The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 14, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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The Commoner.
. . , .i 4i,A rv territory under the shield
THIS DJOMOGKATJO SBKATtf Sf inliritiSr commerce.
Following is a lint of the newly elected and .
holdover democratic senators, making a total PJUMOGBNITURB
of forty-nine, with lllinoi yet to bear from: M '" "l
State. Name. Term Expires, senator Luke Lea, of Tennessee, has mafle
Alubama-Jonoph F. Johnston J9J J u,iB tatement: "The law of Primogeniture nas
John H Bankhoad JJJ? been outlived in tlie world at large. There is no
Arizona Marm A. Smith J$J more reason why it should survive in the Unitea
Henry F. Aahumt 193 7 states senate than in any other place, me
Arkansas James V. Clarke 191& joug haR found a way to break up the innen-
JoBeph J. Robinson 3 919 UlJ(Je ByBt(?,n jn regard to committee chairman-Colorado-
Charles S. Thomas .3 915 shi aJ d you ctn judge for yourself whether
John F Shafroth 3 919 tlje seIiatQ h likely to do the same thing."
Delaware- Willaid Situlsbury 3 919 Referr5ng to Senator Lea's statement the Bal-
Florida--JJuncn U. Fletcher lhnoPI, gun layr. "There is no ground in this
Nathan P. Bryan 1917 surprise, any alarm, any discord. No
Georgia- Hoke Smith & , t lh t aside BUmmarlly whose
AugUHtus 0 Bacon . "' superior ability and experience entitle him to
Indiana-- Benjamin FShively leadership The only law which is" sought to be
Kansis-V Hi m H Thompson! V 919 P info effect in congress is the law which pre-
Kentucky-Ollie M. James 3 919 ils in the whole w orld out b de-U J J
LrfiiiiHtiiim Tnli ii it Thornton 1915 superior merit and if that be treason, it is not
To" m E HanBde 1 91 9 t0 the PePle or to the democratic party.
MainShartes "Lou ! '. '. . IlSlT " , Relieve, after tbey have con-
Maryland-John Walter Smith 1915 Werd the matter carefully, that any senior
Mississippi- John Sharp Williams 3 917 senators will attempt to create dissension n er
James K. Vardaman 1 91 9 an isue tnat llle ue0Dle ave already practically
Missouri William J. SlonV ....... WWW 1 915 settled."
James A. Jloed 191 7
Montana Henry L. Myers 1917 AT EVERY STAGE
hJilTnKi11 t'uVd; l Having been disappointed in its effort to de
Nebraska Gilbert M. Hitchcock 1917 - u, jnmn tnv nmA i, xt, vv
Nevada-Francis G. Newlands 1915 f?t "rateR t PnH ? ft! Shi Jh
Kev Pitiman i fn 7 directs Its attention to the mutilation
New Jerapv Jumps' lV m'ihMip 1Q17 of the law to be passod in coneequence of that
William laches 19 9 amendment. The Sun says: "How far the new
New York-James A. O'Gorman '. '. '. .' '. '. '. .' '. 1 91 7 mpcratic dispensation will depart from this
North Carolina-Lee B. Overman 1915 riln'f attitude toward the income tax idea,
F M Simmons 1919 how BtronS wil1 be the cffort to make it the in-
Ohio Atlee Pomerene 1917 strument of odious class discrimination and in-
Oklahoma Thomas P. Gore' '. '. '. '. '. '. ' 'l915 equality for socialistic or near-socialistic pur-
Itobert L Owen 1919 poses wnolly anart frora the question of revenue,
Oregon George B. Chamberlain' .'.'.'.' WWW. 1 91 5 "0W remains t0 be Been-"
Harry Lane 1919 The Commoner believes that the methods of
South Carolina--Ellison D. Smith 1915 levying this tax will be in harmony with the
Benjamin 11. Tillman 1919 spirit in which the sixteenth amendment was
Tennessee Luke Lea 1917 adopted. It is not to be expected that the New
John K. Shields 1919 York Sun will be pleased, for it is probable that
Texas Charles A. Culberson 1917 some of the Sun's clients will be required to
Morris Sheppard 1919 hear something like their proportion of the
Virginia Claude A. Swanson 1917 financial burden of government.
Thomas S. Martin 1919
West Virginia William E. Chilton '. 1 917 ONE EXCEPTION
-CUta.BoBecort.lI.wW. The Louisville (Ky) Courier.Journa
that it "tempers its admiration for Mr. Bryan's
A GOOD MJU8UBB " oUlnThim' WS ' " a
Tho following are sample comments of news- That has ueen a characteristic of Th rnnio
mZL' ,l"e S(ll")','a,,:d-Knyon measure pro- Journal's attitude toward public men D&J
WbltlUB shipments of liquor into dry territory: famous hunt wasn't a marker Tombed with ms
pas?K S:a J'hote auUyTun T i0Urna''S '" " ""'
Uve blow yet struck at tho liquor tramf '" American histor? mSSSSSmS, "? lB
Philadelphia North American: And because lare-a. the molt perslsten? hfte ol LteZ'
the Kenyon bill involves a moral issue there is "at who has won the favor of his 'nartv LI ?hl
an irreconcilable conflict over It, as there will e individual in all the world wS !
moral v Vi'Iiff0 f 0a ihe 8ide o me,,,Bred Up t0 lhe Courler-Journars 7dea mI
morality as well as correct economic principles. Perfect man. " 3 iaea ot a
St. Paul Pinnppr Proeo. -nTi. n.. . .. . .
deliver the liquor, the state laws, whether To
viding for the confiscation of the goods or the
arrest and punishment of the person own ng
them, become operative. ulDe
Nashville Teunessean: The people of a state
ought to havo a right to control their own
Sf.eD their legislature enac s laws
forbidding the manufacture and sale of liiuo?
tho federal government ought not to bl n !!
tector of the defier of such5 laws by pitting
The close of tho subscription year for
the great bulk of Commoner subscrib
ended with the last issue In JaTiUary
Subscriptions ending at this time ahouW
be renewed with as little delay aB To,
Bible n order to facilitate the worl of
changing and re-enterine tho n?,?J
on our subscription Tools and obS
expense of sending out BtntiTnwJ? lo
nouncinc thnt ,V: statements an-
SSTyKtfSK rJfc 1
. 1- 0
Springfield Mass.) BepubUcan: Savine y
country did not end at Gettyshurg. The trae'
of General Sickles' career reminds one that thf
is a patriotism in keeping sacred a fiduciary t2
as well as in losing a leg in battle. AttornS
General Carmody, of New York state, has mir
sued exactly the right course in insisting thai
the Sickles shortage, for which there is no pos
sible excuse, he made up. The general has been
treated with extreme consideration and leniency
hut there is a limit to the patience of the r
sponsible authorities. If General Sickles has
personal friends, they now have an opportunity
to save him from further disgrace, but no one
is justified in berating the state officers for their
. course.
Speaker Clark followed President Taft in an
address before the Ohio societv of Wnoiiw
Mr. Taft had declared again the d?m5St?i
program respecting early Independence for the
t? tScr thiS WaS Mr- Clark' feren
hdXS atnera nG
Xn T f ,lh-ere ln wioo Bhap'e as weteTe
when we got in. But. according to 1
cratic platform, which I didn't mak bem
SHS? cVe "o-n'T .iSHS
such jdentMis- " ? Mrm ""iZh that
f am liar, in olden dw liii n . narl&nce
office, it was alway? safe to Sn0IerT3rurilal
Watterson bet. If infirmitt in n ?PPei every
capital offense Mr. Hew Watti?2Snent iere a
ago have been hanged 7b h&hn-wWould long
political glbbet-and the wSrtd wmTan ?n a
Poorer and Heaven richerTtha been
Governor Dunne, of Illinois, has called upon
the democrats in the legislature to see to it that
two democratic senators are chosen from Illinois,
The governor declares that on this point he is
a "standpatter." Governor Dunne is right and
members of the legislature may depend upon it
that the developments in the Illinois sfnatorial
contest will be subjected to the keenest sort of
observation by the democrats of the country
Democratic members of the Illinois legislature
will discover that Edward F. Dunne is a safe
counsellor for, those who would keep in the
straight and narrow path.
Missouri lost a good old democrat in the death
of Michael K. McGrath, for many years Mis
souri's secretary of state and at the time of his
death a member of the legislature. Mr. McGrath
had perhaps the widest personal acquaintance
in Missouri of any citizen of that state. In
every office he held he rendered faithful service
to the people, and his memory will be kept green
by a host of -warm personal friends.
The Houston (Texas) Post makes it very clear
to President-elect Wilson that the Post does not
'approve of Mr. Bryan. In fact, about the only
way to describe the poverty of its opinion of Mr.
Bryan as a public man is to say that it is just
as poor as the opinion recently expressed by the
people of Texas concerning the qualifications
of the editor of the Houston Post to be t'nitcd
States senator from the Lone Star state.
The Louisville (Ky.) Courier-Journal says'
"The counsel of the Courier-Journal has always
the merit of disinterestedness." Perhaps it is
merely a concidence that the counsel is usually
in line xvith that favored by representatives of
special interests.
Like bread without the spreadin',
Like a puddin' without sauce,
Like a mattress without beddin',
Like a cart without a hoss,
Like a door without a latchstring,
Like a fence -without a stile,
Like a dry and barren creek bed,
Is a face without a smile!
Like a house without a dooryard,
Like a yard without a flower,
Like a clock without a mainspring,
That will never tell tho hour;
A thing that sort o' makes yo' feel
A hunger all the while
Oh, the saddest sight that ever was
Is a face without a smile!
The face of man was built fer smiles,
An' thereby is he blest
Above the critters of the field,
The birds an' all the rest;
He's jest a little lower
Than the angels in the skies,
An' the reason is that he can smile.
Therein his glory lies!
So smile an' don't fergit to smile,
An' smile, an' smile ag'in;
'Twill loosen up the cords o' care,
An' ease the weight o' sin;
Twill help yo' on the longest road,
An' cheer yo' mile by mile;
An' so,, whatever is your lot,
Jes' smile, an' smile, an' smile.
-Augustin W. Breeden in .the National Magazine.
4 JMi