itself. As a "sop" to the ardent supporters of the income tax idea it was agreed to pass tho Brown resolution, submitting the proposition in the rorra of a constitutional amendment, so that there could be "no doubt as to tho constitutional gmf of the conSress to impose a tax." . ino resolution submitting the amendment was adopted by both houses, and the Income tax enthusiasts took new heart. But the Aid richites chuckled. "We'll beat It In tho Btates" they declared confidently. And doubtless they thought they would. Th hope of tho progressives soon turned to fear. Thoy saw the lines going out an(J the pipes being laid to defeat ratification Jn the great conservative states of the east ana m states of the south and west where the old time machines retained their manipulates Power. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode ixCTwl