ii i ! if ii IV PX ' 1 1 131 i r .' h I'" a' '' ,' ft J ik !r 12 The Commoner. VOLUME II, NUMBER How to Succeed With Chickens In plainly and completely told In UNCLE SAM'S POULTRY BOOK A comploto fjuldo to poultry culturo writton by govern tiUMil oxpartH. Worth $ 10.00 to you and nold Cor only 20 contn, and by our plan you can got BO contu back. Send 30 2-cont AtumpM or 2 dlmoH today for It. You can sot U only from uh. Undo Ham Hayn to uo an Incubator to gel tho moHt HatlHfactory rcMilta and THE SURE HATCH INCUBATOR in tho only ont built nn ho Hay an Incubator Hhould be made, Heavy, strong, of bout material and modern foaturoH not found In any other machine, com ploto control of heal. llntvUvn Chick lm Live. CIUAKANTISHD FIVW YK.AIIS. Frclirht Paid. Bltf catalogue free Send for It today and got your chicks onto tho hlKh-prlced market as hooii as poHHlblo. Chickens and oggH are going to bo higher the coming Hoanon than you havo known them. SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO., Box 126. Fremont, Neb. 1 CO Days w Froo Trial i TPY A SLANDl VOW SAMO--30 acres of the most desirable and best located land In tho rich farming tract near rroiibton, Texas, known as AIllson-RIchey Subur ban Gardens. This land Is within a few blocks of tho railway station, Almeda a suburb of Houston and will be sold at a reasonable price, or will trade for good Nebraska farm land or city property. Write at once for further particulars to Department 0, Commoner Office, Lincoln, Nebraska y Be Sure To See Wt The WHITE Combination Car iimwwmi Hill III illllWIUBIMMIIUMJUmiilM H Carries 8 Passengers or 1500 Pounds Freight Interchangeable In A Moment This car will plvo you moro practical use,, moro comfort, more, ploasure and last lonsror than any cur built. It carries eight passengers easily In Its comfortable seats and tlioro Is plenty of extra room for tho lunch baskets and hand bngKatro. It takes but a moment for ono person to romovo tho scats and transform it Into tho most practic 1 baccage or ft eight carried for country or town service. Tho Whllo Combination Is so well balanced that It Is as light to steor as a small tour.nir car. Its compact, long stroke Whlto Engine Is so slmplo that any ono can ,?or.al.0,,t' ,Tho cnr lm3ft 8pcod tlmt w,u koopupwllh noarlyanycar built and will climb hills that many cars could not climb at all. This car Is built with tho samo care mid excellent materials that have mndo Whlto cars and trucks famous the world over for tholr quality. It Is exactly tho car you havo been looking for. When You Come to Chicago For the Automobile Show Thu Car Cnn Bo Seen at Tho Whito Company, 2635 Wabash Ave., Feb. 1-8 Firgt Regiment Armory, Truck Show, White Booth, Feb. 10-15 THE WhitSompany 840 E. 7DTH ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO POPULAR AND ELECTORAL VOTE IN 1012 Popular Vote Alabama . . Arizona . . . Arkansas . California . Colorado . . Connecticut Dolawaro . . Florida . . . Goorgia . . . Tdalio .... Illinois Indiana . . . Iowa Kansas Kentucky .... Lousiana Maino Maryland Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota .... Mississippi . . . Missouri Montana Nebraska .... Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey . . . New Mexico . . Now York .... North Carolina North Dakota , Ohio , "Oklahoma . . Oregon , Pennsylvania , Rhode Island , South Carolina South Dakota , Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington . . West Virginia . Wisconsin Wyoming . . . . t Wilson 82438 10324 68838 283436 114230 84614 22631 36417 93076 33921 405048 281890 185376 143670 219584 61035 51113 112674 173408 150751 106426 57227 330746 27941 109109 7980 34724 178289 20437 655475 144507 29555 423152 119156 47064 395619 30412 43355 48942 130349 221435 36579 15354 90332 86840 113046 164228 15310 Roosevelt 22680 6949 21673 283610 72306 34143 88806 4535 21980 25530 386478 162007 161783 120123 102766 9323 48493 57786 142228 214584 125856 3646 124371 22456 72776 5525 17794 145410 8347 390021 69130 25726 229327 45393 37600 447426 16878 1293 58811 53725 26740 24174 22132 21777 113698 78977 62460 9232 Taft 9732 3021 24467 3914 58380 68099 15998 4279 5191 32810 253593 151267 119811 74844 115512' 3834 26545 54956 155948 152244 64334 1597 207821 18512 54348 3210 32927 88835 17733 455428 29139 23090 277066 45393 34673 273305 27703 536 59434 28913 42100 23332 23288 70445 56667 130695 14560 Debs 3029 3163 8153 79201 16418 10078 556 4806 1028 11942 81278 36931 15914 26807 11647 5249 2541 3996 12616 23211 27505 2062 28466 10885 10219 3263 1981 15901 2859 63381 .1025 6966 89930 42262 13343 83614 2049 164 4662 3484 25742 9023 928 820 40134' 15336 33490 2760 Electoral VoU ' ' ' "i W1L- Roose gon Telt Tatt 12 3 9 2 6 7 3 6 14 4 29. 15 13 10 13 10 6 8 18 10 18 4 8 3 4 14 3 45 12 5 24 10 5 5 9 12 20 12 8 13 7 3 t-i 11 : i t ) : ( r i 15 12 ' 38 ! t : ti t ; '. ' i ) - ' ,: i (: l ! ' ' ! : ' ! : .1 , ' r. .1 ' ! ' 'I .1 ' ! ' ! . ' ! J ' ' ! f. 4 4 7 Ttak 6303063 4168564 3439529 900818 435 'S8 8 Plurality, 2,134,499. The vote in Oklahoma for the joint republican and oroeressivn w CATCHING UP Richmond (Va.) News-Leader: On the occasion of one of his ad dresses in Richmond Mr. Bryan said: "A leader is a man who is going the samo way the crowd is going, hut keeping a little ahead." At that time Mr. J3ryan was so far ahead of the crowd a-s a whole that he seemed a wanderer to many. But the crowd has caught up, and what were wild political heresies fifteen or twenty years ago are commonplaces today And this is always so. The growth of Ideas, atranirn n n may seem, takes place in politics as well as in transportation, only more siuwiy. m iook tne world a long time to progress from the sled to tho wheel, and another long time from tho horse-drawn vehicle to the steam engine. And prophets who foretold the day when men would travel with the swiftness of birds from place to place were hooted as wild dreamers or killed as dangerous nuiuuvja. louuy max Kind of pro phet is hired by a syndicate and given a laboratory in which to work out his invention. So far have we pro gressed in understanding what th Physical world may be made to ren der us In comfort and speed In politics the change has been slower but the process has been the qnni and Mr. Bryan's career and Resent position are extraordinary confirms tlons of this truth. In 1804 Mr" Bryan was called a nihilist by one honest paper at least. The c-vLl this epithet was that Mr Brvan urged the physical valuation of ran roads as the real basis for railed rates. The nihilism of eighteen years ago has become the accepted doctrine, not only for the interstate commerce but for the enlightened states of the union, today. And so it has gone! Jhem!!rCIne court adoPted, of its on"0 ma?y of those reforms of admiration which only the wild- nl rotate demanded in 1896. t aK GS are CaIlius for income S'iiJ thu Success of Wisconsin and Sl?nfla SlYs that the income tax, even for states, can be levied and collected with fairness and with ihffJTr' Bryan' sti11 a little the neonlihefnPrCe.S8ion' ls calliB on gove?nmInf h JeSt?re representative III r2i y UsIg the initiative SSnfn ? f nduniv But t0 sucn Btu met hocf ofVGn Wo?drow Wilson this method of procedure at one time Kta?eflWt of folland tSS torvnf nf destruction. The his- Mr Winngn etin groat "eat for r Wilson, and the people of th conservative east will sooner 0? late? areramadernf?ndlnff Theytoo bv 1 5? r e 0f the same stuff, swayed theBnme, passions, deceived by bo?aeHR fh?Vn?uled by the same TwLfltheir pothers in tho west. for SypyhnlrS iB .a very short time ior such changes to come as some of those which Mr. Bryan stood for and he would be a rash prophet who hi bee!iy'7lth ,the examPlePof what nas been done in the last two de- nncl short breJthnT5SnOV0so,,,,,,2Ji'nf M-Jttrfl iaaaLfe,