The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 07, 1913, Page 12, Image 14

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The Commoner.
rani miiiijMM iMi
1 1
Latest, up-to-date ntyle, twin autoscat,
lop removable to convert Into a runabout, ecnuine
leather uplift tcry, finely trimmed and finished, belt
of material and comtructlon retails (or $100.00.
flanMnnrl X Vfttr Will
uuaidiincu j acuao Last 20
BUGGIES $29.50 UP.
We cut out the middlemen's profits on all
Century Vehicles and save you $25.00
to $45,00 on a buary: $35.00 to $C0.00 on a
wagon; $45.00 to $100.00 on a surrey.
Sold for caih or on easy monthly parmenti we trust
honest peoplo the world over, shlppcdon approval
Guaranteed to nlcajn or your money back, Write today
lor Free Catalog. Alio Atk for our catalog of Fine
Harness nt wholesale prices. detour Freight Paid
1'rlcei. Reference Southern Illinois Nat'l. Bank.
Depl. I3-I, . . East St. Louis, III.
or Uept. IM, 132 N. Wabaih Ave. Chicago, III.
One Dollar a Month
Iluyn 11 Stiiiiiliinl Typewriter
Vour fliolco, ItciniiiKtoii, Oliver.
hmlUi I'rtuulor. I,. C. Smith or
t mlonvooil. Prices lowor than
other ciwh prices. I'crlcct tun
clilni only. (Iiiiirnntccd.
Typewriter Installment Co,
Dept II, 180 N. Dearborn St, Chicago
$30 a week starting now
3000 a year if you make good
to n portion Pylnir 13.000 iEri. iK? JSP?:
nT.H,i r., --.:" -"": iw LAiRTiL'iicn
1. iiiv nirnnii iiiua . - . :.
tf' """ npioymont tho
I'Oflr rouml. r nm Mmlu
- whoro you can mulra Tb i mTn"- r. "n. R" "
l"K or poatal today auro ami mMM
no wouoiTrr" nml mark A mM
. T o ""2':T;'0',jy' JffET'. ? mark tho add
E. M DAvm vn iMJK Vs.:.1 'resident
i n. iiAVJS CO., A70 Davis Block, Chicago
Antiirc'sWiiy Rest Utcn Help Nature
Uso tho Great Foot lores
to Expel Acid Poisons.
Try My Draft.
Postal Brings $1 Pair to Try PRRH
Don't tako mc-rtlclnw-thoy enn not cure-only can tin that. Ilut you can asstnt Nnturc-you
can hasten tho oxpnlalon of pain cniulnS Impurities
from U.o 8yHtum through nature',, outlet,, tho p
1,01 io soiul you n pair
ofniy Majrlc Foot
Drafts, tho,
B'mlit,init surest rem
"ly for Ithctunntlsin I
know of. 1 imV0 nmny
letters tolling or cures
almost unbollovablo by
wearing theso Drafts.
They aro m sunt to give
Immediate relief tliat I
am now sending them
on approval. 0nd mo
your namo. Return post
Dollar Pair of Drafts
prepaid. to try Fltl2I:
toiniilier with vnluablo
Illustrated book- .,
TlllM It ... .
SfiS.irjJsr " " ZEZ
" , winy WW. you nothing. Itnk-n
your word. You can soo that I couldn't alford to .in
It. la Iff Im lrnftu .11.1 ..... ...... "IUlUO
; :; ;..;::: Kir" lu,cu iivo ,.
D r a f t's on their
morlt You risk
nothing. Then
why h c s 1 1 a 1 0?
Write to-day to
XCC Ollvor Illdjr.. ' .
Bond no money- 0myyouri
Fiu-:'k Dvi:u, Cor. Sec.
RhDiimntlsm, In colors.
TVwyj H y iMnTALaaH y'
In statuary linli, Washington, decided
on John Sovior, Indian fighter and
first governor of the state, and An
drew Jackson, hero of the battle of
New Orleans and later president.
The vi 101't will be sent to the legis
lature The Vermont legislature passed a
BtorllsMition bill, Governor Fletcher
vetoed It. declaring it to be unfair
and unjust. The senate passed the
measure over the governor's veto.
John A. Shields, twenty-seven
years old, a student of Ottawa, Kas.,
university, accepted the position of
national executive secretary of the
prohibition party.
Washington News
An Associated Press dispatch fol
lows: When it finished casting up
the accounts of the nation for 1912,
the bureau of foreign and domestic
commerce found that the world trade
account showed a total of $581,000,-
000 on the right side. This was the
valuo of goods sold abroad in ex
cess of those brought into the
t-nlted States. In the year the im-
1 orts were in round figure; $1,181,
000,000. while exnorts wnrn
000,000. Cuba outstripped France,
Canada, Brazil and many other coun
tries in the amount marketed in
the United States, being third in
point of importance in selling in this
country. Great Britain furnished
far more than any other individual
nation and was fnllnwmi hv nnrmnr
The best markets during the year for
American goods were Great Britain,
Canada, Germany and The Nether
lands, in the order of their impor
tance. A feature of the report are
the increases noted over last year in
the trade done with AnrmnHnn .i
Brazil. Business relations with
Japan also showed a gratifying
growth, while even revolution-torn
Mexico s commerce with the United
States disclosed gains.
The interstate commerce com
mission issued the formal order for
an inquiry into the affairs of the
American Telephone and- Telegraph
company. l
election day bo changed from Tues
day to Monday for their benefit. Ac
cording to Speaker Clark the plan
could bo safeguarded by providing
that regulation ballots be furnished
such persons to be marked, signed,
sworn to and returned to the proper
election officers. Kansas has such a
Secretary of Commerce and Labor
Nagel has ruled that Castro, former
president of Venezuela, must be de
nied entrance to tho United States.
An Associated Press report says:
The Venezuelan's wavering refusal to
answer tho question whether, while
president of his country, he was a
party to the killing of General Par
edes, was the cause of Secretary Na
gel's order for his deportation. The
cabinet minister sustained the ad
verso report of the immigration
authorities against Castro on tho
ground that his declination to
answer "may in itself constitute an
aumission oy conauct ot tne com--mission
of a felony. The immigra
tion law bars from entry any person
convicted of or admitting the com
mission of a crime involving moral
tUmitllflf nrnvlHInp- If a nnf nnralv
a political offense. The secretary
held that the murder of Paredes was
not a purely political crime.
Further the secretary declared
that an alien was compelled to
answer "j'es" or "no" to any perti
nent question regarding his admissi
bility. If permitted to refuse, he
maintained that "the immigration
service might just as well adjourn."
Fred Mooney of Duluth, Minn.,
one of the labor leaders convicted in
the "dynamite conspiracy" trial, was
The senate resolution directing a
recognition by this government of
the Chinese republic received brief
consideration at the hands of the
senate committee on relations, but
action was postponed.
Senator Jackson of Maryland in
troduced a bill proposing a plan of
federal co-operation with the states
for highway improvement.
Representative Humphrey of Wash-
ngton wants to tax American goods
when they are exported, as well as
taxing imports. as
George P. McCabe, solicitor of the
department of agriculture, has nre
SeH0d t0 wrrY Wilson hsresig
nation, effective March 4. it ??,
been accepted. as
- ..... wua ,furia W0UId jj . . ,
o seizure, unless it is certified for
local consumption at neutral ports'
Holidiispatch t0. th0 Chicago Record
Hera d says: Speaker Chamn Cinrir
has interested himself in tL I
of traveling salesmen Who a?e T
able to vote because they are nwv"
from home on election day in n
statement issued recentl'v V
speaker suggests that atafc VfaK
tures pass laws to permit HwXt?"
vote wherever they mPaTbeUndmtha0t
By the Hon. John Bigelow, New
Church Board of Publication, 3 West
Twenty-ninth street, New York
Price, $1.00.
The death of the distinguished
diplomat and journalist about one
year ago, roused more than passing
interest in the great age that Mr.
Bigelow had attained, considerably
more than ninety years, and in the
extended reminiscences that had
absorbed his time and attention for
f,i it , lew " any knew of
his religious affiliations and were it
not for the publication of this very
attractive volume, the public might
have continued in ignorance indefi
nitely The book itself is an edited
3P 1898' tPriv?teI,y printed voe
of 1898, wherein Mr. Bigelow re
lated to his friends, into whose hands
the brochure went, the circumstances
of his early want of faith, of the
doubt which he entertained as to the
inspiration of the Bible and the Vro
cess by means of which the Bible
apparently lost to him, W, tound
This came about through his intra
duction to the writings of Sweden
borg r whom Emerson has taken hi
Ws biographical sketches or 'ReDre.
lve a?' . Pe of The
by the wriMnge- o! he great &
and in so doing had all of his Subte
dispelled and thereafter his religious
L1.? ew r SwedK
Bible that many a "reade? wSfa P,S
to find in von Swedenborg the rJfll
and satisfaction that Bigefow did ve
if inclined to doubt it might nav 'i
New" ToerkthLSname c tffi oS
J vTdenlif SF
success that attended his annlienV,the
memorial of the mii" " eMeent
thoao PrincWo's'SinXd SSS. tMb
Tfl Rf PQr.'n P.
fc . MjrUiK i arms
Southside, Virginia
Whore lands aro level as tho nrtri
climate so mild roses bloom I J HLe!
ber Rainfall abundant, a r?atuS;
truck garden and corn belt Th ral
Inff alfalfa region of America JTm
Low rates by water and rail to u
million consumers in a day's qhmn. V
Where Increase of money and S"
go hand in hand. y u comfort
Write today for Real Estato TinMn
No. 20, with map and full account and
PYLE&CO., Inc., Dept. c,
Petersburg, Va.
build fortunes for you. 0ur
free booklet tolls how. nud
rBSUTblcand manu-urers rocS. Sffi
351 Seventh Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
Song 1'oernn TVanted. Now Plan nii rnn
iaM S2!B39BBfc IfS
Tru& ? itmroAiMinU.. t.lrzr' BHiCr"
doz. Threadjree. Stampa taken. iwloralJfc
Railway Mail Clerks J3?JS;rS
motion to $1800. Examtnntloas May 3 In ovcry iU.
Common education sufficient with my coaclune.
Full Information frro. Writo for booklet -ioi.
Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. O.
VUHbU other word jou do not
pay onr small profetslonal ttt
AMrtMluUte.802nadAT.. Kabsm CIty.U.
Investigate the Single Tax
"S'nSf' Ip" WtaOt Will AwmpUMhP-Grua. I
- .. Mtift o Xwr and tha farmer.' 'Shearman. I
All tnrcn linnlrlntM ,! T. Tn.ll. 11,. . rn. v.
- ---- MM.. AW MW..., iuo JttfOr Willi .iiv
Slnglo Tax point ot tlevr. 13 weeks for 28 conU. I
THE PUBLIC JUlfwortk Uld Chlcago-usl
R00 men 20 to 40 years old wanted at
once In every state for Electric Rail
way Motormen and Conductors; $G0 to
,? ,a ponth; no strike; write imme
diately for application blank. Address
Manager, W-245 Dwlght Bide., Kansas City, Mo
Seeil S0,d 8 Y Dent Qo1 Loamlnc:. Boon
rz, Co. Whlto, DO Day Y Dent, for North-
JOVth cr" crowers. Early picked and drWd
o t r. ?", a rack A Post nrd will bi ins my
48 Pago SeodCorn Book. It's free to you, abk
for it now. H, Z.O'HAIR, Ilushton. 111.
Investing for Profit FREE
FOR BIX MONTHS. It fc worth I0 a copy to any mn intend
m. to Invest any money, lioweTer small, wlio has Inr-sttd u0Pn;fiJWy, or who can save fS or more per month,
but who hasn't learned the art of Investing forproCt It demon
r.St be j. earnine power of money, the knowledz
financiers and bankers hide from the masses. It reveals the
enormous profits bankers make and shows how to make the
.?,mRl0 . "P.1311" ow stupendous Tortunes are mule
na wX made, how il.COO grows to S22.000. To Introduce my
"'"e.-JTrite me aow. Hi scnd Itslx months absolutely
ChU III. B1KBKIt' Pal,' K' W. Jki" Bird.
Ruptured People
Get This On 60 Days Trial
. Yf.u1knowyu can't possibly tell anythlne about a truss or
anyth nc else for rupture merely by trying It on, for a truss or
so called appllcance" may seem alWirht at first and after ard
prove utterly worthless.
. ?1 eJe ,s. sor"ethInsr you can try sixty days Just j
test without having to risk a single cent.
m mmMSP
jiwF'rai v-t-?"-
Away With tee-strap
and Spriug: Trusses
-U . Know, oureuaran-,
teed run tn r imt.i.. i. .!" ""
thin, ., any kind for wpVu wthS '
Vou can tf im n . . . . M.afc
on.y ,,ng we kn'e fToT5
enough to ston rfsuchalong and
teUBh' J' the ffmous
.. . . ---". auaoiure tlrur
w withti m " paternlel features. Self-adjusting. Does -Guarantee
1 to hoL06"? belts' '-straps and spring
working taking in?.!." aU "mes-lncludiag when you aro
Exlwnsd?!8000' AdT,,-Cloth-bound. 104 pages,
ffillcndS ' operation. Shews Just whafs wrontr
nomoreb2SLPri.nff-trusses' and vhy drugstores should
Ewsel -tie hWmtt0 fit sthaato perfonn operations.
trai?e?irrMU.?,b.UKSrT,,,ow J,ow old-lashloned worthless
about thr, at.,aho. and nilsleadlne names. TcUs all
from over Sn24a.mI,at!ent,on e give you. Endorsements
find Tlf P"?,f' Including physicians. Write to-day-
Mday tes.thourrlsUngVwnV0'11 WB $ "
- .,,-w.un, uo., 12& t,23rdSt., NewYorKUIty