The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 14, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
Washington lNews
Oranges and Grapefruit
Below the Frost Line
of Lower Dade County, Florida
wntinwfnnnr rrwr" n i ihiwi i nil I
Come to Miami
Investigate and thoroughly convince
yourself that here where hundreds of
specimens of Tender Tropical Trees
and Palm have Thrived for Ages in
Our Native Forests Without Freezing,
protected by the great Gulf Stream,
hovering close to our shores on three
sides. Here you can raise the Golden
Fruit with nature's assurance that they
are safe and secure from killing frosts,
which have repeatedly destroyed Groves
in California and Northern Florida.
Our Grove Development Plan,
makes it easy to secure first-class Bear
ing Groves in the Best Cilrus Belt of
Southern Florida, whether you live here
or elsewhere.
Many home people, as well as
Northern Investors, are taking advantage
of this opportunity to secure a Redland
Grove on easy terms without the an
noyance of details during development
Ask for our Citrus Grove Book with
full particulars. :::::;
Griffing Bros. Co.
Grove Development Office, 210 12th. Street
Miami, Florida '
Reference, Dun's or Bradslreet's
ouun. . ireiun nuicu. WOW Plan. B
rim ntun juii wunii AlUalr!
68J Q, Washington. D. O.
Representative Oscar Underwood
is little more than fifty years old and
is now a grandfather.
An Associated Press dispatch says:
The inaugural parade for President
elect Wilson now promises to be one
of tho longest and most interesting
that has over passed through
Pennsylvania avenue from tho capi
tal to the White House. Aside from
the strictly military and naval contin
gents, the college representations
will bo one of the large and varied
features. Practically all of the col
leges in the eastern part of the coun
try will have representatives in the
parade. Several smaller colleges in
the southern states signified their in
tention of sending groups of march
ers, either in uniform or as civilians.
The war department decided that it
may use a portion of its appropria
tion for army transportation, which
will include the West Point cadets'
trip to Washington. The cadets had
feared they would have to defray
their own expenses.
i'uu. co!
Seed ,hT.PSV.?.?lS;LftBo,
!nrM crnwers. Early picked and H'
48 PaKO Seed Corn Book. lfS free o you &
for it now. H, Z. O'HAIIt, Uushton 111 V
PATENTS ""SgSuilffiff""
Freo report ns to 1 atcntabillty Jllmtiated Ouiii.
Book, an List of Inventions Wanted, tent iron.
Vlcl'OJLt J. KVAKS Ht CO., WwlnnutoM).a
Bates reasonable.
WRtHim E, Coleman
Hujheat reference. Beat serviS
No relapse. Noreturnol
ohoKiuR BpolU or other
i """" asthmatic urnptomi.
Whetzol ayBtorn of treatment approved by best U.8,
medical authorities as tho only Hj-Btem known to perna'
including medicinuBiPrepared. for any one sWinga foil
description of tho cao and finding narnon of 2 aithma.
tioBnaorer8.Addroea7MArif WHETZEL.M.D.
Dept.Z, Whetzel Bldg.,23e North 40th Ao.,Chleg.
Republican senators seeking to
force a confirmation of Mr. Taft's
appointments, threaten to oppose Mr.
Wilson's appointments.
The republican senators, by a vote
of 36 to 34, forced repeatedly execu
tive sessions in the hope of confirm
ing President Taft's appointments.
Democratic senators maintained a
successful filibuster and thus far
have prevented .any confirmation.
About 1,500 late day appointments
by Mr. Taft are involved.
The department is investigating
the sudden rise in the price of crude
A Home Cure Given by One Who Had It
J In tho spring of 1H93 I was attacked by
1 Muscular and Inflammatory Rhpumntlsm, I
ru....iu mo wiiirf iruwovr 1TUU IIAfU it &uvn, lUk
over threo yean. I tried remedy after
remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such ro
lie! as I ccelved was nly temporary.Fltmlly,
I fouud a remedy that cured mo completely,
and It has never roturncd. I have jrlven It to
c number who wore terribly nfulctcd and
oven bedridden with Rheumatism, and It
effected a cure In every case
I want every sufferer from any form of
rheumatic troublo to try this marvelous lieal
lnt; power. Don't Bend a cent; simply mall
jour name and address and I will bond itfrco
to ou. After you havo used Hand It has
proven itself to bo thatlonc-looked-or mran
of curing- your Rheumatism, you may send
tho price of It, ono dollar, but. Understand, 1
do not want your money unles you are per
lectly satisfied to send it- Ira'tUiat fair? Why
Guffor any longer when positive roliof is thus
olftred you free? Don't delay, Writo today
Mark H. Jactson. No, 500 Alhambra Itldjr.
Syracuse. N. Y.
Senator Borah of Idaho, republi
can, announces that he will make a
special fight for the house bill creat
ing a department of labor in the
TllG Wflfihinrrfnn Pnnf t
resentative Ollie James, senator-elect
from Kentucky, made himself solid
for life with the members of the na
tional fraternity of pages, before
whom he spoke, when he told them
that he had started his political
career as a page in the Kentucky
legislature, and that he remembered
that his election to the position
caused more thrills to run up and
down his spinal cord than when he
was recently elected a senator. It
was In 1887. The sneaW nf fh
IIAIInA 4-1tM. -. "f-fc w
UUUD uu" wus $en Johnson, now a
member of congress from Kentucky.
Mr. James was a page when James
B. Beck was elected a United States
senator "Little did I think as I
listened to tho address of that great
man to the legislature, after his elec
tion to the senate, that the time
would come when I would be called
upon to make a similar speech under
precisely the same circumstances,"
Bald Mr. James. At their meeting
the pages decided to march in the
inaugural parade. They also dis
cussed plans for an entertainment
during inaugural week at Poll's
Subscribers' Advertising Depr.
This department Is for the benefit
of Commoner subscribers, and a specla
rata of six cents a word per insertion
the lowest rate has been made for
them. Address all communications to
The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
ITCZEMA SPECIFIC will absolutely
- cure eczema, salt rheum, barbers
itch, ulcers and other skin diseases
Mailed ?1.50; sample free. Almklos
Pharmacy, Cooperstown, N. D.
under Civil' Service. New Red
Boole, giving list of thousands of them,
with salaries. Postpaid $1.00. K P
Andrews Company, "Washington, D. r
DROTHER Accidently discovered root
- will euro both tobacco habit and
indigestion. Gladly send jparticulars.
J. W, Stokes, Mohawk, Fla.
1MADE $50,00,0 in five years with a
small Mail Order Business; began
with SB. Send for free booklet. Tills
how. Hoacock, 103 Charles St., Lock
port, N. Y.
ARKANSAS has half-million acres
k government land free to home
steaders. Booklet with list, laws, et-,
2oc. Stato and county map, 25o addi
tional. L. E. Moore, Littlo Rock, Ark
Robert E Peary, Arctic explorer,
upon h0spita1' havinS bn operated
r.nKE1?as? Texas' dispatch, car
ried by the Associated Press fcava
Enrique C. Llorente, Mexican 'consul
at El Paso, is accused of, conspiracy
to ship munitions of war from SL
United States to Mexico? a Mewl
J7INEST irrigated fruit, alfalfa and
grain lands, Pecos Valloy, awarded
first premiums World's Fair, St. Louts.
Invest, double your money. Half rate
excursions from Ft. Worth. Writo P.
H. Goodloo, Ft Worth, Tex.
'TIMOTHY SEED Now, recleaned.
S4.50 per hundred; Red Top solid
seed, now, recleaned, $10 per hundred,
JaBB free. Stewart Bros., Willow
Hill, 111.
Q INGING taught by mail with personal
instructions by best teachers; writo
for free particulars -with testimonial
from our graduates. Illinois Conserva
tory, Studio E, 96 Broadway, N. Y.