The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 14, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner
a w a . .4.1-. 0 . A k. A I I 11 k ? M X b& A a W a . 1W k - w A-S .
XTAPni.RnV'S nnmn fills morn. niues in the world's solemn History uian WWl oi any ouier uiuruu. j-iiia liuiwus ikuuiiui; ouua mui a tapme,
il on board Uio English Bhip Bellerophon, gazing out across the solemn sea toward France, where he was once Emperor. He realizes that
his dream of Universal Empire Is at an end, yet Is unconscious mat ne is soon w ue uamsuuu iute an outcast a uiousanu uuies roni snore to
Uio lonely and barren rocks of St Helena. This famous picture from Rldpath's History illustrates but one event out of thousands which make
up the history of every empire, kingdom, principality and power, all accurately and entertainingly told in the world-famed publication,
Ridpath's History of the World
Dr. John Clark Ridpath is universally recognized as the world's greatest historian. He was the friend and advocate of the masses of
the common people. In 189G he was the democratic nominee for congress in his home district and received the warm support of the
Leader of the Party. Hundreds have already availed themselves of this remarkable opportunity to secure the greatest History of
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navigate the globe with Magellan;
to watcn the Greek snearmnn
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.K. Marathon. He comb in on
absorbing interest
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tiree hundred Zn ?latorm- sees Themistocles with
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tl it na UlS,ajiand to i .the language in whieh
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for oonntw M.i "S.n?. poor """an's name to stand
Icon fiohts wTtM-lnn , siami'm- savage cruelty; Napo
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